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There are 20 Bills pending in House Pensions and Retirement




SB 456Relating to Natural Resources Police Officers Retirement System03/10/21
SB 467Relating to WV Municipal Police Officers and Firefighters Retirement System03/10/21
HB 2048Relating to Deputy Sheriff Retirement System02/10/21
HB 2134Providing that state retirees’ insurance benefits be restored to the benefit levels that existed in 201502/10/21
HB 2212Continuing personal income tax adjustment to gross income of certain retirees receiving pensions from defined pension plans02/10/21
HB 2300Including Family Court Judges in the Judges' Retirement System02/11/21
HB 2596Increase the State Police Retirement Benefit multiplier 02/18/21
HB 2636Establishing a 911 Emergency Services Retirement System02/22/21
HB 2645Establishing a class of employees within the West Virginia Public Employees Retirement System consisting of 911 staff02/23/21
HB 2784Relating to Municipal pension benefit calculations02/26/21
HB 2799Providing EMS workers a retirement benefits tax exemption03/01/21
HB 2800To allow another round of “buy in” to the old public employees retirement plan for those that didn’t last time03/01/21
HB 2868To provide a mechanism to allow for the contributions paid by a member into a retirement plan to be returned to the member’s heirs03/03/21
HB 2970Raising retirement rate for Deputy Sheriff’s Retirement System03/08/21
HB 2973To modify the teacher retirement system so that Tier 2 teachers may use annual/sick leave towards retirement03/08/21
HB 3084Providing commercial discrimination of producers of coal, gas, oil, carbon-based energy, and other products in the State of West Virginia 03/12/21
HB 3139To allow for full-time paid employees of a Volunteer Fire Company to participate in the West Virginia Public Employee Retirement System.03/15/21
HB 3208Relating to establishing a minimum monthly retirement annuity for certain retirants with 25 or more years of credited service03/16/21
HB 3270To exempt the first $35,000 of retirement income for senior citizens in West Virginia who are 60 years and older from state income taxation03/16/21
HB 3274To prohibit credited time for legislative pensions03/16/21
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