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There are 40 bill(s) regarding Governor -- Bills Requested By


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HB 2194 Relating to the ethical standards of public officers and employees, modifying confidentiality requirements, prohibiting submission of false information, and providing penalties Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/10/05 
HB 2195 Limiting access to certain chemicals used in the production of methamphetamines Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/10/05 
HB 2633 Submitting the proposed "Pension Bond Amendment" to the Constitution of the state to the people of the state for ratification or rejection Pending  House Constitutional Revision Committee  02/24/05 
HB 2813 Relating to requirements for certificate of public convenience and necessity Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
HB 2814 Relating to financially-related activities of State-charted Banking Institutions Tabled    3rd Reading  03/21/05 
HB 2815 Requiring the use of an appropriate child passenger restraint device or booster seat until the child is at least six years of age and weighs at least sixty pounds Tabled    3rd Reading  03/31/05 
HB 2816 Promoting healthy lifestyles in West Virginia Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
HB 2820 Providing for insurance reform by expanding and providing for funding, and expanded powers for the office of consumer advocacy Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  03/01/05 
HB 2821 Establishing a pilot program that provides certain units of government with additional flexibility during a twenty-four month period ending June 30, 2007 Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  03/01/05 
HB 2822 Providing that municipalities, county development authorities or municipal development authorities, or both, may organize and jointly own joint development entities Tabled    3rd Reading  04/04/05 
HB 2824 Providing judicial guidelines for the apportionment of damages in causes of action involving the tortious conduct of more than one defendant Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/02/05 
HB 2838 Relating to the rehabilitation environmental action plan Pending  House Finance Committee  03/29/05 
HB 2852 Implementing the recommendations of the West Virginia Pharmaceutical Cost Council Pending    Concurrence  04/09/05 
HB 2984 State Pensions and Retirement generally Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
HB 3328 Changing the name of the office of emergency services and specifying additional responsibilities Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 145 Budget bill Pending  Senate Finance Committee  04/10/05 
SB 147 Limiting purchase of substances used in production of methamphetamine Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 153 Relating generally to ethical standards of public officers and employees Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 261 Providing for special election proposing amendment to Constitution designated Pension Bond Amendment Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 413 Relating generally to financially related activities of state-chartered banking institutions Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 414 Relating to child passenger safety and booster seats Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 415 Removing requirement public utility must obtain certificate of public convenience and necessity Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/01/05 
SB 416 Creating Healthy Lifestyles Office in Department of Education and Arts Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  03/01/05 
SB 417 Providing for organization and joint ownership of joint development entities by municipalities and certain authorities Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 418 Relating generally to regulation of insurance Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 419 Creating Local Government Flexibility Act Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 421 Relating to apportionment of damages in court actions involving tortious conduct in certain cases Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 428 Relating to Rehabilitation Environmental Action Plan Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 430 Creating Pharmaceutical Advocate Act Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  03/02/05 
SB 456 Relating to cure offer from merchant or seller to consumer Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 460 Relating to reorganization of executive branch Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  03/04/05 
SB 502 Relating to state pensions and retirement generally Pending    3rd Reading  04/05/05 
SB 524 Requiring study of state's centralized accounting system Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 557 Providing maximum time limits for certain one-way bus transportation for students; waiver Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/15/05 
SB 558 Relating to management and investment of public funds Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 569 Relating to disbursement of surplus funds to teachers and service personnel Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/17/05 
SB 603 Relating to higher education Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 609 Requiring independent review of Neighborhood Investment Program; termination Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/21/05 
SB 614 Updating meaning of certain terms used in Corporation Net Income Tax Act Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 623 Updating meaning of certain terms used in Personal Income Tax Act Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
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