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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Delegate Perry sponsored 98 bills: |
Bill![]() |
Title |
Status |
Committee |
Step |
Last Action |
HB 2104 | Providing that retiring municipal police officers may keep their service revolver | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/17/06 |
HB 2140 | Increasing the foundation allowances for professional educators to fifty-five and service personnel to thirty-seven for each one thousand students | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2157 | Providing for safe schools through alternative education programs and providing certain juvenile justice records to public school officials | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2159 | Increasing the multiplier for a retirement annuity in the public employees retirement system | Pending | House Pensions and Retirement | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2206 | Requiring a license for entities that only take assignment of regulated consumer loans or for entities that only service regulated consumer loans | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2208 | Making available to retired participants in PEIA the optional dental, vision, and audiology and hearing-aid services insurance plans that are available to current participants | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2209 | Creating an affirmative defense for certain civil and criminal actions arising from the sale of certain alcoholic drinks and nonintoxicating beer by licensed private clubs to persons under the age of twenty-one whose age is verified by use of scanner technology | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2245 | Altering the criminal penalties for driving while license is suspended or revoked | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2310 | Providing Good Friday as a state legal holiday | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2375 | Providing a salary supplement for providers of medicaid eligible services in the public schools | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2379 | Requiring property owners to keep property adjacent to intersections clear of obstacles for line of sight of operators of motor vehicles | Pending | House Roads and Transportation | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2394 | Providing for provisional licenses, requiring disclosure of fees prior to closing in a mortgage loan, and changing the mortgage order appeal and hearing schedule to make them consistent with the banking code | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2425 | Providing a statutory good faith exception to the exclusionary rule when evidence has been obtained during an execution of a search warrant, arrest warrant or capias | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2462 | Providing that the assignment and transfer of real property for research and development at institutions of higher education for economic development purposes includes housing projects | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2473 | limiting the eligibility of parole if the person has violated the terms and conditions of probation or home incarceration | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2488 | Providing that accident report forms are conclusive as to the issue of the accident's cause, unless a court rules otherwise | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2499 | Relating to increasing supplemental benefits to certain teacher retirement annuitants | Pending | House Pensions and Retirement | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2521 | Increasing by one the number of allowable magistrate court deputy clerks and designating an additional deputy clerk for Braxton County | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2600 | Requiring the installation of fire hydrants at intervals of not less than one thousand feet in all upgrades of water mains and construction and installation of new mains | Pending | House Political Subdivisions | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2616 | Removing the time restriction under which persons retiring under the teachers defined benefit retirement system are allowed to become employed by an institution of higher education | Pending | House Pensions and Retirement | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2632 | Relating to the filing of insurance rates and forms | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2662 | Relating to granting campus police officers law enforcement powers at private institutions of higher education in this state | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2784 | Allowing comparable credit at trade or vocational schools approved by the State Board to count towards service personnel pay rates | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2793 | Increasing the number of persons to whom credit union services would be extended | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2797 | Relating to salary increases for Division of Corrections and Division of Juvenile Services employees based on years of service | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2805 | Relating to substitute service personnel seniority | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2884 | Relating to gradually exempting from taxation personal property which is employed exclusively in agriculture | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2928 | Relating to examinations of insurance and health care facilities | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 2968 | Providing health insurance coverage under PEIA for long-term substitute teachers and granting permanently employed professional personnel status for filling vacancies | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 3019 | Community volunteer enrichment programs in the public schools | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/28/06 |
HB 3113 | Reducing from four years to one year the time that an action may be brought for a violation of the Consumer Protection Act involving consumer credit sales or consumer loans | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 3119 | Providing that the Division of Natural Resources may not reduce the habitat land acreage available for hunting and shooting | Signed | Governor | 04/17/06 | |
HB 3133 | Establishing school service personnel class title and pay grade for the positions of "Administrative Assistant" and "Legal Secretary" | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 3274 | Providing that bank holding companies should provide lists of stockholders to the Commissioner | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 3275 | Requiring banking institutions to post bond or other security for the deposit of county, municipal, or county board of education funds | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 01/11/06 |
HB 4040 | Requiring voter approval prior to closure and consolidation of certain schools | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 01/20/06 |
HB 4049 | Relating to state funded student financial aid | Signed | Governor | 04/17/06 | |
HB 4051 | Raising the minimum wage | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/19/06 |
HB 4062 | Prohibiting individual county board of education members from acting on behalf of the board in an individual capacity unless authorized by law | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/20/06 |
HB 4063 | Expanding the authority of the Commissioner of Banking concerning use of certain banking terms in connection with the name of a business | Signed | Governor | 04/17/06 | |
HB 4064 | Defining when classroom teachers are transferred so that school administrators know when to implement the notice provisions | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/20/06 |
HB 4065 | Relating to notification of parole hearings | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/14/06 |
HB 4066 | Limiting the amount the Division of Corrections and its contracted medical providers may pay for medical care administered to inmates | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/20/06 |
HB 4068 | Limiting the eligibility of a person for parole if the person has violated the terms and conditions of probation or home incarceration | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/02/06 |
HB 4089 | Establishing a new license plate that designates city or municipality law-enforcement departments; specifying the design and one time fee | Pending | Concurrence | 03/07/06 | |
HB 4102 | Exempting county school boards of education school buses from paying tolls for transit over the West Virginia Turnpike or any parkways authority project | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/25/06 |
HB 4107 | Clearly defining the offense of abuse or neglect of incapacitated adults or elder persons which result in the death of such persons, to include the offense of murder | Pending | Concurrence | 03/11/06 | |
HB 4133 | Clarifying that magistrate courts have concurrent juvenile jurisdiction with circuit courts with regard to enforcement of laws prohibiting the possession or use of tobacco or tobacco products by minors | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 03/03/06 |
HB 4247 | Relating to the time period for which state banks must retain records | Tabled | 3rd Reading | 03/07/06 | |
HB 4248 | Changing investment limitation for state chartered banks | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 01/30/06 |
HB 4249 | Authorizing state banking institutions to issue more than one class of stock | Tabled | 3rd Reading | 03/07/06 | |
HB 4250 | Relating to the appointment of members of banking institutions to the Board of Banking and Financial Institutions | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 01/30/06 |
HB 4252 | Relating to limitations on loans and extensions of credit | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 01/30/06 |
HB 4260 | Requiring state board review of system of education performance audits | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/16/06 |
HB 4266 | Relating to a bank dealing in its own stock and providing limitations and exceptions | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 01/30/06 |
HB 4283 | Providing a preference to West Virginia veterans in the awarding of state contracts in the competitive bidding process | Signed | Governor | 04/17/06 | |
HB 4286 | Giving reserve deputy sheriffs the authority to carry firearms and to arrest, if properly certified | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/31/06 |
HB 4299 | Authorizing the Commissioner of Banking to enter into contracts with federally insured depository institutions to provide loan review services by Division of Banking employees | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/09/06 |
HB 4300 | Allowing the Executive Director of the West Virginia Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority to establish a work program for qualified inmates sentenced to a regional jail facility | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/14/06 |
HB 4301 | Establishing a relocation assistance program for nonprobationary correctional officers who volunteer to relocate from an adequately staffed regional jail to a regional jail that is understaffed | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 01/31/06 |
HB 4326 | Enacting the Drug Dealer Liability Act | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/01/06 |
HB 4329 | Providing for alternative methods of verification of tax payment | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/21/06 |
HB 4351 | Providing State Treasury Fire Protection Fund revenue to the West Virginia State Fire Chiefs Association and the West Virginia State Fireman's Association | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 03/02/06 |
HB 4372 | Relating to the Public Employees Retirement System and the Teachers Retirement System; and providing a one-time supplement for annuitants and survivor beneficiaries after being retired five consecutive years | Pending | House Pensions and Retirement | Committee | 02/02/06 |
HB 4398 | Improving the capacity of county boards of education to provide school health services | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 03/02/06 |
HB 4403 | Providing retention salary increases for Division of Corrections and the Division of Juvenile Services employees | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/06/06 |
HB 4406 | Removing the requirement to evaluate certain classroom teachers at least every three years | Signed | Governor | 04/17/06 | |
HB 4430 | Exempting magistrates from the licensing requirements for carrying a concealed weapon | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/06/06 |
HB 4447 | Authorizing county boards of education to lease school buses for transportation associated with fairs, festivals and other educational and cultural events | Pending | 1st Reading | 03/11/06 | |
HB 4474 | Increasing the earned income exclusion from ten thousand dollars to twenty-two thousand dollars | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 03/02/06 |
HB 4480 | Abortion Complication Reporting Act | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/06 |
HB 4486 | Relating to minimum base pay for members of the National Guard and providing tuition payment for the cost of post-graduate courses | Signed | Governor | 04/17/06 | |
HB 4501 | Increasing the compensation for aides and para-professionals with large numbers of pupils in kindergarten and grades one through six | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/13/06 |
HB 4505 | Providing a two thousand eight dollar salary increase for each employee of the Division of Corrections | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/13/06 |
HB 4506 | Reducing state income tax for state correctional officer retirees | Pending | House Pensions and Retirement | Committee | 02/13/06 |
HB 4518 | Relating to substitute service personnel seniority | Pending | 1st Reading | 03/11/06 | |
HB 4540 | Authorizing public school teachers to purchase one personal computer and related devices per year from the state contract for use outside the classroom | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/14/06 |
HB 4544 | Allowing for more teachers to be reimbursed for approved course work | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 03/07/06 |
HB 4547 | Increasing the funds available for transfer to the Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund in certain circumstances | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 03/02/06 |
HB 4548 | Prohibiting sale or serving of soft drinks during school day in elementary, middle and junior high schools in areas accessible to students | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/14/06 |
HB 4556 | Relating to the enforcement of accessible parking spaces for motorists with mobility impairments | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 03/07/06 |
HB 4561 | Prohibiting coverage for abortions under insurance plans provided under the Public Employees Insurance Act | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/14/06 |
HB 4570 | Relating to the justifiable use of force, including deadly force, in the protection of persons and property | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/15/06 |
HB 4578 | Extending the expiration date of provisions permitting retired teachers to accept employment as substitutes in areas of critical need and shortage for an unlimited number of days without affecting retirement benefits | Pending | Concurrence | 03/11/06 | |
HB 4586 | Limiting graduate work completed by teachers for advanced salary classification | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/16/06 |
HB 4593 | Requiring state board rule for approval and operation of alternative preparation programs for teachers to obtain additional certification area endorsements | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/16/06 |
HB 4610 | Clarifying that the cost of coverage for participating retired employees may not be subsidized by participating active employees | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/17/06 |
HB 4620 | Providing for the salary range of the Commissioner of Banking and the Insurance Commissioner | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 03/08/06 |
HB 4669 | Relating to sexual assault and sexual abuse of minors | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/21/06 |
HB 4689 | Relating to increasing beginning teacher salaries | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 03/09/06 |
HB 4690 | Making West Virginia University Institute of Technology a division of West Virginia University | Signed | Governor | 04/17/06 | |
HB 4703 | Relating to authorizing reciprocity weapons licensing for nonresidents | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/22/06 |
HB 4710 | Exempting nonprofit organizations from paying an annual motor vehicle registration fee | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/22/06 |
HB 4714 | Delineating certain professional and personal services that are exempt from consumers sales tax | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/27/06 |
HB 4723 | Placing a five cent tax on bottled water and dedicating the proceeds therefrom | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/22/06 |
HB 4821 | Providing all public retirees a one-time increase of six percent | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/24/06 |
HB 4825 | Providing all public employees a six percent pay raise | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/24/06 |
HB 4837 | Raising the fees for licensing money-service businesses | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/24/06 |