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The search returned 35 bills introduced on 01/30/18:


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HB 4347 Relating to voluntary contributions to the West Virginia State Police Forensic Laboratory Fund Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 1, 2018)
HB 4348 Relating to the powers and duties of the Public Land Corporation Pending  House Finance Committee  02/06/18 
HB 4349 Relating to microprocessor permit Pending  House ANR Committee  01/30/18 
HB 4350 Eliminating the regulation of upholstery Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2018)
HB 4351 Classifying owner operators and independent contractors who contract with licensed and registered trucking companies as nonemployees Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/08/18 
HB 4352 Assisting county boards of education in converting their maintenance vehicles to compressed natural gas or propane Pending  House Education Committee  01/30/18 
HB 4353 Establishing a fee for the expungement of certain criminal convictions Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/18 
HB 4354 Reallocating and dedicating the natural gas and oil severance tax revenues annually to the natural gas and oil-producing counties of origin Pending  House ENG Committee  01/30/18 
HB 4355 Relating generally to the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  01/30/18 
HB 4356 Relating to an oil and gas royalty arms-length transaction Pending  House ENG Committee  01/30/18 
HB 4357 West Virginia Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  03/01/18 
HB 4358 Increasing the compensation of members and chairperson of the Board of Parole Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/18 
HB 4359 Relating to the removal of animals left unattended in motor vehicles Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/08/18 
HB 4360 Relating to boards of examination Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/30/18 
HB 4361 Bestowing the West Augusta Award upon each West Virginian graduating from U. S. Military Academies with the highest grade point average Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/16/18 
HB 4362 Recognizing outstanding students who are top achievers in scholastic studies Pending  House Education Committee  01/30/18 
HB 4363 Creating a tax credit for a manufacturer or power generating facility in West Virginia that purchases and uses coal, oil or gas Pending  House ENG Committee  01/30/18 
HB 4364 Relating to registration period for nurse aide registrants Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  01/30/18 
HB 4365 Fixing the premium cost sharing at no less than 80 percent for the employer and no more than 20 percent for the employee Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/18 
HB 4366 Relating to the approval of additional beds for intermediate care facilities Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/21/18 
SB 416 Making fishing for catfish with bare hands lawful Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/13/18 
SB 417 Amending definition of "medical services" to exclude abortion Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  01/30/18 
SB 418 Relating to WV Monument and Memorial Protection Act of 2018 Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/14/18 
SB 419 Establishing classification and base salaries of certain civilian employees of WV State Police Forensic Laboratory Pending  House Finance Committee  03/02/18 
SB 420 Transferring Safety and Treatment Program from DHHR to DMV Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/27/18 
SB 421 Relating to crossbow hunting Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/28/18 
SB 422 Regulating liquor sales Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/30/18 
SB 423 Relating to hunting, trapping, or fishing on another person's lands Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/15/18 
SB 424 Allowing developmentally disabled person purchase base hunting license free of charge Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/14/18 
SB 425 Removing sunset dates which members of policemen's or firemen's pension fund elect to participate in deferred retirement option plan Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2018)
SB 426 Modernizing certain alcohol laws Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/28/18 
SB 427 Modifying form of notice for certain tax delinquencies Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2018)
SB 428 Relating to tax credit for making home more accessible for elderly or disabled Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/30/18 
SB 429 Relating to forest fires Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  01/30/18 
SB 430 Encouraging collaborative agreements between community and technical colleges and federally registered apprenticeship programs Pending  Senate Rules Committee  02/06/18 
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