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Delegate Williams sponsored 84 bills:


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HB 2016 Increasing the maximum number of magistrate court deputy clerks that may be appointed from sixty-two to seventy-two Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 2494 Relating to prohibiting deputy sheriffs from engaging in political activities Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2784 Allowing comparable credit at trade or vocational schools approved by the State Board to count towards service personnel pay rates Pending  House Education Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2847 Including a clinic-based health care option under the definition of a "limited health service" Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2884 Relating to gradually exempting from taxation personal property which is employed exclusively in agriculture Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2943 Establishing county and municipal authorities to provide for and maintain facilities to house Child Advocacy Centers Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  01/11/06 
HB 2968 Providing health insurance coverage under PEIA for long-term substitute teachers and granting permanently employed professional personnel status for filling vacancies Pending  House Education Committee  01/11/06 
HB 3109 Allowing a nonresident, licensed to carry concealed weapons in another state, to carry a concealed weapon in this state without a reciprocal agreement between the nonresident's state and this state Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/11/06 
HB 3119 Providing that the Division of Natural Resources may not reduce the habitat land acreage available for hunting and shooting Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 3131 Allowing a school service mechanic to have experience, training and certifications considered towards his or her pay rate Pending  House Education Committee  01/11/06 
HB 3358 Relating to severance tax imposed on natural gas produced from wells placed in service on or after July 1, 2005 Pending  House Finance Committee  01/11/06 
HB 4032 Relating to authorizing the Consolidated Public Retirement Board to recover the payment and a fee, as provided by legislative rule, from a participating employer who fails to timely pay amounts due Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4033 Clarifying benefit termination for disability retirants terminated for economic causes and reapplication by disability retirants terminated for economic causes Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/17/06 
HB 4034 Removing the requirement that a no longer disabled employee must return to his or her former job Pending    Concurrence  03/11/06 
HB 4035 Removing the ability of a member to choose a beneficiary who has an insurable interest, other than his or her spouse or disabled dependent child, to receive an annuity; and allowing a member or former member to choose to have the preretirement death benefit paid in a lump sum amount Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/17/06 
HB 4037 Correcting definitions applicable to the assessment of real property Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4040 Requiring voter approval prior to closure and consolidation of certain schools Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/20/06 
HB 4049 Relating to state funded student financial aid Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4077 Establishing a state minimum salary supplement for professional personnel holding a nationally recognized professional certification in speech-language pathology, audiology or counseling Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/02/06 
HB 4078 Notifying persons from out-of-state who issue worthless checks in this state and who, fail to pay the check and applicable fine or fail to appear in court, that a notice of their failure will be sent to the Division of Motor Vehicles Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/24/06 
HB 4079 Providing salary supplements and expense reimbursements to professional personnel who meet certain professional national certification standards Pending  House Education Committee  01/24/06 
HB 4081 Establishing guidelines for the development and implementation of individual diabetes health care plans and requiring their implementation by local school boards Pending  House Education Committee  01/24/06 
HB 4099 Establishing a special sidelock black powder rifle deer hunting season Pending  House A&N Committee  01/25/06 
HB 4102 Exempting county school boards of education school buses from paying tolls for transit over the West Virginia Turnpike or any parkways authority project Pending  House Finance Committee  01/25/06 
HB 4105 Requiring persons who have judgments against them and their wages to notify the court of any change of employer Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4107 Clearly defining the offense of abuse or neglect of incapacitated adults or elder persons which result in the death of such persons, to include the offense of murder Pending    Concurrence  03/11/06 
HB 4114 Providing for a two percent rebate to the taxpayer of the timber severance tax Pending  House A&N Committee  01/26/06 
HB 4129 Providing a full disclosure of the percentage of the contribution that will go to the professional solicitor and the percentage of the contribution that will go to the charitable organization Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/13/06 
HB 4241 Preventing a merchant from soliciting a consumer's telephone number during a retail sales transaction unless the information is required for a legitimate purpose Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/06 
HB 4243 Relating to salvage certificates for certain wrecked vehicles Pending  Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee  02/21/06 
HB 4256 Providing a procedure for removal of county, district or municipal officers Vetoed    Governor  03/19/06 
HB 4258 Regulating captive cervid farming as an agricultural enterprise in this state Pending  House A&N Committee  01/30/06 
HB 4260 Requiring state board review of system of education performance audits Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4265 Providing that when a person from another state writes a worthless check in this state which results in a summons to appear in magistrate court but then fails to appear shall have his or her privilege to drive in this state revoked Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/06 
HB 4284 Increasing the penalty for an accessory after the fact to the same penalty for an accessory before the fact Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/31/06 
HB 4337 Allowing one to carry an uncased or loaded gun in the woods of this state to hunt coyotes in the open season Pending  House A&N Committee  02/01/06 
HB 4341 Requiring that instructional support and enhancement days are held twice before December thirty-first, and three times after January first of the instructional term Tabled    3rd Reading  03/02/06 
HB 4371 Allowing a registrant to transfer the registration of a Class C vehicle to another Class C type vehicle titled in the name of the registrant Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/03/06 
HB 4377 Relating to school based interpreters generally Pending  House Education Committee  02/03/06 
HB 4393 Adjusting foundation allowance for transportation for projected fuel costs Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/02/06 
HB 4398 Improving the capacity of county boards of education to provide school health services Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/02/06 
HB 4400 Authorizing certain students receiving instruction in fly fishing to fly fish while under the supervision of an instructor without obtaining a license Pending  House A&N Committee  02/06/06 
HB 4406 Removing the requirement to evaluate certain classroom teachers at least every three years Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4414 Providing criminal penalties for violating a peace bond Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/02/06 
HB 4447 Authorizing county boards of education to lease school buses for transportation associated with fairs, festivals and other educational and cultural events Pending    1st Reading  03/11/06 
HB 4505 Providing a two thousand eight dollar salary increase for each employee of the Division of Corrections Pending  House Finance Committee  02/13/06 
HB 4506 Reducing state income tax for state correctional officer retirees Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/13/06 
HB 4530 Providing criminal penalties for wounding or killing a person while pursuing, taking or killing wild animals or wild birds while under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances or drugs Pending  House A&N Committee  02/13/06 
HB 4535 Increasing the salary increments paid to principals and assistant principals Pending  House Education Committee  02/13/06 
HB 4540 Authorizing public school teachers to purchase one personal computer and related devices per year from the state contract for use outside the classroom Pending  House Education Committee  02/14/06 
HB 4544 Allowing for more teachers to be reimbursed for approved course work Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/07/06 
HB 4546 Continuing additional compensation for holders of national board for professional teaching standards certification who are subsequently employed in principal and assistant principal positions Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/07/06 
HB 4547 Increasing the funds available for transfer to the Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund in certain circumstances Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/02/06 
HB 4557 Providing correctional officers may retire with full benefits after twenty years of actual and honorable service Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/14/06 
HB 4559 Increasing the minimum annual disability benefits amount for a state police officer injured in performance of his or her duties Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/14/06 
HB 4570 Relating to the justifiable use of force, including deadly force, in the protection of persons and property Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/15/06 
HB 4576 Relating to the definition of domestic animals and livestock Pending  House A&N Committee  02/15/06 
HB 4578 Extending the expiration date of provisions permitting retired teachers to accept employment as substitutes in areas of critical need and shortage for an unlimited number of days without affecting retirement benefits Pending    Concurrence  03/11/06 
HB 4586 Limiting graduate work completed by teachers for advanced salary classification Pending  House Education Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4591 Increasing the homestead exemption for low-income taxpayers Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4593 Requiring state board rule for approval and operation of alternative preparation programs for teachers to obtain additional certification area endorsements Pending  House Education Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4595 Authorizing the Board of Treasury Investments to retain, rather than require it to retain, one employee with a chartered financial analyst designation Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4603 Authorizing rules for the Higher Education Policy Commission and the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education regarding authorization of degree granting institutions Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4610 Clarifying that the cost of coverage for participating retired employees may not be subsidized by participating active employees Pending  House Finance Committee  02/17/06 
HB 4613 Authorizing the State Superintendent of Schools to issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum in connection with investigations of licensure matters and hearings on revocations or certificate denials Pending  House Education Committee  02/17/06 
HB 4616 Encouraging consistent statutory construction of state and federal consumer protection laws Tabled    3rd Reading  03/02/06 
HB 4618 Increasing the percentage of the "license fund-wildlife resources" derived from license fees that may be used for capital improvements and land purchases for benefitting state wildlife Pending  House A&N Committee  02/17/06 
HB 4625 Extending certain authority to professional personnel designee of school principal Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4678 Authorizing the Agriculture Commissioner to regulate aquaculture wastes Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/02/06 
HB 4680 Authorizing and encouraging county boards of education to share services of central office administrative personnel Pending  House Education Committee  02/21/06 
HB 4684 Providing for the participation of home-schooled students in interscholastic athletics and other extracurricular activities in the public schools Pending  House Education Committee  02/21/06 
HB 4689 Relating to increasing beginning teacher salaries Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/09/06 
HB 4703 Relating to authorizing reciprocity weapons licensing for nonresidents Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/06 
HB 4728 Increasing the membership of the Environmental Protection Advisory Council from seven to eight members Vetoed    Governor  03/19/06 
HB 4781 Including inventories of vehicles held as rental cars in the special method for appraising dealer vehicle inventory Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/24/06 
HB 4782 Providing a salary supplement for providers of medicaid eligible services in the public schools and the financing thereof Pending  House Education Committee  02/24/06 
HB 4791 Giving counties plenary power to impose, administer, collect and enforce payment of voter approved service fees Tabled    3rd Reading  03/07/06 
HB 4809 Providing for the inclusion of certain proficiency tests as a part of the standardized testing required of private, parochial or church schools Pending  House Education Committee  02/24/06 
HB 4821 Providing all public retirees a one-time increase of six percent Pending  House Finance Committee  02/24/06 
HB 4825 Providing all public employees a six percent pay raise Pending  House Finance Committee  02/24/06 
HB 4846 Providing one-time supplements to certain annuitants Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4848 Relating to requirements for physical education in the public schools Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/02/06 
HB 4855 Making a supplementary appropriation to the department of education and the arts, department of environmental protection, department of health and human resources, etc... Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4857 Making a supplementary appropriation to the department of administration - children's health insurance agency, to the department of commerce - division of natural resources, to the department of transportation - public port authority, etc... Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
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