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Delegate Doyle sponsored 71 bills:


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HB 2053 Prohibiting pharmacists and other persons involved in dispensing medicines from refusing to fill prescriptions Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2090 Providing a housing supplement for members of the State Police Pending  House Finance Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2101 Providing for a credit against the West Virginia personal income tax liability in the amount of payments made on student loans Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2102 Changing the qualifier for low income for a senior citizens' homestead tax credit Pending  House Senior Citizen Issues Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2139 Establishing a volunteer litter reporting program Pending  House Natural Resources Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2250 Salary increases for public employees based upon residential housing costs Pending  House Finance Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2267 Providing that a county commission may establish a program for transfer of development rights without the requirement for an election Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2296 Empowering certain county and municipalities to deny a development activity if adequate public facilities, assets and services are not available to support the activity Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2297 Establishing a secure residential school for juvenile status offenders Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2299 Limiting the purchase of handguns to one gun per month Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2301 Prohibiting the demolition of a historic structure prior to a review of and the issuance of a permit by the Commissioner of the Division of Culture and History Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2314 Relating to a severance tax imposed on surface mining activities Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2340 Approving fee waivers for certain students and faculty and staff at institutions of higher education and providing that nonresident faculty and staff may get the exemption only up to the amount of in-state tuition Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2372 Authorizing county commissions to use impact fees to fund the building and operation of libraries and to administer and provide affordable housing for individuals or families of low or moderate income Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2375 Removing the exemption from planning and zoning restrictions for mining and manufacturing activities and uses Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2379 Salary increases for school service employees based upon residential housing costs Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2430 Providing workers' compensation coverage for certain employees who perform duties attendant to racing activities Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2431 Emergency Contraception Education Act Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2447 Establishing county and municipal authorities to provide for and maintain facilities to house Child Advocacy Centers Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2454 Prohibiting discrimination based upon age and sexual orientation Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2481 Giving state institutions of higher education more flexibility in the planning and operation of their schools Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2484 Permitting the sale of nonintoxicating beer within three hundred feet from a church that consents to the sale Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2498 Providing that actions in which the state is a party be brought in the county which is affected or related to the controversy Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2550 Extending the provisions of the Higher Education Flexibility Act Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2576 Providing a corporate tax credit for qualified health insurance policies Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2578 Providing a ten percent cap on any increase in assessment of real and personal property in any one year Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2625 Providing for aged or disabled farmers to continue to receive the benefit of having their farm land appraised as farm property after they cease farming Pending  House Agriculture Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2643 Prohibiting the naming of a publicly funded building, road, structure or project which receives any operating or construction moneys from state sources or state taxpayers Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2677 Increasing the number of magistrates in Jefferson County by one Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2681 Eliminating the food tax, increasing the tax on nonintoxicating beer, increasing the cigarette tax, increasing the noncigarette tobacco products tax..etc... Pending  House Finance Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2764 West Virginia Public Campaign Financing Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2786 Authorizing Class I and II municipalities to regulate taxies and taxi stands Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/10 
HB 2808 Providing a procedure for removal of county, district or municipal officers Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/21/10 
HB 2892 Increasing any award of just compensation to a property owner for eminent domain takings by nongovernment entities Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3202 Relating to the excise tax on the privilege of transferring real property and using the tax to reimburse counties for regional jail fees Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 4001 Relating to water pollution control Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/13/10 
HB 4147 Relating to licensing exemptions of persons who only perform the duty of hair washing for a licensed barber or cosmetologist Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/21/10 
HB 4148 Relating to prohibiting members of the news media from being compelled to give testimony Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/21/10 
HB 4149 Authorizing incentives for energy conservation by electric utilities Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/18/10 
HB 4151 Providing a procedure for disclosure of birth parents to an adoptee, in certain circumstances Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/21/10 
HB 4185 Relating to mandatory retirement age of deputy sheriffs Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  03/01/10 
HB 4192 Creating the West Virginia Ski Resort Industry Commission Pending  House Finance Committee  02/17/10 
HB 4206 Providing for special registration plates bearing the logo, symbol, insignia, letters or words demonstrating association with or support for Shepherd University Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  01/27/10 
HB 4209 Requiring at least one commissioner be present before a hearing may be conducted on public utility matters Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/28/10 
HB 4210 Requiring the Public Employees Insurance Agency Finance Board to have a quorum of five members present at any public hearing Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/18/10 
HB 4250 Energy Efficient Building Act Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  01/29/10 
HB 4272 Expanding the applicability of Prescription Fairness Act requirements to dependants covered by health insurance for contraceptive coverage Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  02/02/10 
HB 4307 Plastic Shopping Bag Excise Tax Act Pending  House Finance Committee  02/03/10 
HB 4313 Providing that parties advocating passage or defeat of a public question by referendum vote are subject to reporting requirements Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/03/10 
HB 4334 Providing general rules for all county and municipal referendum votes Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/10 
HB 4351 Relating to the administration of sales and use tax Pending  House Finance Committee  02/04/10 
HB 4360 Relating to a commission to study annexation Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/18/10 
HB 4364 Relating to land use planning Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/05/10 
HB 4381 Relating to annexation generally Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/05/10 
HB 4391 Relating to interconnection and net-metering of customer-generators of renewable energy Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/08/10 
HB 4403 Stopping accelerated rate recovery because of adverse effects of constructing transmission facilities and revising the definition of need Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/24/10 
HB 4444 Authorizing lateral transfers for deputy sheriffs Pending    3rd Reading  03/13/10 
HB 4464 Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act Pending  House Finance Committee  02/17/10 
HB 4465 Changing the definition of child for grandparent visitation purposes Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/12/10 
HB 4466 Requiring that bartenders be licensed by the Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/12/10 
HB 4495 Relating to special demonstration professional development school projects Pending  House Education Committee  02/15/10 
HB 4508 Increasing the allowable expense that may be paid for the clean-up of real property damage by a meth lab Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/10 
HB 4515 Curtailing the serving of alcoholic beverages by licensed clubs as early as one A.M. Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/23/10 
HB 4519 Requiring all of an established $11 million Racetrack Video Lottery Fund to be transferred into the Unredeemed Pari-Mutuel Tickets account for the payment of certain current and unpaid debt, etc... Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/10 
HB 4520 Prohibiting healthcare providers from discriminating against or refusing treatment of a patient Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/17/10 
HB 4530 Permitting private clubs to purchase alcoholic liquors from retail liquor stores in any market zone in the state Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/18/10 
HB 4565 Providing guidelines for annual reporting by the Public Service Commission Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/19/10 
HB 4570 Relating to dedication of severance tax proceeds Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  02/19/10 
HB 4583 Permitting municipalities and counties to use proceeds from the hotel occupancy tax to fund public libraries Pending  House Finance Committee  02/24/10 
HB 4637 Allowing county school boards to enter into energy-saving contracts Pending  House Education Committee  02/22/10 
HB 4668 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Crime Victims Compensation Fund, the Department of Education and the Arts - Division of Culture and History, and to the Department of Environmental Protection Signed  Effective from passage - (March 13, 2010)
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