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Bill Status - 2024 Regular Session

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There are 75 Bills pending in Senate Government Organization




SB 181Creating First Responder Financial Assistance Act01/10/24
SB 185Providing number of state troopers in counties be based on 2020 Census01/10/24
SB 187Relating to fire department recruitment and retention01/10/24
SB 202Requiring certain municipalities pay for incarceration of inmates01/11/24
SB 203Requiring political action committee to disclose contributors' names and addresses to Secretary of State01/11/24
SB 204Requiring counties to register automated external defibrillators with Office of Emergency Medical Services01/11/24
SB 216Extending time that prescription for spectacles remains valid01/11/24
SB 238Clarifying amount of deputy sheriff annual salary increase01/11/24
SB 241Making rules and regulations promulgated by PSC subject to legislative rule-making review procedures01/11/24
SB 248Prohibiting legislators and part-time public officials from having interest in public contracts under certain circumstances01/11/24
SB 251Creating Closed Captioning Act01/11/24
SB 268Transferring Division of Personnel duties to individual agencies01/11/24
SB 277Requiring notice be sent to owners of record before real property can be sold due to nonpayment of taxes01/11/24
SB 282Relating to funding for volunteer fire departments and emergency medical services units01/11/24
SB 285Allowing county commissions to impose amusement tax01/11/24
SB 297Providing that continuing education credits shall be valid for three years01/11/24
SB 304Modifying distribution of certain taxes and surcharges to benefit volunteer fire departments and EMS providers01/12/24
SB 305Requiring purchases of certain commodities and services from state use program partners01/12/24
SB 364Prohibiting counties from double-taxing rental properties01/12/24
SB 388Modifying responsibility for reimbursement of training cost of certain law-enforcement employees01/12/24
SB 405Creating Jobs for Reentry Program01/12/24
SB 411Relating to waiver of initial licensing fees for certain individuals01/12/24
SB 420Providing county commissioners ongoing mechanism to consider compensation increases for elected officials every two years01/12/24
SB 424Increasing retirement benefit multiplier of Deputy Sherriff Retirement System Act01/12/24
SB 457Prohibition of Unfair Real Estate Service Agreements Act01/16/24
SB 467Licensing sale of charitable raffles and boards to benefit volunteer fire departments01/16/24
SB 480Clarifying statewide deadline for electronically submitted voter registration applications01/17/24
SB 497Prohibiting rent control01/22/24
SB 524WV Monument and Memorial Protection Act of 202401/23/24
SB 526Verifying legal employment status of workers to governmental agencies01/23/24
SB 541Facilitating creation of home-based businesses01/24/24
SB 545Creating E-cigarette and E-cigarette Liquid Directory01/25/24
SB 549Permitting State Tax Division investigators carry concealed weapons01/25/24
SB 555Eliminating state licensing of polygraph examiners01/25/24
SB 570Creating statute of limitations on ethics complaints01/26/24
SB 591Relating generally to Purchasing Division01/29/24
SB 634Authorizing State Fire Marshal to regulate electrician licensing 02/05/24
SB 677Modifying requirements regarding use of medical cannabis02/06/24
SB 694WV Land Use Association Registration Act02/07/24
SB 731Clarifying amount of deputy sheriff annual salary increase02/09/24
SB 747Including corporate contributors to authorized use of certain political party funding02/12/24
SB 757Clarifying sheriff's compensation for collection of taxes02/12/24
SB 762Updating requirements for issuance of occupational licenses or other authorization to practice02/13/24
SB 770Updating definitions and requirements for Industrial Hemp Development Act 02/13/24
SB 772Codifying security policy of absentee ballots02/13/24
SB 814Streamlining and simplifying state employee merit system02/16/24
SB 828Clarifying political party procedure and authority to select delegates for national convention02/16/24
SB 829Modifying political party committee organization02/16/24
SB 830Amending procedures for filling vacancies in state legislature02/16/24
SB 853Requiring Fire Commission promulgate standards for propane tank installation in certain homes02/23/24
SB 854Establishing the Public/Private Small Business Enhancement Program02/19/24
SB 862Changing Division of Culture and History to Department of Arts, Culture, and History02/19/24
HB 4010Relating to providing notification of utility service disruption to its' customers02/29/24
HB 4191Relating to requirements imposed on social media companies to prevent corruption and provide transparency of election-related content made available on social media websites02/24/24
HB 4258To require railroad companies to provide alternative entry and exit ways03/05/24
HB 4434Relating to restrictions on use or sale of motor vehicles based on power source03/04/24
HB 4758Creation of the Joint Oversight Committee on the Fusion Center 02/13/24
HB 4759Relating to E-Verify, the federal employment authorization program01/30/24
HB 4855Require Division of Purchasing to write contracts in an unbiased manner02/28/24
HB 4943To facilitate the creation of home-based businesses02/16/24
HB 4952Relating to time frame of service of notice02/29/24
HB 5039Relating to authorizing the West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles to enforce administrative penalties for the civil offense of refusing a secondary chemical test02/29/24
HB 5077Establishing residency requirements for candidates seeking nomination and election to United States Congress02/29/24
HB 5096Change the requirement for posting public notices at the state and federal level for PSDs.02/06/24
HB 5137Relating to requiring the State Auditor to conduct audits of all county boards of education 03/04/24
HB 5194Requiring purchases of certain commodities and services from state use program partners02/29/24
HB 5318Clarifying that elected municipal police chiefs shall be certified law-enforcement officers.02/19/24
HB 5343Relating to adding an athletic trainer to the Board of Physical Therapy02/14/24
HB 5355Allowing volunteer fire departments to use fire protection funding for certain purchases02/29/24
HB 5373Relating to changing political parties less than one year prior to being appointed to political office. 02/29/24
HB 5399To modify the state auditing practices of the volunteer and part-volunteer fire departments02/29/24
HB 5539Providing that causes of action under Chapter 46A of the Code of West Virginia survive the death of the party02/29/24
HB 5551Relating to continuing education concerning domestic violence. 02/29/24
HB 5613Relating to requiring the Governor to establish crisis preparedness plans02/28/24
HB 5676Relating to changing the maximum amount a County Clerk can charge to settle an estate and removing reference to Fiduciary Commissioner02/29/24
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