(By Senators Sypolt, Stollings, Baldwin, Phillips, and Nelson)
[Introduced March 31, 2021]
Recognizing senior center personnel as essential workers and commending them for their dedicated public service through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Whereas, Senior citizens are 20.5 percent of the population of West Virginia; and
Whereas, The worldwide coronavirus pandemic inflicts its most deadly threat on senior citizens and has prompted measures to help senior citizens to remain safer at home; and
Whereas, Multi-purpose senior centers, the community focal point for comprehensive in-home and community-based services, information, and advocacy, restructured a normally high-touch service model to safely address the surge of dramatically increased demand; and
Whereas, Senior centers prepare and deliver 2,500,000 nutritious meals proven to maintain health, improve independent living, and reduce health care costs; and
Whereas, Senior centers provide safe, reliable transportation proven to improve access to food, shelter, medical care, and life-sustaining treatments; and
Whereas, Senior centers provide 3,574,994 hours of personal care assistance proven to improve independent living in safe and healthy homes; and
Whereas, Senior centers make weekly telephone calls and/or home visits to assess the well-being of the thousands of West Virginia seniors; and
Whereas, Senior centers employ a trained workforce of more than 3,000 dedicated adults who diligently devote their days to serve and protect our most vulnerable elderly; and
Whereas, Senior center employees have faithfully performed their jobs each day, doing their very best to assist seniors throughout the COVID-19 pandemic; and
Whereas, Senior center employees are essential to the daily health and well-being of our treasured senior citizens; therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate:
That the Senate hereby recognizes senior center personnel as essential workers and commending them for their dedicated public service through the COVID-19 pandemic; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Senate extends its sincere gratitude and appreciation to senior center employees for their commitment to senior citizens in West Virginia; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Clerk is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the appropriate representatives of senior centers throughout West Virginia.