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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill | Title | Date |
SB 2 | Providing for automated license plate reader systems | 01/08/20 |
SB 9 | Requiring certain documents that contain wage records be considered confidential | 01/08/20 |
SB 15 | Removing municipalities' authority to restrict firearm possession without carry concealed permit during brief temporary events | 01/08/20 |
SB 33 | Relating to age requirements for appointment as deputy sheriff | 01/08/20 |
SB 49 | Allowing counties to implement one-percent consumers sales tax in certain circumstances | 01/08/20 |
SB 50 | Creating emergency text number systems for children | 01/08/20 |
SB 57 | Including correctional officers as law-enforcement within WV Fire, EMS, and Law-Enforcement Survivor Benefit Act | 01/08/20 |
SB 59 | Requiring contractors provide county boards of education number of units constructed prior to issuance of permit | 01/08/20 |
SB 64 | Expanding county commissions' ability to dispose of county or district property | 01/08/20 |
SB 70 | Requiring any newly constructed building to meet minimum standards for universal design for disabled persons | 01/08/20 |
SB 80 | Allowing county commissions to impose amusement tax | 01/08/20 |
SB 93 | Creating shared table initiative for senior citizens who suffer from food insecurity | 01/08/20 |
SB 109 | Relating to incentives for consolidating local governments | 01/08/20 |
SB 112 | Prohibiting legislators and part-time public officials from having interest in public contracts under certain circumstances | 01/08/20 |
SB 118 | Modifying procedure certain public agencies use to procure architectural and engineering services contracts | 01/08/20 |
SB 137 | Requiring Legislature provide funds to DHHR for local boards of health pay raises in certain circumstances | 01/08/20 |
SB 139 | Shifting funding from Landfill Closure Assistance Fund to local solid waste authorities | 01/08/20 |
SB 159 | Allowing municipalities to contract projects up to $50,000 without bidding | 01/09/20 |
SB 161 | Relating to Division of Forestry members' salaries | 01/09/20 |
SB 176 | Limiting number of days legislators may receive compensation under certain circumstances | 01/09/20 |
SB 210 | Prohibiting registered lobbyists from appointment to state legislative, executive, or judicial position for five years | 01/09/20 |
SB 214 | Shifting funding from Landfill Closure Assistance Fund to local solid waste authorities | 01/09/20 |
SB 218 | Creating Occupational Licensing Consumer Choice Act | 01/09/20 |
SB 221 | Relating to disposition of vacated school buildings or other state-owned buildings | 01/09/20 |
SB 252 | Creating Emergency Medical Services Personnel Loan Forgiveness Program | 01/10/20 |
SB 256 | Requiring notice be sent to owners of record before real property can be sold due to nonpayment of taxes | 01/10/20 |
SB 273 | Reducing time original owner of real property may redeem property after tax lien sale | 01/10/20 |
SB 304 | Relating to county board of education financial statements | 01/10/20 |
SB 309 | Relating to competitive bidding for government construction contracts arising from state of emergency | 01/10/20 |
SB 313 | Reorganizing various boards and authorities for licensing and oversight of trades, occupations, and professions | 01/13/20 |
SB 317 | Creating Board for Professional Geologists | 01/13/20 |
SB 318 | Prohibiting regulation and licensing of occupations by local government | 01/13/20 |
SB 479 | Relating to registration and use of military surplus vehicles | 01/15/20 |
SB 488 | Relating to membership of Oil and Gas Conservation Commission | 01/15/20 |
SB 499 | Removing barriers to employment for certain individuals with criminal records | 01/15/20 |
SB 503 | Removing barriers to employment for certain individuals with criminal records | 01/15/20 |
SB 505 | Relating to acquisition and disposition of property by urban development authority | 01/24/20 |
SB 531 | Shifting funding from Landfill Closure Assistance Fund to local solid waste authorities | 01/17/20 |
SB 548 | Relating to occupational licensing or government certification | 01/20/20 |
SB 556 | Prohibiting members of Legislature and part-time public officials from having interest in public contracts | 01/21/20 |
SB 591 | Establishing Office of State Inspector General | 01/22/20 |
SB 593 | Relating to required equipment for State Police and Natural Resources police officers | 01/22/20 |
SB 596 | Requiring Public Land Corporation and Real Estate Division review all vacated public-owned property | 01/22/20 |
SB 609 | Relating to Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management | 01/24/20 |
SB 613 | Establishing State Resiliency Office and Officer | 01/24/20 |
SB 634 | Authorizing municipality adopt most recent edition of ICC International Property Maintenance Code | 01/28/20 |
SB 640 | Creating Division of Biological Evidence Services | 01/28/20 |
SB 646 | Relating to proposals for new occupational regulation | 01/29/20 |
SB 650 | Altering color scheme for county, city, or municipality vehicle registration plates | 01/29/20 |
SB 658 | Establishing Office of Administrative Hearings within DMAPS | 01/30/20 |
SB 667 | Modifying composition of Commission on Holocaust Education | 01/30/20 |
SB 683 | Separating Fire Marshal and Fire Commission | 01/31/20 |
SB 684 | Excluding certain wholesale electric generating facilities from PSC regulation | 02/03/20 |
SB 697 | Requiring State Police be compensated for time spent on standby | 02/04/20 |
SB 704 | Allowing disabled purple heart recipients park free at municipal metered parking spaces | 02/12/20 |
SB 737 | Requiring contractors performing work on government computers use software to verify hours worked | 02/07/20 |
SB 741 | Authorizing municipalities place certain property into receivership | 02/10/20 |
SB 743 | Establishing Office of Regulatory and Fiscal Affairs under Joint Committee on Government and Finance | 02/10/20 |
SB 753 | Authorizing PSC approve plans to install middle-mile broadband fiber | 02/12/20 |
SB 759 | Authorizing municipalities establish low-cost alternative energy revolving loan program | 02/12/20 |
SB 773 | Requiring county or regional solid waste authorities provide roll-off dumpster free of charge | 02/13/20 |
SB 799 | Establishing WV Convention and Visitor's Bureau Oversight Council | 02/17/20 |
SB 813 | Establishing searchable databases for registered corporation and sole proprietorship information | 02/17/20 |
SB 835 | Transferring WV Network for Educational Telecomputing to Office of Technology | 02/17/20 |
HB 4380 | Updating the regulatory board review schedule | 02/07/20 |
HB 4453 | Expanding the eligibility requirements for private investigator and security guard licensure | 02/10/20 |
HB 4864 | Relating to performance reviews of state agencies and regulatory boards | 02/21/20 |