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Delegate Poling sponsored 66 bills:


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HB 2464 Changing the paygrade of "sanitation plant operator" from "f" to "g" Pending  House Education Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2784 Allowing comparable credit at trade or vocational schools approved by the State Board to count towards service personnel pay rates Pending  House Education Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2796 Relating to controlling post-construction storm water runoff from subdivisions and developments Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2805 Relating to substitute service personnel seniority Pending  House Education Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2806 Providing for increased compensation for aides and paraprofessionals with large numbers of pupils in kindergarten and grades one through six Pending  House Education Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2842 Establishing a program to provide cellular telephones to seniors and low income families for making emergency telephone calls Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2859 Relating to overtime and holiday pay for classified employees Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2863 Prohibiting the use of credit scoring as a consideration in calculating insurance rates in homeowners or automobile liability policies Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2881 Relating to providing for liens upon proceeds or awards of a child support obligor from Workers' Compensation awards Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2924 Allowing state employees to take paid leave to attend parent-teacher conference for their children Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2947 Requiring payments for delinquent real estate taxes submitted fourteen days prior to the date of the sheriff's sale, be made by cashiers check, money order, certified check or United States currency Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 2968 Providing health insurance coverage under PEIA for long-term substitute teachers and granting permanently employed professional personnel status for filling vacancies Pending  House Education Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2994 Providing that the foundation allowance for regional education service agencies is established by the Legislature Pending  House Education Committee  01/11/06 
HB 3020 Authorizing private campus police officers at private institutions of higher education in this state Pending  House Education Committee  01/11/06 
HB 3197 Relating to providing for a leave donation program for the president of the West Virginia Troopers' Association Pending  House Finance Committee  01/11/06 
HB 3339 Relating to motor vehicle inspections and eliminating the headlight adjustment provisions of the inspection fee Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  01/11/06 
HB 4001 Prohibiting the State of West Virginia and its political subdivisions from exercising a right of eminent domain for private gain Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/11/06 
HB 4030 Relating to limiting the administration of a Voluntary Contribution Fund or similar benefit plan by members and employees of the West Virginia State Police Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4038 Relating to donation and transfer of surplus personal computers and other information systems, technology and equipment for educational purposes Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/07/06 
HB 4040 Requiring voter approval prior to closure and consolidation of certain schools Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/20/06 
HB 4045 Prohibiting the State of West Virginia and its political subdivisions from exercising a right of eminent domain to advantage one private property owner over another Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/18/06 
HB 4052 Providing that alleged victims of domestic violence or abuse have the right to have a person of their choosing present when they are interviewed by law-enforcement officers or the prosecuting attorney Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/02/06 
HB 4072 Prohibiting a person not the owner of a dog from removing tags, collars or apparel from a dog without the permission of the owner Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/06/06 
HB 4104 Exempting from the sales and use tax special equipment installed in a motor vehicle for the use of a person with physical disabilities Pending  House Finance Committee  02/17/06 
HB 4111 Enabling a consumer to direct a consumer reporting agency to place a "security freeze" on his or her credit report Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  01/25/06 
HB 4113 Relating to the issuance of a special registration plate for veteran recipients of the United States Armed Forces Air Medal Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  01/26/06 
HB 4116 Increasing the amount of timber that can be sold on state Wildlife Management Areas, without sealed bids, from $500 to $5,000 Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4119 Creating the ATV Responsibility Act Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4129 Providing a full disclosure of the percentage of the contribution that will go to the professional solicitor and the percentage of the contribution that will go to the charitable organization Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/13/06 
HB 4131 Relating to the Public Service Commission Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/26/06 
HB 4264 Creating the Student and Family Privacy Protection Act Pending  House Education Committee  01/30/06 
HB 4302 Providing criminal penalties for persons convicted of human trafficking and involuntary servitude offenses Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/31/06 
HB 4306 Creating a criminal offense for picketing or disrupting funerals or memorial services Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/10/06 
HB 4317 Prohibiting the willful obstruction or impediment of a funeral or interment service Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/01/06 
HB 4332 Capping premium increases for Public Employees Insurance Agency retirees at five percent Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/01/06 
HB 4337 Allowing one to carry an uncased or loaded gun in the woods of this state to hunt coyotes in the open season Pending  House A&N Committee  02/01/06 
HB 4379 Relating to insurance coverage for mammograms, pap smears and human papillmovavirus Signed    Governor  04/25/06 
HB 4393 Adjusting foundation allowance for transportation for projected fuel costs Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/02/06 
HB 4398 Improving the capacity of county boards of education to provide school health services Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/02/06 
HB 4406 Removing the requirement to evaluate certain classroom teachers at least every three years Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4424 Increasing the excise tax on tobacco products Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/06/06 
HB 4453 Clarifying the powers and duties of conservation officers as it relates to searches and seizures Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4456 Removing limitations on beaver trapping Signed    Governor  04/25/06 
HB 4457 Promoting and facilitating the breastfeeding of infants Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/07/06 
HB 4463 Reforming the school aid formula by reducing the regular levy deducted from county boards of education Pending  House Education Committee  02/09/06 
HB 4465 Increasing teachers salaries by six percent Pending  House Education Committee  02/09/06 
HB 4479 Relating to Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4487 Allowing an individual, who is at least sixteen years of age, to be in the vehicle to assist the Class Q permittee Signed    Governor  04/25/06 
HB 4515 Relating to the denial of course credits for unexcused absences in school Pending  House Education Committee  02/13/06 
HB 4529 Allowing nonprofit organizations and their employees to participate in the Public Employees Insurance Program Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  02/13/06 
HB 4540 Authorizing public school teachers to purchase one personal computer and related devices per year from the state contract for use outside the classroom Pending  House Education Committee  02/14/06 
HB 4544 Allowing for more teachers to be reimbursed for approved course work Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/07/06 
HB 4546 Continuing additional compensation for holders of national board for professional teaching standards certification who are subsequently employed in principal and assistant principal positions Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/07/06 
HB 4556 Relating to the enforcement of accessible parking spaces for motorists with mobility impairments Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/07/06 
HB 4585 Relating to sexual abuse by a juvenile between the ages of twelve and fourteen Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4586 Limiting graduate work completed by teachers for advanced salary classification Pending  House Education Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4615 Providing a one-time salary increase of one thousand dollars to state employees who do not otherwise receive a salary increase during the 2006 regular session Pending  House Finance Committee  02/17/06 
HB 4675 Creating a new service personnel category, designated "bus operator II", for bus operators with ten years of experience Pending  House Education Committee  02/21/06 
HB 4678 Authorizing the Agriculture Commissioner to regulate aquaculture wastes Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/02/06 
HB 4689 Relating to increasing beginning teacher salaries Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/09/06 
HB 4696 Capping premium increases for retirees at five percent and modifying the twenty percent premium cost sharing requirement of employees Pending  House Finance Committee  02/22/06 
HB 4701 Relating to the eligibility for in-state tuition in state institutions of higher education Pending  House Education Committee  02/22/06 
HB 4703 Relating to authorizing reciprocity weapons licensing for nonresidents Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/06 
HB 4749 Providing a six percent salary increase for all school service personnel Pending  House Education Committee  02/23/06 
HB 4785 Allowing school service personnel the opportunity to vote on giving transfer preference to employees from a merged school Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/07/06 
HB 4848 Relating to requirements for physical education in the public schools Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/02/06 
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