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HCR 1 Raising a Joint Assembly to hear remarks of the Governor Adopted 01/10/24
SCR 1 US Army PFC Leon Charles Trader Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HJR 1 Relating to exempting certain honorably discharged veterans of the U. S. Armed Forces who are disabled from ad valorem property taxation on full amount of assessed value of certain property Pending House 01/11/24
HR 1 Authorizing the appointment of employees for this, the Second Regular Session of the Eighty-sixth Legislature, 2024 Adopted 01/10/24
SJR 1 County Boundary Review Amendment Pending Senate 01/10/24
SR 1 Authorizing appointment of employees for second regular session of 86th Legislature Adopted 01/10/24
SR 2 Recognizing dedicated public service of Honorable Donna J. Boley Adopted 01/11/24
SJR 2 Right to Farm and Ranch Amendment Pending Senate 01/10/24
HR 2 Authorizing printing and distribution of Acts and Journals of the House Adopted 01/10/24
HJR 2 Right to Farm and Ranch Amendment Pending House 01/11/24
SCR 2 US Army PFC John Henry Trail Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 2 U.S. Army SPC Steven W. Herron Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 3 Legg Brothers WWII Veterans Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SCR 3 Charlie Lee Jordan Memorial Bridge Pending Senate 01/11/24
HJR 3 Amending Constitution to allow for possession, manufacture and sale of cannabis Pending House 01/11/24
HR 3 Creating a Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence Adopted 01/10/24
SJR 3 Returning Roads to Counties Amendment of 2024 Pending Senate 01/10/24
SR 3 Commemorating 150th anniversary of Keyser Adopted 01/11/24
SR 4 Designating January as Human Trafficking Awareness month Adopted 01/10/24
SJR 4 Protection of the Right to Bear Arms Amendment Pending Senate 01/10/24
HR 4 Increase assistance to County Meal Programs for Senior citizens Pending House 01/23/24
HJR 4 Taxpayers Bill of Rights Pending House 01/11/24
SCR 4 US Army 2LT Eston Kuhn Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 4 To establish the Always Remember 9/11 West Virginia state holiday. Pending House 01/11/24
HCR 5 George M. Hall Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SCR 5 US Army 1LT Herschel Jarrell Memorial Road Adopted 02/29/24
HJR 5 Increase Homestead exemption Pending House 01/11/24
HR 5 Urging and requesting West Virginia Medicaid to authorize coverage through the West Virginia Medicaid program for portable oxygen concentrators, when medically necessary Pending House 01/29/24
SJR 5 Homestead Exemption for Disabled Veterans Amendment Pending Senate 01/26/24
SR 5 Designating January 15, 2024, as Child Advocacy Day at Legislature Adopted 01/15/24
SR 6 Honoring life of Edith Levy, Ed. D., Holocaust survivor Adopted 03/08/24
SJR 6 Incorporation of Churches or Religious Denominations Amendment Pending House 02/29/24
HR 6 A resolution reaffirming support for the town of Thurmond, the historic buildings within the community, and the strong coal mining history associated with it Adopted 02/13/24
HJR 6 Increasing the Homestead Exemption Pending House 01/11/24
SCR 6 US Army SSG Orland Jackson "Tom" Meikles Memorial Road Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 6 U. S. Army Staff Sgt. James Ira “Junior” Spurrier Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/04/24
HCR 7 U. S. Navy Radarman 3rd Class Craig W. Haines Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SCR 7 Donald "Tiny" Lucas and Ronald Dale Lucas Veterans Memorial Bridge Pending Senate 01/11/24
HJR 7 Senior Citizen Homestead Valuation Amendment Pending House 01/11/24
HR 7 Supporting the Preservation of the Charleston Processing and Distribution Center Adopted 01/29/24
SJR 7 Citizenship Requirement to Vote in West Virginia Elections Amendment Pending Senate 01/22/24
SR 7 Designating January 22, 2024, as WV Tourism Day Adopted 01/22/24
SR 8 Designating January 23, 2024, as Hunger Free WV Day at Legislature Adopted 01/23/24
SJR 8 Cannabis Legalization Amendment Pending Senate 01/30/24
HR 8 Defending Life by Rejecting Euthanasia Resolution Pending House 01/31/24
HJR 8 Guaranteeing the right of the citizens of West Virginia to hunt and fish Pending House 02/01/24
SCR 8 US Army Corporal Clemon Knapp Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 8 Judy Brothers Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 9 Private Jefferson Howell Memorial Road Adopted 02/29/24
SCR 9 US Merchant Marine Joseph Ward Teter Memorial Bridge Pending Senate 01/15/24
HJR 9 Disabled Veteran’s Property Tax Exemption Amendment Pending House 01/11/24
HR 9 Reaffirming the longstanding sisterhood partnership between West Virginia and Taiwan Adopted 02/29/24
SJR 9 Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety Pending Senate 02/15/24
SR 9 Recognizing January 23, 2024, as Mountaineer Therapy Dogs' Day at Legislature Adopted 01/23/24
SR 10 Commemorating 78th Southern Legislative Conference of Council of State Governments Southern Office Adopted 01/24/24
SJR 10 Homestead Exemption for Disabled Veterans Amendment Pending House Judiciary 03/08/24
HR 10 Recognizing the District Court for the District of Columbia is a politicized court Pending House 02/05/24
HJR 10 To allow certain state employees the eligibility to a seat in the legislature Pending House 01/12/24
SCR 10 Urging WV congressional delegation support legislation authorizing county governments to sell FEMA property Pending House 01/16/24
HCR 10 Remembering Our POW/MIA Highway Pending House 01/11/24
HCR 11 VFD Gregory Linn Haught Memorial Bridge. Adopted 02/29/24
SCR 11 US Marine Corps PFC Noel Harper Fields Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HJR 11 Initiative, Referendum and Recall Pending House 01/15/24
HR 11 Supporting Responsible Competition Between West Virginia Electrical Utilities Pending House 02/12/24
SR 11 Designating January 25, 2024, as Veterans Appreciation Day Adopted 01/25/24
SR 12 Recognizing January 21-January 27 as National School Choice Week Adopted 01/25/24
HR 12 Memorializing the life of The Honorable Charles E. Romine Adopted 03/01/24
HJR 12 Amending the Homestead Exemption of the Constitution Pending House 01/15/24
SCR 12 US Army Private Raymond Lee Perkins Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 12 “U. S. Marine Private First Class Calvin Lee Loudin Memorial Bridge”. Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 13 Commemorating the life of Marilyn Kay Parsons Adopted 01/12/24
SCR 13 US Navy S1 Paul McCue Bridge Pending Senate 01/15/24
HJR 13 Super-Majority Required for Passage of Tax Bill Amendment Pending House 01/16/24
SR 13 Recognizing Myles Lumber Company as WV Outstanding Tree Farmer for 2023 Adopted 01/29/24
SR 14 Designating January 29, 2024, as Future Farmers of America Day Adopted 01/29/24
HJR 14 Amend the state Constitution to give the people the powers of initiative, referendum and recall Pending House 01/16/24
SCR 14 US Army PFC William Gorman Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 14 Assistant Chief David Timothy “Tim” Wilson Memorial Road Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 15 USMC Private Timith Daley Nunn Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SCR 15 Chief Edward "Eddie" Keesecker Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HJR 15 Providing Term Limits for certain Constitutional Officers Pending House 01/16/24
SR 15 Designating January 29, 2024, as Fairmont State University Day Adopted 01/29/24
SR 16 Supporting preservation of Charleston USPS Processing and Distribution Center Adopted 01/26/24
HJR 16 To increase the homestead exemption to $50,000. Pending House 01/17/24
SCR 16 Urging US Congress enact reforms to federal permitting policies to accelerate deployment of new energy infrastructure Adopted 01/25/24
HCR 16 Thomas Leo Starsick Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 17 Ab and Laura Baisden Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SCR 17 Reaffirming support of WV Legislature for State of Israel and Jewish people Adopted 01/25/24
HJR 17 Creating 34 single member Senatorial districts Pending House 01/17/24
SR 17 Recognizing Riley Gaines as ambassador for Independent Women's Forum and advocate for women's equality in sports Adopted 01/29/24
SR 18 Designating January 30, 2024, as West Virginia University Day Adopted 01/30/24
HJR 18 Relating to Personal Income Taxes Pending House 01/23/24
SCR 18 Stanley W. and Evelyn C. See Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 18 Caldwell Brothers Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 19 CPL Thomas Lowell Wines Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SCR 19 US Army PFC Henry W. Baldwin Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HJR 19 Manufacturing inventory and equipment tax exemption amendment Pending House 01/23/24
SR 19 Designating January 31, 2024, as Marshall University Day Adopted 01/31/24
SR 20 Recognizing essential role of CASA for abused and neglected children Adopted 02/01/24
HJR 20 To amend the West Virginia Constitution to require single member districts for all West Virginia State Senators Pending House 01/23/24
SCR 20 Proclaiming fourth Saturday of November to be annually designated as Ukrainian Holodomor-Genocide Remembrance Day Pending House 01/31/24
HCR 20 SP4 Donnie Lee Hackney Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 21 Louie Patton Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/05/24
SCR 21 US Army MSG James E. Jackson Jr. Memorial Road Adopted 02/29/24
HJR 21 Amending the Constitution to prohibit persons not United States citizens from voting in any election held within this state Pending House 03/09/24
SR 21 Designating February 1, 2024, as National Unclaimed Property Day Adopted 02/01/24
SR 22 Designating February 1, 2024, as Sexual Violence Awareness Day Adopted 02/01/24
HJR 22 Require Governor to provide at least five days notice to all state legislators when calling a Special Session Pending House 01/26/24
SCR 22 USMC Major Cornelius Burdette Memorial Road Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 22 “U.S. Army Corporal William Edgar Hancock Memorial Bridge”. Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 23 Cody J. Mullens Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SCR 23 US Navy LT Lewis Joseph D'Antoni Memorial Road Adopted 02/29/24
HJR 23 Natural Resources and the Public Estate Amendment Pending House 01/26/24
SR 23 Designating February 2, 2024, as American Heart Association Day Adopted 02/02/24
SR 24 Recognizing February 2, 2024, as WV Home School Day Adopted 02/02/24
HJR 24 Relating to the right to refuse any medical treatment, injection, device, vaccine or prophylactic Pending House 01/26/24
SCR 24 Recognizing First Responders Honor Board's nominees for Medal of Valor Adopted 02/07/24
HCR 24 To create a study resolution to examine the school aid formula. Pending Senate 03/06/24
HCR 25 U. S. Navy Sonarman First Class William C. Harris Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SCR 25 US Army SGT Wyatt K. Hinton Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HJR 25 Resolution for Constitutional Officer Term Limits for Senators and Delegates in the West Virginia Legislature Pending House 01/29/24
SR 25 Designating February 5, 2024, as Recovery Advocacy Day Adopted 02/05/24
SR 26 Designating February 6, 2024, as Preston County Day Adopted 02/06/24
HJR 26 Resolution for Constitutional Officer Term Limits Pending House 01/29/24
SCR 26 US Army Private Clarence William "Buck" Holliday Memorial Road Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 26 PFC Jerry Lee Bassett Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 27 U. S. Army Sergeant Jerry Lee Harris Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SCR 27 Affirming power of states to repel invasions for our nation's security Pending Senate 02/06/24
HJR 27 Relating to the right to reproductive freedom with protections for health and safety Pending House 01/30/24
SR 27 Recognizing Leadership Jefferson for its service, dedication, and commitment to Jefferson County Adopted 02/06/24
SR 28 Designating February 6, 2024, as Local Food and Farm Day Adopted 02/06/24
HJR 28 Protection from medically-assisted suicide or euthanasia in West Virginia Amendment Adopted 03/11/24
SCR 28 Directing Secretary of State to remove President Joseph R. Biden Jr. from primary and general election ballot Pending Senate 02/15/24
HCR 28 Karantonis Brothers Armed Forces Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 29 U.S. Army Sgt Thomas Lawson Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SCR 29 Urging Biden administration and Congress reevaluate proposed restrictions on chemical industry Pending House 02/16/24
HJR 29 Authorizing the Legislature to exempt tangible inventory personal property directly used in business activity from ad valorem property taxation by general law Pending House 02/13/24
SR 29 Designating February 8, 2024, as Tucker County Day Adopted 02/08/24
SR 30 Designating February 8, 2024, as WV Hospital Day Adopted 02/08/24
HJR 30 Names and Powers Clarification Amendment Pending House 02/13/24
SCR 30 Honoring Hershel "Woody" Williams as one of two WV statues in National Statuary Hall Collection Pending House 02/26/24
HCR 30 Jack L. Hart Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 31 Stanley W. and Evelyn C. See Memorial Bridge Pending Senate 02/21/24
SCR 31 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study benefits associated with increasing paid parental leave for state employees Pending Senate 02/20/24
SR 31 Designating February 8, 2024, as WV American Academy of Pediatrics Child Health Advocacy Day Adopted 02/08/24
SR 32 Designating February 9, 2024, as Eating Disorder Advocacy Day Adopted 02/09/24
SCR 32 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study establishing depository for gold and silver Pending Senate Banking and Insurance 02/21/24
HCR 32 Sloan Brothers Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 33 U. S. Army PFC Gale Hall Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SCR 33 Requesting Division of Highways to erect signs in Marion County for "Home of Legendary Coach, Nick Saban" Pending Senate 02/29/24
SR 33 Designating February 12, 2024, as Corrections Day Adopted 02/12/24
SR 34 Recognizing William Schwertfeger, decorated combat veteran of US Army, on his 100th birthday Adopted 02/13/24
SCR 34 Feasibility study of ballot identification and verification measures in statewide elections Pending Senate Judiciary 02/29/24
HCR 34 U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Harlie Steven Gabbert Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 35 Gulf War Veteran’s Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SCR 35 Requesting study on efficiency and accountability of county boards of education Pending Senate Education 03/06/24
SR 35 Recognizing 152nd anniversary of Glenville State University Adopted 02/13/24
SR 36 Recognizing February 14, 2024, as Child Care Day Adopted 02/14/24
SCR 36 Requesting study of School Building Authority Pending Senate Education 03/06/24
HCR 36 Chief Master Sgt. Dan Chandler Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 37 U. S. Army PFC Carl. J. Osburn Bridge Pending Senate 02/22/24
SCR 37 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study viability of reinstating capital punishment Pending Senate Judiciary 03/07/24
SR 37 Designating February 14, 2024, as National Organ Donor Day Adopted 02/14/24
SR 38 Recognizing value and supporting Small Town and Main Street development Adopted 02/15/24
HCR 38 US Army PFC William Gorman Memorial Bridge Pending Senate 02/21/24
HCR 39 US Army SP3 Delbert Sherdan “Buck” Huffman Sr. Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SR 39 Designating February 15, 2024, as WV State University Day Adopted 02/15/24
SR 40 Designating February 15, 2024, as Angelman Syndrome Awareness Day Adopted 02/15/24
HCR 40 USMC MSG Edward P. & MP Carl A. McCray Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 41 Thurman W. Whisner Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SR 41 Designating February 16, 2024, as Adventure Travel Day Adopted 02/16/24
SR 42 Supporting Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Texas' constitutional right to self-defense Adopted 02/16/24
HCR 42 U.S. Army SSG William E. Miller Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 43 To study the potential of Cheat Lake as a state park and the potential economic and social impacts if this area is turned into a park or left for future development. Pending House 02/15/24
SR 43 Memorializing life of Honorable John Patton Fanning Adopted 02/19/24
SR 44 Designating February 19, 2024, as Pancreatic Cancer Day Adopted 02/19/24
HCR 44 Frank Walker Mosley Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 45 Alexander Arbuckle “Abe” McLaughlin Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SR 45 Recognizing 112th anniversary of Girl Scouts of USA Adopted 02/19/24
SR 46 Affirming support for preservation of certain historic buildings across state Adopted 02/19/24
HCR 46 Jacob “Jack” Taylor Rudolph, Sr. Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 47 U. S. Army SGT John Claude Roby Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/04/24
SR 47 Recognizing week of May 5-11, 2024, as Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week Adopted 02/20/24
SR 48 Recognizing AARP of WV for many contributions provided to enhance our state and its people Adopted 02/20/24
HCR 48 November 7th to be designated annually as “Pastor Appreciation Day” Adopted House 02/26/24
HCR 49 U. S. Air Force Airman 1st Class “Willis ”Arnold" Karickhoff Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/04/24
SR 49 Recognizing World Scouting Museum Adopted 02/21/24
SR 50 Designating February 21, 2024, as WV History Day Adopted 02/21/24
HCR 50 Jack A. Hatfield Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 51 U. S. Army Colonel Merlin C. Kerns Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SR 51 Memorializing life of Lora Susan Thompson Adopted 02/22/24
SR 52 Designating February 23, 2024, as WV Motorsports Day Adopted 02/23/24
HCR 52 Declaring December 14 as Frosty the Snowman Day Pending House 01/29/24
HCR 53 U. S. Navy Quartermaster Third Class Lawrence Earl Boggs Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SR 53 Designating February 27, 2024, as Domestic Violence Awareness Day Adopted 02/27/24
SR 54 Recognizing Leadership Berkeley for its service, dedication and commitment to Berkeley County Adopted 02/28/24
HCR 54 West Virginia has standing in matters relating to issues that impact people of West Virginia Pending House 01/30/24
HCR 55 Resolution to make Donald Trump a non-resident West Virginia citizen. Pending House 01/30/24
SR 55 Memorializing life of Honorable William Wayne Bailey, Jr. Adopted 02/28/24
SR 56 Memorializing life of Honorable Warren Randolph McGraw Sr. Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 56 Disband the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other politicized intelligence and law enforcement agencies Pending House 01/30/24
HCR 57 Resolution demanding Congress call a Convention of States to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States to create fiscal responsibility by and within the federal government. Pending Senate 03/07/24
SR 57 Recognizing accomplishments of Hurricane High School Red Hot Show Choir Adopted 02/29/24
SR 58 Designating February 29, 2024, as WV Arts Day Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 58 Resolution requesting an inquiry into the COVID-19 pandemic Pending House 01/31/24
HCR 59 Asa H. Kisamore, Jr. Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SR 59 Reaffirming longstanding sisterhood partnership between WV and Taiwan Adopted 02/29/24
SR 60 Recognizing May 1, 2024, as Purebred Dog Day Adopted 03/01/24
HCR 60 Terra Dawn Lewis Memorial Road and Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 61 Mollohan Brothers Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
SR 61 Encouraging WV military veterans to volunteer as election workers in 2024 statewide elections Adopted 03/01/24
SR 62 Memorializing life of Betty Burkett Adopted 03/04/24
HCR 62 U.S. Army First Sergeant Clarence Shirley Blake Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 63 Identifying that the People’s Republic of China is conducting an illegal asymmetric war against the U.S. and West Virginia Pending House 01/31/24
SR 63 Memorializing life of Sylvia Shafer Adopted 03/04/24
HCR 64 Acknowledging and supporting the State of Texas Pending Senate 02/06/24
HCR 65 Resolution encouraging education experts to create a cost of care estimator tool Pending House 02/09/24
SR 65 Recognizing March as American Red Cross month Adopted 03/05/24
SR 66 Designating March 5, 2024, as Women's and Girls' Day Adopted 03/05/24
HCR 66 U.S. Army SP4 Lonnie “Bill” Walker Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 67 Kenneth R. Lucas Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/04/24
SR 67 Designating March 6, 2024, as Suicide Prevention Awareness Day Adopted 03/06/24
SR 68 Designating March 7, 2024, as Recovery Community Day Adopted 03/07/24
HCR 68 U. S. Army Air Force, Major (Ret.) Willis “Scottie” Adams Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/29/24
HCR 69 To recognize every February during a leap year as Upper Big Branch Miners Month. Pending House 02/05/24
SR 69 Recognizing month of March as National Social Work Awareness Month Adopted 03/07/24
SR 70 Memorializing life of Heather Nicole Miller Adopted 03/08/24
HCR 70 Requesting that the West Virginia Legislature to declare June 12th Women’s Veterans Appreciation Day in the State of West Virginia Pending House 02/21/24
HCR 71 Requesting the Division of Highways to place at least 10 additional signs along highways entering West Virginia honoring fallen veterans and Gold Star Families. Pending Senate 02/14/24
SR 71 Congratulating Kerri-Anne Cook on becoming first female golfer to win WVSSAC AA golf tournament Adopted 03/08/24
HCR 72 Affirming the sovereign right of the State of West Virginia to nullify un-Constitutional acts Pending House 02/08/24
HCR 73 Calling for an amendment that only the count of US Citizens during the US Census may be used for apportionment of Congressional representation Pending House 02/08/24
HCR 74 Defending Life by Rejecting Euthanasia Pending Senate 02/19/24
HCR 75 Requesting the US Army Corps of Engineers adopt rules allowing licensed Side by Sides to access all roads Pending House 02/12/24
HCR 76 Requesting a study on all community and technical schools being a part of the “Earn and Learn Program” Pending House 02/12/24
HCR 77 To study on the cost of an alternative school in each county, that doesn’t have an alternative school Pending House 02/23/24
HCR 78 Honoring the leadership and achievements of West Virginia’s African Americans and urging the recognition of Black History Month Pending House 02/12/24
HCR 79 Regarding the degraded state of Plum Orchard Lake in Fayette County Pending House 02/12/24
HCR 80 Twin Branch Motorsports Complex Resolution Pending House 02/12/24
HCR 81 To request that the Director of the Division of Natural Resources reinstate Laurel Lake State Park with full financial and operational support Pending House 02/12/24
HCR 82 To create a study resolution to review training, equipment and operating standards, and for certification and evaluation of local and rural fire departments for retention, training, and recruitment purposes. Pending House 02/22/24
HCR 83 A resolution to establish a Study Group to study the implementation of West Virginia Code §15-4-1 et seq. relating to the West Virginia State Guard and the re-establishment of a standing West Virginia State Guard Pending House 02/21/24
HCR 84 Requesting a study on interstate compact on food truck health department licensing reciprocity Pending House 02/20/24
HCR 85 Requesting a study to ways to require public service districts to complete projects when fully funded Pending House 02/20/24
HCR 86 Honoring Herschel “Woody” Williams as one of two West Virginia statues in the National Statuary Hall Collection. Pending House 02/22/24
HCR 87 A resolution to task the Economic Development Authority to find land around Flatwoods and funding and businesses to make an area similar to Pigeon Forge to increase tourism and entertainment Pending House 02/22/24
HCR 88 Relating to the Bureau for Social Services Pending House Education 02/26/24
HCR 89 A study resolution for the non-motorized trail networks that exist or could be developed within West Virginia. Pending House 02/23/24
HCR 90 Requesting That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance engage in a study concerning a program to provide funding support for major events in the state Pending House 02/26/24
HCR 91 Requesting That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance engage in a study concerning differences in commercial real property taxes in West Virginia versus bordering states and what can be done to mitigate such differences Pending House 02/26/24
HCR 92 Requesting that the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the effect of Economic Development Authority matching funds to facilitate aid to counties responsible for Emergency Medical Services coverage Pending House 02/27/24
HCR 93 A study resolution to examine the lost economic impact from the move of Plum Orchard Lake to Wildlife management and to examine potential economic gain for moving it away form Wildlife Management and making it a State Park. Pending House 02/27/24
HCR 94 A study resolution on the cost of mandating all school systems in West Virginia to stock menstrual products for female students. Pending House 02/27/24
HCR 95 A study resolution to examine the casualty numbers wounded and killed in car accidents caused by drivers with impaired cognition due to dementia, Alzheimer’s, or other similar diseases. Pending House 02/27/24
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