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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill | Title | Date |
SB 16 | Imposing recreation and amusement tax | 01/09/02 |
SB 18 | Providing tax credit for contributions to community foundations | 01/09/02 |
SB 23 | Allowing tax credit for employers providing child day care services | 01/09/02 |
SB 27 | Permitting waiver of salaries by certain officers and state employees | 01/09/02 |
SB 28 | Providing exemption from state income tax to certain federal retirees | 01/09/02 |
SB 31 | Relating to licensing of private investigators and security guards | 02/26/02 |
SB 38 | Allowing certain firefighters to purchase special motor vehicle license plates | 01/15/02 |
SB 42 | Repealing provider tax on optometrists | 01/09/02 |
SB 47 | Exempting head start, community action groups and various senior groups from vehicle registration fees | 01/15/02 |
SB 53 | Providing right of appeal to all permanent city employees applying for certain benefits | 02/26/02 |
SB 59 | Establishing Small Business Tax Credit Act | 02/22/02 |
SB 60 | Relating to dedication of certain sales tax collected to counties | 01/09/02 |
SB 93 | Exempting propane gas from excise tax on gasoline or special fuels | 01/09/02 |
SB 96 | Requiring certain newly hired state employees paid one cycle in arrears | 01/24/02 |
SB 109 | Relating to investment of moneys from consolidated fund in enterprise capital fund | 02/12/02 |
SB 112 | Providing credit against personal income tax for payment of interest on student loan | 01/10/02 |
SB 113 | Relating to consumers sales and service tax generally | 01/10/02 |
SB 120 | Providing tuition and fees for national guard members | 01/18/02 |
SB 124 | Reducing sales tax on certain foods sold off premises | 01/10/02 |
SB 125 | Creating heritage preservation and tourism development fund | 01/10/02 |
SB 128 | Providing retirees certain exclusion from personal income tax | 01/10/02 |
SB 141 | Relating to powers of tax commissioner generally | 01/10/02 |
SB 165 | Relating to Pensions Liability Redemption Act | 01/11/02 |
SB 185 | Creating sales tax holiday for purchases of school clothing | 01/11/02 |
SB 188 | Providing special motor vehicle registration plates for holders of bronze star | 01/15/02 |
SB 191 | Exempting veterans' organizations from state sales tax | 01/14/02 |
SB 192 | Exempting injured party from paying for certain traffic reports | 01/17/02 |
SB 197 | Creating Economic Opportunity Tax Credit Act | 02/05/02 |
SB 205 | Relating to mental health benefit coverage | 02/26/02 |
SB 210 | Setting design standards for private water well construction | 02/13/02 |
SB 213 | Exempting new residents from payment of privilege tax under certain circumstances | 01/15/02 |
SB 214 | Relating to tax procedure and administration | 01/15/02 |
SB 224 | Exempting certain sales from consumers sales and service tax | 01/16/02 |
SB 229 | Relating to collection of property taxes | 01/16/02 |
SB 234 | Relating to credits against certain taxes generally | 02/05/02 |
SB 235 | Exempting consumers sales tax for United States flag | 01/17/02 |
SB 246 | Relating to regional long-term care ombudsman | 01/30/02 |
SB 249 | Creating Workforce Investment Act | 01/22/02 |
SB 251 | Relating to earned income tax credit for certain taxpayers | 01/18/02 |
SB 252 | Relating to consumers sales tax on food | 01/18/02 |
SB 277 | Relating to administration of consumer credit and protection act | 01/30/02 |
SB 280 | Providing reduction in personal income tax for certain volunteer firefighters | 01/22/02 |
SB 293 | Exempting consumers sales tax for United States and West Virginia flags | 01/24/02 |
SB 294 | Relating to business franchise tax generally | 01/29/02 |
SB 332 | Authorizing development office to promulgate legislative rule relating to community development assessment and real property valuation procedures for office of coalfield community development | 02/22/02 |
SB 452 | Relating to funding programs to discourage use of tobacco | 02/26/02 |
SB 476 | Exempting propane gas for residential use from consumers sales tax | 02/01/02 |
SB 477 | Relating to personal property tax assessments generally; exemption | 02/13/02 |
SB 478 | Relating to bear damage stamps | 02/26/02 |
SB 486 | Allowing credit against personal income tax for new residents in certain cases | 02/01/02 |
SB 490 | Allowing special license plates for honorably discharged veterans | 02/26/02 |
SB 493 | Allowing counties use hotel tax for farmland preservation | 02/04/02 |
SB 495 | Changing time for periodic valuations and assessments of real and personal property; cap | 02/04/02 |
SB 499 | Reducing sales tax on packaged and fresh-grown food in certain cases | 02/05/02 |
SB 500 | Relating to computation of below cost retail, wholesale and gasoline sales | 02/05/02 |
SB 514 | Authorizing expenditure of certain state excess lottery revenue funds for Wheeling Victorian Outlet Center | 02/05/02 |
SB 520 | Exempting certain volunteer groups from consumers sales tax | 02/06/02 |
SB 523 | Designating moneys from lottery revenue fund used for debt service | 02/20/02 |
SB 526 | Authorizing special West Liberty State College motor vehicle registration plates | 02/20/02 |
SB 540 | Providing chief inspector transfer certain amount to special fund provided for under uniform securities act | 02/07/02 |
SB 542 | Regulating mortgage brokers, lenders, servicers and loan originators | 03/01/02 |
SB 544 | Relating to neighborhood investment program act | 02/19/02 |
SB 551 | Relating to design-build projects generally | 02/21/02 |
SB 580 | Providing certain income tax exemption for annuities received from teachers annuity association, CREF | 02/13/02 |
SB 596 | Establishing fees for surface coal mining operations | 02/14/02 |
SB 602 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to collect emergency response costs | 02/27/02 |
SB 611 | Increasing mandatory assessment from felons for community corrections fund | 02/15/02 |
SB 633 | Exempting practice of science of geology from consumers sales and service tax | 02/18/02 |
SB 634 | Waiving public employees insurance premiums for certain veterans | 02/18/02 |
SB 644 | Increasing business and occupation tax for electric power businesses | 02/18/02 |
SB 659 | Reducing taxable rate of business franchise tax | 02/18/02 |
SB 680 | Expanding permissible expenditures from hotel occupancy tax proceeds | 02/18/02 |
SB 714 | Relating to bonds and expenditures for veterans' nursing facilities | 03/04/02 |
SB 715 | Requiring boards of education give preference to resident vendors | 02/22/02 |
SB 718 | Relating to sale of tobacco products, alcohol, wine and beer to minors | 02/25/02 |
SB 739 | Creating riverfront development fund | 03/04/02 |
HB 3202 | Providing for the registration and reserving of names of resident individuals, sole proprietorships and general partnerships through the Secretary of State | 03/05/02 |
HB 4132 | Providing for a gender-based pay equity salary adjustment for state employees | 03/04/02 |
HB 4262 | Requirements on the sale or leasing of minerals under public lands | 03/07/02 |
HB 4408 | Providing a sales tax exemption on heating fuel purchased by small churches | 03/04/02 |
HB 4481 | Allowing persons purchasing or renewing hunting or fishing licenses to donate to the "citizens in support of farmers and hunters feeding the hungry program" | 03/06/02 |
HB 4506 | Permitting municipalities to finance redevelopment of downtown redevelopment districts through new sales tax type revenues | 03/01/02 |
HB 4559 | Supplemental appropriation to the higher education policy commission | 02/27/02 |
HB 4618 | Creating the national coal heritage area authority | 03/04/02 |
HB 4671 | Relating to compensation, expenses, employees and office location of the insurance commissioner | 03/06/02 |