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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill |
Title |
Completed |
Signed |
Effective |
HB 203 | Exempting from Consumers Sales and Service Tax fundraising activities by certain volunteer fire departments and rescue squads | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect August 1, 2002 |
HB 204 | Reestablishing the board of licensed dietitians | 06/10/02 | 06/21/02 | Effective from passage |
SB 2001 | Authorizing miscellaneous agencies and boards to promulgate legislative rules | 06/10/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2002 | Relating to legislative rules of department of environmental protection | 06/10/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2003 | Authorizing public service commission to acquire and pay for property | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2004 | Establishing Business Corporation Act | 06/10/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect Octiber 1, 2002 |
SB 2006 | Making supplementary appropriation in state fund, general revenue, to department of health and human resources, division of human services | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2007 | Relating generally to tax credits for certain business activity | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2008 | Expiring funds to unappropriated balance from revenue shortfall reserve fund | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2009 | Making supplementary appropriation to department of agriculture from general revenue surplus | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2010 | Making supplementary appropriation to department of agriculture from unappropriated general revenue balance | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2011 | Supplementing, amending, reducing and increasing items of existing appropriations to governor's office, civil contingent fund | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2012 | Supplementing, amending, reducing and increasing items in general revenue to bureau of commerce, board of coal mine health and safety | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2013 | Supplementing, amending, reducing and increasing items from state fund to department of military affairs and public safety, division of corrections | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2014 | Making supplementary appropriation in state fund, general revenue, to department of tax and revenue, adding reappropriating language | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2015 | Making supplementary appropriation in state fund, general revenue, to higher education policy commission | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2016 | Making supplementary appropriation of general revenue to department of tax and revenue, office of tax appeals | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2017 | Making supplementary appropriation to department of agriculture, donated food fund | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2018 | Supplementing and expiring funds from alcohol beverage control administration and division of banking to division of tax | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2019 | Supplementing, amending, reducing and increasing items from division of tourism to division of natural resources | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2020 | Making supplementary appropriation to bureau of commerce, division of natural resources, hunting and fishing license fund | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2021 | Making supplementary appropriation to bureau of commerce, division of natural resources | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2022 | Making supplementary appropriation to department of tax and revenue, insurance commissioner | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2023 | Making supplementary appropriation to department of tax and revenue, racing commission, fund 7304 | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2024 | Making supplementary appropriation to department of tax and revenue, racing commission, fund 7305 | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2025 | Making supplementary appropriation to board of examiners for registered professional nurses | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2026 | Making supplementary appropriation to bureau of commerce, division of labor | 06/11/02 | 06/21/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2028 | Making supplementary appropriation from unappropriated surplus balance to governor's office, civil contingent fund | 07/17/02 | 07/24/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2029 | Making supplementary appropriation to bureau of commerce, division of miners' health, safety and training | 07/17/02 | 07/24/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2031 | Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to bureau of employment programs | 07/17/02 | 07/24/02 | Effect from passage |
SB 2032 | Supplementing and amending chapter thirteen, acts of Legislature, budget bill | 07/17/02 | 07/24/02 | Effective from passage |