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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill | Title | Date |
SB 11 | Including family court judges in Judges' Retirement System | 02/17/22 |
SB 21 | Relating to school aid formula and minimum student enrollment | 02/11/22 |
SB 27 | Establishing WV business growth in low-income communities tax credit | 01/12/22 |
SB 28 | Allowing Tax Commissioner to process certain early refunds | 01/12/22 |
SB 31 | Redirecting excise tax revenue on bottled soft drinks from WVU to counties for law-enforcement support | 01/12/22 |
SB 35 | Adding grievance and appellate procedures for individuals participating in DMV Safety and Treatment Program | 01/19/22 |
SB 46 | Exempting Social Security benefits from personal income tax | 01/12/22 |
SB 51 | Relating to WV Film Industry Investment Act | 01/21/22 |
SB 63 | Relating to wind power projects taxation at real property rates | 01/12/22 |
SB 73 | Providing new graduates of in-state or out-of-state higher educational institution or trade school certain tax credits | 01/12/22 |
SB 79 | Authorizing tax credit for business entities which invest in certain fresh food retailers | 01/12/22 |
SB 96 | Requiring disclaimers on third-party, nongovernment solicitations mailed or otherwise provided to businesses | 02/25/22 |
SB 101 | Relating generally to payment of salary or wages under Parental Leave Act | 01/12/22 |
SB 102 | Permitting DOH commissioner to make money transfers within State Road Fund | 01/12/22 |
SB 105 | Returning refundable exemption for road construction contractors to State Road Fund | 01/19/22 |
SB 111 | Increasing minimum salaries for Bureau for Child Support Enforcement attorneys | 01/28/22 |
SB 120 | Establishing tax credit for certain physicians who locate to practice in WV | 01/28/22 |
SB 124 | Exempting certain vehicles from ad valorem taxation when used for public purpose | 01/12/22 |
SB 144 | Creating personal income tax credit for volunteer firefighters | 01/12/22 |
SB 149 | Exempting firearm safe storage products from consumers sales tax | 01/12/22 |
SB 155 | Creating tax credit for persons who successfully complete firearms safety course | 01/12/22 |
SB 171 | Relating to tax exemption for child support due | 01/12/22 |
SB 185 | Clarifying municipal B&O taxation where business activity occurs in multiple locations | 01/12/22 |
SB 198 | Creating Stay in State tax credit | 01/12/22 |
SB 207 | Providing earned income tax credit against personal income tax | 01/12/22 |
SB 215 | Creating tax credit for individuals who purchase firearm safety equipment | 01/12/22 |
SB 219 | Relating to nutrition and exercise education | 01/26/22 |
SB 265 | Exempting certain irrevocable trusts from personal income tax | 01/13/22 |
SB 270 | Relating to employment benefits for public safety personnel | 01/27/22 |
SB 422 | Relating to DNA data maintained for law-enforcement purposes | 02/28/22 |
SB 426 | Increasing rate of taxation on cigarettes and tobacco-related products | 01/19/22 |
SB 429 | Increasing exclusion from state personal income tax for members of PERS | 01/19/22 |
SB 430 | Modifying witness fee rate paid by state to match federal court system | 02/22/22 |
SB 432 | Providing one-time bonus for Public Employees Retirement System and State Teachers Retirement System | 01/19/22 |
SB 457 | Relating to reducing consumers sales and service tax | 01/20/22 |
SB 460 | Relating generally to air pollution control | 01/21/22 |
SB 461 | Removing statutory limit for Environmental Laboratory Certification Fund | 01/26/22 |
SB 462 | Changing fees for permitting actions related to coal mining | 01/26/22 |
SB 467 | Creating WV Motorsports Entertainment Complex Investment Act | 02/18/22 |
SB 474 | Repealing tax credit for purchase of EZ-Pass through WV Parkways Authority | 01/24/22 |
SB 475 | Consolidating administrative fees collected into Tax Administration Services Fund | 01/24/22 |
SB 479 | Specifying allocation and apportionment of income of flow-through entities | 01/25/22 |
SB 485 | Authorizing DNR to enter certain third-party contracts | 02/23/22 |
SB 496 | Allowing Water Development Authority make loans or grants from Infrastructure Fund | 01/27/22 |
SB 497 | Relating to method for appraising qualified capital additions to manufacturing facilities | 02/02/22 |
SB 501 | Eliminating requirement on apprenticeship tax credit for certain tax years | 02/07/22 |
SB 504 | Providing statutory framework for treatment of digital assets | 01/28/22 |
SB 506 | Authorizing manufacturing investment tax credit and property tax adjustment credit against personal income tax | 02/08/22 |
SB 507 | Authorizing consumers sales and service and use tax exemptions for certain qualified purchases | 01/31/22 |
SB 510 | Increasing cap to annual spending made on pre-application process to project sponsors | 01/31/22 |
SB 516 | Supplementing and amending appropriations for various agencies | 02/01/22 |
SB 544 | Allowing interest or earnings on federal COVID-19 relief money be retained in certain funds | 02/01/22 |
SB 554 | Transferring functions of WV Solid Waste Management Board to DEP | 02/16/22 |
SB 557 | Extending current cap on per diem rate paid by counties and municipalities to house inmates | 02/02/22 |
SB 558 | Increasing members of WV Parole Board | 02/28/22 |
SB 561 | Increasing number of magistrate judges in Berkeley County | 02/10/22 |
SB 562 | Creating Adopt-A-Trail volunteer programs for public land under DNR jurisdiction | 02/23/22 |
SB 567 | Exempting unmined rare earth metals and elements from taxation in WV | 02/02/22 |
SB 589 | Defining area of critical need and shortage for substitute bus operators | 02/16/22 |
SB 596 | Exempting capital gains from personal and corporate taxation | 02/08/22 |
SB 607 | Requiring PEIA reimbursement rates be no less than Medicare | 02/09/22 |
SB 608 | Relating to assessment and taxation of real property occupied by certain family members | 02/28/22 |
SB 613 | Establishing reliable funding for DEP Office of Oil and Gas | 02/25/22 |
SB 621 | Relating to funds for operations of jails | 02/11/22 |
SB 644 | Creating Charter Schools Stimulus Fund | 02/23/22 |
SB 654 | Creating exceptions to WV Invests Grant eligibility requirement | 02/23/22 |
SB 657 | Relating to tax on medical cannabis | 02/16/22 |
SB 658 | Providing for salary supplement and expense reimbursements for licensed school psychologist | 02/23/22 |
SB 667 | Creating Broadband Middle Mile Fund | 02/17/22 |
SB 672 | Exempting certain military veterans and their dependents from payment of tuition and fees | 02/23/22 |
SB 673 | Relating to Farm-to-Food Bank Tax Credit | 02/18/22 |
SB 676 | Relating to use of personal leave days by teachers | 02/23/22 |
SB 677 | Relating to funding for supplementing PEIA reimbursements up to Medicare rate | 02/18/22 |
SB 678 | Establishing tax credit for road infrastructure improvement projects and coal production processing facilities | 02/18/22 |
SB 696 | Relating to funding for public libraries | 02/21/22 |
SB 710 | Relating to exemptions from COVID-19 immunization | 02/21/22 |
HB 2798 | Relating to requiring the Health Department to mandate mucopolysaccharidosis type 1 (MPS1) test for newborn babies, to be known as Embie’s Law | 03/09/22 |
HB 4007 | To reduce personal income tax rates | 02/14/22 |
HB 4064 | Allowing antique car license plates for cars over 10,000lbs | 03/07/22 |
HB 4259 | Creating the West Virginia Small Business Jumpstart Act | 02/17/22 |
HB 4338 | Reducing annual permit fee for each video lottery terminal owned or leased by a limited video lottery licensee | 02/21/22 |
HB 4352 | Decreasing federal taxable income | 02/17/22 |
HB 4460 | Relating to authorizing application of the manufacturing investment tax credit and the manufacturing property tax adjustment credit against personal income tax | 02/17/22 |
HB 4465 | Relating to the tax credit for apprenticeship training | 02/17/22 |
HB 4467 | Requiring early childhood classroom assistant teacher in certain grade levels and enrollment levels in said grade levels | 03/07/22 |
HB 4470 | Relating to consumers sales and service tax and use tax exemption for certain goods to be incorporated into a qualified, new or expanded warehouse or distribution facility | 02/17/22 |
HB 4510 | To provide that third grade students be competent in reading and math before moving on to fourth grade | 03/08/22 |
HB 4580 | To authorize retired bus operators to work in areas of critical need | 03/07/22 |
HB 4591 | Relating to accelerating the conversion of the state excise tax on the privilege of transferring real property into a county excise tax | 02/23/22 |
HB 4616 | Remove sales tax on gun safes and certain firearm safety devices | 03/02/22 |
HB 4657 | Creating the Critical Mineral Investment Tax Credit Act of 2022 | 03/01/22 |
HB 4692 | To revise the West Virginia Tax Increment Financing Act | 03/02/22 |
HB 4794 | Requiring counties provide fiscal information for State Auditor’s WV Checkbook website | 03/02/22 |