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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill | Title | Date |
SB 3 | Providing for sunset of administrative rules under Administrative Procedures Act | 01/13/16 |
SB 4 | Requiring legislative members disclose contributions and fundraising events while in session | 01/13/16 |
SB 5 | Requiring voters provide photo ID when voting | 01/13/16 |
SB 8 | Clarifying powers of Attorney General in contingency fee arrangements or contracts with outside attorneys | 01/13/16 |
SB 9 | Creating Intermediate Court of Appeals | 01/13/16 |
SB 11 | WV Freedom of Conscience Protection Act | 01/13/16 |
SB 28 | County commission and municipality agreements in demolishing buildings unfit for habitation | 01/25/16 |
SB 30 | Correcting code reference regarding carry concealed requirements | 01/13/16 |
SB 31 | Prohibiting impersonation of representative of Commission on Special Investigations | 01/13/16 |
SB 33 | Increasing penalty for illegally transporting narcotics into state | 01/13/16 |
SB 34 | Limiting liability of state, county and municipal parks and recreation entities and private landowners under certain agreements | 01/13/16 |
SB 41 | Modifying essential elements of sexual assault offenses | 01/13/16 |
SB 50 | Clarifying certain nonprofit-owned hospitals may have only one governing body | 02/10/16 |
SB 52 | Modifying requirements for child witness to testify by closed circuit television | 01/13/16 |
SB 53 | Changing number of juror strikes in felony cases | 01/13/16 |
SB 84 | Revising definition of "obscene matter" | 01/13/16 |
SB 85 | Requiring judicial circuits and counties to have special advocates for children in abuse and neglect proceedings | 01/13/16 |
SB 93 | Requiring real property seller satisfy unpaid charges owed to county and municipality upon closing | 01/13/16 |
SB 99 | Court-appointed attorneys' compensation and expenses in child abuse and neglect cases | 01/13/16 |
SB 108 | Requiring election by divisions in House of Delegate districts with two or more delegates | 01/13/16 |
SB 110 | Disqualifying CDL for conviction of DUI | 01/13/16 |
SB 111 | Prohibiting discrimination based on age or sexual orientation | 01/13/16 |
SB 117 | Creating preference for current limited video lottery permit holders in bid process | 01/13/16 |
SB 119 | Relating generally to criminal conviction expungements | 01/13/16 |
SB 127 | Grandparents' rights in child custody cases | 01/13/16 |
SB 129 | Providing state agency administrative hearing examiners be chosen from panel of 5 examiners | 01/13/16 |
SB 132 | Requiring municipal police officers wear armored vests when feasible | 01/25/16 |
SB 144 | Allowing law enforcement collect DNA samples from arrestees for certain criminal offenses | 01/13/16 |
SB 148 | Board of Accountancy rules and rules of professional conduct | 02/02/16 |
SB 149 | Department of Administration rule relating to purchasing division | 01/13/16 |
SB 151 | Department of Agriculture rule relating to inspection of nontraditional domesticated animals | 02/02/16 |
SB 152 | Department of Agriculture rule relating to poultry litter and manure movement | 02/02/16 |
SB 153 | Department of Agriculture rule relating to livestock care standards | 02/02/16 |
SB 154 | Department of Agriculture rule relating to captive cervid farming | 02/02/16 |
SB 155 | Alcohol Beverage Control Commission rule relating to private club licensing | 01/20/16 |
SB 156 | Alcohol Beverage Control Commission rule relating to distilleries and mini-distilleries | 01/20/16 |
SB 158 | State Conservation Committee rule relating to WV Conservation Agency financial assistance program | 02/02/16 |
SB 160 | Board of Examiners in Counseling rule relating to license renewal and professional education requirements | 02/02/16 |
SB 161 | Board of Examiners in Counseling rule relating to marriage and family therapists licensing | 02/02/16 |
SB 162 | Board of Examiners in Counseling rule relating to marriage and family license renewal and continuing professional education requirements | 02/02/16 |
SB 163 | CPRB rule relating to benefit determination and appeal | 01/28/16 |
SB 164 | CPRB rule relating to Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System | 01/28/16 |
SB 165 | CPRB rule relating to Teachers Retirement System | 01/28/16 |
SB 166 | CPRB rule relating to refund, reinstatement, retroactive service, loan and correction of error interest factors | 01/28/16 |
SB 167 | CPRB rule relating to service credit for accrued and unused sick leave | 01/28/16 |
SB 168 | CPRB rule relating to WV State Police | 01/28/16 |
SB 169 | CPRB rule relating to Deputy Sheriff Retirement System | 01/28/16 |
SB 170 | Board of Dental Examiners rule relating to continuing education requirements | 02/02/16 |
SB 171 | Board of Dental Examiners rule relating to duties of dental hygienists and dental assistants | 02/02/16 |
SB 172 | DEP, Air Quality rule relating to standards of performance for new stationary sources | 01/20/16 |
SB 173 | DEP, Air Quality rule relating to control of air pollution from combustion of solid waste | 01/20/16 |
SB 174 | DEP, Air Quality rule relating to control of pollution from hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities | 01/20/16 |
SB 175 | DEP, Air Quality rule relating to emission standards for hazardous air pollutants | 01/20/16 |
SB 176 | DEP, Air Quality rule relating to control of annual nitrogen oxide emissions | 01/20/16 |
SB 177 | DEP, Air Quality rule relating to control of ozone season nitrogen oxides emissions | 01/27/16 |
SB 178 | DEP, Air Quality rule relating to control of annual sulfur dioxide emissions | 01/27/16 |
SB 179 | DEP, Oil and Gas rule relating to horizontal well development | 02/17/16 |
SB 180 | DEP, Water and Waste Management rule relating to requirements governing water quality standards | 02/19/16 |
SB 181 | DEP, Water and Waste Management rule relating to aboveground storage tanks | 02/04/16 |
SB 182 | DEP, Water and Waste Management rule relating to surface mining reclamation | 01/29/16 |
SB 183 | DEP, Water and Waste Management rule relating to administrative proceedings and civil penalty assessment | 01/29/16 |
SB 184 | DEP, Water and Waste Management rule relating to aboveground storage tank fee assessments | 02/03/16 |
SB 185 | DEP, Water and Waste Management rule relating to aboveground storage tank administrative proceedings and civil penalty assessment | 01/29/16 |
SB 186 | DHHR rule relating to emergency medical leave | 01/21/16 |
SB 187 | DHHR rule relating to fees for service | 01/21/16 |
SB 188 | DHHR rule relating to infectious medical waste | 01/21/16 |
SB 189 | DHHR rule relating to AIDS-related medical testing and confidentiality | 01/21/16 |
SB 190 | DHHR rule relating to tuberculosis testing, control, treatment and commitment | 01/21/16 |
SB 191 | DHHR rule relating to farmers market vendors | 01/21/16 |
SB 192 | DHHR rule relating to certification of opioid overdose prevention and treatment training programs | 01/21/16 |
SB 193 | DHHR rule relating to chronic pain management licensure | 01/21/16 |
SB 194 | DHHR rule relating to neonatal abstinence centers | 01/21/16 |
SB 196 | DHHR rule relating to child-care licensing requirements | 01/21/16 |
SB 197 | DHHR rule relating to family child-care facility licensing requirements | 01/21/16 |
SB 198 | DHHR rule relating to family child-care home registration requirements | 01/21/16 |
SB 199 | DHHR rule relating to WV Works Program sanctions | 01/21/16 |
SB 200 | DHHR rule relating to qualifications for restricted provisional license to practice as social worker within department | 01/21/16 |
SB 201 | DHHR rule relating to goals for foster children | 01/21/16 |
SB 203 | DNR rule relating to general hunting | 01/26/16 |
SB 204 | DNR rule relating to deer hunting | 01/26/16 |
SB 205 | DNR rule relating to wild boar hunting | 01/26/16 |
SB 206 | DNR rule relating to elk restoration and management | 01/26/16 |
SB 207 | State Election Commission rule relating to regulation of campaign finance | 02/02/16 |
SB 208 | State Election Commission rule relating to Supreme Court of Appeals public campaign financing program | 02/02/16 |
SB 209 | State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers rule relating to examination, licensure and practice of professional engineers | 02/02/16 |
SB 210 | Ethics Commission rule relating to public use of names or likenesses | 01/13/16 |
SB 211 | State Fire Commission rule relating to fire code | 01/13/16 |
SB 212 | State Fire Commission rule relating to state building code | 01/13/16 |
SB 213 | State Fire Commission rule relating to standards for certification of continuing education of municipal, county and other public sector building code officials, inspectors and plans examiners | 01/13/16 |
SB 214 | Governor's Committee on Crime, Delinquency and Correction rule relating to law-enforcement training and certification standards | 02/02/16 |
SB 215 | DOH rule relating to state transportation infrastructure fund program | 01/27/16 |
SB 217 | Division of Labor rule relating to wage payment and collection | 01/26/16 |
SB 219 | Division of Labor rule relating to Elevator Safety Act | 01/26/16 |
SB 220 | Division of Labor rule relating to licensing of elevator mechanics and registration of apprentices | 01/26/16 |
SB 221 | Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Technology Board of Examiners rule relating to board | 02/02/16 |
SB 222 | Workforce West Virginia rule relating to Prevailing Wage Act | 01/26/16 |
SB 223 | Board of Medicine rule relating to establishment and regulation of limited license to practice medicine and surgery at certain state veterans nursing home facilities | 02/02/16 |
SB 224 | Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training rule relating to substance abuse screening standards and procedures | 01/26/16 |
SB 225 | Nursing Home Administrators Licensing Board rule relating to nursing home administrators | 02/02/16 |
SB 226 | Division of Personnel rule relating to administrative rule of Division of Personnel | 01/13/16 |
SB 227 | Board of Pharmacy rule relating to licensure and practice of pharmacy | 02/02/16 |
SB 228 | Board of Pharmacy rule relating to Uniform Controlled Substances Act | 02/02/16 |
SB 229 | Board of Pharmacy rule relating to recordkeeping and automated data processing systems | 02/02/16 |
SB 230 | Board of Pharmacy rule relating to licensure of wholesale drug distributors, third-party logistics providers and manufacturers | 02/02/16 |
SB 231 | Property Valuation and Procedures Commission rule relating to tax map sales | 02/02/16 |
SB 232 | Racing Commission rule relating to thoroughbred racing | 01/20/16 |
SB 233 | Racing Commission rule relating to pari-mutuel wagering | 01/20/16 |
SB 234 | Board of Social Work rule relating to qualifications for profession of social work | 02/02/16 |
SB 235 | Secretary of State rule relating to registration forms and receipts | 02/02/16 |
SB 236 | Secretary of State rule relating to elimination of precinct registration books | 02/02/16 |
SB 237 | Secretary of State rule relating to absentee voting by military voters of reserve units called to active duty | 02/02/16 |
SB 238 | Secretary of State rule relating to FOIA database | 02/02/16 |
SB 239 | Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology rule relating to licensure of speech pathology and audiology | 02/02/16 |
SB 240 | Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology rule relating to speech-language pathology and audiology assistants | 02/02/16 |
SB 241 | Department of Tax and Revenue rule relating to payment of taxes by electronic funds transfer | 01/20/16 |
SB 242 | Department of Tax and Revenue rule relating to certain exchange of information agreement | 01/20/16 |
SB 243 | DOT rule relating to rail-fixed guideway systems to state safety oversight | 01/27/16 |
SB 244 | Department of Veterans' Assistance rule relating to state home for veterans | 01/13/16 |
SB 245 | Department of Veterans' Assistance rule relating to VA headstones or markers | 01/13/16 |
SB 249 | Providing an exception to prohibition of possession of deadly weapon on primary or secondary education facility | 01/13/16 |
SB 250 | Excluding obligation to make required payments from provisions of consumer credit and protection act | 01/13/16 |
SB 255 | Permitting creditor to collect and recover from consumer creditor's reasonable expenses | 01/13/16 |
SB 257 | Requiring Bureau of Child Support Enforcement to appear in every case involving an issue of setting child support | 01/13/16 |
SB 258 | Adopting clear and convincing evidence standard under the WV contraband forfeiture act | 01/13/16 |
SB 264 | Modifying definition of "division" in Performance Review Act | 01/13/16 |
SB 277 | Adding definition and increasing criminal penalties for certain assaults and batteries | 01/14/16 |
SB 289 | Including intimidation of public official or employee in definition of "terrorist act" | 01/14/16 |
SB 294 | Allowing employers have compulsory direct deposit of wages | 01/14/16 |
SB 295 | Abolishing tort of outrage | 01/14/16 |
SB 296 | Excluding amounts claimant would not pay from compensatory damages awarded for medical expenses | 01/15/16 |
SB 301 | Changing amounts of prejudgment and post-judgment interest | 01/15/16 |
SB 302 | Limiting products liability actions | 01/15/16 |
SB 305 | Requiring Administration Office of Supreme Court of Appeals file annual report | 01/15/16 |
SB 310 | Limiting disclosure of certain public records | 01/15/16 |
SB 314 | Amending requirements for carrying concealed weapon or deadly weapon for defense purposes | 01/19/16 |
SB 319 | Permitting temporary delegation of certain custodial powers by parent or guardian | 01/19/16 |
SB 362 | Increasing criminal penalties for financial exploitation of elderly person | 01/21/16 |
SB 366 | Prohibiting lobbyists from contributing funds to individuals running for election | 01/21/16 |
SB 367 | Prohibiting sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of school | 01/21/16 |
SB 368 | Establishing criminal offense of disturbing peace | 01/21/16 |
SB 374 | Permitting farm winery supply wine it produces directly to customers | 01/25/16 |
SB 388 | Creating criminal offenses relating to money laundering | 01/26/16 |
SB 389 | Reducing certain penalties for offenses not resulting in illegal killing of bear | 02/04/16 |
SB 391 | Creating additional penalty for use of firearm in furtherance of drug offense | 01/26/16 |
SB 393 | Eliminating fees charged to consumers for security freeze placed on credit report | 01/27/16 |
SB 394 | Creating felony crime of prohibited sexual contact by psychotherapist | 02/09/16 |
SB 396 | Preventing waste of oil and gas | 02/11/16 |
SB 405 | Creating felony offense of conspiracy in violation of Uniform Controlled Substances Act | 01/27/16 |
SB 408 | Relating to regulation and control of elections | 01/27/16 |
SB 410 | Creating Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act | 01/27/16 |
SB 412 | Preventing disqualification from unemployment benefits due to domestic violence | 01/28/16 |
SB 413 | Relating to unattended motor vehicles | 01/28/16 |
SB 425 | Expanding definition of underground facility in One-Call System Act | 02/05/16 |
SB 460 | Repealing regulation of opioid treatment programs and creating licenses for all medication-assisted programs | 03/01/16 |
SB 466 | Providing medical records must be produced without court order in certain circumstances | 02/02/16 |
SB 472 | Providing communication by lender or debt collector is not violation of WV Computer Crime and Abuse Act | 02/09/16 |
SB 473 | Repealing prohibition of disposal of certain electronic devices in landfills | 02/02/16 |
SB 479 | Increasing penalties for transportation of narcotics and controlled substances into state | 02/02/16 |
SB 482 | Creating felony crime of strangulation | 02/02/16 |
SB 486 | Relating to licensure of behavioral health centers | 02/03/16 |
SB 491 | Providing contract which restrains lawful profession, trade or business is void | 02/03/16 |
SB 495 | Allowing military personnel additional 5-year period to enter upon or recover land | 02/03/16 |
SB 496 | Creating 24/7 Sobriety Program administered by Attorney General | 02/03/16 |
SB 497 | Banning and providing for criminal penalties for manufacture of powdered alcohol | 02/03/16 |
SB 540 | Providing civil immunity to company insurance adjusters | 02/06/16 |
SB 546 | Relating generally to Public Defender Services | 02/11/16 |
SB 547 | Adjusting limits on consumer loans for which finance charges can be imposed | 02/16/16 |
SB 556 | Providing owner of conservation easement be given right of first refusal to purchase land | 02/08/16 |
SB 560 | Permitting operation of unmanned aircraft system | 02/10/16 |
SB 571 | Prohibiting abortion coverage in qualified health care plans | 02/10/16 |
SB 576 | Requiring payment of funds due in partition suits of oil and gas interests | 02/10/16 |
SB 577 | Permitting surface owners purchase mineral interests | 02/10/16 |
SB 600 | Requiring vacancies in certain elected offices be filled by person of same political party as person vacating office at time of election or appointment | 02/15/16 |
SB 612 | Limiting charges secured lender may recover from borrower on default | 02/17/16 |
SB 624 | Creating felony offenses and penalties for human trafficking | 02/18/16 |
SB 639 | Requiring disclosure of dark money political expenditures | 02/20/16 |
SB 645 | Classifying Convention and Visitor's Bureau as public agency | 02/20/16 |
SB 646 | Providing consent of lawful use of mineral property is not waste and does not constitute trespass | 02/20/16 |
SB 659 | Requiring drug testing for driver involved in accident resulting in death | 02/20/16 |
SB 665 | Providing for recordkeeping and creating database of sale or purchase total loss vehicles | 02/22/16 |
SB 666 | Exempting certain veterans' organizations and video lottery licenses from local indoor smoking prohibition | 02/22/16 |
SB 667 | Protecting right to farm | 02/22/16 |
SB 683 | Allowing old or abandoned railway beds be used for lawful recreational purposes | 02/22/16 |
SB 685 | Allowing individuals twenty-one years of age operate or ride motorcycle without helmet | 02/22/16 |
SB 687 | Allowing mine reclamation sites be used for military installations or homeland security offices | 02/22/16 |
SB 690 | Making second Friday of February in even-numbered years primary election day in WV beginning 2018 | 02/22/16 |
SB 696 | Relating to disposition of seized firearms | 02/22/16 |
SB 697 | Clarifying reporting and disclosure requirements relating to election campaign contributions and spending | 02/22/16 |
SB 698 | Permitting natural gas companies enter upon real property in certain instances for limited purposes | 02/22/16 |
HB 2130 | Including law-enforcement officers among those professionals the assault or battery of which leads to enhanced criminal penalties | 01/28/16 |
HB 2147 | Requiring the circuit court, when appointing counsel for alleged protected persons, to make appointments from a listing of all interested attorneys in the circuit | 01/27/16 |
HB 2584 | Allowing a judge to excuse a potential juror from jury duty until a later date based on seasonal employment | 01/27/16 |
HB 2963 | Expanding the definition of kidnapping | 03/02/16 |
HB 4240 | Relating to the Uniform Controlled Substances Act | 03/02/16 |
HB 4308 | Barring persons who are convicted of certain criminal offenses from acquiring property from their victims | 03/03/16 |
HB 4499 | Relating to certain persons who have been disqualified or excused from jury service | 02/20/16 |
HB 4521 | Modifying the requirements that allow a child witness to testify by closed circuit television | 02/22/16 |
HB 4577 | Creating an additional penalty for use of a firearm in furtherance of a drug offense | 03/02/16 |