CHARLESTON, W.Va. — House Speaker Roger Hanshaw, R-Clay, issued the following statement today after receiving a resignation letter from Delegate Jeffrey Pack, R-Raleigh:
“Today, the West Virginia House of Delegates is losing one of our most steadfast and charismatic leaders. I first came to know Delegate Jeff Pack when he was appointed to the seat in 2018, and quickly learned this Air Force veteran, coal miner and father was not to be underestimated. His quick smile and sense of humor can be almost disarming, but they bely a man who quietly studies all people and all subjects before making up his mind.
“Delegate Pack leads with his heart while learning the facts. He is a natural leader who never seeks the spotlight. Delegate Pack most often can be found outside the daily legislative session talking with other lawmakers to help all of us find the best common ground. As vice chairman of our Government Organization Committee, I watched Delegate Pack do the tedious work of finding efficiencies and determining which bureaucracies could gently be dismantled while preserving necessary services.
“As Chairman of our Health and Human Resources Committee, Chairman Pack rolled up his sleeves and faced our state’s most tangled, troubled agencies head-on. I couldn’t be more proud of the work Chairman Pack has done for West Virginia families, and I know he will treat his new endeavor just as he’s done every previous task: Jeff Pack will put his head down, focus, listen and lead. And West Virginia will be a better place because of it.”