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There are 32 Bills pending in House Banking and Insurance




HB 2016Providing state health care services for all active and inactive duty military personnel02/08/17
HB 2020Freezing PEIA employee premiums for three years02/08/17
HB 2026Providing a maximum repair cost for insured owners of motor vehicles if a collision with a deer caused the damage02/08/17
HB 2045Giving the Insurance Commissioner the power to regulate and penalize self-insured employers02/08/17
HB 2051Authorizing insurance to married workers without children at reduced rates under the West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Act02/08/17
HB 2055Including volunteer firefighters within the Public Employees Insurance Act02/08/17
HB 2058Prohibiting the use of a credit score in casualty insurance rate filings02/08/17
HB 2072Relating to qualifying children of state employees, receiving income of $25,000 per year or less, for the West Virginia Children's Health Insurance Program02/08/17
HB 2120Exempting managed care contracts from the bidding process02/08/17
HB 2126Guaranteed Asset Protection Waiver Act02/08/17
HB 2134Relating generally to workers’ compensation02/08/17
HB 2160Providing that paid county or municipal fire departments and duly incorporated volunteer fire departments pay reduced workers' compensation premiums when not actively engaged in fire fighting02/08/17
HB 2176Prohibiting the number of inquiries reflected in a credit report, credit score report or CLUE report from adversely affecting an application for insurance02/08/17
HB 2327Protecting consumers from surprise bills by health care providers02/10/17
HB 2341Relating to the right of the Department of Health and Human Resources to subrogation for third-party liability settlements, by recipients who receive assistance under the Medicaid Program02/13/17
HB 2361Relating to the surcharge on fire and casualty insurance policies02/13/17
HB 2439Relating to insurance and unfair claim settlement practices02/14/17
HB 2440Relating generally to guaranteed asset protection waivers02/14/17
HB 2495Relating to restrictions on the disclosure of nonpublic personal information02/16/17
HB 2517Requiring licensees authorized to serve alcoholic liquors or nonintoxicating beer to have certain liability insurance coverage02/16/17
HB 2617Outlining the process by which certain insurance agencies may place the insured with an affiliate of the insurer02/21/17
HB 2666Providing for security of private, employer-sponsored insurance and/or retirement plans02/22/17
HB 2760Allowing state agencies to self-insure their own programs03/01/17
HB 2863Prohibiting use of a person's credit history in certain insurance transactions03/08/17
HB 2942Prohibiting insurers from cancelling or failing to renew insurance policies do to the mere filing of a claim that was later denied03/13/17
HB 2944Requiring the Insurance Commissioner to regulate professional bondsmen03/13/17
HB 3021Relating to insurance coverage for breast cancer screening03/14/17
HB 3038Clarifying that merged care organizations are not exempt from payment of insurance premium taxes03/14/17
HB 3057Prohibiting use of a person's credit history in certain insurance transactions03/14/17
HB 3058Raising the insurance premium tax for two years03/14/17
HB 3076Relating to immunity from liability to uninsured motorists03/14/17
HB 3077Preventing discrimination on the basis of sex or marital status by a financial institution or person03/14/17
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