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Senator Snyder sponsored 60 bills:


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SB 35 Adopting federal definition for disabled veterans' preference eligibility for civil service jobs and vendor contracts Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/04/16 
SB 36 Exempting certain fuels from unfair trade practices Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/13/16 
SB 37 Redistributing excise taxes to county where real property is situate Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/13/16 
SB 38 Removing certain tax discounts from motor fuel excise tax Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/13/16 
SB 42 Permitting school nurses to possess and administer opioid antagonists on or near school premises Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  01/13/16 
SB 69 Permitting corporate sponsorships of state parks and recreational areas Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  01/13/16 
SB 97 Providing salary increase for DOC employees Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/13/16 
SB 98 Residential solar energy tax credits Pending  Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee  01/13/16 
SB 99 Court-appointed attorneys' compensation and expenses in child abuse and neglect cases Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/13/16 
SB 103 Establishing driver's license restoration program Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/13/16 
SB 111 Prohibiting discrimination based on age or sexual orientation Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/13/16 
SB 113 Increasing teacher pay over 5-year period Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/13/16 
SB 114 Increasing school service personnel pay over 5-year period Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/13/16 
SB 115 Increasing state employee pay over 3-year period Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/13/16 
SB 133 Increasing salaries of certain DOC, Regional Jail Authority and Division of Juvenile Services employees Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/13/16 
SB 147 Providing consumers sales and service tax and use tax exemption for certain services and tangible personal property sold for repair, remodeling and maintenance of aircraft Pending  House Finance Committee  02/17/16 
SB 246 Providing certain government entities option to extend the term of tax increment financing district from 30 to 40 years Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/16 
SB 259 Amending Unfair Trade Practices Act Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 9, 2016)
SB 263 Allowing travel and other expense reimbursement for members of Municipal Home Rule Board Pending  House Finance Committee  03/03/16 
SB 265 Allowing library volunteers necessary access to user records Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2016)
SB 303 Providing for 5-day resident fishing license Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2016)
SB 311 Allowing permanent exception for mortgage modification or refinancing loan under federal Making Home Affordable Program Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 10, 2016)
SB 315 Providing for construction of statewide fiber optic broadband infrastructure network Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/19/16 
SB 317 Requiring each county maintain website and provide information to Secretary of State Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/19/16 
SB 325 Developing matching grant to foster development of creative communities Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/24/16 
SB 337 Creating 5-year tax credit for businesses on post-mine sites Pending  House Finance Committee  03/09/16 
SB 340 Relating to payment by Municipal Bond Commission Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/21/16 
SB 366 Prohibiting lobbyists from contributing funds to individuals running for election Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/21/16 
SB 424 Allowing fire departments assess fees Pending  House Finance Committee  02/19/16 
SB 473 Repealing prohibition of disposal of certain electronic devices in landfills Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/02/16 
SB 474 Exempting DEP construction and reclamation contracts from review and approval Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2016)
SB 482 Creating felony crime of strangulation Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/02/16 
SB 512 Reinstating Medicare supplement insurance policy Pending  Senate Banking and Insurance Committee  02/04/16 
SB 518 Making it unlawful to discriminate against persons due to sexual orientation Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/04/16 
SB 522 Relating to public service districts Pending  Senate Rules Committee  02/11/16 
SB 532 Increasing surcharge on fire and casualty insurance policies Pending  Senate Banking and Insurance Committee  02/06/16 
SB 533 Changing distribution of net terminal income from racetrack video lottery Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/06/16 
SB 548 Relating to number of magistrates in certain counties Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/19/16 
SB 549 Requiring school counselors spend 100 percent of time on comprehensive school counseling programs Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/08/16 
SB 554 Issuing tax credits for land conservation Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/08/16 
SB 562 Providing for licensing of advance deposit wagering Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/10/16 
SB 568 Providing for licensing of out-of-state simulcast facilities Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/10/16 
SB 583 Repealing certain obsolete legislative rules by Department of Administration Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/16 
SB 584 Repealing certain obsolete legislative rules by DEP Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/16 
SB 585 Repealing certain obsolete legislative rules by DHHR Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/16 
SB 586 Repealing certain obsolete legislative rules by Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/16 
SB 587 Repealing certain obsolete legislative rules by Department of Revenue Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/16 
SB 588 Repealing certain obsolete legislative rules by Department of Transportation Signed  Effective from passage - (March 12, 2016)
SB 589 Repealing certain obsolete legislative rules by miscellaneous agencies and boards Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/16 
SB 590 Repealing certain obsolete legislative rules by Department of Commerce Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/16 
SB 591 Relating to voter registration list maintenance and combined voter registration and driver licensing fund Signed  Effective from passage - (March 11, 2016)
SB 600 Requiring vacancies in certain elected offices be filled by person of same political party as person vacating office at time of election or appointment Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/15/16 
SB 610 Relating to generating and maintaining revenue for maintenance of roads and infrastructure Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/16/16 
SB 633 Relating generally to Public Service Commission Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/19/16 
SB 639 Requiring disclosure of dark money political expenditures Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/20/16 
SB 675 Providing safe harbor valuation for measure of tax on limestone and sandstone Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/22/16 
SB 697 Clarifying reporting and disclosure requirements relating to election campaign contributions and spending Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/22/16 
SB 701 Relating generally to resort area districts Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/03/16 
SB 702 Allowing title of real estate to pass to individuals entitled to sale proceeds if executor fails to do so within 5 years of closing estate Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 10, 2016)
SB 703 Relating to deposit of overpayment of certain fees into Children's Trust Fund Pending  House Finance Committee  03/03/16 
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