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There are 114 Bills pending in House Finance




SB 38Creating 5-year tax credit for new businesses locating on post-mine sites03/29/17
SB 57Continuing personal income tax adjustment for certain retirees03/29/17
SB 61Providing consumers sales and service tax and use tax exemption for certain services and tangible personal property sold for repair, remodeling and maintenance of aircraft03/25/17
SB 74Allowing fire departments to charge fees for service calls03/29/17
SB 183Transferring Division of Forestry from Department of Commerce to Department of Agriculture03/28/17
SB 185Allowing spending units designate fund into which proceeds from sale of surplus property must be deposited03/28/17
SB 210Renaming Local Powers Act the County Local Powers Act03/27/17
SB 294Relating to Community Sustainability Investment Pilot Program03/29/17
SB 304Appropriating expiring funds from State Fund, General Revenue to DHHR04/04/17
SB 341Establishing WV business growth in low-income communities tax credit03/30/17
SB 382Allowing automobile auctions obtain abandoned vehicles' titles03/24/17
SB 409Relating generally to 2017 Tax Reform Act03/29/17
SB 453Adding classification and base salaries of certain civilian employees of WV State Police Forensic Laboratory03/27/17
SB 464Eliminating taxation on annuity consideration received by life insurer03/25/17
SB 467Removing restrictions on maximum wager per limited video lottery game and bill denominations accepted by video lottery terminals03/24/17
SB 468Removing restrictions on where traditional lottery games may be played03/30/17
SB 477Increasing State Road Fund by raising DMV fees and motor fuel excise taxes 03/27/17
SB 482Relating generally to WV Parkways Authority03/30/17
SB 521Relating generally to Public Defender Services04/03/17
SB 586Changing fees for custom slaughters from annual to triennial03/28/17
SB 595Allowing county assessors make separate entries in land books when real property is partly used for exempt and partly nonexempt purposes03/24/17
SB 609Creating additional flexibility for school systems in use of school aid funds03/30/17
SB 614Relating to expansion of broadband service03/28/17
SB 628Relating to providing funding for Statewide Interoperable Radio Network03/28/17
SB 647Relating generally to additional county excise taxes on real property transfer03/29/17
SB 664Removing limitation on amount counties collect on hotel occupancy tax03/30/17
HB 2027Providing for the transfer of ownership, operation and maintenance of certain assets of the West Virginia Parkways Authority to the Division of Highways02/22/17
HB 2034Relating to county budget stabilization funds02/15/17
HB 2037Relating to juvenile proceedings02/22/17
HB 2067Relating to the transfer of certain revenues derived from lottery activities generally, restoring distribution to the West Virginia Infrastructure Fund to 2013 rates and decreasing the funds available for grants therefrom02/08/17
HB 2068Operating and maintaining a fully interoperable statewide network to facilitate public and private use of health care information in the state03/03/17
HB 2113Providing that the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Resources may not change the state Medicaid program plan02/15/17
HB 2122Providing a tax credit for first time home buyers02/08/17
HB 2127Relating to personal income taxes02/08/17
HB 2163Abolishing the Personal Income Tax02/08/17
HB 2178Relating to quarterly payment of real and personal property taxes02/08/17
HB 2187Establishing an advisory council on rare diseases03/22/17
HB 2193Relating to the West Virginia Future Fund02/08/17
HB 2205Exempting heating oil for residential use from the Motor Fuel Excise Tax02/14/17
HB 2326West Virginia Earned Income Tax Credit02/10/17
HB 2343Requiring the State Police to lease rather than buy vehicles if cost effective02/28/17
HB 2344Transferring the assets of the Library Commission relating to media broadcasting to the Educational Broadcasting Authority03/13/17
HB 2375Establishing a Small Business Empowerment and Economic Expansion Program providing tax relief to newly-established small businesses03/03/17
HB 2379Providing a special method for valuation of certain wireless technology property for property taxes02/16/17
HB 2381Raising the maximum personal income tax exemption for persons over the age of sixty-five and for persons who are totally disabled02/13/17
HB 2399Creating the West Virginia Earned Income Tax Credit02/13/17
HB 2400Reducing federal adjusted gross income for volunteer fire department and rescue squad members02/13/17
HB 2415Relating to construction of industrial access roads with state funds03/01/17
HB 2416Increasing the tax credits allowed for rehabilitation of certified historic structures02/13/17
HB 2422The Ryan Brown Addiction Prevention and Recovery Fund Act02/17/17
HB 2434Relating to reevaluation of land damaged as a result of natural disaster03/15/17
HB 2451Establishing a specific valuation of managed timberland and timberland that is not managed timberland for ad valorem property tax purposes02/15/17
HB 2457Creating the West Virginia Addictions Treatment and Recovery Fund03/01/17
HB 2489Requiring a transfer from reappropriated revenue accounts to General Revenue Fund02/16/17
HB 2499Supplementary appropriation to the Department of Commerce, Workforce West Virginia – Workforce Investment Act02/16/17
HB 2514Creating a special motor vehicle collector license plate03/15/17
HB 2545Increasing the allowable corporation net income tax credit for qualified rehabilitated buildings investments02/20/17
HB 2553Relating to an exemption from the consumers sales and service tax and use tax for sales of services and tangible personal property related to the activities of raising and training livestock03/08/17
HB 2566West Virginia Fresh Food Act03/08/17
HB 2574Middle School Technical Education Program Act03/09/17
HB 2591Small Business Tax Credit03/10/17
HB 2596Incorporating changes to the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement02/21/17
HB 2600Relating to the Municipal Police and Fire Retirement System03/01/17
HB 2604Relating to employee information reported to the Consolidated Public Retirement Board03/01/17
HB 2616Decreasing the personal income tax rates for certain taxpayers and raising the personal income tax rates for certain other taxpayers02/21/17
HB 2639Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Administration, Division of Personnel02/21/17
HB 2640Supplementary appropriation to DHHR02/21/17
HB 2641Relating to pension benefits exempt from state income taxation03/01/17
HB 2663Increasing the compensation for natural resources police officers03/01/17
HB 2672Eliminating conflicting provisions within current code relating to the application of payments and the assessment of delinquency fees on consumer credit sales03/07/17
HB 2729Giving the West Virginia State Police additional monies from the wireless enhanced 911 fee02/28/17
HB 2733Requiring a detailed explanation of any appropriation designated as “Other assets” in the Governor’s proposed budget expenditures02/28/17
HB 2737Eliminating certain fees generated by suggestee executions02/28/17
HB 2744Local Energy Efficiency Partnership Act03/08/17
HB 2754Relating to fire fees on nonresidents of a municipality03/15/17
HB 2765Establishing a new special revenue fund, designated the Court Advanced Technology Subscription Fund03/07/17
HB 2773Relating to purchase of inmate-made goods by state agencies03/09/17
HB 2779Supplementing, amending, decreasing, and increasing items of the existing appropriations from the State Road Fund to the Department of Transportation03/02/17
HB 2784Maintaining the solvency of the Unemployment Compensation Fund03/03/17
HB 2785Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety, Fire Commission03/03/17
HB 2800Limiting access to state property and secured facilities to persons who have been screened and authorized through the Division of Protective Services03/06/17
HB 2806Specifying exemption from the consumers sales and service tax and use tax for purchases of certain services and tangible personal property03/06/17
HB 2809Relating to basic state aid to public education03/21/17
HB 2819Terminating the State Agency for Surplus Property03/16/17
HB 2820Abolishing the Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner03/22/17
HB 2821West Virginia Farm-to-Food Bank Tax Credit03/15/17
HB 2837Relating to the collection of municipal sales tax by vendors of goods and services03/08/17
HB 2843Permitting Class III and Class IV municipalities to be included in the West Virginia Tax Increment Act03/20/17
HB 2845Establishing that the Division of Corrections is responsible for the costs of housing and maintaining an inmate the day following an inmate’s conviction03/16/17
HB 2848Livable Home Tax Credit03/20/17
HB 2859Relating generally to tax increment financing districts03/08/17
HB 2860Relating to modification of assessments in a community enhancement district03/08/17
HB 2865Relating to erroneous tax assessments and overpayments to the county03/08/17
HB 2872Relating to changes in distribution of net terminal income, excess net terminal income and excess lottery fund03/09/17
HB 2890Establishing a Library Facilities Improvement Fund that will serve to support library facilities construction, maintenance and improvement projects03/09/17
HB 2908Making appropriations of public money out of the Treasury in accordance with section fifty-one, article VI of the Constitution03/10/17
HB 2922Reducing the cost of the fee for a state license to carry a concealed weapon03/10/17
HB 2927Transferring certain revenues derived from racetrack video lottery and racetrack table games03/10/17
HB 2929Allowing an adjustment to gross income for calculating the personal income tax liability of certain retirees03/10/17
HB 2934Eliminating the tax brackets under the personal income tax and changing the rate of the tax03/10/17
HB 2937Authorizing county assessors to make separate entries in their land books03/13/17
HB 2940Creating a tax credit for improving facades in historic districts03/13/17
HB 2960Providing additional circumstance allowing the Tax Commissioner to withdraw tax liens03/13/17
HB 2998Providing tax credits for providing broadband service and wireless broadband service to unserved areas03/14/17
HB 3013Requiring an inspection or inspections of any building prior to purchase or major renovation by the state03/20/17
HB 3027Imposing a tax on cattle which is to be used to help fund the U. S. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services Fund03/17/17
HB 3034Exempting military retirement income from personal income tax after specified date03/16/17
HB 3043Increasing the corporation net income tax03/14/17
HB 3044Relating to the tax on soft drinks03/14/17
HB 3045Modifying the tax on soft drinks to only cover sugary drinks03/14/17
HB 3046Imposing an additional excise tax on soft drinks03/14/17
HB 3066Redirecting certain racing and gaming revenues03/14/17
HB 3071Relating to indigent burial03/14/17
HB 3104Transfer of the West Virginia Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Fund03/20/17
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