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There are 56 Bills pending in House Technology and Infrastructure




SB 244Making it unlawful for public utility to prohibit customers from hiring contractors to construct, install, or maintain connections to public utility02/24/21
SB 321Clarifying and updating language regarding Fairmont State alumni license plates03/02/21
HB 2032Issuing specialty motor vehicle registration plates for businesses owning a fleet of 25 or more vehicles02/10/21
HB 2038Revising requirements relating to the issuance and renewal of handicap vehicle placards02/10/21
HB 2063Relating to unfair or deceptive telemarketing acts or practices02/10/21
HB 2072Providing special license plate to support adoption02/10/21
HB 2075Removing the registration fee for a vehicle operating on a combination of electricity and petrochemical fuels02/10/21
HB 2090Relating to a customer constructing a connection or other infrastructure necessary for the customer to connect to the public utility02/10/21
HB 2113Relating to paving contracts02/10/21
HB 2116Verifying legal employment status of contractors and vendor’s employees for certain road and bridge contracts02/10/21
HB 2147Providing that the Division of Motor Vehicles identification cards be issued at no cost02/10/21
HB 2150Relating to driving restrictions in school zones02/10/21
HB 2162Relating to qualifications for a commercial driver’s license permit02/10/21
HB 2167Exempting motor vehicles from personal property tax02/10/21
HB 2191Requiring paving contracts for state highways to have special requirements to prevent potholes02/10/21
HB 2203Ending tolls on the West Virginia Turnpike effective July 1, 202102/10/21
HB 2204Providing for a special “Don’t Tread On Me” license plate02/10/21
HB 2298Requiring a warning light to be erected on certain roads to warn of a traffic light ahead02/11/21
HB 2299Clarifying that a vehicle may not be backed into a public street or highway unless it does not interfere with other traffic02/11/21
HB 2323Authorizing a special vehicle registration plate for “2nd Amendment” enthusiasts02/12/21
HB 2343Require an emergency contact be placed on driver’s license02/12/21
HB 2374Requiring payment of taxes on an owned mobile home to renew motor vehicle registration tags02/13/21
HB 2494Create license plate for autism awareness02/15/21
HB 2498Ensure State Road Construction Account funds are in addition to general highways funds provided to the DOT districts02/15/21
HB 2522Requiring that patching repair of hard surfaced roads, highways and streets be by use of mechanical rollers02/15/21
HB 2523Relating to gasoline and fuel excise tax02/15/21
HB 2556Providing an exemption from regulation by the Public Service Commission for motor vehicles used exclusively in the transportation of roll-off solid waste containers02/16/21
HB 2570Pothole app and map02/17/21
HB 2646Establishing a special registration plate for recognizing and honoring families affected by Alzheimer’s disease02/23/21
HB 2662Prohibiting certain devices which enhance a diesel-powered vehicle’s capacity to emit soot02/23/21
HB 2670Creating a special license plate for aviation02/23/21
HB 2711Permitting persons who are twenty-one years of age or older to operate or be a passenger on a motorcycle without a helmet02/23/21
HB 2727Providing a special license plate for homeland security individuals02/24/21
HB 2732Establishing a penalty for any vehicle that is not a plug-in hybrid vehicle or plug-in electric vehicle for utilizing a parking space that is designated for charging an electric vehicle02/24/21
HB 2737Repeal code relating to inspection of vehicles02/24/21
HB 2740Distracted Driving Act02/24/21
HB 2761Authorizing the Division of Highways to assess local impacts to roadways for activities permitted by the Department of Environmental Protection02/25/21
HB 2774Requiring that a state employee with a commercial driver’s license have a current medical evaluation certification02/26/21
HB 2836Allow the establishment of a prescriptive public easement on private property for roads or paths traversed by the public in vehicles over a period of 20 or more years03/02/21
HB 2856Relating to performance metrics for the West Virginia Division of Highways03/02/21
HB 2857Prohibiting the placement of the name or likeness of public officials on state road signs03/02/21
HB 2858Requiring the Commissioner of Highways to develop a formula for allocating road funds among districts03/02/21
HB 2904Relating to unlawfully using electronic communication devices while driving03/03/21
HB 2963Establish a website for publicly-available archive of all bridge and road naming resolutions03/08/21
HB 2964Prohibit road signs that include public official’s name and likeness03/08/21
HB 3016Require utility and cable companies that operate here to have call centers located in WV03/09/21
HB 3042Reciprocity for inspection stickers on new cars purchased in neighboring states03/10/21
HB 3046Reduce the number of board members of the Parkways Authority and to appoint board members who are from the counties that are contiguous to the Turnpike.03/10/21
HB 3086Exempting motor vehicles from personal property tax03/12/21
HB 3142Relating to electric bicycles03/15/21
HB 3181Relating to Public Service Commission and Public Service districts03/16/21
HB 3195To repeal the extra $200 fee for electric vehicle registration and $100 for hybrid vehicle registration03/16/21
HB 3200Relating to maintenance and repair of roads and highways03/16/21
HB 3230Prohibiting dangerous materials being placed on highways03/16/21
HB 3242Exempting law enforcement and emergency vehicles from paying turnpike tolls03/16/21
HB 3275Relating to resiliency, public safety and quality of broadband in WV03/16/21
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