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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill | Title | Date |
SB 10 | Providing immunity from civil liability for volunteer public safety service | 02/10/93 |
SB 25 | Authorizing tax-motivated gifts from incompetent's estate | 02/10/93 |
SB 27 | Reducing acceptable blood alcohol level while driving motor vehicle | 02/10/93 |
SB 37 | Mandating seat belt use; exceptions | 02/10/93 |
SB 45 | Relating to homestead exemptions; real property | 02/10/93 |
SB 48 | Specifying certain prohibited practices during labor disputes; penalties | 02/23/93 |
SB 59 | Relating to common carriers by motor vehicles | 02/16/93 |
SB 62 | Relating to notice to certain caretakers when called to jury duty | 02/16/93 |
SB 63 | Requiring citing permits for businesses selling alcoholic beverages | 02/16/93 |
SB 64 | Prohibiting state employees from employing spouse at state's expense | 02/16/93 |
SB 81 | Authorizing higher education governing boards promulgate certain legislative rules | 02/24/93 |
SB 83 | Providing meeting and conference rights for members of police or fire departments | 02/19/93 |
SB 86 | Providing residential fire sprinkler system incentives | 02/19/93 |
SB 100 | Allowing magistrates to use alternative sentences for convicted offenders | 02/22/93 |
SB 104 | Creating Public Employment Relations Act | 02/22/93 |
SB 107 | Limiting liability of certain landowners | 02/23/93 |
SB 113 | Relating to investigations and hearings of firefighters and policemen | 02/24/93 |
SB 125 | Relieving corporate directors from certain liabilities | 02/25/93 |
SB 129 | Limiting time charges accrue against owner of towed or abandoned motor vehicles | 02/26/93 |
SB 131 | Providing effective date for deferred purchase money lien; limiting fees | 02/26/93 |
SB 135 | Exempting from consolidation counties with five or fewer public service districts | 03/25/93 |
SB 136 | Prohibiting disseminating harmful material to minors; penalties | 03/01/93 |
SB 138 | Authorizing ethics commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to the commission | 03/01/93 |
SB 139 | Authorizing ethics commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to complaints, investigations and hearings | 03/01/93 |
SB 140 | Authorizing consolidated public retirement board to promulgate legislative rules relating to teachers' contribution system | 03/12/93 |
SB 141 | Authorizing consolidated public retirement board to promulgate legislative rules relating to teachers' benefit retirement system | 03/12/93 |
SB 142 | Authorizing consolidated public retirement board to promulgate legislative rules relating to public employees retirement system | 03/12/93 |
SB 143 | Authorizing consolidated public retirement board to promulgate legislative rules relating to provisions regarding board | 03/12/93 |
SB 144 | Authorizing consolidated public retirement board to promulgate legislative rules relating to benefit determination | 03/12/93 |
SB 145 | Authorizing committee for the purchase of commodities and services from the handicapped to promulgate legislative rules relating to the procurement list | 03/09/93 |
SB 146 | Authorizing committee for the purchase of commodities and services from the handicapped to promulgate legislative rules relating to participation | 03/09/93 |
SB 147 | Authorizing committee for the purchase of commodities and services from the handicapped to promulgate legislative rules relating to fair market price | 03/09/93 |
SB 148 | Authorizing division of tourism and parks to promulgate legislative rules relating to state parks, forests and hunting and fishing areas | 03/08/93 |
SB 149 | Authorizing board of manufactured housing construction and safety to promulgate legislative rules relating to safety standards | 03/01/93 |
SB 150 | Authorizing economic development authority to promulgate legislative rules relating to capital company act | 03/12/93 |
SB 151 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to deer hunting | 03/08/93 |
SB 152 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to commercial sale of wildlife | 03/10/93 |
SB 153 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to hunting and trapping regulations | 03/08/93 |
SB 154 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to dog training | 03/10/93 |
SB 155 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to general hunting regulations | 03/08/93 |
SB 156 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to general trapping regulations | 03/08/93 |
SB 157 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to special bird hunting regulations | 03/11/93 |
SB 158 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to prohibitions when hunting and trapping | 03/10/93 |
SB 159 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to revocation of hunting and fishing licenses | 03/10/93 |
SB 160 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to special bear hunting regulations | 03/10/93 |
SB 161 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to special boating requirements | 03/10/93 |
SB 162 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to special waterfowl hunting regulations | 03/12/93 |
SB 163 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to wild boar hunting | 03/12/93 |
SB 164 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to wild turkey hunting | 03/12/93 |
SB 165 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to wildlife management areas | 03/30/93 |
SB 166 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to recycling assistance fund grant program | 03/24/93 |
SB 167 | Authorizing division of banking to promulgate legislative rules relating to implementing community reinvestment act | 03/04/93 |
SB 168 | Authorizing air pollution control commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to control of air pollution | 03/22/93 |
SB 169 | Authorizing air pollution control commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to violations of applicable rules | 03/22/93 |
SB 170 | Authorizing air pollution control commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to confidential information | 03/22/93 |
SB 171 | Authorizing air pollution control commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to requiring submission of emission statements | 03/22/93 |
SB 172 | Authorizing air pollution control commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to coal handling operations | 03/22/93 |
SB 173 | Authorizing air pollution control commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to permits for construction | 03/22/93 |
SB 174 | Authorizing air pollution control commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to pre-construction review | 03/22/93 |
SB 175 | Authorizing water resources board to promulgate legislative rules relating to underground injection control | 03/24/93 |
SB 176 | Authorizing water resources board to promulgate legislative rules relating to NPDES | 03/24/93 |
SB 177 | Authorizing water resources board to promulgate legislative rules relating to governing groundwater standards | 03/12/93 |
SB 179 | Authorizing solid waste management board to promulgate legislative rules relating to disbursement of grants | 03/18/93 |
SB 180 | Authorizing public energy authority to promulgate legislative rules relating to environmental assessment | 03/30/93 |
SB 181 | Authorizing director of miners' health, safety and training to promulgate legislative rules relating to certification of blasters | 03/22/93 |
SB 182 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rules relating to hazardous waste management | 03/24/93 |
SB 183 | Authorizing division of forestry to promulgate legislative rules relating to sediment control | 03/24/93 |
SB 184 | Authorizing division of forestry to promulgate legislative rules relating to sediment control; logger certification | 03/24/93 |
SB 185 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rules relating to operator designating use of oil and gas wells | 03/18/93 |
SB 186 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rules relating to abandoned wells | 03/12/93 |
SB 187 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rules relating to surface mining and reclamation | 03/30/93 |
SB 188 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rules relating to wells | 03/18/93 |
SB 189 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rules relating to underground tank assessment fees | 03/30/93 |
SB 190 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rules relating to groundwater protection act | 03/12/93 |
SB 191 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rules relating to underground storage tanks | 03/30/93 |
SB 192 | Authorizing department of health and human resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to infectious medical waste | 03/18/93 |
SB 193 | Authorizing department of health and human resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to residential board and care homes | 03/26/93 |
SB 194 | Authorizing division of health to promulgate legislative rules relating to trauma center or facility designation | 03/18/93 |
SB 195 | Authorizing division of health to promulgate legislative rules relating to primary care center seed money grants | 03/18/93 |
SB 196 | Authorizing division of health to promulgate legislative rules relating to uncompensated care grants | 03/18/93 |
SB 197 | Authorizing health care cost review authority to promulgate legislative rules relating to border hospitals | 03/23/93 |
SB 198 | Authorizing health care cost review authority to promulgate legislative rules relating to exemption for birthing centers | 03/23/93 |
SB 199 | Authorizing health care cost review authority to promulgate legislative rules relating to exemption for primary care hospitals | 03/26/93 |
SB 200 | Authorizing health care cost review authority to promulgate legislative rules relating to exemption for new primary care services | 03/23/93 |
SB 201 | Authorizing division of workers' compensation to promulgate legislative rules relating to enforcement of reporting and payment requirements | 03/01/93 |
SB 202 | Authorizing division of workers' compensation to promulgate legislative rules relating to medical evaluations | 03/01/93 |
SB 203 | Authorizing workers' compensation fund to promulgate legislative rules relating to self-insured employers | 03/01/93 |
SB 204 | Authorizing state fire commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to electrician licensing | 03/09/93 |
SB 205 | Authorizing jail and correctional facility standards commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to operation and maintenance of jails | 03/01/93 |
SB 206 | Authorizing state emergency response commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to the commission | 03/09/93 |
SB 208 | Authorizing racing commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to pari-mutuel wagering | 03/01/93 |
SB 209 | Authorizing racing commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to greyhound racing | 03/01/93 |
SB 210 | Authorizing racing commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to thoroughbred racing | 03/01/93 |
SB 211 | Authorizing state board of investments to promulgate legislative rules relating to reporting of state debt to the board | 03/12/93 |
SB 212 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rules relating to filing fees | 03/04/93 |
SB 213 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rules relating to regulation of certain insurances | 03/04/93 |
SB 214 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rules relating to long-term care insurance | 03/12/93 |
SB 215 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rules relating to minimum benefits for accident and sickness insurance | 03/04/93 |
SB 216 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rules relating to group coordination of benefits | 03/04/93 |
SB 217 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rules relating to uniform health care administration | 03/04/93 |
SB 218 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rules relating to medicare supplement insurance | 03/04/93 |
SB 219 | Authorizing division of motor vehicles to promulgate legislative rules relating to motor vehicle dealers | 03/24/93 |
SB 220 | Authorizing commissioner of agriculture to promulgate legislative rules relating to commercial feed | 03/09/93 |
SB 221 | Authorizing commissioner of agriculture to promulgate legislative rules relating to containment of fertilizers | 03/09/93 |
SB 222 | Authorizing commissioner of agriculture to promulgate legislative rules relating to non-bulk pesticide rules | 03/09/93 |
SB 223 | Authorizing commissioner of agriculture to promulgate legislative rules relating to general groundwater protection rules for pesticides | 03/09/93 |
SB 224 | Authorizing commissioner of agriculture to promulgate legislative rules relating to bulk pesticide operational rules | 03/09/93 |
SB 225 | Authorizing attorney general to promulgate legislative rules relating to consumer lease disclosures | 03/01/93 |
SB 226 | Authorizing commissioner of agriculture to promulgate legislative rules relating to general groundwater protection rules for fertilizers and manure | 03/09/93 |
SB 227 | Authorizing board of registration for professional engineers to promulgate legislative rules relating to the board | 03/22/93 |
SB 228 | Authorizing board of medicine to promulgate legislative rules relating to certifications; continuing education of physician assistants | 03/18/93 |
SB 229 | Authorizing board of medicine to promulgate legislative rules relating to licensing | 03/18/93 |
SB 230 | Authorizing board of examiners for registered professional nurses to promulgate legislative rules relating to limited prescriptive authority | 03/23/93 |
SB 231 | Authorizing board of pharmacy to promulgate legislative rules relating to the board | 03/18/93 |
SB 232 | Authorizing board of examiners of psychologists to promulgate legislative rules relating to penalties and fees | 03/10/93 |
SB 233 | Authorizing board of examiners of psychologists to promulgate legislative rules relating to qualifications for licensure as a psychologist | 03/10/93 |
SB 234 | Authorizing real estate commission to promulgate legislative rules relating to licensing of real estate brokers and salesmen | 03/22/93 |
SB 235 | Authorizing secretary of state to promulgate legislative rules relating to voter registration | 03/22/93 |
SB 236 | Authorizing secretary of state promulgate legislative rules relating to filing fee for credit service organizations | 03/22/93 |
SB 237 | Authorizing cable television advisory board to promulgate legislative rules relating to implementing regulations | 03/22/93 |
SB 238 | Authorizing real estate appraiser licensing and certification board to promulgate legislative rules relating to licensure and certification | 03/22/93 |
SB 239 | Authorizing board of social work examiners to promulgate legislative rules relating to social worker license | 03/25/93 |
SB 240 | Authorizing board of occupational therapy to promulgate legislative rules relating to administration of the board | 03/25/93 |
SB 241 | Authorizing division of personnel to promulgate legislative rules relating to administrative rules and regulations | 03/29/93 |
SB 242 | Eliminating certain vehicle license testing responsibility from state troopers | 03/01/93 |
SB 249 | Relating to juvenile probation officers | 03/01/93 |
SB 252 | Relating to discouraging use and distribution of tobacco products | 03/02/93 |
SB 271 | Removing cellular telephone service regulation from PSC jurisdiction | 03/04/93 |
SB 277 | Establishing forensic laboratory analysis fund | 03/04/93 |
SB 278 | Relating to elections generally | 03/04/93 |
SB 283 | Relating to interest rates of condemnation proceedings | 03/04/93 |
SB 284 | Establishing public financing of election campaigns for governor | 03/04/93 |
SB 285 | Defining neglected child; penalty | 03/04/93 |
SB 286 | Evaluating minor children prior to out-of-home placement | 03/04/93 |
SB 304 | Creating Uniform Commercial Code -- Negotiable Instruments | 03/05/93 |
SB 305 | Creating Uniform Commercial Code -- Leases | 03/05/93 |
SB 306 | Revising uniform controlled substances act | 03/05/93 |
SB 314 | Relating to contractor licensing act | 03/08/93 |
SB 317 | Providing criminal penalty for willful violation of employee rights | 03/09/93 |
SB 318 | Requiring lobbyists report all salary, compensation and other remuneration | 03/09/93 |
SB 319 | Relating to violations of individual's civil rights | 03/09/93 |
SB 320 | Relating to human rights commission | 03/09/93 |
SB 322 | Removing consolidation and merging of public service districts from PSC jurisdiction | 03/09/93 |
SB 338 | Providing professional engineers immunity from civil liability for certain emergency services | 03/09/93 |
SB 354 | Providing organization, administration and codification of division of environmental protection | 03/11/93 |
SB 371 | Exempting certain group annuity contracts and certificates from ten-day examination requirement | 03/16/93 |
SB 373 | Establishing procedure in suits filed against professional architects and engineers | 03/16/93 |
SB 388 | Relating to levy elections | 03/17/93 |
SB 391 | Prohibiting legislative members from entering into state government contracts | 03/17/93 |
SB 392 | Transferring duties of inmate management and programs | 03/17/93 |
SB 393 | Defining organ procurement organization | 03/17/93 |
SB 394 | Prohibiting implementation of new lottery games or programs | 03/18/93 |
SB 396 | Relating to surface owners' rights | 03/18/93 |
SB 398 | Providing penalty for false information given law-enforcement officers | 03/18/93 |
SB 401 | Relating to impeachment of probated wills | 03/18/93 |
SB 405 | Relating to local emergency telephone systems | 03/18/93 |
SB 406 | Requiring train locomotive have two-person crew | 03/18/93 |
SB 415 | Requiring certification of persons performing fire protection work | 03/19/93 |
SB 417 | Reconciling county commission ordinance on obscene matter | 03/19/93 |
SB 418 | Providing county local option elections permitting video lottery | 03/19/93 |
SB 422 | Clarifying election ballot transfer procedures | 03/19/93 |
SB 425 | Providing criminal penalty for endangering welfare of children | 03/19/93 |
SB 426 | Establishing sexual offenders sentencing and evaluation program | 03/19/93 |
SB 431 | Relating to unclaimed stale dated checks | 03/22/93 |
SB 432 | Requiring owner notification regarding abandoned property | 03/22/93 |
SB 433 | Reducing time property can be presumed abandoned | 03/22/93 |
SB 434 | Requiring fines for certain moving traffic violations be doubled | 03/22/93 |
SB 442 | Increasing amount of claim for payment of funeral expenses | 03/22/93 |
SB 447 | Creating workfare program | 03/22/93 |
SB 448 | Providing driver's license suspension for littering from motor vehicle | 03/22/93 |
SB 449 | Requiring smoke detectors in rental property | 03/22/93 |
SB 451 | Requiring certification of persons performing fire alarm and detection service | 03/22/93 |
SB 458 | Regulating sale and purchase of certain deadly weapons | 03/22/93 |
SB 473 | Providing alternative work period option for certain public employees | 03/22/93 |
SB 476 | Creating Rental-Purchase Agreement Act | 03/22/93 |
SB 482 | Relating to property distress for landlord's lien | 03/22/93 |
SB 490 | Establishing program issuing identification cards for children | 03/22/93 |
SB 495 | Limiting amount of punitive damages awarded plaintiffs | 03/22/93 |
SB 498 | Mandating driver's license suspension of persons convicted of drug-related offenses | 03/22/93 |
SB 499 | Creating Excursion Boat Gaming | 03/22/93 |
SB 500 | Relating to predisposition detention of juveniles | 03/22/93 |
SB 512 | Placing additional excise tax on transfer of certain real property | 03/22/93 |
SB 514 | Requiring helmets be worn during certain recreational activities | 03/22/93 |
SB 516 | Relating to sexual assault and sexual abuse | 03/22/93 |
SB 520 | Providing system of investigation of child sexual abuse | 03/22/93 |
SB 522 | Creating Hazardous Chemical and Materials Construction and Building Craft Protection Act | 03/22/93 |
SB 524 | Prohibiting transportation of unrestrained persons in back of open vehicles | 03/22/93 |
SB 527 | Relating to workers' compensation | 03/22/93 |
SB 530 | Authorizing department of health and human resources to promulgate legislative rules relating to residential board and care homes | 03/26/93 |
SB 533 | Regulating utility sales and services of energy and nonenergy products and equipment | 03/22/93 |
SB 536 | Relating to minimum staffing complement for child protective cases | 03/22/93 |
SB 538 | Limiting cemetery setting charges for veterans grave markers | 03/22/93 |
SB 540 | Relating to defining obscenity; criminal penalties | 03/22/93 |
SB 541 | Including unsafe working conditions within deliberate intention definition | 03/22/93 |
SB 543 | Establishing crime of assault and battery on police officer; penalties | 03/22/93 |
SB 544 | Requiring inmates contribute toward cost of incarceration | 03/22/93 |
SB 552 | Providing election investigations for secretary of state | 03/22/93 |
SB 553 | Eliminating requirement certain divorce and annulment documents be sealed by circuit clerk | 03/22/93 |
SB 556 | Rendering flight from police officer a crime | 03/22/93 |
SB 557 | Removing responsibility for concealed weapons permits from division natural resources | 03/22/93 |
SB 560 | Increasing value of goods required for crime of grand larceny | 03/22/93 |
SB 561 | Providing executive committees designate poll workers and election commissioners | 03/22/93 |
SB 565 | Relating to personal finances of nursing home patients | 03/22/93 |
SB 566 | Creating separate child abuse agency | 03/22/93 |
SB 567 | Relating to municipal annexation by election | 03/22/93 |
SB 569 | Transferring excess funds from greyhound breeding development fund | 03/23/93 |
SB 570 | Relating to pari-mutual tax rates at dog race tracks | 03/22/93 |
SB 585 | Relating to workers' compensation generally | 04/06/93 |
HB 2146 | Permitting duly registered voters who sign petitions to place the name of a candidate for office on the ballot to vote at a succeeding primary election | 04/03/93 |
HB 2151 | Transferring from county commissions to circuit courts the jurisdiction over proceedings to determine incompetency and the appointment of a guardian for an incompetent | 03/08/93 |
HB 2177 | Requiring power companies to identify persons within their district on life support systems, etc. | 03/08/93 |
HB 2199 | Restoring investigative powers to the Ethics Commission | 03/16/93 |
HB 2273 | Providing for suspension of driver's license for persons not paying fines and court costs imposed for criminal offenses | 03/30/93 |
HB 2501 | Repealing the Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act and enacting in lieu thereof the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act | 04/05/93 |
HB 2533 | Prohibiting any cemetery from charging more than fifty dollars to set a United States memorial affairs grave marker | 04/06/93 |
HB 2615 | Regulating the sale of beer, wine or alcoholic liquor to persons under the age of twenty-one years | 04/05/93 |
HB 2637 | Expanding the offense of knowingly providing false information to a state, county or municipal police officer | 04/02/93 |
HB 2639 | De novo appeals to the circuit court in cases involving elective share of a surviving spouse | 04/05/93 |
HB 2640 | Relating to intestate share of a decedent's surviving spouse | 04/05/93 |
HB 2649 | Establishing an underground facilities damage prevention program | 04/05/93 |
HB 2663 | Authorizing county commissions to obtain judgments against incarcerated misdemeanants for expenses of jail upkeep | 03/30/93 |
HB 2665 | Alternative work period option for law-enforcement and other similar professionals | 04/03/93 |
HB 2744 | Suspension of driver's or hunting license for failure to pay court costs and fines for motor vehicles or hunting violation | 03/31/93 |