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There are 34 Bills pending in House Pensions and Retirement




SB 97Allowing senior judge to continue receiving per diem compensation beyond annual salary of sitting judge due to delay by Governor in filling vacancy02/12/20
HB 2041Permitting teachers to retire after 25 years of contributing service regardless of age01/08/20
HB 2051Annual retirement annuity adjustment West Virginia State Police Retirement System01/08/20
HB 2053Providing that state retirees’ insurance benefits be restored to the benefit levels that existed in 201501/08/20
HB 2058Exempting retirement income of members of certain uniformed services from state income tax01/08/20
HB 2104Increasing benefits of retired state personnel and retired teachers01/08/20
HB 2111Relating to pension benefits exempt from state income taxation01/08/20
HB 2152Permitting teachers under the State Teachers Retirement System to teach college level courses without loss of benefits01/08/20
HB 2372Continuing personal income tax adjustment to gross income of certain retirees receiving pensions from defined pension plans01/08/20
HB 2418Including family court judges in the Judges’ Retirement System01/08/20
HB 2431Relating to eligibility in the Public Employees Retirement System for those newly elected or appointed members of the State Legislature01/08/20
HB 2580Reducing state income taxes for state and federal retirees by increasing the exemption on retirement income01/08/20
HB 2595Establishing the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources Police Officer Retirement System01/08/20
HB 2604Permitting service credit in the Teachers Retirement System to persons with alternative school teaching experience01/08/20
HB 2748Increasing the amount of retirement income to be excluded from the gross income of individuals receiving retirement benefits under the West Virginia Public Employees Retirement System01/08/20
HB 2776Providing one-time supplements to all annuitants when they reach the age of seventy01/08/20
HB 2785Reopening period to allow purchase of State Teachers Retirement System service credit following transfer01/08/20
HB 2818Reopening period to allow purchase of State Teachers Retirement System service credit by transfer01/08/20
HB 3010Establishing a 911 Emergency Services Retirement System01/08/20
HB 3030Relating to the West Virginia Public Employees Retirement Act01/08/20
HB 3034Relating to Deputy Sheriff Retirement System01/08/20
HB 3035Members of certain state, county, and municipal public employee retirement plans option to purchase credit for Peace Corps service01/08/20
HB 3036Relating to the West Virginia State Police Retirement System01/08/20
HB 4111Relating to awards and benefits for disability under the Deputy Sheriff Retirement Act01/13/20
HB 4136Relating to deputy sheriff retirement system act01/13/20
HB 4429Relating to the distribution of the assets remaining in a municipal policemen's or firemen's pension01/24/20
HB 4627Increasing the monthly retirement annuity for certain retirants01/31/20
HB 4654Establishing a class of employees within the West Virginia Public Employees Retirement System consisting of 911 staff02/03/20
HB 4682Increasing annuity payment by one percent for certain retirants under a Consolidated Public Retirement Board retirement system02/04/20
HB 4686Providing that West Virginia Emergency Medical Services Retirement Fund moneys are exempt from tax, and are not subject to garnishment02/04/20
HB 4776Increasing the pension awards to immediate family members of a deceased trooper that was disabled in the course of duty02/10/20
HB 4829Relating to transfers to State Teachers Retirement System02/11/20
HB 4848Permitting retirement credit for persons who served in other law-enforcement before becoming a member of the State Police02/11/20
HB 4930Relating to military service credit for retirement purposes02/11/20
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