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HCR 1 Extending an invitation to His Excellency, the Governor, to deliver an address to the Legislature and raising a Joint Assembly therefor Adopted Senate 01/08/14
SCR 1 Requesting DOH name Becky's Creek Bridge, Randolph County, "U. S. Army Sgt. Cecil W. Kittle, Jr., Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/03/14
HJR 1 The March Legislative Session Amendment Pending House 01/09/14
SR 1 Raising committee to notify House Senate has assembled Adopted 01/08/14
HR 1 Authorizing the appointment of employees for this, the Second Regular Session of the Eighty-first Legislature, two thousand fourteen Adopted 01/08/14
SJR 1 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Initiative, Referendum and Recall Amendment Pending Senate 01/08/14
SJR 2 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Veto Session Amendment Pending Senate 01/08/14
HR 2 Establishing the Calendars of the House, providing for the arrangement of business thereon, and providing for making public the vote on certain questions in connection with the preparation thereof Adopted 01/09/14
SR 2 Raising committee to notify Governor Legislature has assembled Adopted 01/08/14
HJR 2 Legislator Term Limit Amendment Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 2 Requesting DOH name bridge in Harrison County "U. S. Navy Petty Officer First Class Kevin S. Rux Memorial Bridge" Adopted 02/25/14
HCR 2 The "USMC CPL Larry G. Carnutte Memorial Bridge" Adopted 02/28/14
HCR 3 The "Army Captain Thomas McElwain Memorial Bridge" Pending Senate 02/14/14
SCR 3 Requesting DOH name bridge in Gypsy, Harrison County, "U. S. Navy Seaman First Class Sam Lopez Bridge" Adopted 02/25/14
HJR 3 Lieutenant Governor Amendment Pending House 01/09/14
SR 3 Honoring Harley Orrin Staggers, Sr. Adopted 01/09/14
HR 3 Authorizing the Clerk to have printed and to distribute the Acts of the Legislature and Journals of the House of Delegates Adopted 01/08/14
SJR 3 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment Pending Senate 01/08/14
SJR 4 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Homestead Exemption Calculation Amendment Pending Senate 01/08/14
HR 4 Re-establishing and realigning the Standing Committees of the House Adopted 01/09/14
SR 4 Celebrating Monongalia County Adopted 01/09/14
HJR 4 Legislative Reapportionment Amendment Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 4 Requesting DOH name new bridge crossing West Fork of Monongahela River at Shinnston "Veterans Memorial Bridge" Adopted 02/25/14
HCR 4 The "Army Corporal Eldred Jennings Hensley Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/04/14
HCR 5 The "Sergeant Elzie Mundy, Jr. Bridge" Adopted 03/04/14
SCR 5 Requesting DOH name bridge in Kanawha County "Army PFC William Floyd Harrison Memorial Bridge" Adopted 02/25/14
HJR 5 Citizens' Redistricting Commission Amendment Pending House 01/09/14
SR 5 Authorizing appointment of 2014 session employees Adopted 01/10/14
HR 5 Enrolling a Memorial to an extraordinary individual, the Honorable Joseph Blair Talbott, former Member of the House of Delegates from the County of Webster, educator, public servant and friend Adopted 01/20/14
SJR 5 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Marriage Protection Amendment Pending Senate 01/08/14
SJR 6 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Religious Freedom Guaranteed Amendment Pending Senate 01/08/14
HR 6 Amending House Rule Nos. 25 and 26, relating to participation in House proceedings and voting by electronic teleconferencing by members not physically present due to serving on active duty Rejected House 01/29/14
SR 6 Designating Crime Victims Day at Legislature Adopted 01/15/14
HJR 6 Amendment clarifying that nothing in this Constitution secures or protects a right to abortion or requires the funding of an abortion Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 6 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study veterans, active duty and National Guard members' issues Pending Senate 03/04/14
HCR 6 The "Marine LCpl Benny A. Gilco Bridge" Adopted 03/04/14
HCR 7 The "Kerry Albright Road" Adopted 02/28/14
SCR 7 Requesting Star City interchange on I-79 in Morgantown be named "Michael A. Oliverio, Sr., Interchange" Adopted 01/23/14
HJR 7 Active Military Personal Property Tax Relief Amendment of 2014 Pending House 01/09/14
SR 7 Designating Generation West Virginia Day Adopted 01/20/14
HR 7 Relating to requiring that a Jobs Impact Statement be attached to proposed legislation affecting employment or taxes in the state. Pending House 03/07/14
SJR 7 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Organization of Houses of Legislature Amendment Pending Senate 01/08/14
SJR 8 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Veto Session Amendment Pending Senate 01/09/14
HR 8 Memorializing the life of the Honorable Ruth Stafford Goldsmith, wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, community advocate, and public servant Adopted 02/03/14
SR 8 Designating West Virginia Kids at Risk Day Adopted 01/22/14
HJR 8 The "Tangible Personal Property Tax Exemption and Rate Reduction Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 8 Requesting DOH name bridge in West Milford, Harrison County, "USMC Cpl. Gene William Somers, Jr., Memorial Bridge" Adopted 02/25/14
HCR 8 The "Oral Gene Castle Bridge" Adopted 03/04/14
HCR 9 The "Army S/SGT Raymond Lawrence Berry Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/07/14
SCR 9 Requesting DOH name portion of U. S. Rt. 522 "Trooper First Class Thomas Dean Hercules and Trooper Charles Henry Johnson Memorial Highway" Adopted 02/25/14
HJR 9 The "Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SR 9 Urging construction of state veterans' nursing home in Beckley Pending Senate 01/28/14
HR 9 Protecting West Virginia coal and electric generation jobs from U.S. EPA carbon regulations Pending House 02/11/14
SJR 9 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Right to Hunt and Fish in WV Amendment Pending Senate 02/03/14
SJR 10 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Right to Hunt, Fish, Harvest Wildlife in WV Amendment Pending House 02/27/14
HR 10 Relating to requiring that a Water Impact Statement be attached to proposed legislation affecting water Rejected House 02/20/14
SR 10 Recognizing Leadership Berkeley Adopted 01/27/14
HJR 10 The "Defense of Marriage Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 10 Requesting DOH name bridge in Switzer, Logan County, "U. S. Army Cpl. James Melvin 'Pete' Spradlin Memorial Bridge" Adopted 02/25/14
HCR 10 The "Veterans Memorial Bridge" Adopted 02/20/14
HCR 11 The "Pendleton County Union Veterans Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/05/14
SCR 11 Requesting DOH name bridge in Logan "U. S. Army Major Thomas McElwain Memorial Bridge" Adopted 02/25/14
HJR 11 The "Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SR 11 Recognizing value and importance of state's innovation industry Adopted 01/29/14
HR 11 Commemorating the life of Honorable Robert J. Conley Adopted 02/17/14
SJR 11 Proposing constitutional amendment designated More Accessible Legislature Amendment Pending Senate 02/05/14
SJR 12 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Protecting and Conserving West Virginia's Water Resources for the Use and Benefit of its Citizens Amendment Rejected House 03/25/14
HR 12 Memorializing the life of the Honorable James E. "Jimmy" Willison, veteran, lay minister, and public servant Adopted 02/27/14
SR 12 Amending Senate Rule No. 28 relating to setting committee agendas Rejected Senate 02/10/14
HJR 12 The "Super-Majority Required for Passage of Tax Bill Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 12 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study funding sources for law-enforcement training and certification programs Pending Senate 02/19/14
HCR 12 The "Pendleton County Confederate Veterans Memorial Highway" Adopted 03/03/14
HCR 13 The "Thomas H. Stafford Memorial Bridge" Adopted 02/20/14
SCR 13 Requesting DOH name bridge on Rt. 58 in Anmoore "U. S. Army PFC Nick A. Cavallaro Memorial Bridge" Pending House 02/06/14
SR 13 Designating Randolph County Day Adopted 02/03/14
HR 13 Urging the United States Environmental Protection Agency to develop guidelines that support the lead role of states in regulating carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants Adopted 03/03/14
SJR 13 Proposing constitutional amendment designated School Board Election Amendment Pending Senate 02/13/14
SJR 14 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Future Fund Amendment Rejected House 03/25/14
HR 14 Requesting that the West Virginia National Guard locate and secure fill for construction from some other source than Blair Mountain Pending House 03/08/14
SR 14 Recognizing Leadership Jefferson Adopted 02/03/14
HJR 14 The "Right to Work Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 14 Requesting DOH name bridge crossing Madison Creek, Logan County, "U. S. Army Sergeant Bernard C. Maynard Memorial Bridge" Pending House 02/06/14
HCR 14 The "Army Specialist Fifth Class Elton Dale Workman Memorial Bridge" Adopted 02/21/14
SCR 15 Requesting DOH name bridge on Rt. 2, Cabell County, "U. S. Army PFC Homer 'Clyde' Farley and U. S. Army PFC Max O. Farley Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/07/14
HJR 15 The "Super-Majority Required for Passage of Tax Bill Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SR 15 Recognizing social workers in WV Adopted 02/05/14
HR 15 Requesting the importance of keeping strong vocational agricultural programs in West Virginia Schools Pending House 03/08/14
HR 16 Creating an Interim Select Committee on Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development for the eighty-first Legislature Adopted 03/08/14
SR 16 Designating Preston County Day Adopted 02/05/14
HJR 16 The "Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 16 Urging Congress revise Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 Pending Senate 01/27/14
HCR 16 State of West Virginia not do business with CGI Federal Pending House 01/14/14
HCR 17 The "Captain Isaac Alt West Virginia Militia Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/08/14
SCR 17 Requesting DOH name bridge in Greenbrier County "U. S. Army Sgt. James Lee Holcomb Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/07/14
HJR 17 The "Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SR 17 Recognizing Pinnacle Blue Mine Rescue Team Adopted 02/05/14
HR 17 Requesting the House of Delegates Women's Caucus, acting as an Interim Select Committee, study crimes against children Adopted 03/08/14
SR 18 Recognizing Community Development Hub's Communities of Achievement Program Adopted 02/06/14
HJR 18 The "Disabled Veterans Homestead Exemption Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 18 Recognizing additional higher education funding cuts to be detrimental Pending Senate 02/07/14
HCR 18 The "Dr. H. Luke Eye Bridge" Pending Senate 02/21/14
HCR 19 The "Army Specialist 4 William Lewis Reger Memorial Bridge" Adopted 02/21/14
SCR 19 Requesting DOH name bridge in Lincoln County "U. S. Army Sergeant Paul Norman Chapman Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/07/14
SR 19 Recognizing organ procurement organizations Adopted 02/06/14
SR 20 Recognizing School of Osteopathic Medicine Adopted 02/06/14
HJR 20 The "Capital Punishment Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 20 Recognizing value and importance of state's innovation industry Adopted 03/07/14
HCR 20 The "Army Corporal William Eugene Shank Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/07/14
HCR 21 Study the rural health workforce in West Virginia Pending House 01/16/14
SCR 21 Requesting DOH name bridge in Raleigh County "U. S. Army PFC Shelby Dean Stover Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/07/14
HJR 21 The "Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SR 21 Urging Supervalu, Inc., reconsider closing Milton warehouse Pending Senate 02/10/14
SR 22 Urging Congress amend Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 Pending Senate Health and Human Resources 02/07/14
HJR 22 The "Homestead Exemption Calculation Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 22 Requesting DOH name section of Rt. 901 "Deputy John L. Burkett III Memorial Highway" Adopted 03/04/14
HCR 22 Studying the needs, challenges, and issues facing West Virginia military veterans Pending Senate 03/08/14
HCR 23 Army Sgt. Walter William Smith Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/21/14
SCR 23 Requesting DOH name bridge in Boone County "USMC PFC Marshall Lee King Memorial Bridge" Pending House 02/20/14
HJR 23 The "Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SR 23 Designating Fairness West Virginia Day Adopted 02/10/14
SR 24 Recognizing Steve Antoline, 2014 Outstanding Tree Farmer Adopted 02/11/14
HJR 24 The "Manufacturing Inventory Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 24 Designating Raleigh County Veterans Museum as WV Veterans Museum Pending Senate 02/05/14
HCR 24 Fredrick Dempsey Bridge Pending Senate 02/14/14
HCR 25 Urging the West Virginia Governor's Office and the Senate and House Finance Committees to include sufficient funds in the budget to eliminate the wait list for the Aged and Disabled Waiver program Adopted Senior Citizen Issues 03/07/14
SCR 25 Requesting DOH name portion of State Rt. 37 "U. S. Army SP4 Darrell W. Sanders Memorial Highway" Pending House 02/20/14
HJR 25 The "Elimination of Individual Terms of Circuit Courts Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SR 25 Recognizing Women's Commission on Women's Day Adopted 02/12/14
SR 26 Designating Marshall University Day Adopted 02/12/14
HJR 26 The "Prohibiting the Governmental Taking of Private Property for Private Use Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 26 Requesting DOH rename County Rt. 35/3 in Wayne County "Stonewall Veterans Memorial Highway" Pending House 02/20/14
HCR 26 Requesting the Division of Highways to build the bridge on County Route 65/03 located near Tug Valley High School Pending Senate 02/14/14
HCR 27 The Audra Park Bridge in Memory of Army Sergeant John A. Charnoplosky Adopted 02/25/14
SCR 27 Urging President and Congress establish provisions to prevent and respond to chemical spills in state and national waters Adopted 03/07/14
HJR 27 The "Initiative, Referendum, and Recall Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SR 27 Amending Rules of Senate relating to witnesses before committees Pending Senate 02/19/14
SR 28 Honoring Senator Jack Yost Adopted 02/12/14
HJR 28 The "Taxpayer Bill of Rights Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 28 Requesting DOH name road in Logan County "Joshua Walls Memorial Highway" Adopted 03/08/14
HCR 28 William S. (Bill) Croaff Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/08/14
HCR 29 Creating a Joint Standing Committee on Technology Pending House 01/17/14
SCR 29 Requesting DOH erect sign in Raleigh County "Home of Bill Withers" Pending House 02/25/14
HJR 29 The "Simple Majority Approval Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SR 29 Recognizing Doc for a Day Program Adopted 02/13/14
SR 30 Designating Corrections Day Adopted 02/14/14
HJR 30 The "Simple Majority Levy Approval Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 30 Requesting DOH name bridge crossing Middle Fork River "Army Sergeant John A. Charnoplosky Memorial Bridge" Pending Senate 02/13/14
HCR 30 Everett Ronnie Fields, Sr. Memorial Bridge Pending Senate 02/14/14
HCR 31 Rosalyn Queen Alonso Bridge Pending Senate 01/31/14
SCR 31 Recognizing National Radio Astronomy Observatory's Center for STEM Education Pending House 02/20/14
SR 31 Designating Veterans Visibility Day Adopted 02/17/14
SR 32 Designating WV State University Day Adopted 02/18/14
HJR 32 The "Governor's Succession Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 32 Requesting DOH name bridge in Calhoun County "U. S. Army Sergeant Robert Odell Orders Memorial Bridge" Adopted 02/20/14
HCR 32 Joe "Toby" Slade Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/04/14
HCR 33 Army Sergeant Andrew Clark Bridge Pending Senate 02/14/14
SCR 33 Requesting DOH name County Rt. 15 in Mercer County "River Road Music Heritage Trail" Pending Senate 02/14/14
HJR 33 The "County Liquor Sales Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SR 33 Recognizing Linsly School Adopted 02/18/14
SR 34 Recognizing Greenbrier Valley Polar Bear Plunge Club Adopted 02/19/14
HJR 34 The "Marriage Protection Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SCR 34 Requesting DOH name bridge in Tyler County "U. S. Army Staff Sgt. Jesse A. Ault Memorial Bridge" Pending House 02/25/14
HCR 34 Marine Private Rudy Varney Bridge - Purple Heart Recipient Adopted 03/08/14
HCR 35 The Arden Bridge in Memory of Abbie Gall Adopted 02/25/14
SCR 35 Requesting DOH name portion of Rt. 17 in Boone County "Army Specialist 4 Larry E. Nunnery, Sr., Memorial Highway" Pending Senate 02/17/14
HJR 35 "Nonpartisan Election of the State Board of Education Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
SR 35 Designating Disability Advocacy Day Adopted 02/19/14
SR 36 Designating Higher Education Day Adopted 02/21/14
SCR 36 Requesting DOH name portion of Rt. 25 in Kanawha County "U. S. Army Sgt. James Lawrence Taylor Memorial Road" Pending House 02/26/14
HCR 36 Army Sergeant Billy E. Vinson Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/07/14
HCR 37 Army Sergeant Charles Leo Dulaney Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/21/14
SCR 37 Requesting DOH name Rt. 10 in Logan County "USMC Lance Corporal Larry G. Williamson Memorial Highway" Pending House 02/26/14
SR 37 Recognizing Clay Center for the Arts and Sciences Adopted 02/25/14
HJR 37 The "Homestead Exemption and Property Tax Limitation Amendment of 2014" Pending House 01/09/14
SR 38 Designating Nurses Unity Day Adopted 02/26/14
SCR 38 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study development of comprehensive early childhood program Pending Senate 02/20/14
HCR 38 W.T. (Big Bill) Elswick Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/05/14
HCR 39 Army LTC Robert "Bob" Marslender Bridge Adopted 03/07/14
SCR 39 Requesting DOH name road in Boone County "U. S. Army Sgt. Andy Messer Memorial Highway" Pending House 03/03/14
SR 39 Recognizing Community Action Agencies Adopted 02/27/14
SR 40 Recognizing Lincoln Public Service District Adopted 02/27/14
SCR 40 Requesting DOH name Joe's Creek Road in Lincoln County "U. S. Army PFC John E. Runyan Memorial Road" Pending House 02/26/14
HCR 40 Designating "Take Me Home Country Roads" an official state song. Adopted 03/08/14
HCR 41 Designating shelter dogs and cats as the official state pet of the State of West Virginia. Pending House 01/22/14
SCR 41 Requesting DOH name portion of Rt. 83 in McDowell County "U. S. Army MSGT Joe C. Alderman Memorial Road" Adopted 03/08/14
SR 41 Designating Housing Day Adopted 02/27/14
SR 42 Memorializing life of Lance Corporal Adam Johnson Crumpler Adopted 02/28/14
SCR 42 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study farmers market vendors Pending Senate Agriculture and Rural Development 02/18/14
HCR 42 Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 Adopted 02/12/14
HCR 43 Dr. William Prudich Memorial Highway Adopted 03/03/14
SCR 43 Requesting DOH name bridge in Putnam County "U. S. Army Sgt. Deforest Lee Talbert Memorial Bridge" Pending House 03/03/14
SR 43 Memorializing life and public service of James Howard "Buck" Harless Adopted 03/07/14
SR 44 Memorializing life of Honorable Robert K. "Bob" Holliday Adopted 03/04/14
SCR 44 Requesting DOH name bridge in Marion County "Sheriff Junior Slaughter Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/07/14
HCR 44 Carnie L. Spratt Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/07/14
HCR 45 U.S. Army SFC Bob L. VandeLinde Bridge Adopted 03/03/14
SCR 45 Requesting DOH name Smoke House Fork Crawley Creek Road in Logan County "U. S. Army Colonel Anna M. Butcher Road" Pending House 03/03/14
SR 45 Recognizing Paul Wesley Ambrose Health Policy Fellows Program Adopted 03/06/14
SR 46 Designating WVU and WVU Extension Day Adopted 03/04/14
SCR 46 Requesting DOH renovate Toney's Fork Road for use as state road into Beckley Pending Senate 02/24/14
HCR 46 Ingram's Way Pending Senate 02/14/14
HCR 47 Army SFC Michael Joe "Joey" Marushia Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/07/14
SCR 47 Requesting DOH rename Mill Road/Garden Ground Mountain Road "Jack Furst Drive" Pending Senate 02/24/14
SR 47 Designating March as American Red Cross Month Adopted 03/05/14
SR 48 Recognizing sister-state relationship of WV with Republic of China Adopted 03/05/14
SCR 48 Requesting DOH name portion of Rt. 10 in Man, "U. S. Army SP4 Terry Robert Albright Memorial Road" Pending House 03/03/14
HCR 48 Corporal Tracy Thurman Walls Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/07/14
HCR 49 Army PFC Lilborn Dillon Memorial Road Adopted 03/08/14
SCR 49 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study responsibilities for child protection and care Pending Senate Health and Human Resources 02/21/14
SR 49 Recognizing MU Forensic Science Center DNA Lab Adopted 03/05/14
SR 50 Designating Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week Adopted 03/06/14
SCR 50 Requesting DOH name portion of State Rt. 20, Hinton, Summers County, "USMC Sgt. Mecot E. Camara Memorial Highway" Adopted 03/08/14
HCR 50 Fleming Drive Pending Senate 02/14/14
HCR 51 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government Organization and Finance study the need for interconnectivity and other improvements in West Virginia's water distribution systems Pending Senate 03/08/14
SCR 51 Requesting DOH name bridge in Wayne County "Wilburn George 'Button' Meredith Memorial Bridge" Pending Senate 02/25/14
SR 51 Recognizing Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center Adopted 03/07/14
SR 52 Memorializing life of Jeffrey S. Taylor Adopted 03/08/14
SCR 52 Requesting DOH place signage along highways entering WV honoring fallen veterans and Gold Star Families Adopted 03/08/14
HCR 52 Kennenth A. Chapman Sr. Memorial Bridge Pending Senate 03/08/14
HCR 53 Julian, Earl and Edward Hill Brothers Memorial Bridge Pending Senate 02/21/14
SCR 53 Requesting DOH name portions of County Rt. 82, Fayette County, "Deputy Roger Lee Treadway Memorial Road" Pending Senate 02/25/14
SR 53 Memorializing life of James Dominick LaRosa Adopted 03/08/14
SR 54 Honoring Dr. Rahul Gupta Adopted 03/08/14
SCR 54 Requesting DOH name U. S. Rt. 54/6 in Wyoming County "Virginia & U. S. Army Major Woodrow Cook Memorial Road" Pending House 03/05/14
HCR 54 Chief Denzil O. Lockard Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/20/14
HCR 55 Alex Angelino Memorial Bridge Adopted 02/20/14
SCR 55 Requesting DOH name bridge in Fayette County "Tygrett Brothers Seven Veterans Bridge" Pending House 03/05/14
SR 55 Raising committee to notify House of Delegates Senate is ready to adjourn sine die Adopted 03/14/14
SR 56 Raising committee to notify Governor Legislature is ready to adjourn sine die Adopted 03/14/14
SCR 56 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study consumer protection for residential roof storm damage Pending Senate Banking and Insurance 02/25/14
HCR 56 Army SSG Jesse Adam Ault Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/05/14
HCR 57 Providing for the licensing of adult day health centers that implement a hybrid model of care Adopted Senior Citizen Issues 03/07/14
SCR 57 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study financial solvency of volunteer and part-volunteer fire companies Pending Senate Banking and Insurance 02/25/14
SCR 58 Requesting DOH name portion of Rt. 8 in Mingo County "Valentine 'Wall' Hatfield Road" Pending Senate 02/27/14
HCR 58 Requesting a study on the growing needs for in-home care and personal services for West Virginia's aging population Pending Senate Senior Citizen Issues 03/06/14
HCR 59 Urging the Governor to direct the Bureau of Senior Services to issue a report on the needs for in-home care Adopted Senior Citizen Issues 03/08/14
SCR 59 Requesting DOH name bridge on I-79 in Harrison County south "U. S. Army PFC Nick A. Cavallaro Memorial Bridge" and north "U. S. Army SSGT Benjamin T. Portaro Memorial Bridge" Pending House 03/05/14
SCR 60 Requesting DOH name section of Rt. 1 in Marion County "USAF Sergeant Jerome E. Kiger Memorial Road" Adopted 03/08/14
HCR 60 Lester W. 'Cappy' Burnside, Jr. Bridge Adopted 03/08/14
HCR 61 Restoring federal funding for the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, Pocahontas County Pending Senate 02/14/14
SCR 61 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study broadband middle mile Pending Senate Government Organization 02/26/14
SCR 62 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study naming transportation structures by resolution Pending Senate Government Organization 02/26/14
HCR 62 John W. Pyles Bridge Pending Senate 03/03/14
HCR 63 Army SPC Gary Wayne Hudnall Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/07/14
SCR 63 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study discounts and credits to motor vehicle fuel suppliers Pending Senate Government Organization 02/26/14
SCR 64 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study elimination of extraneous boards, commissions, etc. Pending Senate Government Organization 02/26/14
HCR 64 SSG Earl F. (Fred) Brown Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/08/14
HCR 65 Army SP4 Harold "Skip" Grouser Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/08/14
SCR 65 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study organization of DHHR Pending Senate 02/26/14
SCR 66 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study expansion of pari-mutuel wagering Pending Senate 02/28/14
HCR 66 Quentin H. Wickline Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/08/14
HCR 67 Recognizing that any additional cuts to the funding for higher educational institutions would be detrimental to the growth and the financial well-being of West Virginia. Pending House 02/04/14
SCR 67 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study probate process Pending Senate 02/28/14
SCR 68 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study housing quality and affordability Pending Senate 02/28/14
HCR 68 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to undertake a study of the development of a high speed commuter rail system in West Virginia. Pending Senate 03/06/14
HCR 69 U.S. Army Corporal John L. Gibbs Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/07/14
SCR 69 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study nurse staffing in health care facilities Pending Senate 02/28/14
SCR 70 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study certified professional midwives' licensing Pending Senate 02/28/14
HCR 70 U.S. Army Sgt. Matthew D. Hunter Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/07/14
HCR 71 Army Private William C. Bias Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/08/14
SCR 71 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study State Building Code enforcement Pending Senate Government Organization 02/27/14
SCR 72 Requesting DOH name bridge on Rt. 16, War, McDowell County, "U. S. Army SFC Anthony Barton Memorial Bridge" Pending House 03/07/14
HCR 72 Roy Elmer "Doc" Moon Bridge Pending Senate 02/21/14
HCR 73 U.S. Army Captain David Van Camp Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/07/14
SCR 73 Requesting DOH name bridge in Raleigh County "U. S. Army PFC Arland W. Hatcher Memorial Bridge" Pending House 03/07/14
SCR 74 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study mental hygiene commissioners' inclusion in PERS Pending Senate Pensions 03/03/14
HCR 74 Deputy Roger Lee Treadway Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/07/14
HCR 75 Army SPC 4 Marvin Dewayne Canterbury Memorial Highway Adopted 03/07/14
SCR 75 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study county participation in transportation infrastructure construction Pending Senate Transportation and Infrastructure 03/03/14
SCR 76 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study special class of taxicabs Pending Senate Transportation and Infrastructure 03/03/14
HCR 76 Army PFC Richard Lee Lakin Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/07/14
HCR 77 U. S. Army Private Eskridge A. Waggoner Memorial Bridge Pending Senate 03/04/14
SCR 77 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study land uses within airport runway protection zones Pending Senate Transportation and Infrastructure 03/03/14
SCR 78 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study bank borrowing terms to insurance companies Pending Senate Banking and Insurance 03/03/14
HCR 78 Army PFC Cornelious Wiley Memorial Bridge Pending Senate 03/08/14
HCR 79 Ord Brothers Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/05/14
SCR 79 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study cottage food industries and small farms Pending Senate Agriculture and Rural Development 03/03/14
SCR 80 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study electric power production Pending Senate Energy, Industry and Mining 03/04/14
HCR 80 Requesting the Joint Committee on Health study the allocation of emergency room spending on oral health and ancillary costs Pending House 02/10/14
HCR 81 Recognizing February 10, 1954, as the anniversary of the addition of the words, "under God," to the United States Pledge of Allegiance Pending Senate 02/11/14
SCR 81 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study craft beer business Pending Senate Economic Development 03/04/14
SCR 82 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study restructuring correctional agencies under MAPS Pending Senate Government Organization 03/04/14
HCR 82 U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Kenneth Amick Memorial Bridge Adopted 03/05/14
HCR 83 Requesting Congress erect a national monument to motherhood Adopted 03/06/14
SCR 83 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study Purchasing Division's oversight of state contract change orders Pending Senate Government Organization 03/04/14
SCR 84 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study implementation of advertising program to promote tourism Pending Senate Government Organization 03/04/14
HCR 84 The Baisden Family Memorial Bridge Pending Senate 03/04/14
HCR 85 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to schedule the October, 2014, Legislative Interim Committee meetings in Morgantown Pending Senate 03/07/14
SCR 85 Requesting Joint Legislative Oversight Commission on State Water Resources study water infrastructure Pending Senate 03/07/14
SCR 86 Requesting School Building Authority waive matching requirements and fund needed improvements for School for Deaf and Blind Pending Senate 03/07/14
HCR 86 Calling for a convention of the states limited to proposing amendments that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government Pending House 02/12/14
HCR 87 Army Sgt. Everett Wayne "Bud" Sell Memorial Bridge Pending Senate 02/13/14
SCR 87 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study behavioral health spending on community-based support services Pending Senate 03/07/14
SCR 88 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study financial aspects of state parks' and forests' amenities Pending Senate Natural Resources 03/06/14
HCR 88 Requesting the Congress of the United States to restore the presumption of a service connection for Agent Orange exposure Pending Senate Veterans' Affairs and Homeland Security 03/08/14
HCR 89 Urging Congress to reenact provisions of the Glass-Steagall Banking Act Pending House 02/13/14
SCR 89 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study reassignment of five wildlife management areas to DNR Wildlife Resources Section Pending Senate Natural Resources 03/06/14
SCR 90 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study moving Forensic Lab to Supreme Court Pending Senate Government Organization 03/06/14
HCR 90 Requesting the West Virginia Department of Education and the School Building Authority to athletic facilities at Tug Valley High School Pending Senate 03/07/14
HCR 91 Expressing continued concern of the West Virginia House of Delegates about the EPA's plans to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants to the President of the United States Pending House 02/13/14
SCR 91 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study group government-managed retirement savings plan Pending Senate Finance 03/06/14
SCR 92 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study reimbursement rates for mental health therapy services Pending Senate 03/08/14
HCR 92 Requesting that the West Virginia School Building Authority waive local matching requirements and fund all needed improvements for the West Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind Pending Senate 02/27/14
HCR 93 Junior Slaughter Bridge Pending House 02/19/14
SCR 93 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study effects of tanning beds use and cancer Pending Senate 03/08/14
SCR 94 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study Common Core Standards Pending Senate 03/08/14
HCR 94 Designating April 2 as West Virginia Autism Awareness Day Pending Senate 03/07/14
HCR 95 Betty Jo Delong Memorial Bridge Pending Senate 02/25/14
SCR 95 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study long-term care planning Pending Senate Health and Human Resources 03/07/14
SCR 96 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study air-ambulance companies Pending Senate Health and Human Resources 03/07/14
HCR 96 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government Organization and Finance study policies ensuring that licensed athletic trainers are available during practices and games to all interscholastic student athletes in West Virginia Pending Senate 03/07/14
HCR 97 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to conduct a study regarding strategies for increasing the number of college graduates in the state Pending Senate Education 03/08/14
SCR 97 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study SSAC Pending Senate Education 03/07/14
SCR 98 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study investigation report on Bayer CropScience explosion Pending Senate 03/08/14
HCR 98 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance authorize a study on whether to establish a bank operated by the State Pending House Banking and Insurance 02/20/14
HCR 99 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the operation of a motor vehicle in the left lane on a controlled-access highway Pending House Roads and Transportation 02/20/14
SCR 99 Requesting Joint Standing Committee on Education study student-administrator ratio Pending Senate 03/08/14
SCR 100 Requesting Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary study summary jury trials Pending Senate 03/08/14
HCR 100 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study study ways to improve the efficiency of and find other cost saving measures within the West Virginia Division of Highways Pending Senate Roads and Transportation 03/07/14
HCR 101 The Historic Blue-Gray Highway Pending Senate 02/28/14
SCR 101 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study increasing physical activity required in schools Pending Senate 03/08/14
HJR 101 The "Homestead Exemption Calculation Amendment" Pending House 01/09/14
HJR 102 Empowering County Commissions to Determine Salaries of Elected County Officials Amendment Pending House 01/17/14
HCR 102 Urging the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources to continue indefinitely its regulatory policy of permitting only bow hunting during designated deer hunting seasons in Logan, McDowell, Mingo and Wyoming counties Pending Senate 03/07/14
HCR 103 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance authorize a study on establishing policies and procedures for requiring criminal history records checks of applicants for professional or occupational licensing Pending House Government Organization 02/21/14
HJR 103 Protect the right of West Virginians to hunt and fish and to ensure access to hunting and fishing for future generations. Pending House 01/28/14
HJR 104 Safe Highways Amendment of 2014 Pending House 01/31/14
HCR 104 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance authorize a study of information that should be made available on professional and occupational licensing board websites Pending House Government Organization 02/21/14
HCR 105 Urging Congress to pass the Safe Freight Act Adopted 03/08/14
HJR 105 Prohibiting a list or registry of firearms Amendment Pending House 02/04/14
HJR 106 Relating to reforming the West Virginia Board of Education so that its membership is made up of elected and appointed members Pending House 02/11/14
HCR 106 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance conduct a study concerning the potential implementation of a Deferred Retirement Option Plan for troopers and employees of the West Virginia State Police Pending Senate 03/07/14
HCR 107 "William Dakota "Kody" Faine Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/07/14
HJR 107 Relating to increasing the homestead exemption to $40,000 Pending House 02/11/14
HJR 108 Nonprofit Youth Organization Tax Exemption Support Amendment Adopted 03/08/14
HCR 108 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance authorize a study on repealing unnecessary or obsolete boards, councils, committees, panels, task forces and commissions Pending Senate Government Organization 03/07/14
HCR 109 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance authorize a study on the State Athletic Commission Pending Senate Government Organization 03/07/14
HJR 109 Manufacturing Inventory Amendment Pending House 02/14/14
HJR 110 Disabled Veteran's Property Tax Exemption Amendment Pending House 02/17/14
HCR 110 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance authorize a study on the regulation of athletic trainers Pending House Government Organization 02/27/14
HCR 111 Applying for an Article V Amendments Convention requiring that in the absence of a national emergency appropriations may not exceed total estimated revenues Pending House 02/27/14
HJR 111 Removing the Exemption for Legislators from Arrest for Misdemeanors during the Legislative Session Amendment Pending House 02/17/14
HCR 112 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the benefits of the West Virginia Parkways Authority issuing bonds to finance the construction of the King Coal Highway Pending House Roads and Transportation 02/28/14
HCR 113 Requesting study on creating a statutory rebuttable presumption for workers' compensation purposes, relating to firefighters' development of certain cancers Pending House Banking and Insurance 02/28/14
HCR 114 Requesting a study on whether to create a statutory option for persons with health coverage to fill prescriptions through any pharmacy Pending House Banking and Insurance 02/28/14
HCR 115 County permits for adopting ordinances relating to spaying and neutering dogs and cats Pending House Political Subdivisions 02/28/14
HCR 116 The advantages and disadvantages of requiring owner occupied residences to participate in a public sewer or water system Pending House Political Subdivisions 02/28/14
HCR 117 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance authorize a study on continuing the Office of Emergency Medical Services as an independent office within the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety Pending Senate 03/07/14
HCR 118 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the allocation of behavioral health spending on community-based support services Pending Senate 03/07/14
HCR 119 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the authorization of cities and municipalities to provide a private-public financing option for small businesses and commercial property owners in West Virginia Pending Senate 03/07/14
HCR 120 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the feasibility of moving the Children's Health Insurance Program from the Department of Administration Pending House Health and Human Resources 03/04/14
HCR 121 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the possible effects on insurance billing Pending House Health and Human Resources 03/04/14
HCR 122 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the feasibility of changes to the regulatory requirements of advanced practice registered nurses Pending House Health and Human Resources 03/04/14
HCR 123 U. M. W. A. Memorial Road Pending Senate 03/08/14
HCR 124 U. S. Army Captain John Bond Memorial Bridge Pending House 03/06/14
HCR 125 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance authorize a study on how West Virginia can close its water's edge loophole and recoup moneys lost due to the shifting of business profits offshore tax havens Pending House 03/06/14
HCR 126 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to authorize a study on the approaches the state may take to prepare a master plan for providing broadband service in underserved and unserved areas of the state Pending House 03/06/14
HCR 127 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study agriculture education curriculum and reporting Pending House Agriculture and Natural Resources 03/06/14
HCR 128 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study stream restoration and stabilization Pending House Agriculture and Natural Resources 03/06/14
HCR 129 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the feasibility of expansion of all forms of pari-mutual wagering, including advanced deposit wagering, in the state Pending House 03/07/14
HCR 130 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the issue of implementing the recommendations laid out in the Miners's Safety Report Pending Senate 03/08/14
HCR 131 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study increasing the criminal penalties for damage to a cemetery or graveyard Pending House 03/07/14
HCR 132 Requesting that the Joint Committee on Government and Finance authorize a study on the iLottery and iGaming industries and other casino-based electronic betting in an effort to provide West Virginians with additional lottery game choices, and improve the competiveness of West Virginia lottery licensees Pending House 03/07/14
HCR 133 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the impact upon property rights of owners whose residences are being mandated to connect to public sewer systems Pending House 03/07/14
HCR 134 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to conduct a study on Regional Education Service Agencies Pending House Education 03/08/14
HCR 135 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to conduct a study on requiring instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation Pending House Education 03/08/14
HCR 136 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the feasibility of implementing an electronic job applicant database as a part of the statewide job bank Pending House Education 03/08/14
HCR 137 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study methods for improving overall student health in West Virginia Pending House Education 03/08/14
HCR 138 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the effectiveness of current policies regarding mandatory reporting by school personnel of student harassment, intimidation or bullying Pending House Education 03/08/14
HCR 139 Requesting that the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the benefits of recognizing Certified Professional Midwives in the State of West Virginia Pending House Health and Human Resources 03/08/14
HCR 140 James D. LaRosa Memorial Bridge Adopted 04/24/14
HCR 141 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to undertake a study to genetically modified foods Pending House 03/08/14
HCR 142 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to authorize a study of the state personal income tax Pending Senate 03/08/14
HCR 143 Requesting the Joint Committee on the Judiciary to study the feasibility and potential effectiveness of juvenile justice reform Pending House 03/08/14
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