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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill | Title | Date |
HB 2065 | Allowing low income senior citizens to receive certain tax credits without filing a state income tax return | 02/10/21 |
HB 2065 | Allowing low income senior citizens to receive certain tax credits without filing a state income tax return | 02/10/21 |
HB 2188 | Establishing reimbursement rates for congregate and in-home meals | 02/10/21 |
HB 2188 | Establishing reimbursement rates for congregate and in-home meals | 02/10/21 |
HB 2255 | Allowing deductions to determine adjusted gross income for student loan payments or mortgage payments in determining child support | 02/10/21 |
HB 2255 | Allowing deductions to determine adjusted gross income for student loan payments or mortgage payments in determining child support | 02/10/21 |
HB 2302 | Establishing that shared legal and physical custody of a child in cases of divorce is presumed to be in the best interests of the child | 02/11/21 |
HB 2302 | Establishing that shared legal and physical custody of a child in cases of divorce is presumed to be in the best interests of the child | 02/11/21 |
HB 2566 | Creating a statutory right to petition circuit and family courts for sibling visitation | 02/17/21 |
HB 2566 | Creating a statutory right to petition circuit and family courts for sibling visitation | 02/17/21 |
HB 2883 | To ensure that the WV Judiciary remains neutral and detached in matters related to allocation of custodial responsibility and decision-making responsibility of children | 03/03/21 |
HB 2883 | To ensure that the WV Judiciary remains neutral and detached in matters related to allocation of custodial responsibility and decision-making responsibility of children | 03/03/21 |
HB 2911 | Relating to eligibility verification for applicants for public assistance | 03/04/21 |
HB 2911 | Relating to eligibility verification for applicants for public assistance | 03/04/21 |
HB 3038 | Set the age for consent of marriage at 18 years of age | 03/10/21 |
HB 3038 | Set the age for consent of marriage at 18 years of age | 03/10/21 |
HB 3099 | Relating to grandparents' rights to visit grandchildren | 03/12/21 |
HB 3099 | Relating to grandparents' rights to visit grandchildren | 03/12/21 |