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Delegate Phillips sponsored 41 bills:


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HB 2017 Including facilities of the Departments of Health, Corrections and the Legislature within the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/10/93 
HB 2018 Repeal of woodland fee Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/10/93 
HB 2019 Permitting industrial parks and subdivisions to create maintenance associations in unincorporated areas Pending  Senate GOVO Committee  03/24/93 
HB 2038 Providing a judicial method for removal of members of county boards of education who fail or refuse to attend orientation and training programs mandated by law Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/10/93 
HB 2066 Repeal of article creating the state lottery Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/10/93 
HB 2102 Criminal penalties for the fraudulent use, forgery or traffic of counterfeit credit cards Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2126 Removing the requirement that petitions for injunctive relief under the open governmental proceedings law be filed within thirty days of actions taken or decisions made by a public body Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2179 Repeal of provisions requiring insurance companies to obtain releases from minors Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2180 Repeal of section relating to fire and marine insurance auditing and stamping offices Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2181 Advance notice requirements insurers must give to certain covered persons concerning conversion or termination Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2182 Responsibility of insurers to appoint an agent before accepting any application of insurance Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2215 Authorizing members of paid fire departments to participate in political activities Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/04/93 
HB 2223 Requiring businesses which sell alcoholic beverages to obtain a citing permit prior to obtaining a license to sell such beverages Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/93 
HB 2228 Relating to the effect of deferred purchase money lien or encumbrance filed within sixty days after purchase of a motor vehicle Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2229 Property subject to distress and levy in satisfaction of a landlord's lien Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/93 
HB 2230 Limitation on accrual of charges for towing, preservation and storage of abandoned or junked motor vehicles Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2231 Relating to the impeachment of a probated will and the probate of a foreign will Pending    2nd Reading  07/16/93 
HB 2241 Rescinding certain new lottery games and programs and requiring legislative approval of implementation of new games Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/23/93 
HB 2248 Including physician assistant-midwives in the criteria for licensed physician assistants Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2249 Deleting a state law requirement regarding loans to banking officers and directors covered by federal law requirements Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2250 Relating to joint deposit accounts Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2251 Providing fiduciaries with specific statutory powers to respond to environmental problems Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2252 Permitting state-chartered banking institutions and bank holding companies to engage in real estate title insurance agency or brokerage business Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  02/23/93 
HB 2262 Providing for meetings and conference rights for members of municipal police and fire departments Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/24/93 
HB 2271 Continuation of coverage under an automobile liability policy Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2286 General revision of the laws relating to authority of the state insurance commissioner to regulate the insurance industry Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2438 Relating to marketing and rate practices for small employer accident and sickness insurance policies Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  03/02/93 
HB 2439 General revision of existing Medicare supplement insurance statutes Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  03/02/93 
HB 2440 Relating to the requirement of insurance agents, solicitors, excess line brokers, service representatives and adjusters to keep current addresses on file with the Insurance Commissioner so that proper notices of hearing can be served Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2441 Excluding the West Virignia Board of Risk and Insurance Management from the definition of insurer under the Unauthorized Insurers Act Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  03/02/93 
HB 2469 Providing a method of financing the operation of the Mason County Public Library Pending    1st Reading  04/07/93 
HB 2580 Relating to uninsured and underinsured motor vehicle insurance coverage Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2604 Transferring the administration of preneed burial contract from the Office of the Attorney General to the Office of the Insurance Commissioner Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/16/93 
HB 2632 General revision of the statutes governing the Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2650 West Virginia Insurance Fraud Act Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  03/19/93 
HB 2682 Relating to the purpose of the children's fund Pending  House Finance Committee  03/23/93 
HB 2709 Relating generally to increasing the cost-effective administration of the judicial system by courts and their officers Pending  House Finance Committee  04/01/93 
HB 2728 Relating to substandard risk motor vehicle insurance policies Signed    Governor  05/19/93 
HB 2767 Permitting automobile insurance companies to convert from single car policies to multicar policies Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  03/29/93 
HB 2770 Tuition waivers for persons at least sixty years old who audit college courses Pending  House Education Committee  03/29/93 
HB 2808 Relating to individual and group accident and sickness insurance policies and limited benefits, etc. Tabled    3rd Reading  04/03/93 
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