House Bill 3061
By Delegates Summers and Tully
[Introduced January 25, 2023; Referred
to the Committee on Health and Human Resources ]
A BILL to amend and reenact §49-9-101, §49-9-102 and §49-9-107 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended; all relating to updating the authority of the Foster Care Ombudsman.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
(a) There is continued within the Office of the Inspector General the position of the West Virginia Foster Care Ombudsman. The Office of the Inspector General shall employ a Foster Care Ombudsman to affect the purposes of this article.
(b) In addition to the duties provided in §9-5-27 of this code, the duties of the Foster Care Ombudsman include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Establishing a statewide procedure to receive, investigate, and resolve complaints filed on behalf of a child who is subject to a reported allegation of abuse and neglect, a child who has died or sustained a critical incident, a child in the juvenile justice system; a foster child, foster parent, or kinship parent, or, on the Foster Care Ombudsman’s own initiative, on behalf of a foster child, relating to action, inaction, or decisions of the state agency, child-placing agency, or residential care facility which may adversely affect the foster child, foster parent, or kinship parent;
(2) Review periodically and make appropriate recommendations for the policies and procedures established by any state agency providing services to foster children, foster parents, kinship parents, including, but not limited to, the system of providing foster care and treatment;
(3) Pursuant to an investigation, provide assistance to a foster child, foster parent, or kinship parent who the Foster Care Ombudsman determines is in need of assistance, including, but not limited to, collaborating with an agency, provider, or others on behalf of the best interests of the foster child;
(4) Recommend action when appropriate, including, but not limited to, undertaking legislative advocacy and making proposals for systemic reform and formal legal action, in order to secure and ensure the legal, civil, and special rights of foster children who reside in this state;
(5) Conduct programs of public education when necessary and appropriate;
(6) Have input into the creation of, and thereafter make recommendations consistent with, the foster children, foster parents, and kinship parents bill of rights;
(7) Take appropriate steps to advise the public of the services of the Foster Care Ombudsman, the purpose of the ombudsman, and procedures to contact the office; and
(8) Make inquiries and obtain assistance and information from other state governmental agencies or persons as the Foster Care Ombudsman requires for the discharge of his or her duties.
(c) The Foster Care Ombudsman or his or her staff may not be compelled to testify or produce evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding with respect to any matter involving the exercise of his or her official duties. All related memoranda, work product, notes, or case files of the Foster Care Ombudsman Office are confidential and are not subject to discovery, subpoena, or other means of legal compulsion, and are not admissible in evidence in a judicial or administrative proceeding. However, the Foster Care Ombudsman may provide testimony related reports submitted to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Health and Human Resources Accountability provided for in §9-5-27 and §49-9-102 of this code.
(a) Upon receipt of a complaint filed on behalf of a foster child, foster parent, or kinship parent, on his or her own initiative or by court order within the scope of the Foster Care Ombudsman Program, the Foster Care Ombudsman shall investigate, except as provided in §49-9-102(c), any act, practice, policy, or procedure of any state agency, child-placing agency, juvenile facility or residential care facility which affects the health, safety, welfare, or rights of a foster child, a foster parent, or a kinship parent.
(b) Investigative activities of the Foster Care Ombudsman include, but are not limited to: information gathering, mediation, negotiation, informing parties of the status of the investigation, notification to any aggrieved party of alternative processes, reporting of suspected violations to a licensing or certifying agency, and the reporting of suspected criminal violations to the appropriate authorities.
(c) The Foster Care Ombudsman need not investigate any complaint upon determining that:
(1) The complaint is trivial, frivolous, vexatious, or not made in good faith;
(2) The complaint has been too long delayed to justify present investigation;
(3) The resources available, considering the established priorities, are insufficient for an adequate investigation;
(4) The matter complained of is not within the investigatory authority of the Foster Care Ombudsman; or
(5) A real or apparent conflict of interest exists and no other person within the office is available to investigate the complaint in an impartial manner.
(d) The Office of the Inspector General and other appropriate state governmental agencies may establish and implement cooperative agreements for receiving, processing, responding to, and resolving complaints involving state governmental agencies under the provisions of this section.
(e) Beginning with the third quarter of 2020,the The Foster Care Ombudsman shall submit a an annual written report to the Governor containing:
(1) The number of complaints;
(2) The types of complaints;
(3) The location of the complaints;
(4) How the complaints are resolved; and
(5) Any other information the Foster Care Ombudsman feels is appropriate.
(f) Beginning in December 2020, the The Foster Care Ombudsman shall summarize the quarterly reports and present that information to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Health and Human Resources Accountability. Nothing shall preclude this office from submitting data, findings, or reports beyond this annual report.
(g) Another office, department, agency or official may not prohibit the release of an ombudsman's recommendations to the Governor and the legislature.
(a) Information relating to any investigation of a complaint that contains the identity of the complainant or foster child, foster parent, or kinship parent shall remain confidential except:
(1) Where disclosure is authorized in writing by the complainant foster child, foster parent, kinship parent, or the guardian.
(2) Where disclosure is necessary to the bureau for Children and Families in order for such office to determine the appropriateness of initiating an investigation regarding potential abuse, neglect, or emergency circumstances; or
(3) Where imminent risk of serious harm is communicated directly to the Foster Care Ombudsman or his or her staff; or
(4) Where disclosure is necessary to the Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification in order for such office to determine the appropriateness of initiating an investigation to determine facility compliance with applicable rules of licensure, certification, or both.
(b) Notwithstanding any other section within this article, all information, records, and reports received by or developed by the Foster Care Ombudsman Program which relate to a foster child, foster parent, or kinship parent, including written material identifying a foster child, foster parent, or kinship parent, are confidential pursuant to §49-5-101 et seq. of this code, and are not subject to the provisions of §29B-1-1 et seq. of this code, and may not be disclosed or released by the Foster Care Ombudsman Program, except under the circumstances enumerated in this section.
(c) Nothing in this section prohibits the preparation and submission by the Foster Care Ombudsman of statistical data and reports, as required to implement the provisions of this article or any applicable federal law, exclusive of any material that identifies any foster child, foster parent, kinship parent, or complainant.
(d) The Inspector General shall have access to the records and files of the Foster Care Ombudsman Program to verify its effectiveness and quality where the identity of any complainant.
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to update the authority of the foster care ombudsman.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from a heading or the present law and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.