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Resolution |
Title |
Status |
Committee |
Date |
HR 1 | Adopting the Rules of the House of Delegates | Pending | House | 01/08/25 |
HCR 1 | Raising a Joint Assembly to open and publish election returns | Adopted | 01/08/25 | |
SCR 1 | Adopting Joint Rules of Senate and House of Delegates | Adopted | 01/08/25 | |
SR 1 | Adopting rules of Senate | Adopted | 01/08/25 | |
SR 2 | Appointment of Senate employees | Adopted | 01/08/25 | |
SCR 2 | Authorizing payment of joint expenses | Adopted | 01/08/25 | |
HCR 2 | Extending an invitation to His Excellency, the Governor, to deliver an address to the Legislature and raising a Joint Assembly therefor | Adopted | 01/08/25 | |
HR 2 | Authorizing the printing and distribution of Acts of the Legislature, Journals of the House of Delegates, the publication of a Legislative Manual, and authorizing payment of travel and other expenses of the House. | Adopted | 01/08/25 | |
HR 3 | Authorizing the appointment of employees for this, the First Regular Session of the Eighty-seventh Legislature, Two Thousand Twenty-five | Adopted | 01/08/25 | |
HCR 3 | Providing for an adjournment of the Legislature until February 12, 2025 | Adopted | 01/08/25 | |
HR 4 | Declaring a vacancy in the Ninety-First Delegate District of the West Virginia House of Delegates due to the failure to take the Oath of Office by the Delegate Elect as required by Article VI, Section 16 of the Constitution of West Virginia | Adopted | 01/08/25 |