Enrolled Version - Final Version Senate Bill 465 History

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WEST virginia legislature

2018 regular session

Committee Substitute


Committee Substitute


Senate Bill 465

Senators Trump, Boso, Ferns, Baldwin, and Cline, original sponsors

[Passed March 7, 2018; in effect 90 days from passage]



AN ACT to amend and reenact §49-2-803 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating generally to mandated reporting of child abuse and neglect; clarifying that sexual abuse and sexual assault constitute abuse of a child for reporting purposes; reducing the time period in which a mandated reporter is required to report suspected abuse or neglect; requiring mandated reporters to directly report known or suspected abuse or neglect; eliminating certain broad reporting requirements applicable to any person over the age of 18; clarifying that minors are not mandated reporters; eliminating certain exceptions to the reporting time limit; eliminating particularized reporting requirements for education employees; and eliminating provisions pertaining to conduct involving students or students and school personnel.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:


§49-2-803. Persons mandated to report suspected abuse and neglect; requirements.

(a) Any medical, dental, or mental health professional, Christian Science practitioner, religious healer, school teacher or other school personnel, social service worker, child care or foster care worker, emergency medical services personnel, peace officer or law-enforcement official, humane officer, member of the clergy, circuit court judge, family court judge, employee of the Division of Juvenile Services, magistrate, youth camp administrator or counselor, employee, coach or volunteer of an entity that provides organized activities for children, or commercial film or photographic print processor who has reasonable cause to suspect that a child is neglected or abused, including sexual abuse or sexual assault, or observes the child being subjected to conditions that are likely to result in abuse or neglect shall immediately, and not more than 24 hours after suspecting this abuse or neglect, report the circumstances to the Department of Health and Human Resources. In any case where the reporter believes that the child suffered serious physical abuse or sexual abuse or sexual assault, the reporter shall also immediately report to the State Police and any law-enforcement agency having jurisdiction to investigate the complaint. Any person required to report under this article who is a member of the staff or volunteer of a public or private institution, school, entity that provides organized activities for children, facility, or agency shall also immediately notify the person in charge of the institution, school, entity that provides organized activities for children, facility, or agency, or a designated agent thereof, who may supplement the report or cause an additional report to be made: Provided, That notifying a person in charge, supervisor, or superior does not exempt a person from his or her mandate to report suspected abuse or neglect.

(b) County boards of education and private school administrators shall provide all employees with a written statement setting forth the requirements contained in this section and shall obtain and preserve a signed acknowledgment from school employees that they have received and understand the reporting requirement.


(c) Nothing in this article is intended to prevent individuals from reporting suspected abuse or neglect on their own behalf. In addition to those persons and officials specifically required to report situations involving suspected abuse or neglect of children, any other person may make a report if that person has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been abused or neglected in a home or institution or observes the child being subjected to conditions or circumstances that would reasonably result in abuse or neglect.

(d) The provisions of this section are not applicable to persons under the age of 18.




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