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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill | Title | Date |
SB 368 | Creating Food Security Act | 02/26/07 |
SB 382 | Relating to reemployment of certain Supreme Court retirees | 03/01/07 |
SB 578 | Increasing incremental salary for public employees | 03/01/07 |
SB 669 | Allowing Commissioner of Highways transfer cash surpluses among agency funds | 03/01/07 |
SB 681 | Relating to WV Capital Company Act | 02/28/07 |
SB 744 | Creating Highway Corridor Infrastructure Assistance Program | 03/01/07 |
SB 750 | Reducing rate of corporation net income tax | 03/01/07 |
SB 751 | Phasing out business franchise tax | 03/01/07 |
SB 752 | Creating WV Commercial Intellectual Property Incentives Tax Act | 03/01/07 |
HB 2006 | Income tax deduction for gifts to West Virginia charities | 01/11/07 |
HB 2032 | Relating to a tax exemption on certain sales of clothing | 01/11/07 |
HB 2057 | Reducing the corporation net income tax | 01/12/07 |
HB 2064 | Allowing an increase in the earned income exclusion for personal income tax purposes in the amount of poverty guidelines | 01/12/07 |
HB 2067 | Exempting from personal property taxation, the equipment, inventory and raw materials of crafts people who have had their work evaluated and accepted or juried and accepted by the West Virginia arts and crafts guild | 01/12/07 |
HB 2073 | Making available to retired participants in PEIA the optional dental, vision, and audiology and hearing-aid services insurance plans that are available to current participants | 01/12/07 |
HB 2091 | Exempting nonprofit organizations from paying an annual motor vehicle registration fee | 01/12/07 |
HB 2101 | Reducing the federal adjusted gross income for motor fuel expenses incurred in commuting to and from one's occupation | 01/12/07 |
HB 2103 | Directing one half of any budget surplus in a fiscal year equally to every West Virginia family or individual within two hundred percent of the poverty level | 01/12/07 |
HB 2107 | Promoting contributions to the maintenance and improvement of state parks | 01/12/07 |
HB 2110 | Exempting from the consumers sales and service tax any sales of medicines by a physician in the treatment of a patient in his or her office | 01/12/07 |
HB 2158 | Providing a base starting pay and retention salary increases for Division of Protective Services law-enforcement officers, excluding the Director and Deputy Director | 01/16/07 |
HB 2161 | Imposing an excise tax on the sale or rental of obscene materials | 01/16/07 |
HB 2169 | Creating sales and use tax exemptions for purchases of design and engineering services and materials and equipment directly used in construction of new or replacement amusement rides | 01/16/07 |
HB 2177 | Providing a tax credit to medical providers in an amount equal to their investment in electronic medical record technology | 01/16/07 |
HB 2191 | Exempting certain start-up businesses founded by West Virginia college or university graduates from various state, county and municipal taxes | 01/16/07 |
HB 2198 | Exempting county school boards of education school buses from paying tolls for transit over the West Virginia Turnpike or any parkways authority project | 01/16/07 |
HB 2207 | Business and occupation tax credit to electric power generators for the use of West Virginia coal | 01/16/07 |
HB 2220 | Raising the "years of service" supplemental salary increase for public employees | 01/16/07 |
HB 2225 | Allowing counties to increase the occupancy tax on hotel use and stay to six percent of consideration | 02/02/07 |
HB 2239 | Requiring the Attorney General to comply with certain requirements when entering into contracts for legal services | 01/16/07 |
HB 2240 | Providing that the reduction in the tax rate provided in this section applies to mines operating before the effective date of the applicable provision | 01/16/07 |
HB 2246 | Eliminating fees charged by the Criminal Identification Bureau to the State Police for providing certain information to volunteer fire departments | 01/16/07 |
HB 2250 | Providing retention salary increases for Division of Corrections and the Division of Juvenile Services employees | 01/16/07 |
HB 2278 | Salary increases for public employees based upon residential housing costs | 01/17/07 |
HB 2286 | Relating to a monetary incentive for eligible employees | 01/17/07 |
HB 2287 | Relating to the West Virginia Community Corrections Fund | 01/17/07 |
HB 2340 | Allowing the Superintendent of the State Police to charge a one hundred dollar motor vehicle inspection facility application fee | 02/08/07 |
HB 2345 | Exempting one motor vehicle owned by a state resident on active duty from ad valorem taxes | 02/08/07 |
HB 2350 | Eliminating the sales tax on food | 01/19/07 |
HB 2353 | Authorizing the transfer of a portion of the reserve of the Public Employees Insurance Agency to the West Virginia Retiree Health Benefit Trust Fund | 02/13/07 |
HB 2367 | Requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to remediate any waste tire pile in the state consisting of more than twenty-five tires | 01/31/07 |
HB 2382 | Exempting funeral-related retail sales from the consumers sales tax | 01/22/07 |
HB 2431 | Providing an exemption from estate taxes and the Consumers Sales and Service Tax for certain expenses of any infant who dies before reaching one year of age | 01/23/07 |
HB 2445 | Reducing and gradually eliminating the business franchise tax | 01/23/07 |
HB 2452 | Providing an exemption from gross income for certain members of volunteer fire departments, for state personal income tax purposes | 01/23/07 |
HB 2462 | Changing the paygrade of "sanitation plant operator" from "f" to "g" | 01/24/07 |
HB 2499 | Increasing the earned income exclusion from ten thousand dollars to twenty-two thousand dollars | 01/24/07 |
HB 2500 | Exempting from the sales and use tax special equipment installed in a motor vehicle for the use of a person with physical disabilities | 02/15/07 |
HB 2510 | Establishing in the state treasury a targeted minority economic development fund to address economic issues of minorities and minority communities | 02/08/07 |
HB 2519 | Relating to legislative appropriation of tobacco settlement funds | 01/24/07 |
HB 2539 | Providing a tax credit to landlords who rent to parolees | 01/25/07 |
HB 2540 | Providing funding for the West Virginia Affordable Housing Trust Fund by imposing a transfer fee on transfer of all real property | 01/25/07 |
HB 2550 | Ensuring that members of the West Virginia State Police, who are called back to work when off-duty, are to be compensated for those hours | 02/16/07 |
HB 2551 | Relating to the underground storage tank insurance fund | 02/02/07 |
HB 2561 | Eliminating the severance tax and the health care provider tax on behavior health providers | 01/26/07 |
HB 2584 | Dedicating a portion of the receipts from the tax on food products to be distributed equally to each district of the Division of Highways | 01/26/07 |
HB 2695 | Pharmaceutical Cost Management Council, pharmaceutical advertising expense reporting | 01/29/07 |
HB 2704 | Providing State Treasury Fire Protection Fund revenue to the West Virginia State Fire Chiefs Association and the West Virginia State Fireman's Association | 01/30/07 |
HB 2707 | Providing for a pension for volunteer firemen | 02/21/07 |
HB 2716 | Reducing state income taxes for state and federal retirees by increasing the exemption on retirement income | 02/13/07 |
HB 2731 | Including a checkoff option to donate some or all of any tax refund to the "Jackson's Mill 4-H Camp Checkoff Program" | 01/30/07 |
HB 2739 | Providing veterans' death certificates to families and funeral directors at no cost | 02/15/07 |
HB 2753 | Providing a five percent personal income tax reduction | 01/31/07 |
HB 2771 | Relating to investment of moneys by the West Virginia Investment Management Board | 02/21/07 |
HB 2782 | Providing a loan forgiveness program for nurses | 02/01/07 |
HB 2797 | Providing a schedule of salary increases for employees of the Division of Corrections, the Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority and the Division of Juvenile Services | 02/01/07 |
HB 2798 | Publicizing tax delinquencies on the West Virginia Tax Department website | 02/01/07 |
HB 2810 | Subtracting social security benefits from federal adjusted gross income | 02/02/07 |
HB 2812 | Tax credit for employees who provide child day care services for their employees | 02/02/07 |
HB 2828 | Providing a housing supplement for members of the State Police | 02/05/07 |
HB 2830 | Reducing state income taxes for state and federal retirees | 02/05/07 |
HB 2836 | Allowing a public school employee or retiree who missed work as a result of pregnancy to purchase up to one year of service credit in the teachers retirement system | 02/20/07 |
HB 2855 | Exempting sales of propane gas for any church, religious sect, society or denomination consumption from the imposition of the excise tax on gasoline or special fuel | 02/06/07 |
HB 2863 | Clarifying retirement benefits for the Deputy Sheriff Retirement System | 02/06/07 |
HB 2879 | Providing one-time supplements to all annuitants when they reach the age of seventy | 02/07/07 |
HB 2890 | Excluding federal interest income when applying the income exclusion available to those sixty-five years of age or older and to persons permanently and totally disabled | 02/07/07 |
HB 2912 | Replacing the sales tax on food with a sales and service tax upon sales of wagers or plays by racetrack video lottery | 02/07/07 |
HB 2916 | Promulgating rules for the approval of a pay plan for all employees in the classified exempt service and to require the certification of classified exempt payrolls | 02/07/07 |
HB 2927 | Exempting certain income received by retired federal employees from the personal income tax | 02/08/07 |
HB 2942 | Relating to the reduction of state income taxes for certain state and federal retirees by increasing the exemption on retirement income | 02/08/07 |
HB 2946 | Removing the five year coalbed methane severance tax exemption | 02/08/07 |
HB 2953 | Relating to the expiration date of the tax for the manufacturing or production of synthetic fuel from coal | 02/08/07 |
HB 2961 | Providing all public employees a six percent pay raise | 02/09/07 |
HB 2975 | Permitting deed of trust or mortgage interest paid on a taxpayers' personal residences to be used for personal income tax purposes | 02/09/07 |
HB 2976 | Reinstating the sales tax exemption for comprehensive mental health care centers | 02/09/07 |
HB 2984 | Providing a cost-of-living adjustment for comprehensive community mental health care providers | 02/09/07 |
HB 2995 | Increasing the amount of annual and incremental salary increases for eligible state employees | 02/12/07 |
HB 2997 | Providing a salary increase for civilian employees of the state police | 02/12/07 |
HB 3022 | Exempting motor vehicles in funeral processions from the requirement to pay tolls on parkway projects | 02/19/07 |
HB 3027 | Allowing the federal adjusted gross income deduction for the amount spent for medical expenses | 02/13/07 |
HB 3030 | Relating to the imposition of a tax on corporations for the transfer of corporate real estate or equipment | 02/13/07 |
HB 3031 | Imposing an annual tax on land holdings in excess of one thousand acres | 02/13/07 |
HB 3043 | Exempting heating oil for residential use from the Motor Fuel Excise Tax | 02/13/07 |
HB 3045 | Creating a new pay grade classification of "bus operator II" | 02/20/07 |
HB 3049 | Authorizing Class III and IV municipalities to participate on a limited basis in the West Virginia Tax Increment Financing Act | 02/13/07 |
HB 3050 | Subtracting social security benefits from federal adjusted gross income to determine West Virginia adjusted gross income for purposes of personal income tax | 02/13/07 |
HB 3067 | Providing salary increases for deputies with college degrees | 02/14/07 |
HB 3091 | Providing an exemption from property taxation for property used by nonprofit corporations for providing electricity to residents | 02/15/07 |
HB 3095 | Providing tax credits for utility taxpayers with a net operating loss | 02/15/07 |
HB 3100 | Providing a motion picture tax credit | 02/16/07 |
HB 3104 | Relating to a severance tax imposed on surface mining activities | 02/16/07 |
HB 3105 | Increasing salaries for civilian employees of the State Police | 02/16/07 |
HB 3113 | Medical Cost Containment Act | 02/16/07 |
HB 3123 | Eliminating the food tax, increasing the tax on nonintoxicating beer, increasing the cigarette tax, increasing the noncigarette tobacco products tax..etc... | 02/19/07 |
HB 3135 | Relating to the soft drinks tax | 02/20/07 |
HB 3136 | Relating to the Severance and Business Privilege Tax Act and the Workers' Compensation Debt Reduction Act | 02/20/07 |
HB 3147 | Allowing the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection to use a certain portion of the civil penalties collected for watershed improvement projects | 02/21/07 |
HB 3149 | Relating to definitions of and security for loans made from the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund | 02/21/07 |
HB 3165 | Providing for a credit against the West Virginia personal income tax liability in the amount of payments made on student loans | 02/22/07 |
HB 3172 | Changing the qualifier for low income for a senior citizens' homestead tax credit | 02/22/07 |
HB 3174 | Including qualified continuing care retirement communities under the provision of the Tax Limitations Amendment | 02/22/07 |
HB 3176 | Relating to the business and occupation tax on manufacturing synthetic fuel | 02/22/07 |
HB 3185 | Relating to pro rata distribution of moneys from the West Virginia Racing Commission Special Account - Unredeemed Pari-Mutuel Tickets | 02/22/07 |
HB 3198 | Enacting the West Virginia Windfall Profit Tax Act | 02/22/07 |
HB 3199 | Providing a one hundred dollar tax credit to certain businesses that are required to reprogram its cash registers because of a change in the food tax | 02/22/07 |
HB 3209 | Providing benefits for those who have served in the military service | 02/22/07 |
HB 3210 | Protecting consumers of failed water or sewer utilities by authorizing the Public Service Commission to order a capable water or sewer public utility to acquire the failed utility | 02/22/07 |
HB 3216 | Allowing a disabled veteran one additional license plate | 02/22/07 |
HB 3224 | Removing certain exceptions in the definitions of employer and employee covered by the West Virginia minimum wage law | 02/23/07 |
HB 3227 | Providing the option for certain former state employees who were members of the Public Employees Retirement System to transfer to the State Teachers' Retirement System | 02/23/07 |
HB 3231 | Increasing the assessment of value of managed timberland while providing for a tax of ten percent on the sale or transfer of managed timberland | 02/23/07 |
HB 3233 | Increasing compensation paid to senior status magistrates | 02/23/07 |
HB 3234 | Providing that a judge becoming eligible for retirement is not required to contribute to the retirement system | 02/23/07 |
HB 3237 | Including certain credit unions and their employees in the definitions of "employer" and "employee" for purposes of the West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Agency | 02/23/07 |
HB 3238 | Relating to prohibiting legislators from enrolling in the state retirement system | 02/23/07 |
HB 3245 | Equalizing pay for all high school sports head coaches | 02/23/07 |
HB 3248 | Idle Reduction Technology Credit | 02/23/07 |
HB 3251 | Providing an excise tax on the recordation of mortgages and deeds of trust for implementing the provisions of the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act | 02/23/07 |
HB 3253 | Reverting the 911 fee on wireless telephones from three dollars to seventy-five cents | 02/23/07 |
HB 3255 | Directing any unallocated funds from the sale of bonds equally between the Economic Development Project Bridge Loan Fund, Infrastructure Fund for water and sewer improvements, and to the Disaster Recovery Fund | 02/23/07 |
HB 3259 | Providing for a modification to federal adjusted gross income for expenses incurred by organ donors | 02/23/07 |
HB 3260 | Abolishing the business and franchise tax | 02/23/07 |
HB 3267 | Reducing the rate of tax on corporation net income | 02/23/07 |