WEST virginia legislature
2021 regular session
Senate Bill 682
By Senators Blair (Mr.
President) and Baldwin
(By Request of the Executive)
[Introduced March 22, 2021;
to the Committee on Finance]
A BILL supplementing and amending Chapter 11 , Acts of the Legislature, Regular Session, 2020, known as the Budget Bill, in Title II from the appropriations of public moneys out of the Treasury in the State Fund, General Revenue, to the Department of Commerce, West Virginia Development Office, fund 0256, fiscal year 2021, organization 0307; the Department of Education, State Board of Education – State Department of Education, fund 0313, fiscal year 2021, organization 0402, and the Bureau of Senior Services, Bureau of Senior Services, fund 0420, fiscal year 2021, organization 0508; and to Executive, Governor’s Office – Civil Contingent Fund, fund 0105, fiscal year 2021, organization 0100, by supplementing and amending the appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021; therefore
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That the total appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, to fund 0256, fiscal year 2021, organization 0307, be supplemented and amended by reducing an existing item of appropriation as follows:
Title II – Appropriations.
Section 1. Appropriations from general revenue.
department OF commerce
35 – West Virginia Development Office
(WV Code Chapter 5B)
Fund 0256 FY 2021 Org 0307
9 Local Economic Development Assistance (R).............. 81900 $ 1,750,000
And, That Chapter 11, Acts of the Legislature, Regular Session, 2020, known as the budget bill to fund 0313, fiscal year 2021, organization 0402 be supplemented and amended to read as follows as follows:
Title II – Appropriations.
Section 1. Appropriations from general revenue.
Department of education
45 - State Board of Education –
State Department of Education
(WV Code Chapters 18, and 18A)
Fund 0313 FY 2021 Org 0402
1 Personal Services and Employee Benefits................... 00100 $ 4,598,523
2 Teachers’ Retirement Savings Realized........................ 09500 33,028,000
3 Unclassified (R).............................................................. 09900 500,000
4 Current Expenses (R).................................................... 13000 4,580,000
5 Center for Professional Development (R)..................... 11500 150,000
6 Increased Enrollment..................................................... 14000 1,440,241
7 Safe Schools.................................................................. 14300 5,104,544
8 Attendance Incentive Bonus.......................................... 15001 5,706,476
9 National Teacher Certification (R)................................. 16100 300,000
10 Jobs & Hope – Childhood Drug Prevention Education. 21901 5,000,000
11 Allowance for County Transfer...................................... 26400 238,174
12 Technology Repair and Modernization.......................... 29800 951,003
13 HVAC Technicians......................................................... 35500 516,791
14 Early Retirement Notification Incentive......................... 36600 300,000
15 MATH Program.............................................................. 36800 336,532
16 Assessment Programs................................................... 39600 1,339,588
17 Benedum Professional Development Collaborative (R) 42700 429,775
18 Governor’s Honors Academy (R).................................. 47800 1,059,270
19 21st Century Fellows....................................................... 50700 274,899
20 English as a Second Language..................................... 52800 96,000
21 Teacher Reimbursement............................................... 57300 297,188
22 Hospitality Training......................................................... 60000 272,775
23 Youth in Government..................................................... 61600 100,000
24 High Acuity Special Needs (R)...................................... 63400 1,500,000
25 Foreign Student Education............................................ 63600 100,294
26 State Board of Education Administrative Costs............. 68400 277,403
27 IT Academy (R).............................................................. 72100 500,000
28 Early Literacy Program.................................................. 75600 5,705,624
29 School Based Truancy Prevention (R).......................... 78101 2,032,238
30 Communities in Schools (R).......................................... 78103 4,900,000
31 Mastery Based Education.............................................. 78104 125,000
32 Mountain State Digital Literacy Program....................... 86401 415,500
33 21st Century Learners (R).............................................. 88600 1,756,470
34 BRIM Premium.............................................................. 91300 342,859
35 21st Century Assessment and Professional Development 93100 2,006,978
36 21st Century Technology Infrastructure Network
37 Tools and Support.......................................................... 93300 7,636,586
38 Special Olympic Games................................................ 96600 25,000
39 Educational Program Allowance.................................... 99600 516,250
Total....................................................................................... $ 90,629,981
The above appropriations include funding for the state board of education and their executive office.
From the above appropriation for Unclassified (fund 0313, appropriation 09900) $80,000 shall be used for creating a career exploration tool for students.
From the above appropriation for Current Expenses (fund 0313, appropriation 13000), $2,000,000 shall be used for the Department of Education Child Nutrition Program – Non-traditional Child Hunger Solutions.
Any unexpended balances remaining in the appropriations for Unclassified (fund 0313, appropriation 09900), Current Expenses (fund 0313, appropriation 13000), Center for Professional Development (fund 0313, appropriation 11500), National Teacher Certification (fund 0313, appropriation 16100), Benedum Professional Development Collaborative (fund 0313, appropriation 42700), Governor’s Honors Academy (fund 0313, appropriation 47800), High Acuity Special Needs (fund 0313, appropriation 63400), IT Academy (fund 0313, appropriation 72100), School Based Truancy Prevention (fund 0313, appropriation 78101), Communities in Schools (fund 0313, appropriation 78103), and 21st Century Learners (fund 0313, appropriation 88600) at the close of the fiscal year 2020 are hereby reappropriated for expenditure during the fiscal year 2021.
The above appropriation for Teachers’ Retirement Savings Realized (fund 0313, appropriation 09500) shall be transferred to the Employee Pension and Health Care Benefit Fund (fund 2044).
From the above appropriation for Unclassified (fund 0313, appropriation 09900), $120,000 shall be for assisting low income students with AP exam fees.
The above appropriation for Hospitality Training (fund 0313, appropriation 60000), shall be allocated only to entities that have a plan approved for funding by the Department of Education, at the funding level determined by the State Superintendent of Schools. Plans shall be submitted to the State Superintendent of Schools to be considered for funding.
From the above appropriation for Educational Program Allowance (fund 0313, appropriation 99600), $100,000 shall be expended for the Morgan County Board of Education for Paw Paw Schools; $150,000 shall be for the Randolph County Board of Education for Pickens School; $100,000 shall be for the Preston County Board of Education for the Aurora School; $100,000 shall be for the Fayette County Board of Education for Meadow Bridge and $66,250 is for Project Based Learning in STEM fields.
And, That Chapter eleven, Acts of the Legislature, Regular Session, 2020, known as the budget bill to fund 0420, fiscal year 2021, organization 0508 be supplemented and amended to read as follows as follows:
Title II – Appropriations.
Section 1. Appropriations from general revenue.
bureau of senior services
83 - Bureau of Senior Services
(WV Code Chapter 29)
Fund 0420 FY 2021 Org 0508
1 Transfer to Division of Human Services for Health Care
and Title XIX Waiver for Senior Citizens........................ 53900 $ 29,950,955
The above appropriation for Transfer to Division of Human Services for Health Care and Title XIX Waiver for Senior Citizens (fund 0420, appropriation 53900) along with the federal moneys generated thereby shall be used for reimbursement for services provided under the program.
The above appropriation is in addition to funding provided in fund 5405 for this program.
And, That the total appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, to fund 0105, fiscal year 2021, organization 0100 be supplemented and amended by adding a new item of appropriation as follows:
Title II – Appropriations.
Section 1. Appropriations from general revenue.
Civil Contingent Fund
(WV Code Chapter 5)
Fund 0105 FY 2021 Org 0100
2a Local Economic Development Assistance (R).............. 81900 $ 3,000,000
Any unexpended balance remaining in the appropriation for Local Economic Development Assistance (fund 0105, appropriation 81900) at the close of the fiscal year 2021 is hereby reappropriated for expenditure during the fiscal year 2022.
NOTE: The purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to amend items of appropriation in the aforesaid accounts for the designated spending units for expenditure during the fiscal year 2021.