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Bill Status - 2023 Regular Session

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There are 76 Bills pending in House Government Organization




SB 199Requiring purchases of certain commodities and services from state use program partners03/02/23
SB 245Making rules and regulations promulgated by PSC subject to legislative rule-making review procedures01/26/23
SB 249WV Real Estate License Act02/01/23
SB 295Extending time that prescription for spectacles remains valid02/09/23
SB 296Uniform Public Meetings During Emergencies Act02/08/23
SB 419Establishing standards for licensure of military trained applicants02/23/23
SB 493Exempting WV veterans from certain fees and charges at state parks02/13/23
SB 514Clarifying procedure for administrative dissolution of corporations by Secretary of State02/09/23
SB 515Clarifying deadline to file annual report for companies authorized to do business in WV02/13/23
SB 554Exempting purchases made by Auditor and WV Enterprise Resource Planning Board from certain provisions of WV code02/24/23
SB 634Increasing value at which municipal property must be sold through public auction03/02/23
HB 2009Relating to the authority and obligations of the Governor and Legislature when in declared states of preparedness and emergency01/16/23
HB 2041Authorize municipal courts to request the suspension of a driver’s license of a person who does not pay outstanding fees and costs01/11/23
HB 2042Limiting supervision of laying of lines on state rights-of-way01/11/23
HB 2053Require governmental meetings to have agendas posted on websites three days prior to the meeting01/11/23
HB 2089To make Juneteenth a paid holiday for all state workers01/11/23
HB 2092To clarify that impermissible discrimination includes discrimination based on certain hair textures and styles 01/11/23
HB 2094Reforming the community reinvestment act to ensure investment in low income communities01/11/23
HB 2121Relating to the Adopt-A-Stream Program01/11/23
HB 2125Eliminating the Human Rights Commission01/11/23
HB 2144To create the “Council on Efficient Government Act.” 01/11/23
HB 2208Assure West Virginians proper access to water and sewage service at reasonable rates01/11/23
HB 2213Limit number of visitor bureaus that can exist in a county01/11/23
HB 2256To provide for the full restoration of the Holly Grove Mansion01/11/23
HB 2308Prohibit a county from charging for a building permit if the value of the improvement is less than that required for a contractor’s license01/26/23
HB 2349Authorizing a temporary foreign brewers import license01/11/23
HB 2387Fair Advancements for State Employees Act01/11/23
HB 2391To create a bill to designate February 3 as “Freedom Day,” to memorialize the February 3, 1865 Act by the Legislature that abolished slavery in West Virginia.01/11/23
HB 2394Require PSC annual report on ratepayer utility costs to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance01/11/23
HB 2395Make the Consumer Advocate division separate and independent from the PSC01/11/23
HB 2406Relating to licensure for polygraph examiners01/11/23
HB 2425Require regulatory agency heads to have one year experience in the regulated industry01/11/23
HB 2467Legal apprenticeships as alternatives to Law School to help those who cannot afford law school or have a disability01/11/23
HB 2472To add additional members to the West Virginia Parole Board01/11/23
HB 2486Economic and Community Development Task Force01/11/23
HB 2519Repeal All Payer Claims Database01/12/23
HB 2522Repealing the West Virginia Jobs Act01/12/23
HB 2523Restricting the authority of the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists to regulate the use of commonly available, retail beauty products01/12/23
HB 2542Make it illegal for any state employee to access Tik Tok through a government device01/13/23
HB 2570Requiring certain non-discretionary procedures be strictly complied with by the West Virginia Parkways Authority before tolls, rents, fees or charges may be increased01/16/23
HB 2628Requiring certain boards that seek to increase a fee or seek to impose a new fee to also submit cost saving measures01/17/23
HB 2630To allow county councils to change name to county commissions02/10/23
HB 2769Remove licensure requirements for certain radon specialists01/18/23
HB 2770Expanding the eligibility requirements for private investigator and security guard licensure01/18/23
HB 2786Objective Reality in Government Act01/18/23
HB 2790WV Historical Monument Preservation and Restoration Act01/18/23
HB 2804Reinstate the Contractor Licensing Board under the Division of Labor in Chapter 2101/19/23
HB 2805Amending requirements for licensure relating to elevator mechanics, crane operators, HVAC, electricians, and plumbers01/19/23
HB 2812Modifying legislative spending in both chambers01/19/23
HB 2842Repeal municipal license and tax when state license required02/10/23
HB 2868Establishing the Municipal Home Rule Program01/20/23
HB 2888Elimination of Statewide Contracts that are awarded to out of state vendors 01/20/23
HB 2892Relating to the Disconnection of Residential Utility during a State of Emergency 01/20/23
HB 2921Establish a memorial at the Capitol for the unborn whose lives were lost. 01/23/23
HB 2945Relating to state boards of examination or registration01/24/23
HB 2985Relating to authorizing municipalities to establish outdoor refreshment areas for consumption of alcoholic beverages and non-intoxicating beer02/08/23
HB 3011Relating to the General Revenue Fund01/24/23
HB 3020To mandate that the Secretary of State to utilize the Electronic Registration Information Center01/25/23
HB 3026To allow volunteer fire fighters to participate on fire scenes with department training captain approval prior to completing fireman 1 and 202/16/23
HB 3033Create Intergenerational Poverty Task Force01/25/23
HB 3136Relating to brewer and resident brewer licenses01/30/23
HB 3161Relating to state recognition of Native American tribes01/31/23
HB 3171Provide that continuing education credits shall not expire for 3 years01/31/23
HB 3251Relating to prompt payment of legitimate, uncontested invoices by State agencies02/03/23
HB 3262To allow the exemption of the Auditor’s Office and the West Virginia Enterprise Resource Planning Board from the provisions of article three, chapter five-a of West Virginia Code at the Auditor’s and Enterprise Resource Planning Board’s discretion.02/03/23
HB 3295Relating to terminating the authority of the Director of the Purchasing Division to impose a certain annual fee upon vendors02/06/23
HB 3347Relating to the Upper Kanawha Valley Resiliency and Revitalization Program02/08/23
HB 3372Relating to limitations on motor vehicles used by nonprofit cooperative recycling associations02/13/23
HB 3380To permit the ownership of Japanese quail as pets without a permit so long as the quail are not kept for commercial purposes02/13/23
HB 3436Restricting foreign ownership of land and other interests in the State of West Virginia 02/13/23
HB 3463To study ADA accessibility of the State Capitol02/14/23
HB 3467To allow for designated Outdoor Refreshment Areas02/14/23
HB 3477WV Emergency and Crisis Response Act02/14/23
HB 3478Relating to automotive tire disposal02/14/23
HB 3505Requiring response by fire departments be based upon distance/travel time from fire scene02/14/23
HB 3531Relating to issuance of restricted license02/14/23
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