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The search returned 41 bills introduced on 02/28/97:


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HB 2270 Allowing municipalities to self-insure together and promulgation of rules by the Commissioner of Insurance Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/28/97 
HB 2271 Making the state convict road force mandatory Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/28/97 
HB 2272 Allowing physicians to prescribe dosages of pain relieving drugs in excess of their recommended dosages in certain cases Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/28/97 
HB 2273 Relating to testimony of a child witness by use of live, closed-circuit television Pending    2nd Reading  04/12/97 
HB 2274 Exempting recycled tires from the prohibition on the sale of prison-made goods Pending    2nd Reading  04/11/97 
HB 2275 Increasing the allowable service charge for a worthless check Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/28/97 
HB 2276 Separating the department of highways and the parkways, economic development and tourism authority from the department of transportation Pending    3rd Reading  05/20/97 
HB 2277 Including employees of enhanced emergency telephone systems in the civil service system Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  04/09/97 
HB 2278 Providing disincentives to frivolous or malicious inmate litigation Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/28/97 
HB 2279 Requiring the division of corrections and the parole board to comply with the state administrative procedures act with regard to rule-making activities Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/28/97 
HB 2280 Payment of per diem costs for incarceration of inmates at regional jails Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/28/97 
HB 2281 Relating to payments made into the regional jail and correctional facility development fund Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/28/97 
HB 2282 Relating to penalties and costs imposed in certain municipal cases Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/28/97 
HB 2283 Abolishing the requirement of filing certain plans with municipalities or county commissions by the commissioner of highways Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  02/28/97 
HB 2284 Equalizing the number and alternating the selection of juror strikes between the prosecuting attorney and the accused in felony trials Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/28/97 
HB 2285 Providing recovery of bank service charges after a warrant is filed in magistrate court Pending    2nd Reading  04/11/97 
HB 2286 Continuing the West Virginia State Police Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2287 Continuing the Division of Environmental Protection Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2288 Continuing the Office of Water Resources Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2289 Continuing the position of Environmental Advocate within the Division of Environmental Protection Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2290 Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to the Department of Transportation, Western West Virginia Regional Airport/Transpark Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2291 Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to the Governor's Cabinet on Children and Families, Supportive Housing Program Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2292 Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to the Division of Criminal Justice and Highway Safety, Rural Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Enforcement Assistance Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2293 Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to the Governor's Cabinet on Children and Families Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2294 Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to the West Virginia State Police, DNA testing program Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2295 Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to the Division of Motor Vehicles, International Fuel Tax Agreement Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2296 Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to the Solid Waste Management Board, EPA grant Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2297 Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to the West Virginia Development Office, Small Cities Block Grant Program Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
SB 142 Allowing certain tax credit for coal mined by underground methods Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
SB 143 Relating to management of state parks Pending  House A&N Committee  03/17/97 
SB 144 Creating Disincentives to Frivolous Inmate Litigation Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/28/97 
SB 145 Restricting certain municipal court payments to regional jail and correctional facility development fund Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  03/31/97 
SB 146 Establishing board of funeral service Pending  Senate GOVO Committee  03/07/97 
SB 147 Relating to division of corrections; rulemaking Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/28/97 
SB 148 Relating to per diem costs of incarcerated regional jail inmates Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/28/97 
SB 149 Authorizing assessment of certain penalties by regional jail and correctional facility authority Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  03/31/97 
SB 150 Supplementing and transferring between existing appropriations from state road fund, division of highways Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
SB 151 Supplementing existing appropriations from state road fund, division of highways Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
SB 152 Making supplemental appropriation to state police Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
SB 153 Making supplemental appropriation to board of examiners for speech-language pathology and audiology Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
SB 154 Supplementing and transferring between existing appropriations to regional jail and correctional facility authority Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
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