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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill | Title | Date |
SB 1 | Providing for parity of payment for telehealth services between service in-person and service provided through telehealth platform | 02/24/21 |
SB 39 | Prohibiting insurance coverage from requiring prior authorization for tests to stage cancer | 03/10/21 |
SB 231 | Relating generally to medical cannabis | 04/01/21 |
SB 391 | Relating to study of child protective services and foster care workforce | 03/18/21 |
SB 590 | Removing restriction preventing medical marijuana from being in edible form | 04/06/21 |
SB 715 | Creating Recovery and Hope Act | 03/31/21 |
HB 2034 | Establishing a comprehensive addiction recovery center certification and grant program in this state | 02/10/21 |
HB 2055 | Establishing a procedure to name a kinship legal guardian | 02/10/21 |
HB 2058 | Providing a pay increase for full-time adult protective service workers | 02/10/21 |
HB 2060 | Reducing the criminal penalty for possession of small amounts of marijuana or paraphernal | 02/10/21 |
HB 2073 | Making it a felony to knowingly expose another individual to HIV | 02/10/21 |
HB 2077 | Eliminating the certificate of need program | 02/10/21 |
HB 2078 | Nondiscrimination in Involuntary Denial of Treatment Act | 02/10/21 |
HB 2106 | Modifying legislative rules for vital statistics relating to death certificates | 02/10/21 |
HB 2126 | Creating the West Virginia Residential Furniture and Children’s Products Flame Retardants Act | 02/10/21 |
HB 2127 | Relating to the state’s Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Intellectual/Developmental Disability Waiver | 02/10/21 |
HB 2146 | Providing a tax credit for families who have foster children | 02/10/21 |
HB 2149 | Allowing a personal income tax deduction for a foster care child | 02/10/21 |
HB 2166 | Reducing the cost of prescription drugs | 02/10/21 |
HB 2171 | Vulnerable Child Protection Act | 02/10/21 |
HB 2173 | Health Care Transparency Act | 02/10/21 |
HB 2183 | Relating to posting of information regarding the WV Tobacco Quitline | 02/10/21 |
HB 2186 | Relating to tobacco usage restrictions | 02/10/21 |
HB 2194 | Establishing the Minority Health Advisory Team | 02/10/21 |
HB 2196 | Providing a tax credit for families who have foster children | 02/10/21 |
HB 2207 | Save the Hospitals Act | 02/10/21 |
HB 2228 | Assessing the health impact of any new air or water rule, or modification of an existing air or water rule, proposed by the Department of Environmental Protection | 02/10/21 |
HB 2239 | Restricting the performance of abortions and acquiring, providing, receiving, otherwise transferring, or using fetal body parts | 02/10/21 |
HB 2250 | Relating generally to the issuance of driver licenses | 02/10/21 |
HB 2252 | Requiring Medicaid and insurance coverage for treatment of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders | 02/10/21 |
HB 2254 | Establishing different rates of taxation for tobacco products for certain border counties | 02/10/21 |
HB 2261 | Placing a moratorium on new patients admitted to state facilities | 02/10/21 |
HB 2270 | Transferring the Office of Medical Cannabis to the Department of Agriculture | 02/10/21 |
HB 2272 | Informed Consent Protection Act | 02/10/21 |
HB 2278 | Creating a Children’s Health Insurance Program buy-in program for children of families above 300 percent of the federal poverty level | 02/10/21 |
HB 2280 | Involuntary drug and alcohol treatment | 02/10/21 |
HB 2283 | Creating a healthy living tax credit against the personal income tax | 02/10/21 |
HB 2284 | Creating a state-administered wholesale drug importation program | 02/10/21 |
HB 2289 | Relating to compulsory immunizations | 02/10/21 |
HB 2291 | Relating to legalizing cannabis production, sales and adult consumption | 02/10/21 |
HB 2312 | Ensuring that legal or biological parents have equal access to any and all copies of birth registry forms | 02/12/21 |
HB 2317 | Requiring the Department of Health and Human resources to pay the attorney fees of an adoptive parent in a subsidized adoption | 02/12/21 |
HB 2346 | Relating to the Medical Cannabis Act | 02/12/21 |
HB 2356 | Relating to the use of medical cannabis | 02/12/21 |
HB 2519 | Repealing provision prohibiting employers from discriminating for use of tobacco products | 02/15/21 |
HB 2534 | Authorizing possession and smoking of medical cannabis by approved persons | 02/15/21 |
HB 2542 | Relating to wages of persons with disabilities | 02/16/21 |
HB 2557 | Increasing access to contraceptive drugs, devices, and procedures | 02/16/21 |
HB 2611 | Establishing the Minority Health Advisory Team | 02/19/21 |
HB 2614 | Creating the Office of Quality Assurance and Evaluation for child welfare programs within the Department of Health and Human Resources | 02/19/21 |
HB 2615 | Relating to the program for drug screening of applicants for cash assistance | 02/19/21 |
HB 2619 | Update the code to reflect that the Health Care Authority is now part of the organizational structure of the Department of Health and Human Resources | 02/19/21 |
HB 2647 | Prohibiting the use of polystyrene containers | 02/23/21 |
HB 2650 | Establishing a pilot program to develop school-based mental and behavioral health services | 02/23/21 |
HB 2651 | Creating a pilot program for expansion of school-based mental health and school-based diversion | 02/23/21 |
HB 2653 | Providing a tax exemption for income from a qualified retirement plan used to pay for long-term care | 02/23/21 |
HB 2658 | Mountaineer Games Sports League | 02/23/21 |
HB 2660 | Creating a policy on vaccine preventable diseases | 02/23/21 |
HB 2672 | Relating to posting of safety information in hospitals | 02/23/21 |
HB 2684 | Creating a duty to disclose by owners of property that knew or should have known that crystal methamphetamine production was occurring | 02/23/21 |
HB 2692 | To allow for coverage of addiction telehealth services to out-of-state providers | 02/23/21 |
HB 2700 | Informing water customers of boiled water advisories | 02/23/21 |
HB 2703 | Clarify that a temporary permit to practice medicine conveys the same authority unto the holder as a license | 02/23/21 |
HB 2707 | Relating to prescriptive authority for advanced practice registered nurses | 02/23/21 |
HB 2708 | Relating generally to required health insurance coverage for diabetics | 02/23/21 |
HB 2714 | Collecting a tax from manufacturers and distributors of opium and opiate drugs to be used for funding addiction and prevention | 02/23/21 |
HB 2731 | Provide for disclosure of potentially harmful ingredients in menstrual products | 02/24/21 |
HB 2752 | Prohibiting discrimination in access to organ transplants based on physical or mental disability | 02/24/21 |
HB 2754 | Prohibiting smoking in an enclosed motor vehicle when a child under the age of eight is present | 02/24/21 |
HB 2757 | Clean Drinking Water Act of 2020 | 02/24/21 |
HB 2762 | Exempt from this article any actions arising from the practice of elective abortion or elective abortion relates services | 02/25/21 |
HB 2783 | Permitting a licensed physician to grant a medical exemption from the required immunizations for a child to enter a school or a state-regulated child care center | 02/26/21 |
HB 2795 | Relating to criminal justice training regarding autistic persons | 03/01/21 |
HB 2798 | Relating to requiring the Health Department to mandate mucopolysaccharidosis type 1 (MPS1) test for newborn babies, to be known as Embie’s Law | 03/11/21 |
HB 2807 | Relating to pharmaceutical rebates | 03/01/21 |
HB 2818 | Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases | 03/02/21 |
HB 2835 | Requiring the construction, development, acquisition or other establishment of an alcohol or drug treatment facility and drug and alcohol treatment services to obtain a certificate of need | 03/02/21 |
HB 2839 | Establish Recovery Can’t Wait Program | 03/02/21 |
HB 2871 | Providing for the compensation of the Cannabis Commissioner | 03/03/21 |
HB 2875 | Relating to changes to provider contracts related to health benefit plans and Medicaid managed care plans | 03/03/21 |
HB 2880 | Modifying the definition of telemedicine and telehealth by individuals with a disability and individuals with a sensory impairment | 03/03/21 |
HB 2881 | Removing Hepatitis B from the list of required vaccinations | 03/03/21 |
HB 2885 | Requiring DHHR, in the absence of extenuating circumstances, to notify the parents upon the death of a child in foster care | 03/03/21 |
HB 2912 | Relating to cannabis and cannabis product sales, growth, and consumption in this state | 03/04/21 |
HB 2954 | Abortion permitted only in certain instances | 03/05/21 |
HB 2967 | Permitting certain felons to work in licensed behavioral health facilities | 03/08/21 |
HB 2968 | To allow Veterinarian Tele-Health in West Virginia | 03/18/21 |
HB 2980 | Amend Groundwater Protection Act to cover Karst Terrain | 03/08/21 |
HB 2983 | Permit licensed occupational therapy assistants to work as IDDW agency staff when working under the supervision of licensed occupational therapist. | 03/08/21 |
HB 2992 | To create the “Tobacco Cessation Initiative Program Special Revenue Account” | 03/09/21 |
HB 3001 | Creating the Affordable Medicaid Buy-in Program | 03/09/21 |
HB 3004 | To create the “Fair Food Delivery Act” | 03/09/21 |
HB 3020 | Require photo identification on all EBT cards | 03/09/21 |
HB 3024 | Prohibit abortions based on down syndrome | 03/09/21 |
HB 3032 | Prohibiting discrimination based on an individual’s mental or physical disability in access to organ transplantation | 03/10/21 |
HB 3033 | Youth Mental Health Protection Act | 03/10/21 |
HB 3080 | Relating to making the Bureau of Behavioral Health the certifying agency for recovery residences | 03/11/21 |
HB 3113 | Removing certain drugs from schedule 1 | 03/12/21 |
HB 3119 | Relating to access of records in controlled substance monitoring | 03/12/21 |
HB 3138 | To update the requirements of the state director of health to quarantine and enforce regulations in a specific place | 03/15/21 |
HB 3145 | Providing certain exemptions from recovery residence standards for group housing facilities of 50 beds or more | 03/15/21 |
HB 3148 | To create a renewable 2 year state level grant for foster parent screening | 03/15/21 |
HB 3170 | Relating to wholesale importation of prescription drugs | 03/15/21 |
HB 3172 | Require every hospital to have someone available to perform forensic exams | 03/15/21 |
HB 3176 | Requiring sharps containers in all state buildings and facilities where the public is allowed | 03/16/21 |
HB 3193 | Relating to obtaining an appropriate gender marker for state documents | 03/16/21 |
HB 3197 | Allow Religious Exemptions for vaccines | 03/16/21 |
HB 3201 | Creating the Food Infrastructure Grant | 03/16/21 |
HB 3206 | Provide a safe process for organic waste composting | 03/16/21 |
HB 3227 | To provide a means to classify when medications should be continued or stopped for patients | 03/16/21 |
HB 3228 | To require a new written, phoned, or e-mail prescription order within 72 hours of a prescription change | 03/16/21 |
HB 3229 | To require all prescribers of medication to include their purpose for prescribing the medication to the patient | 03/16/21 |
HB 3238 | Establish Food Waste Task Force | 03/16/21 |
HB 3248 | Eliminating the food handler examination and card | 03/16/21 |
HB 3265 | Require an ultrasound prior to abortion | 03/16/21 |
HB 3276 | Creating parity for mental health services | 03/16/21 |