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There are 147 Bills pending in House Health and Human Resources




SB 9Providing continued eligibility for developmental disability services to dependents of military members02/02/22
SB 40Prohibiting insurance coverage from requiring prior authorization for tests to stage cancer01/17/22
SB 456Requiring county boards of education to develop seizure action plans03/02/22
SB 632Making Office of Emergency Medical Services independent office within Executive Branch03/08/22
HB 2055Establishing a procedure to name a kinship legal guardian01/12/22
HB 2058Providing a pay increase for full-time adult protective service workers01/12/22
HB 2060Reducing the criminal penalty for possession of small amounts of marijuana or paraphernal01/12/22
HB 2083Relating to age verification requirements for delivery sales of tobacco02/03/22
HB 2106Modifying legislative rules for vital statistics relating to death certificates01/12/22
HB 2126Creating the West Virginia Residential Furniture and Children’s Products Flame Retardants Act01/12/22
HB 2127Relating to the state’s Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Intellectual/Developmental Disability Waiver01/12/22
HB 2171Vulnerable Child Protection Act01/12/22
HB 2186Relating to tobacco usage restrictions01/12/22
HB 2194Establishing the Minority Health Advisory Team01/12/22
HB 2207Save the Hospitals Act01/12/22
HB 2228Assessing the health impact of any new air or water rule, or modification of an existing air or water rule, proposed by the Department of Environmental Protection01/12/22
HB 2239Restricting the performance of abortions and acquiring, providing, receiving, otherwise transferring, or using fetal body parts01/12/22
HB 2254Establishing different rates of taxation for tobacco products for certain border counties01/12/22
HB 2278Creating a Children’s Health Insurance Program buy-in program for children of families above 300 percent of the federal poverty level01/12/22
HB 2280Involuntary drug and alcohol treatment 01/12/22
HB 2283Creating a healthy living tax credit against the personal income tax01/12/22
HB 2284Creating a state-administered wholesale drug importation program01/12/22
HB 2291Relating to legalizing cannabis production, sales and adult consumption01/12/22
HB 2312Ensuring that legal or biological parents have equal access to any and all copies of birth registry forms01/12/22
HB 2317Requiring the Department of Health and Human resources to pay the attorney fees of an adoptive parent in a subsidized adoption01/12/22
HB 2519Repealing provision prohibiting employers from discriminating for use of tobacco products01/12/22
HB 2534Authorizing possession and smoking of medical cannabis by approved persons01/12/22
HB 2542Relating to wages of persons with disabilities01/12/22
HB 2557Increasing access to contraceptive drugs, devices, and procedures01/12/22
HB 2611Establishing the Minority Health Advisory Team01/12/22
HB 2647Prohibiting the use of polystyrene containers01/12/22
HB 2653Providing a tax exemption for income from a qualified retirement plan used to pay for long-term care01/12/22
HB 2674Relating to the administration of anesthetics01/12/22
HB 2707Relating to prescriptive authority for advanced practice registered nurses01/12/22
HB 2731Provide for disclosure of potentially harmful ingredients in menstrual products01/12/22
HB 2752Prohibiting discrimination in access to organ transplants based on physical or mental disability01/12/22
HB 2754Prohibiting smoking in an enclosed motor vehicle when a child under the age of eight is present01/12/22
HB 2762Exempt from this article any actions arising from the practice of elective abortion or elective abortion relates services01/12/22
HB 2783Permitting a licensed physician to grant a medical exemption from the required immunizations for a child to enter a school or a state-regulated child care center01/12/22
HB 2818Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases01/12/22
HB 2831Nursing Program Expansion Pilot Program01/12/22
HB 2835Requiring the construction, development, acquisition or other establishment of an alcohol or drug treatment facility and drug and alcohol treatment services to obtain a certificate of need01/12/22
HB 2839Establish Recovery Can’t Wait Program01/12/22
HB 2861Relating to medical evaluation reports for workers compensation01/12/22
HB 2871Providing for the compensation of the Cannabis Commissioner01/12/22
HB 2875Relating to changes to provider contracts related to health benefit plans and Medicaid managed care plans01/12/22
HB 2876Modify the five-year waiting period and 100-person minimum for an association health plan, and to allow new flexibility granted under federal rules01/12/22
HB 2881Removing Hepatitis B from the list of required vaccinations01/12/22
HB 2912Relating to cannabis and cannabis product sales, growth, and consumption in this state01/12/22
HB 2954Abortion permitted only in certain instances01/12/22
HB 2967Permitting certain felons to work in licensed behavioral health facilities01/12/22
HB 2980Amend Groundwater Protection Act to cover Karst Terrain01/12/22
HB 3001Creating the Affordable Medicaid Buy-in Program01/12/22
HB 3013Provide a state income tax credit for nurses to encourage recruitment and commitment to the profession in this state01/12/22
HB 3020Require photo identification on all EBT cards01/12/22
HB 3024Prohibit abortions based on down syndrome01/12/22
HB 3032Prohibiting discrimination based on an individual’s mental or physical disability in access to organ transplantation01/12/22
HB 3080Relating to making the Bureau of Behavioral Health the certifying agency for recovery residences02/03/22
HB 3113Removing certain drugs from schedule 101/12/22
HB 3119Relating to access of records in controlled substance monitoring01/12/22
HB 3138To update the requirements of the state director of health to quarantine and enforce regulations in a specific place 01/12/22
HB 3145Providing certain exemptions from recovery residence standards for group housing facilities of 50 beds or more01/12/22
HB 3170Relating to wholesale importation of prescription drugs01/12/22
HB 3176Requiring sharps containers in all state buildings and facilities where the public is allowed01/12/22
HB 3193Relating to obtaining an appropriate gender marker for state documents01/12/22
HB 3197Allow Religious Exemptions for vaccines01/12/22
HB 3201Creating the Food Infrastructure Grant01/12/22
HB 3227To provide a means to classify when medications should be continued or stopped for patients01/12/22
HB 3228To require a new written, phoned, or e-mail prescription order within 72 hours of a prescription change01/12/22
HB 3229To require all prescribers of medication to include their purpose for prescribing the medication to the patient01/12/22
HB 3238Establish Food Waste Task Force01/12/22
HB 3248Eliminating the food handler examination and card01/12/22
HB 3265Require an ultrasound prior to abortion01/12/22
HB 3276Creating parity for mental health services01/12/22
HB 4013Eliminating the certificate of need program01/24/22
HB 4049Relating to abortions after detection of an unborn child’s heartbeat01/12/22
HB 4055Clean Drinking Water Act of 202201/12/22
HB 4070Relating to the prerequisites for filing suit against a health care provider under the Medical Professional Liability Act01/13/22
HB 4085Relating to living anatomical gift01/14/22
HB 4203Authorizing the Board of Medicine to promulgate rule relating to Disciplinary Procedures: Physicians, Podiatric Physicians and Surgeons01/18/22
HB 4204Authorizing the Board of Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Licensure, Practice Requirements, Disciplinary and Complaint Procedures, Continuing Education, Physician Assistants01/18/22
HB 4205Authorizing the Board of Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Dispensing of Prescription Drugs by Practitioners01/18/22
HB 4206Authorizing the Board of Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Continuing Education for Physicians and Podiatric Physicians01/18/22
HB 4207Authorizing the Board of Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Practitioner Requirements for Accessing the West Virginia Controlled Substances Monitoring Program Database.01/18/22
HB 4208Authorizing the Board of Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Establishment and Regulation of Limited License to Practice Medicine and Surgery at Certain State Veterans Nursing Home Facilities.01/18/22
HB 4209Authorizing the Board of Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Registration to Practice During Declared State of Emergency01/18/22
HB 4210Authorizing the Board of Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Telehealth and Interstate Telehealth Registration for Physicians, Podiatric Physicians and Physician Assistants.01/18/22
HB 4211Authorizing the Board of Osteopathic Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Licensing Procedures for Osteopathic Physicians01/18/22
HB 4212Authorizing the Board of Osteopathic Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Osteopathic Physician Assistants01/18/22
HB 4213Authorizing the Board of Osteopathic Medicine to promulgate rule relating to Practitioner Requirements for Controlled Substances Licensure and Accessing the West Virginia Controlled Substances Monitoring Program Database01/18/22
HB 4214Authorizing the Board of Osteopathic Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Telehealth Practice and Interstate Telehealth Registration for Osteopathic Physicians and Physician Assistants01/18/22
HB 4222Authorizing the Board of Registered Professional Nurses to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Limited Prescriptive Authority for Nurses in Advanced Practice.01/18/22
HB 4223Authorizing the Board of Registered Professional Nurses to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Telehealth Practice01/18/22
HB 4255Abortion permitted only in certain instances01/19/22
HB 4261Relating to the practice of optometry01/19/22
HB 4267Prohibits Chain Community Pharmacy Productivity Quotas for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians01/19/22
HB 4274To ensure that hospitals do not provide lesser treatment to unvaccinated individuals as opposed to vaccinated individuals01/19/22
HB 4298Ban any and all Covid-19 vaccine mandates01/20/22
HB 4303Amend certain provisions in public health definitions01/20/22
HB 4309Relating to the use of certain drugs to treat Covid-1901/20/22
HB 4328Requiring that any doctor performing an abortion must be board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology01/21/22
HB 4337Creating the Unborn Child with Down Syndrome Protection and Education Act01/21/22
HB 4349Prevent healthcare facilities from limiting the number of parents that are able to attend appointments for their children01/24/22
HB 4374Relating to implementing a Medicaid state plan amendment as necessary and appropriate to effectuate a system of certified community behavioral health clinics01/25/22
HB 4382Relating to preserving a patient’s right to abortion01/25/22
HB 4401Making it a misdemeanor for a person to knowingly allow a felony drug offense to be committed on his or her property01/26/22
HB 4402Creating the Prevention Through K-12 Education Act01/26/22
HB 4404Creating Tobacco Cessation Initiative Program Special Revenue Account within State Treasury01/26/22
HB 4412Collecting a tax from manufacturers and distributors of opium and opiate drugs to be used for funding addiction and prevention01/26/22
HB 4414Prohibit requiring Covid-19 vaccine or booster shot to attend in person classes at colleges and universities01/26/22
HB 4436Be Exceptional Starting Today Act01/31/22
HB 4452Provide a safe process for organic waste composting 01/31/22
HB 4455Permitting pharmacists to dispense the drug ivermectin by means of a standing order01/31/22
HB 4456Mountaineer Games Sports League01/31/22
HB 4495Allowing professional nurses and advance practice registered nurses, or the equivalent, to practice in West Virginia, provided that they are licensed in another state02/02/22
HB 4521To establish minimum training requirements for law enforcement officials on interacting effectively with people with Alzheimer’s or other dementias02/02/22
HB 4549Exempt current facilities covered under Chapter 16, Article 2 from “Certificate of Need” requirements02/03/22
HB 4569Medical Facility Protection Act02/07/22
HB 4572Authorizing long term care facilities to increase their number of beds on certificate of need by 5% so long as those beds are filled by veterans02/08/22
HB 4573Relating to removing the Certificate of Need moratorium on opioid treatment facilities02/08/22
HB 4581To provide safe harbor peer review for nurses02/08/22
HB 4587Relating to certification of a patient’s eligibility for medical cannabis02/09/22
HB 4597Creating WV Black Lung Program02/09/22
HB 4598Relating generally to occupational pneumoconiosis02/09/22
HB 4601Relating to expiration date of an optometrist’s prescription02/09/22
HB 4609Relating to establishing the services that shall be provided by the traumatic brain injury waiver program02/10/22
HB 4610Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act02/10/22
HB 4620Providing options to vaccinations and mask requirements as a condition to entry of schools02/10/22
HB 4661Provide for fines for hospitals that do not allow at least one visitor02/14/22
HB 4677Clarifying that a hospital located in the same county as an academic medical center may perform any health service02/14/22
HB 4696Relating to reporting of suspected abuse and neglect02/15/22
HB 4697Permitting pharmacists to dispense ivermectin by means of standing order02/15/22
HB 4698Requiring West Virginia Medicaid managed care organizations to contract with any otherwise qualified provider02/15/22
HB 4708Primary care physicians must inform patients about Triple Negative Breast Cancer02/15/22
HB 4713To require the athletic associations and sports entities of WV to implement a “Heat and Humidity Practice Policy.”02/15/22
HB 4724Create a CARE FOR ALL line02/15/22
HB 4736Relating to surgical smoke evacuation02/15/22
HB 4737Food insecurity state wide tip line02/15/22
HB 4745Decriminalization and legalization of cannabis with a taxing mechanism to bring more revenue to the state02/15/22
HB 4746All state buildings and rest areas within WV have sharp containers02/15/22
HB 4751Relating to in-state food service permit reciprocity02/15/22
HB 4767To prohibit vaccine requirements as a condition of being eligible for an organ transplant02/15/22
HB 4772Require hospitals with no ASL interpreter on staff provide technology for hearing or speech impaired patients to communicate02/15/22
HB 4775Repeal law requiring motorcycle riders to wear a helmet02/15/22
HB 4776Creating the Paid Parental Leave Pilot Program02/15/22
HB 4784To Protect Newborn Genetic Privacy Rights02/15/22
HB 4808Men’s Equality Act02/15/22
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