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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill |
Title |
Status |
Effective Date |
HB 111 | Relating to refunds of excise taxes collected from dealers of petroleum products | Chapter 43, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019) |
HB 112 | Relating generally to the personal income tax | Chapter 44, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019) |
HB 113 | Establishing tax incentive for new business activity in qualified opportunity zones | Chapter 45, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (September 22, 2019) |
HB 115 | Relating generally to court actions in abuse and neglect proceedings | Chapter 28, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019) |
HB 116 | Relating generally to persons eighteen years of age and older in the custody of the Bureau of Juvenile Services | Chapter 29, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019) |
HB 117 | Relating to reduced rates for low-income residential customers of privately owned sewer and combined water and sewer utilities | Chapter 47, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (August 18, 2019) |
HB 118 | Relating to the use of post-criminal conduct in professional and occupational initial licensure decision making | Chapter 34, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 17, 2019) |
HB 119 | Supplementing, amending, decreasing, and increasing items from the State Road Fund to the Department of Transportation | Chapter 1, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019) |
HB 132 | Supplementing and amending existing items of appropriations to the Department of Agriculture | Chapter 2, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (July 22, 2019) |
HB 133 | Relating to the admissibility of health care staffing requirements in medical professional liability litigation | Chapter 33, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019) |
HB 144 | West Virginia Business Ready Sites Program | Chapter 40, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (September 22, 2019) |
HB 146 | Establishing and funding of substance use disorder treatment and recovery facilities | Chapter 36, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (September 22, 2019) |
HB 148 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Executive, Governor’s Office | Chapter 3, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019) |
HB 149 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Executive, Governor’s Office, Civil Contingent Fund | Chapter 4, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019) |
HB 150 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Revenue, Office of the Secretary, Home Rule Board Operations Fund | Chapter 5, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019) |
HB 151 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Arts, Culture and History, Division of Culture and History, Lottery Education Fund | Chapter 6, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019) |
HB 152 | Making a supplementary appropriation by adding a new item and increasing the expenditure to the Department of Revenue, State Budget Office | Chapter 7, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019) |
HB 153 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Health, Central Office | Chapter 8, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019) |
HB 154 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Transportation, Division of Highways | Chapter 9, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019) |
HB 155 | Supplementing, amending and increasing an item from the State Road Fund to the Department of Transportation, Division of Highways | Chapter 10, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019) |
HB 156 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Environmental Protection | Chapter 11, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019) |
HB 157 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management | Chapter 12, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019) |
HB 193 | Relating to a statewide school personnel job bank | Chapter 41, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (October 20, 2019) |
HB 206 | Relating to public education | Chapter 31, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019) |
HB 207 | Exempting from business and occupation tax certain merchant power plants | Chapter 46, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (October 21, 2019) |
SB 1001 | Upper Kanawha Valley Resiliency and Revitalization Program | Chapter 30, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (August 18, 2019) |
SB 1004 | Antihazing law | Chapter 32, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (August 18, 2019) |
SB 1006 | Authorizing WV Board of Physical Therapy to conduct criminal background checks on initial license applicants | Chapter 35, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019) |
SB 1009 | Establishing health professionals student loan programs | Chapter 42, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019) |
SB 1012 | Creating voluntary certification of recovery residences | Chapter 37, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019) |
SB 1013 | Permitting certain trained professionals to provide counseling in medication-assisted treatment program | Chapter 38, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019) |
SB 1015 | Supplemental appropriation to Secretary of State, General Administrative Fees Account | Chapter 13, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019) |
SB 1016 | Supplemental appropriation to DOT, Division of Highways | Chapter 14, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019) |
SB 1017 | Supplemental appropriation to Department of Arts, Culture, and History, Educational Broadcasting Authority | Chapter 15, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019) |
SB 1019 | Supplementing, amending, decreasing, and increasing existing appropriations from State Road Fund to DOH for fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 | Chapter 16, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019) |
SB 1020 | Supplementing and amending Chapter 31, Acts of the Legislature, 2019, known as Budget Bill | Chapter 17, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019) |
SB 1021 | Decreasing existing appropriation and adding appropriation to Department of Veterans' Assistance | Chapter 18, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019) |
SB 1023 | Supplementing, amending, increasing, and adding items of appropriations to Attorney General, Consolidated Federal Fund | Chapter 19, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019) |
SB 1024 | Supplemental appropriation to Department of Agriculture Capital Improvements Fund | Chapter 20, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019) |
SB 1025 | Supplemental appropriation to DHHR, Division of Human Services for fiscal year ending June 30, 2019 | Chapter 21, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019) |
SB 1026 | Expiring funds from Treasurer's Unclaimed Property Fund and supplementing appropriations to Governor's Office | Chapter 22, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019) |
SB 1027 | Adding new items and increasing existing items to various accounts | Chapter 23, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019) |
SB 1037 | Relating generally to medical cannabis | Chapter 39, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019) |
SB 1038 | Supplemental appropriation to DHHR, Division of Health's Central Office | Chapter 24, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019) |
SB 1056 | Supplementing and amending items of appropriation to State Board of Education, State Aid to Schools | Chapter 25, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (July 22, 2019) |
SB 1057 | Supplementing and amending items of appropriation to State Board of Education | Chapter 26, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (July 22, 2019) |
SB 1058 | Supplementing and amending item of appropriation to Higher Education Policy Commission | Chapter 27, Acts, 1st Extraordinary Session, 2019 | Effective from passage - (July 22, 2019) |