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HCR 1 Raising a Joint Assembly to open and publish election returns Adopted 01/10/01
SCR 1 Adopting joint rules of Senate and House of Delegates Adopted 01/10/01
HR 1 Election of Clerk, Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the House of Delegates for the 75th Legislature Adopted 02/02/01
SR 1 Raising committee to notify House of Delegates Senate has assembled Adopted 01/10/01
HJR 1 Motor Vehicle Property Tax Exemption Amendment Pending House 02/15/01
SJR 1 Proposing amendment to Constitution designated Legislative Eligibility Amendment Pending Senate 02/14/01
SJR 2 Proposing amendment to Constitution designated Legislative Pay Raise Reform Amendment Pending Senate 02/14/01
HJR 2 Right to Jury Trial in Controversies Involving in Excess of One Thousand Dollars Amendment Pending House 02/15/01
SR 2 Raising committee to notify Governor Legislature has assembled Adopted 01/10/01
HR 2 Adopting Rules of the House of Delegates and creating a Select Committee on Redistricting for the 75th Legislature Adopted 01/19/01
SCR 2 Relating to payment of bills for supplies, services and printing and authorized contingent and other expenses of seventy-fifth Legislature Adopted 01/10/01
HCR 2 Raising a Joint Assembly to hear an address by His Excellency, the Governor Adopted 01/31/01
HCR 3 Providing for an adjournment of the Legislature until February 14, 2001 Adopted 01/31/01
SCR 3 Providing for issuance of bonds pursuant to Safe Roads Amendment of 1996 Adopted 04/14/01
HR 3 Authorizing publication of a Legislative Manual, providing for a mailing list for House Journals, authorizing other mailings upon request, and authorizing payment of travel and other expenses of the House. Adopted 01/23/01
SR 3 Adopting rules of Senate Adopted 01/10/01
HJR 3 Homestead Exemption Amendment Pending House 02/15/01
SJR 3 Proposing amendment to Constitution designated Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment Pending Senate 02/15/01
SJR 4 Proposing amendment to Constitution designated Judiciary Budget Amendment Pending Senate 02/16/01
HJR 4 County Commissioner Amendment Pending House 02/15/01
SR 4 Relating to mailing of bills and journals Adopted 01/10/01
HR 4 Authorizing printing and distribution of Acts of the Legislature and Journals of the House of Delegates Adopted 02/14/01
SCR 4 Requesting Division of Highways name bridge crossing Smithers Creek "Eddie A. Long Bridge" Adopted 03/21/01
HCR 4 Raising a Joint Assembly to hear an address by His Excellency, the Governor Adopted 02/14/01
HCR 5 Providing for the issuance of one hundred ten million dollars of bonds pursuant to the "Safe Roads Amendment of 1996" Pending House 02/15/01
SCR 5 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study ways to make local government more efficient Adopted 04/14/01
HR 5 Authorizing the appointment of employees for the first regular session of the 75th Legislature Adopted Rules 02/15/01
SR 5 Creating Select Committee on Economic Development Adopted 01/10/01
HJR 5 Voting Percentage Required in Favor of Excess Tax Levies Amendment Pending House 03/22/01
SJR 5 Proposing amendment to Constitution designated Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment Pending Senate 02/16/01
SJR 6 Proposing amendment to Constitution designated Dedication of Funding to Natural Resources Amendment Pending Senate 02/22/01
HJR 6 Automobile Property Tax Exemption Amendment Pending House 02/16/01
SR 6 Recognizing achievements of Mountain Stage Adopted 02/19/01
HR 6 Authorizing the Committee on Rules to arrange a Special Calendar and providing for making public the vote on certain questions in connection with the preparation thereof Adopted Rules 02/20/01
SCR 6 Requesting Division of Highways name bridge crossing Twelvepole Creek "James C. and Carol F. Wheeler Bridge" Adopted Transportation 03/09/01
HCR 6 Naming the bridge on route 250 across Buffalo Creek near Mannington the "PFC Norville Clinton Shock, Veterans Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/27/01
HCR 7 Urging the government of Japan to issue a formal apology and to pay reparations to World War II victims Pending House 04/13/01
SCR 7 Requesting Division of Highways name bridge crossing Guyandotte River "Burl Farley Bridge" Pending House Transportation 02/27/01
HR 7 Recognizing the West Virginia Association of Rehabilitation Facilities and its members and programs for promoting gainful employment of citizens with disabilities Adopted 02/21/01
SR 7 Designating February 19 "Veterans Visibility Day" Adopted 02/19/01
HJR 7 The Exemption of Property Taxes on Automobile Inventory Amendment Pending House 02/20/01
SJR 7 Proposing amendment to Constitution designated Modern Graduated Real Estate Assessment and Taxation and Finance Amendment Pending Senate 03/09/01
SJR 8 Proposing amendment to Constitution designated Fairness in Real Property Taxation Amendment Pending Senate 03/12/01
HJR 8 Veto Session Amendment Pending House 02/20/01
SR 8 Recognizing contributions of West Virginia Association of Rehabilitation Facilities Adopted 02/21/01
HR 8 Recognizing West Virginia's forest products industry and the Sustainable Forestry InitiativeK Adopted 04/05/01
SCR 8 Urging Congress protect consumers from unconscionable interest rates Pending House 03/16/01
HCR 8 Directing a study of the possibility of transferring the provisions governing the real estate commission from chapter forty-seven to chapter thirty of the code Pending Senate 03/09/01
HCR 9 Naming the bridge on US Route 119, which crosses the Little Coal River in Danville, the "Jill Micah Hess Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/14/01
SCR 9 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study transferring Real Estate Commission to chapter thirty Pending Senate 03/01/01
HR 9 Amending Rule No. 42 of the Rules of the House relating to yeas and nays Rejected House 03/08/01
SR 9 Authorizing appointment of employees for Senate Adopted 02/22/01
HJR 9 Infrastructure 2002 Amendment Pending Senate 03/29/01
SJR 9 Proposing amendment to Constitution designated Banning of Gray Machines Amendment Pending Senate 03/12/01
SJR 10 Proposing amendment to Constitution designated County Reconfiguration Amendment Pending Senate 03/12/01
HJR 10 Military Pension Income Tax Exemption Amendment Pending House 02/22/01
SR 10 Proclaiming February 23 "Dale Earnhardt Day" Adopted 02/23/01
HR 10 Amending the rules of the House of Delegates, relating to the Order of Business and the introduction of guests Adopted 03/07/01
SCR 10 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study laws governing drunk driving and penalties Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 10 Naming the new bridge in Altizer crossing the Guyan River the "T. R. Wickline Bridge" Adopted 03/26/01
HCR 11 Designating March 2, 2001, as Osteoporosis Awareness Day at the Legislature Adopted 03/02/01
SCR 11 Urging Congress and Social Security Administration waive waiting period for certain terminally ill applicants Adopted 03/26/01
HR 11 Designating Tuesday, March 13, two thousand one, as "Stand Up for Steel" Day Adopted 03/13/01
SR 11 Declaring February 28 "Children's Day" Adopted 02/28/01
HJR 11 Initiative and Referendum Amendment Pending House 02/23/01
SJR 11 Proposing amendment to Constitution designated Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment for persons making fifty thousand dollars a year or less Pending Senate 03/14/01
SJR 12 Proposing amendment to Constitution designated Fair and Equal Citizenship Amendment Pending Senate 03/26/01
HJR 12 Amendment Allowing Six-Person Jury In Municipal Court Criminal Trials Pending House 02/26/01
SR 12 Recognizing accomplishments of West Virginia Family, Career and Community Leaders of America Adopted 03/08/01
HR 12 Designating March 13, 2001, as Women's Day in West Virginia Adopted 03/13/01
SCR 12 Requesting Public Service Commission designate 211 as access number for nonemergency community service referrals Pending Senate 03/07/01
HCR 12 Requesting the West Virginia congressional delegation to support and work to pass the social security reforms introduced by President George W. Bush Pending House 03/07/01
HCR 13 Requesting the West Virginia congressional delegation to support and vote for the repeal of the death tax as proposed by President George W. Bush Pending House 03/07/01
SCR 13 Requesting Division of Highways name new bridge crossing CSX switchyard in Hinton "Avis Bridge" Pending House 03/19/01
HR 13 Commemorating the passing of Donald Glade Michels, former member from the county of Doddridge Adopted 03/20/01
SR 13 Recognizing Martinsburg South Middle School students for their participation in Tobacco Prevention Program Adopted 03/12/01
HJR 13 Dedication of Funding to Natural Resources Amendment Pending House 02/27/01
SJR 13 Proposing amendment to Constitution designated Limitation on Governor's Pardoning Power Amendment Pending Senate 03/26/01
HJR 14 Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment Pending House 02/28/01
SR 14 Designating March 13 as "Stand Up for Steel Day" Adopted 03/13/01
HR 14 In memory of Clayton W. Hale, former member of the House of Delegates from the County of Wyoming Adopted 03/20/01
SCR 14 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study medical malpractice insurance rate crisis Adopted Banking and Insurance 04/14/01
HCR 14 Requesting that the West Virginia congressional delegation support and work to pass the tax relief plan introduced by President George W. Bush Pending Senate 04/14/01
HCR 15 Requesting a study of the transportation needs of the elderly, veterans and persons with disabilities Pending House 04/13/01
SCR 15 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study Educare Initiative Pending House 04/09/01
HR 15 Recognizing the members of the House of Delegates with the highest number of years of service in the House Pending House 03/23/01
SR 15 Designating March 13 as "Higher Education Day" Adopted 03/13/01
HJR 15 Exempt Military Pensions from Income Tax Amendment Pending House 03/08/01
HJR 16 Increase of Terms of Members of the Legislature Amendment Pending House 03/09/01
SR 16 Designating March 13 as "Women's Day" Adopted 03/13/01
HR 16 Commemorating the 200th birthday of Jefferson County Adopted 04/06/01
SCR 16 Requesting Division of Highways name replacement bridge crossing Tygart River "Benton's Ferry Bridge, in honor of Nick Fantasia" Pending Senate 03/16/01
HCR 16 Designating the first week in August as Marine Corps League Week and August fourth as Marine Corps League Day Adopted 04/10/01
HCR 17 Designating Route 2 from Parkersburg to the Pennsylvania border as "Marine Corps League Highway" Pending House 03/08/01
SCR 17 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study Uniform Sales and Use Tax Administration Act Pending House Interstate Cooperation 04/12/01
HR 17 Recognizing the many contributions of the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation to the State of West Virginia Adopted 03/27/01
SR 17 Recognizing accomplishments of 2000 Marshall University Thundering Herd football team Adopted 03/14/01
HJR 17 Surviving Spouse and Increased Homestead Exemption Amendment Pending House 03/14/01
HJR 18 Decreasing Levy on Real Property Within Municipalities Amendment Pending House 03/15/01
SR 18 Recognizing accomplishments of Oak Glen High School wrestling team PASS 03/15/01
HR 18 Recommending endorsement of the national proclamation of National Heart Failure Awareness Week Pending House 03/29/01
SCR 18 Requesting Division of Highways name bridge crossing Kanawha River at Montgomery "Earl M. Vickers Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/09/01
HCR 18 Designating "211" as the access number for community information and referral services Adopted 04/04/01
HCR 19 Urging the passage of national legislation to increase benefits to surviving spouses under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974 Adopted 04/02/01
SCR 19 Requesting President and state congressional delegation refrain from imposing any unfunded mandates Pending House Education 03/22/01
HR 19 Recognizing Appalachian American Indians of West Virginia as an official intertribal tribe in the State of West Virginia Adopted 04/12/01
SR 19 Recognizing March 20 as "Disability Awareness Day" Adopted 03/20/01
HJR 19 Fair and Equal Citizenship Amendment Pending House 03/19/01
HJR 20 Super-Majority Required for Passage of Tax Bill Amendment Pending House 03/20/01
SR 20 Recognizing March as "Professional Social Work Month" Adopted 03/21/01
HR 20 Recognizing the action of President George W. Bush relative to the National Energy Policy Pending House 04/02/01
SCR 20 Urging Congress and President increase funding for disabled students Pending House Education 03/22/01
HCR 20 Requesting the Governor of West Virginia, the West Virginia members of the United States Congress, the Secretary of Transportation and the Commissioner of the Division of Transportation to support and assist the completion of the Coalfield Expressway Adopted 03/26/01
HCR 21 Urging the United States Postal Service to issue a coal miner's postal stamp Adopted 04/02/01
SCR 21 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study boot camp-style residential facilities for troubled youth Pending Senate 03/22/01
HR 21 Commending the Honorable Robert C. Byrd Adopted 04/05/01
SR 21 Requesting state congressional delegation support tax relief plan Adopted 03/29/01
HJR 21 Modern Graduated Real Estate Assessment and Taxation and Finance Amendment Pending House 03/21/01
HJR 22 Amendment prohibiting state funding for abortion except when necessary to save the life of the mother Pending House 03/28/01
SR 22 Congratulating Mercer Christian Academy girls' basketball team Adopted 03/23/01
HR 22 Recognizing Granville Lance for fifty-four years of dedicated service to the citizens of Spencer and Roane Counties Pending House 04/02/01
SCR 22 Requesting Division of Highways name bridge crossing Kitchen Creek at Gap Mills "Gap Mills Ruritan Memorial Bridge" Pending House Transportation 03/26/01
HCR 22 Naming the bridge at Grantsville at the intersection of Route 16 and Route 5 the "Bernard P. Bell, Congressional Medal of Honor Winner, Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/04/01
HCR 23 Naming the replacement bridge across the Tygart River at Benton's Ferry the "Benton's Ferry Bridge" in honor of former Delegate Nick Fantasia, Sr Adopted 04/03/01
SCR 23 Requesting Division of Highways name visitors' center near Hazelton "West Virginia Medal of Honor Recipients Memorial Plaza" Adopted Military 04/14/01
HR 23 Requesting the Governor to designate the first Sunday of March each year as "Husband Honor Your Wife Day" Pending House 04/02/01
SR 23 Designating March 26 "Don Nehlen Appreciation Day" Adopted 03/26/01
HJR 23 Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment for persons making fifty thousand dollars a year or less Pending House 03/30/01
HJR 24 Sportsperson's Bill of Rights Amendment Pending House 04/02/01
SR 24 Congratulating 2001 Spirit of Community Award Winners Adopted 03/26/01
HR 24 Recognizing Joe Craddock for fifty years of dedicated service to the citizens of Spencer and Roane County Pending House 04/03/01
SCR 24 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study establishing Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists as independent licensing board Pending House Government Organization 04/12/01
HCR 24 Requesting a study of the impact of requiring employees to work in excess of forty hours Adopted 04/12/01
HCR 25 Requesting support for the completion of the King Coal (I 73/74) Highway Adopted 04/02/01
SCR 25 Requesting Division of Highways name bridge crossing Buffalo Creek in Bethany "Alexander Campbell Bridge" Pending House 04/02/01
HR 25 Commerating the passing of Sarah Lee Neal, wife, mother, businesswoman, philanthropist and Stateswoman Adopted 04/03/01
SR 25 Recognizing contributions of March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Adopted 03/27/01
HJR 25 Relating to the length of legislative sessions and reducing compensation of the members of the legislature Pending House 04/02/01
SR 26 Congratulating Capital High School girls' basketball team Adopted 03/28/01
HR 26 Commemorating and honoring the life and public service of Dee Capterton Kessel, former member of the House of Delegates from the County of Kanawha and former First Lady of West Virginia Adopted 04/04/01
SCR 26 Requesting Division of Highways name bridge crossing Monongahela River "Corporal Thomas Bennett, Medal of Honor Winner, Memorial Bridge" Pending Senate 04/14/01
HCR 26 Consolidating the graduate and undergraduate student internship programs of the Legislature Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 27 Naming the bridge at Route 60 and Merrick Creek Road the "Hershel Woody Williams Bridge" Adopted 04/11/01
SCR 27 Requesting Department of Transportation restore "Welcome to Wild, Wonderful West Virginia" signs on main highways at state borders Pending House 04/10/01
HR 27 Requesting the Division of Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation Section, to provide an annual Veterans' Appreciation Program, consisting of discounts to veterans for certain park services during the week following Veterans' Day each year Adopted 04/13/01
SR 27 Urging President and Congress develop and implement national energy policy Adopted 03/28/01
SR 28 Congratulating Beverly Jane Van Scoy Niceler, Mother of the Year, 2001 Adopted 03/28/01
HR 28 Gratefully recognizing the efforts of Mark Ligon Hankins in securing for the state, its citizens and guests the Greenbrier River Trail Adopted 04/13/01
SCR 28 Requesting Tax Commissioner study tax credits and other business incentives Pending Senate 03/29/01
HCR 28 Requesting a study of child lead poisoning and possible solutions Pending Senate 03/28/01
HCR 29 Requesting a study of the state's emergency preparedness for a large scale disaster Pending House 03/20/01
SCR 29 Requesting Division of Highways name portions of Interstate 77 and U. S. Route 460 "Veterans Memorial Highway" Adopted 04/14/01
HR 29 Commemorating the life of Richard H. Everson, former member of the House of Delegates from Barbour County Adopted 04/11/01
SR 29 Congratulating Ravenswood High School cross country team Adopted 03/29/01
SR 30 Congratulating Capital High School boys' basketball team Adopted 03/30/01
HR 30 In memory of Harold V. Long, former member of the House of Delegates from Braxton County Adopted 04/13/01
SCR 30 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study law-enforcement training, higher education courses and training facilities Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 30 Requesting support and assistance in the completion of Route 2 between Parkersburg and Chester and Interstate 68 between Moundsville and Morgantown Adopted 04/10/01
HCR 31 Naming the new bridge on US Route 3, crossing the Big Coal River in Peytona, Boone County, the "Coal Miners' Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/14/01
SCR 31 Requesting Division of Highways name bridge at Newburg, crossing Racoon Street on Route 92 "J. Richard Taylor Memorial Bridge" Pending House 04/10/01
HR 31 Requesting a study of the state of oral health in West Virginia Pending House 04/12/01
SR 31 Commending Honorable Robert C. Byrd Adopted 04/02/01
SR 32 Designating April, 2001, "Autism Awareness Month" and April 27, 2001, "Autism Awareness Day" Adopted 04/06/01
HR 32 Commemorating the life of Paul J. Vennari, former member of the House of Delegates from Raleigh County Adopted 04/12/01
SCR 32 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study authorizing licensed motor vehicle dealers sell "as is" vehicles Adopted Transportation 04/13/01
HCR 32 Urging the President of the United States to support coal miners afflicted with black lung Pending Senate 04/14/01
HCR 33 Urging the support of the completion of U. S. Route 522 Berkeley Springs Bypass Adopted 04/10/01
SCR 33 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study privacy issues relating to records maintained by 911 centers Pending House Judiciary 04/12/01
HR 33 Recognizing the accomplishments of Senator Robert C. Byrd and proclaiming him Citizen of the Century Adopted 04/14/01
SR 33 Recognizing achievements of Booker T. Washington Adopted 04/05/01
SR 34 Congratulating Bridgeport High School athletic teams Adopted 04/11/01
HR 34 Requesting the Speaker investigate the feasibility of establishing a privately funded chapel in the part of the State Capitol occupied by the House of Delegates and report back Adopted 04/13/01
SCR 34 Requesting Governor designate Marine Corps League Week and Marine Corps League Day Pending House Military 04/02/01
HCR 34 Requesting boards of education to implement measures ensuring that school children receive sufficient levels of calcium in foods and beverages Pending Senate 04/06/01
HCR 35 Naming the Elk Creek Bridge located near Delbarton the "Rush T. White Bridge" Adopted 04/14/01
SCR 35 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study pension benefits for correctional officers and similar positions Adopted 04/14/01
SR 35 Recognizing service of Leadership Berkeley Adopted 04/06/01
SR 36 Congratulating Megan Burrough, 2001 Prudential Spirit of Community Award winner Adopted 04/09/01
SCR 36 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study student athlete health and safety Pending House 04/10/01
HCR 36 Naming the new bridge crossing the Big Coal River in Racine, Boone County, the "George R. 'Crook' Clendenen Bridge" Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 37 Requesting the joint committee on government and finance to make a study on instructional time in the public schools of the state Adopted Education 04/14/01
SCR 37 Requesting Division of Natural Resources study making Upper Mud River Watershed Project a state park or other designated area Adopted 04/14/01
SR 37 Recognizing outstanding public service of hospital volunteers Adopted 04/09/01
SR 38 Urging President and Congress keep Saturday mail service and examine fiscal stability of U. S. Postal Service Adopted 04/10/01
SCR 38 Requesting Division of Highways name bridge crossing Monongahela River at Fairmont "Robert H. Mollohan--Jefferson Street Bridge" Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 38 Requesting the joint committee on government and finance examine and study the implications of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, known as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 Pending House 03/29/01
HCR 39 Requesting the joint committee on government and finance to make a study of senior citizen drug costs and methods to reduce these costs Pending Senate 04/14/01
SCR 39 Urging Congress address demographic problems of social security system Pending Senate 04/04/01
SR 39 Requesting Department of Navy name ship in honor of West Virginia Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, Hershel Woodrow Williams Adopted 04/10/01
SR 40 Congratulating Williamson High School boys' basketball team Adopted 04/11/01
SCR 40 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance include Advisory Council on Professional Opportunity as advisors to Joint Commission on Economic Development during interim Adopted Economic Development 04/16/01
HCR 40 Naming the bridge spanning Raccoon Street on Route 92 in Newburg the "J. Richard Taylor Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 41 Requesting that the Joint Committee on Government and Finance conduct a study of creating a State retirement system for fireman, police officers and emergency medical services personnel Adopted 04/14/01
SCR 41 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study funding of county public libraries Adopted Finance 04/14/01
SR 41 Recognizing achievements of Dr. Robert B. Walker Adopted 04/11/01
SR 42 Congratulating Clendenin Little League girls' softball team Adopted 04/12/01
SCR 42 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study merits of local governments and political entities entering into certain agreements Pending House 04/12/01
HCR 42 Directing the West Virginia department of transportation to designate a portion of Interstate 64 as the "West Virginia I-64 HIGH TECH CORRIDOR" and erect appropriate signage Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 43 Urging the United States Congress to undertake action to effect the passage of the U. S. Senate Bill 60, the National Electricity Technology Act Pending House 04/02/01
SCR 43 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study dust created by mining activity Pending House 04/14/01
SR 43 Recognizing accomplishments of Hannan High School boys' basketball team Adopted 04/12/01
SR 44 Recognizing teachers certified by National Board of Professional Teaching Standards Adopted 04/12/01
SCR 44 Memorializing life of Okey Mills Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 44 Urging Congress to provide funding to improve water quality in West Virginia Pending House 04/02/01
HCR 45 Naming the bridge crossing Kitchen Creek at Gap Mills on County Road 15 the "Gap Mills Ruritan Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/14/01
SCR 45 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study health insurance availability to small businesses Pending House 04/10/01
SR 45 Recognizing public service and accomplishments of Honorable Robert C. Byrd Adopted 04/13/01
SR 46 Raising committee to notify House of Delegates Senate is ready to adjourn sine die Adopted 05/31/01
SCR 46 Requesting Division of Highways name bridge crossing Trace Creek at Myrtle "William K. Hopkins Bridge" Pending House 04/14/01
HCR 46 Renaming the bridge which crosses the Elk River at Elkview on State Route 47 the "Elk River Veterans Bridge" Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 47 Designating April thirtieth literacy day in West Virginia Pending House 04/03/01
SCR 47 Requesting Division of Highways name bridge crossing Elk Creek near Delbarton "Rush T. White Bridge" Pending Senate 04/05/01
SR 47 Raising committee to notify Governor Legislature is ready to adjourn sine die Adopted 05/31/01
SCR 48 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study election financing methods Pending House Judiciary 04/10/01
HCR 48 Naming the bridge at the intersection of Route 33 and Route 119 in Spencer, West Virginia, the "Colonel Ruby Bradley Bridge" Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 49 Requesting a study of the economic condition, production cost, availability and potential growth of agriculture and agri-business Pending Senate 04/11/01
SCR 49 Amending Joint Rules of Senate and House of Delegates relating to governing powers Adopted 04/14/01
SCR 50 Recognizing efforts of Honorable Jennings Randolph on anniversary of ratification of twenty-sixth amendment to U. S. Constitution and declaring April 27 as student voter registration day Adopted 04/12/01
HCR 50 Requesting an interim study of law-enforcement training, higher educational courses and facilities Pending Senate 04/11/01
HCR 51 Requesting a study relating to protecting the health and safety of student athletes participating in athletic programs Pending Senate 04/12/01
SCR 51 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study 911 cellular emergency service Adopted 04/14/01
SCR 52 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study state tax division appeals procedures Pending House Judiciary 04/12/01
HCR 52 Requesting a study relating to requiring health insurers and organizations to provide coverage for persons engaged in clinical trials for treatment of life-threatening diseases Pending Senate 04/14/01
HCR 53 Requesting the division of highways to conduct a study of upgrading Routes 33 and 119 from Spencer to Arnoldsburg and of Route 16 to Interstate 79 at Big Otter Adopted 04/14/01
SCR 53 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study Alzheimer's caregiver program Pending Senate 04/10/01
SCR 54 Recognizing statewide trails plan Pending House Natural Resources 04/10/01
HCR 54 Requesting a study to determine the benefits and disadvantages of legislation to relieve counties, municipalities and school boards from complying with certain legislative mandates Pending House 04/03/01
HCR 55 Requesting a study of tax increment financing Pending House 04/03/01
SCR 55 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study logging sediment control act Pending House Natural Resources 04/12/01
SCR 56 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study health care system Pending Senate 04/11/01
HCR 56 Requesting a study of the cost to local school boards of providing alternative programs for disruptive students Pending Senate 04/14/01
HCR 57 Requesting a study of ways to establish a funding source for services to West Virginians with brain and spinal cord injuries Adopted 04/12/01
SCR 57 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study child welfare system and foster care Pending House 04/14/01
SCR 58 Endorsing "National Heart Failure Awareness Week" Pending Senate 04/11/01
HCR 58 Requesting a study of the need for a rehabilitation subcode to the state building code Adopted 04/12/01
HCR 59 Requesting a study of the transportation needs of persons who are dependent upon the services of others by reason of age or physical or mental impairment Pending Senate 04/09/01
SCR 59 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study medical monitoring Pending House Rules 04/12/01
SCR 60 Requesting Division of Highways name new bridge in Star City, Monongalia County, "Edith B. Barill Bridge" Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 60 Requesting a study relating to acquiring, constructing and operating transportation facilities Pending Senate 04/12/01
HCR 61 Requesting a study of the feasibility of utilizing tax increment financing to fund county development projects Pending House 04/04/01
SCR 61 Proposing environmental and recreational partnership to advance interests of state Pending Senate 04/13/01
SCR 62 Encouraging President and Congress support production of coal-based synthetic fuel Pending Senate 04/14/01
HCR 62 Requesting the President, Vice President and all members of Congress to include West Virginia coal as a major component of the nation's new energy policy Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 63 Requesting a study of the feasibility of implementing the state building code throughout West Virginia Pending Senate 04/14/01
SCR 63 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study workforce development initiatives Adopted Finance 04/14/01
SCR 64 Providing for extension of first regular session of Seventy-fifth Legislature Adopted Senate 10/16/01
HCR 64 Specifying the design to be placed on the West Virginia commemorative quarter under the United States Mint's Fifty State Quarters Program Pending Senate 04/11/01
HCR 65 Requesting a study of the establishment of a comprehensive alzheimer's caregiver program to assist families with their efforts to provide quality diagnosis, care and treatment for the victims of alzheimer's disease Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 66 Requesting an interim study to review, examine and study the issue of highway safety in this State as it relates to use of the highways by tractor trailers Pending Senate 04/13/01
HCR 67 Requesting a study of the feasibility of developing a historical State park at Coalwood, McDowell County, the home of the "launch site" of the "Rocket Boys" Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 68 Requesting a study of the dormitory and meal plan options currently available in institutions of higher education in West Virginia Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 69 Memorializing and celebrating the life of Earl Maxwell Vickers, public servant extraordinaire, Navy veteran, FBI agent, lawyer, legislator, legislative services pioneer, church and civic leader, devoted husband, father and grandfather Adopted 04/10/01
HCR 70 Requesting a study of possible changes in pension benefits for correctional officers and other employees in similar positions Pending Senate 04/13/01
HCR 71 Requesting a study of the effectiveness of the suspension of drivers' licenses to accomplish the goals of the Legislature Pending Senate 04/13/01
HCR 72 Adopting the section of the Citizens Legislative Compensation Commission Resolution with respect to participation in the coverages and benefits of the Social Security Act and the Federal Insurance Contributions Act by members of the Legislature Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 73 Requesting a study on counseling in the public schools of the state Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 74 Creating a Small and Rural Hospital Study Commission to examine the economic preservation of and regulatory relief for small and rural hospitals and to report findings and recommendations to the Legislature by the first day of 2002 Regular Session Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 75 Establishing a task force to study the implementation of a business and occupation tax credit for producing electric power using West Virginia coal Pending House 04/11/01
HCR 76 Requesting a study of current trends in practice of barbers, cosmetologists, manicurists and aestheticians in West Virginia and the adequacy of current law to protect the public interest Pending Senate 04/12/01
HCR 77 Requesting a comprehensive study of current trends in the practice of pharmacy in West Virginia and the adequacy of current law to protect the public interest Pending Senate 04/12/01
HCR 78 Authorizing a continuing interim study of the effects and impact of gambling in the state Pending Senate 04/14/01
HCR 79 Requesting DEP to rectify the issues concerning the fishing pond located at Chief Logan State Park Pending Senate 04/14/01
HCR 80 Expressing thanks and offering praise to those individuals responsible for the Statewide Trails Plan and submitting an endorsement for the Plan Pending Senate 04/14/01
HCR 81 Requesting the Division of Highways to name the bridge across the Monongahela River in downtown Fairmont the "Robert H. Mollohan-Jefferson Street Bridge" Pending House 04/11/01
HCR 82 Requesting a study of the effects of foreign steel on the steel industry and the West Virginia tax base which affects education Pending House 04/11/01
HCR 83 Requesting a study of the issues raised in Mitchell v. Broadnax, relating to insurance rates and forms Adopted Banking and Insurance 04/14/01
HCR 84 Requesting that the City of Morgantown, West Virginia, rename the Willowdale Boulevard to the "Don Nehlen Boulevard" Pending House 04/12/01
HCR 85 Proposing an environmental and recreation partnership to advance the interests of West Virginia Pending Senate 04/14/01
HCR 86 Requesting a study of the uses and availability of limited health care services insurance, including prescription drug coverage to increase affordable access to health care services Pending Senate 04/14/01
HCR 87 Requesting a study of methods to increase affordable access to prescription drugs for all of the citizens of this State Pending Senate 04/14/01
HCR 88 Recognizing the importance of coal-based synthetic fuel producers and urging Congress and the President to continue to support the efforts to produce coal-based synfuel Adopted 04/14/01
HCR 89 Requesting a study relative to the ability of local libraries to comply with current regulations related to raising funds Pending House 04/13/01
HCR 90 Requesting a study of the state oral health in West Virginia Pending Senate 04/14/01
HCR 91 Requesting a study of this state's compliance with pertinent federal and state laws relating to providing services and funding to students with physical, learning or severe sensory disabilities Pending Senate 04/14/01
HCR 92 Requesting a studyof the West Virginia child welfare and foster care systems Pending Senate 04/14/01
HCR 94 Extending the provisions of Joint Rule 3, relating to committees of conference and reports relative thereto Adopted 04/16/01
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