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There are 74 Bills pending in House Government Organization




SB 57Relating to third-party litigation financing02/14/18
SB 432Relating to municipal home rule02/28/18
SB 440Establishing Library Facilities Improvement Fund02/13/18
SB 448Relating generally to professional associations02/28/18
SB 477Relating to five-year sunset on tax credits and incentives02/21/18
SB 524Relating to disposition of complaint proceedings02/16/18
SB 530Requiring Secretary of State provide database for registered corporations and sole proprietorship02/28/18
SB 558Relating to certification requirements for crane operators02/28/18
SB 565Clarifying authority of State Fire Commission02/28/18
SB 597Prohibiting individuals convicted of domestic violence misdemeanor from conducting private investigation business02/28/18
HB 2049Providing for career development and establishing a pay scale for Alcohol Beverage Commission inspectors, enforcement agents and supervisors01/10/18
HB 2050Allowing state employees to take paid leave to attend parent-teacher conference for their children01/10/18
HB 2074Establishing seniority rights for public employees01/10/18
HB 2077West Virginia Native American Tribes Unique Recognition, Authentication and Listing Act01/10/18
HB 2080Increasing the amount of annual and incremental salary increases for eligible state employees01/10/18
HB 2155Relating to career progression of members of the State Police01/10/18
HB 2161Relating to purchasing requirements for the Division of Highways01/10/18
HB 2310Requiring regional airport authority board members to include persons of area expertise01/10/18
HB 2325Limiting supervision of laying of lines on state rights-of-way01/10/18
HB 2332Requiring the Library Commission to survey the libraries of the state and develop a ten year plan for construction and maintenance of public libraries01/10/18
HB 2407Requiring that State Police officers be compensated for time when they are required to be on standby and providing a stipend for housing cost for certain officers01/10/18
HB 2413Requiring the comprehensive annual financial report to be published by the end of December01/10/18
HB 2488Relating to the forfeiture of unencumbered funds in special revenue accounts01/10/18
HB 2554West Virginia Contractor Licensing Act01/10/18
HB 2615Providing a tax credit for obtaining certain certifications by the United States Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design green building rating system01/10/18
HB 2623Prohibiting discrimination based upon age or sexual orientation01/10/18
HB 2786Authorizing the Public Service Commission to regulate the billing practices of utilities and other entities that utilize wired or wireless transmission01/10/18
HB 2810Creating a litigation practice license for social workers01/10/18
HB 2812Office of Rural Health Policy01/10/18
HB 2829Establishing a toll-free phone line for receipt of comments from the public about state programs and services01/10/18
HB 2909Abolishing the office environmental advocate within the Department of Environmental Protection01/10/18
HB 2921Establishing a website clearinghouse for sharing information about potential sources of revenue, financial, technical and legal assistance for government agencies01/10/18
HB 2936Requiring purchases to be made at lowest retail price available at level of quality sought by the spending unit01/10/18
HB 2958Relating generally to development of infrastructure in the state01/10/18
HB 2993Budget and Spending Transparency Act01/10/18
HB 3041Relating to the classification plans for employees in the classified and classified-exempt service01/10/18
HB 3075Licensing the practice of athletic training01/10/18
HB 3082Establishing a different amount of annual leave for state employees01/10/18
HB 3083Replacing annual and sick leave for state employees with personal leave01/10/18
HB 3086Relating to the West Virginia Economic Development Authority01/10/18
HB 3087Economic and Community Development Task Force01/10/18
HB 4033Authorizing the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to contract with or employ individuals for emergency response01/12/18
HB 4034Exempting the renewal of certain contracts entered into during a declared state of emergency from purchasing requirements01/12/18
HB 4098State Fire Commission, rule relating to electrician licensing01/15/18
HB 4151Exempting Buildings 6, 7 and 9 of the Capitol Complex from the requirement that food service facilities be operated by West Virginia Division of Vocational Rehabilitation01/16/18
HB 4163Relating to termination of the Women’s Commission01/17/18
HB 4167Relating to regulation of cremation, embalming, and funeral service directing01/17/18
HB 4170Relating to the management and continuous inventory of vehicles owned, leased, operated, or acquired by the state and its agencies01/17/18
HB 4179Transferring milk rules and regulations from Department of Health and Human Resources to Department of Agriculture02/07/18
HB 4188Creating the Shared Services Section within the Finance Division of the Department of Administration01/18/18
HB 4190Relating to the debarment of vendors providing goods and services to the state and its subdivisions01/18/18
HB 4221Requiring the Tax Commissioner to maintain a centralized computerized information system01/19/18
HB 4229Relating to debarment of vendors seeking to provide goods and services to the state and its subdivisions01/19/18
HB 4257Repealing article creating the Office of Business Registration and Creation of Centralized Records01/23/18
HB 4261Relating generally to procurement by state agencies01/23/18
HB 4288Requiring contractors to provide all required information on a construction project to the State Fire Commission or the State Fire Marshall01/24/18
HB 4297Prohibiting state licensing boards from hiring lobbyists01/25/18
HB 4301Requiring all state agencies to develop a plan to evaluate a transition to cloud based data storage01/25/18
HB 4311Making all work product by State Government to be in the public domain and not subject to copyright protection01/26/18
HB 4313Deregulating persons who perform work on heating, ventilating and cooling systems and fire dampers01/26/18
HB 4314Providing that paralegals and analysts who have been certified by a national association and who have been employed by the Legislature for two years are certified paralegals01/26/18
HB 4339Dissolving the Information Services and Communications Division01/29/18
HB 4346Repealing the Public Employees Insurance Agency Finance Board02/07/18
HB 4360Relating to boards of examination01/30/18
HB 4403Relating generally to the State Athletic Commission02/02/18
HB 4411Relating to the requirements of the Real Estate Division for members of the Board of Public Works02/02/18
HB 4420Terminating the Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program02/05/18
HB 4432Requiring fifty percent of state vehicles use compressed natural gas02/05/18
HB 4460Allowing the Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner to issue special one-day licenses for charitable events02/07/18
HB 4461Limiting the use of records of criminal conviction to disqualify a person from receiving a license or other authorization to practice an occupation02/07/18
HB 4523Relating to pecuniary interest of county and district officers, teachers and school officials in contracts02/13/18
HB 4535Relating to payment by paper warrant02/13/18
HB 4541Reinstating the film tax credits02/13/18
HB 4601Changing the licensing requirement for certain casino employees02/13/18
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