
Member's Press Release

Release Date: 02/11/2016
Contact: Jared Hunt at (304) 340-3323

Tim Armstead

Speaker Armstead Statement On Workplace Freedom, Prevailing Wage Vetoes

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – House Speaker Tim Armstead, R-Kanawha, today issued the following statement in response to Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin’s vetoes of Senate Bill 1, the West Virginia Workplace Freedom Act, and House Bill 4005, which repeals the state’s prevailing wage laws.

“Today’s vetoes are disappointing, but not entirely surprising,” Speaker Armstead said. “We believed this would likely be the governor’s response, which is why Senate President Bill Cole and I made early passage of these bills a priority in the first few weeks of the session. Nonetheless, it’s disheartening that the governor, who professes concern about the state’s budget, would reject bills designed to promote economic growth and rein in excess government spending.

“We recognize that moving our state forward requires bold action, and that is exactly what the Legislature took in passing these bills,” Armstead said. “By vetoing the prevailing wage legislation, Governor Tomblin rejected an important measure to make sure West Virginians get the most from their hard-earned tax dollars. The veto of the Workplace Freedom bill reflects a disregard for the rights of workers who simply want to be able to go to work each day and support their families while having the freedom to choose the organizations with which they associate.

“We anticipate the Legislature will vote to override these vetoes in short order,” Armstead said.

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