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There are 52 Bills pending in Senate Health and Human Resources




SB 13Protecting rights of conscience for child welfare services providers02/10/21
SB 20Creating litigation practice license for social workers02/10/21
SB 35Requiring establishment of paternity before awarding DHHR benefits02/10/21
SB 50Relating generally to adoption records02/10/21
SB 73Prohibiting discrimination in access to organ transplants based on physical or mental disability02/10/21
SB 74Creating Human Life Non-Discrimination Act02/10/21
SB 83Regulating pharmacy services administrative organizations02/10/21
SB 87Enacting WV Human Life Protection Act02/10/21
SB 100Establishing tax credit for certain physicians who locate to practice in WV02/10/21
SB 104Creating Patient Safety and Transparency Act02/10/21
SB 113Creating Wholesale Prescription Drug Importation Program02/10/21
SB 118Require parental notification of minors being prescribed contraceptives02/10/21
SB 120Requiring wholesale drug distributors to report certain information to WV Board of Pharmacy02/10/21
SB 251Creating Living Infants Fairness and Equality Act02/12/21
SB 255Relating to wholesale importation of prescription drugs02/12/21
SB 258Relating to taxation of prescription opioids02/12/21
SB 260Establishing Minority Health Advisory Team02/12/21
SB 273Expanding use of telemedicine to all medical personnel02/13/21
SB 284Allowing private schools option of making vaccinations required for enrollment02/13/21
SB 285Requiring parental notification of school-based dispensaries of contraceptives to minors02/13/21
SB 301Relating to patients' rights and vaccinations02/16/21
SB 312Allowing state and federal criminal history record check of each adult living in residence when minor child is placed there due to emergency02/17/21
SB 319Relating to establishing Community Health Equity Initiative Demonstration Project02/17/21
SB 328Collecting and analyzing statistical information pertaining to terminating pregnancies under Medicaid Program02/18/21
SB 337Creating Life at Conception Act of 202102/18/21
SB 354Relating to Medicaid reform02/18/21
SB 385Relating to requirements of procurement process in performance-based contracts02/22/21
SB 399Amending reporting requirements for Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification’s website02/23/21
SB 406Removing Hepatitis B vaccine from list of compulsory immunizations02/23/21
SB 409Transferring child welfare enforcement responsibilities to State Police02/23/21
SB 416Creating Fetal Heartbeat Act02/23/21
SB 417Relating to long-term care and substance abuse treatment02/23/21
SB 420Requiring labeling of potentially harmful ingredients on menstrual products' packaging02/23/21
SB 423Prohibiting abortion coverage in certain qualified health care plans02/23/21
SB 426Allowing parents decline required medication administered to newborns02/23/21
SB 476Requiring hospitals to staff qualified personnel to perform sexual assault forensic exams02/26/21
SB 563Banning certain medical abortions03/05/21
SB 574Relating to prioritizing county and municipality officials for COVID-19 vaccinations03/05/21
SB 589Relating to treatment of persistent symptoms of hypothyroidism03/08/21
SB 595Prohibiting nonsurgical, chemical abortions in WV03/08/21
SB 598Creating Youth Mental Health Protection Act03/08/21
SB 606Creating Restroom Access Act03/09/21
SB 608Appointing Director of Office of Emergency Medical Services03/09/21
SB 609Second Chance at Life Act03/10/21
SB 611Establishing state certification process and payment system for certified community behavioral health clinics03/10/21
SB 623Creating Fetal Heartbeat Act03/11/21
SB 670Requiring managed care organizations to report certain mental health parity information03/19/21
SB 672Requiring Medicaid managed care organizations use open network of laboratory providers03/19/21
HB 2264Hospital exemptions from certificate of need02/17/21
HB 2265Relating to collaborative pharmacy practice and updating rulemaking authority03/01/21
HB 2817Donated Drug Repository Program03/18/21
HB 3036Sunsetting the Board of Sanitarians04/01/21
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