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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill | Title | Date |
SB 30 | Relating generally to hunting with dogs | 02/26/18 |
SB 268 | Eliminating requirement that certain agencies purchase commodities produced on institutional farms | 02/05/18 |
SB 285 | Establishing regional recreation authorities and areas | 01/31/18 |
SB 345 | Authorizing DNR establish procedures and fee schedule for limited permit hunts | 02/05/18 |
SB 452 | Exempting hunting license information from public disclosure | 02/28/18 |
HB 2033 | Permitting the resident lineal descendants of landowners to hunt, trap or fish on that resident landowner's property without a license | 01/10/18 |
HB 2044 | Relating to the Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program | 01/10/18 |
HB 2047 | Increasing compensation for conservation officers | 01/10/18 |
HB 2059 | Providing a ten percent discount to residents at state parks and forests | 01/10/18 |
HB 2066 | Providing a fee discount for certain nonresident hunting, fishing and trapping licenses for native nonresidents | 01/10/18 |
HB 2150 | Relating to the hunting of coyotes | 01/10/18 |
HB 2177 | Exempting all veterans of the Armed Forces or any reserve component thereof from having to obtain a hunting, trapping fishing license | 01/10/18 |
HB 2189 | Exempting disabled veterans from campground rental fees during certain times | 01/10/18 |
HB 2362 | Relating to the beginning and expiration of hunting and fishing licenses | 01/10/18 |
HB 2391 | Establishing an arborists program for inmates | 01/10/18 |
HB 2406 | Providing an increase in compensation for natural resources police officers | 01/10/18 |
HB 2418 | Prohibiting the performing of an onychectomy or flexor tendonectomy procedure on a cat | 01/10/18 |
HB 2553 | Relating to an exemption from the consumers sales and service tax and use tax for sales of services and tangible personal property related to the activities of raising and training livestock | 01/10/18 |
HB 2627 | Requiring that open hunting season for big game begin on a Saturday | 01/10/18 |
HB 2632 | Allowing children in the custody of the state in any foster home, group home or other facility or residence to hunt and fish without a license | 01/10/18 |
HB 2699 | Making information about Division of Natural Resources licensees exempt from the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act | 01/10/18 |
HB 2790 | Transferring the Division of Forestry from the Department of Commerce to the Department of Agriculture | 01/10/18 |
HB 2821 | West Virginia Farm-to-Food Bank Tax Credit | 01/10/18 |
HB 2874 | Relating to the definition of Managed Timberland | 01/10/18 |
HB 2968 | Requiring moneys collected from the sale of timber realized through management of the state-owned forests and parks be distributed on a pro rata basis | 01/10/18 |
HB 3101 | Creating a misdemeanor for violation of catching, taking or killing fish within two hundred feet of agency personnel stocking fish into public waters | 01/10/18 |
HB 4143 | Eliminating the requirement that the Division of Corrections and the Bureau of Public Health purchase commodities produced on institutional farms from the Department of Agriculture | 01/16/18 |
HB 4182 | Authorizing the Director of the Division of Natural Resources to implement a sound silvicultural management plan for state park lands | 01/18/18 |
HB 4312 | Requiring purchasers of roundwood to collect and maintain certain information | 01/26/18 |
HB 4349 | Relating to microprocessor permit | 01/30/18 |
HB 4404 | Requiring that five percent of the permits to hunt elk be issued to West Virginia residents who are honorably discharged veterans | 02/02/18 |
HB 4500 | Industrial Hemp Research and Development Grant Fund | 02/12/18 |
HB 4518 | Establishing the Southern West Virginia Lake Development Study Commission | 02/13/18 |
HB 4585 | Relating to the Farm-To-Food Bank Tax Credit | 02/13/18 |