Committee Substitute House Bill 2696 History

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WEST virginia legislature

2018 regular session

Committee Substitute


House Bill 2696

By Delegates Hamilton, R. Romine, A. Evans, Eldridge, Wagner, Rowan, Wilson, Love, and Frich

[Introduced January 10, 2018; Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary.]

A BILL to amend and reenact §20-2-42a, §20-2-42q, §20-2-42s and §20-2-42v of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, all relating to crossbow hunting; clarifying that the use of crossbows with Class A hunting and trapping license during big game seasons requires additional licenses, stamps or permits (with exception of buck firearms seasons); permitting crossbow hunting with Class RB and Class RRB licenses; permitting crossbow hunting with Class UU licenses; and permitting crossbow hunting with Class BG stamp. Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:


§20-2-42a. Class A resident hunting and trapping license.

A Class A license is a resident hunting and trapping license and entitles the licensee to hunt and trap all legal species of wild animals and wild birds in all counties of the state, except that the licensee may not hunt deer during the deer archery, crossbow and muzzle-loader seasons, or black bear, wild turkey or wild boar during the respective seasons, big game as provided in §20-2-42v of this code, and except as prohibited by rules of the Director or Natural Resources Commission and when additional licenses, stamps or permits are required. It shall be issued only to residents or aliens lawfully residing in the United States who have been domiciled residents of West Virginia for a period of thirty consecutive days or more immediately prior to the date of their application for a license. The fee for the license is $18. This is a base license and does not require the purchase of a prerequisite license to participate in the activities specified in this section, except as noted.

§20-2-42q. Class RB resident and Class RRB nonresident archery deer hunting stamp for an additional deer.

The Director has the authority to issue a Class RB resident and a Class RRB nonresident archery deer hunting stamp when deemed essential for the proper management of the wildlife resources. This stamp allows the licensee to hunt and take an additional deer during the deer archery or crossbow seasons as designated by the director. The fee for a Class RB stamp is $20 and the fee for a Class RRB stamp is $35. The director may promulgate rules in accordance with article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code governing the issuance and use of these stamps. These stamps require that the licensee purchase the appropriate base license before participating in the activities specified in this section, except as noted.

§20-2-42s. Class UU nonresident archery deer hunting stamp.

A Class UU stamp is a nonresident archery deer hunting stamp and entitles the licensee to hunt and take deer with a bow during the archery deer season or with a crossbow in the crossbow deer season in all counties of the state, except as prohibited by the rules of the Director or Natural Resources Commission. The fee for a Class UU stamp is $30. The stamp, issued in a form prescribed by the director, shall be in addition to a Class E license. This stamp requires that the licensee purchase the appropriate base license before participating in the activities specified in this section, except as noted.

§20-2-42v. Class BG resident big game stamp.

A Class BG stamp is a resident big game stamp and entitles the Class A licensee to hunt deer during the deer archery, crossbow, and muzzleloader seasons, and bear, wild turkey, and wild boar during the respective seasons, except as prohibited by rules of the Director or Natural Resources Commission: Provided, That the licensee possesses all other required permits and/or and stamps, or both. The fee for the stamp is $10. The stamp, issued in a form prescribed by the director, shall be in addition to a Class A license. This stamp requires that the licensee purchase the appropriate base license before participating in the activities specified in this section, except as noted.”


NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to clarify that the use of a crossbow for hunting big game requires additional licenses, stamps or permits (with exception of buck firearms season) with a Class A hunting and trapping license. The bill permits crossbow hunting with Class RB, Class RRB, and Class UU licenses and with a Class BG stamp.

Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from a heading or the present law and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.


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