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There are 81 Bills pending in House Technology and Infrastructure




HB 2012Establishing country roads accountability and transparency01/08/20
HB 2026Relating to gasoline and fuel excise tax01/08/20
HB 2027Requiring that patching repair of hard surfaced roads, highways and streets be by use of mechanical rollers01/08/20
HB 2060Relating to the procedures for driver’s license suspension and revocation in criminal proceedings for driving under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances or drugs01/08/20
HB 2070Permitting persons who are twenty-one years of age or older to operate or be a passenger on a motorcycle without a helmet01/08/20
HB 2094Exempting motor vehicles from personal property tax01/08/20
HB 2103Establishing motor vehicle registration plates for official vehicles of emergency management agencies01/08/20
HB 2112Relating to failure to maintain state and public roads01/08/20
HB 2118Relating to the power of local government authorities to regulate vehicular traffic within their borders01/08/20
HB 2134Requiring retail establishments offering gasoline or other motor fuel to provide refueling assistance and refueling access to persons with a disability01/08/20
HB 2159Requiring paving contracts for state highways to have special requirements to prevent potholes01/08/20
HB 2207Requiring that a state employee with a commercial driver’s license have a current medical evaluation certification01/08/20
HB 2214Requiring applicants for new and renewed drivers’ licenses to be asked if they desire to be organ donors01/08/20
HB 2315Requiring a warning light to be erected on certain roads to warn of a traffic light ahead01/08/20
HB 2387Requiring the Commissioner of Highways to verify legal employment status of contractors and vendor’s employees for certain road and bridge contracts01/08/20
HB 2417Clarifying that a vehicle may not be backed into a public street or highway unless it does not interfere with other traffic01/08/20
HB 2426Giving local authorities the authority to decrease the speed limit on streets and highways where school buses travel in its jurisdiction01/08/20
HB 2429Creating the Vehicle Registration Scofflaw Elimination Program01/08/20
HB 2430Prohibiting forcing currently owner-occupied residences to be required to participate in a public sewer or public water system01/08/20
HB 2458Providing that West Virginia will not participate in the REAL ID Act of 200501/08/20
HB 2465Providing an exemption from regulation by the Public Service Commission for motor vehicles used exclusively in the transportation of roll-off solid waste containers01/08/20
HB 2487Pothole app and map01/08/20
HB 2512Authorizing the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue certain vital records in the custody of the State Registrar01/08/20
HB 2596Providing for a special “Don’t Tread On Me” license plate01/08/20
HB 2629Ending tolls on the West Virginia Turnpike effective July 1, 201901/08/20
HB 2633Issuing a special registration plate for persons who are residents of this state and who have a family member diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder01/08/20
HB 2653Creating a presidential service registration plate01/08/20
HB 2723Placing penalty points on driver’s licenses for using electronic communications devices while operating a motor vehicle01/08/20
HB 2735Relating to state road construction01/08/20
HB 2762Modernizing rental car transactions01/08/20
HB 2784Extending the expiration of driver's licenses for active military members' spouses01/08/20
HB 2820Relating to criminal penalties for reckless driving01/08/20
HB 2836Providing a special license plate for spay and neuter advocates01/08/20
HB 2851Providing a special license plate to support adoption01/08/20
HB 2930Relating to emergency vehicles01/08/20
HB 2935Relating to licensing of drivers utilizing bioptic telescopic devices01/08/20
HB 2942Relating to the contents of driver’s license01/08/20
HB 2944Relating to paving contracts01/08/20
HB 3076Transferring jurisdiction over vehicle weight enforcement and excess weight permit issuances to the State Police01/08/20
HB 4016Requiring motor vehicles safety inspections every three years instead of each year01/09/20
HB 4035Relating to posting of the alcoholic content of gasoline01/08/20
HB 4049Establishing Next Generation 911 services in this state01/08/20
HB 4060Removing the registration fee for a vehicle operating on a combination of electricity and petrochemical fuels01/08/20
HB 4065Relating to donations to West Virginia 4 H Program or the Future Farmers of America when renewing driver's license01/08/20
HB 4117Authorizing a special vehicle registration plate for "2nd Amendment" enthusiasts01/13/20
HB 4131Authorizing municipal fire departments specialized license plates01/13/20
HB 4133Clarifying display of the name on the face of a driver's license01/13/20
HB 4194Exempting recipients of the distinguished Purple Heart medal from payment of the vehicle registration fee01/14/20
HB 4390Relating to records management of public records01/16/20
HB 4403Establishing limitations on billing practices of Internet providers relating to customer outages01/17/20
HB 4472Relating to the contents of driver's license01/22/20
HB 4479Removing the authority of the Commissioner of the Division of Motor Vehicles to set documentary charges01/22/20
HB 4516Establishing Next Generation 911 services in this state01/23/20
HB 4541Relating to an occupational limited license01/24/20
HB 4547Providing tax credits to expand access to gainful employment by providing vehicles to certain low-income persons01/27/20
HB 4548Eliminating the ability of a person's driver's license to be suspended for the failure to pay court fines and costs01/27/20
HB 4571Establishing a special plate with a medical condition diagnosis01/28/20
HB 4595Identifying anatomical organ donors on drivers' or chauffers' license01/29/20
HB 4671Relating to DMV organ donation registry02/04/20
HB 4672Providing adequate pull-off parking space along the state's highway interstate system for those semitrailers and other vehicles that must stop02/04/20
HB 4684Providing changing stations for persons with disabilities in all rest areas02/04/20
HB 4685Relating to the regulatory authority of the Public Service Commission over make-ready pole access and use02/04/20
HB 4696Exempting school buses with students on board from paying turnpike tolls02/05/20
HB 4699Relating to unfair or deceptive telemarketing acts or practices02/05/20
HB 4700Prohibiting vehicles from driving slow in the left lane02/05/20
HB 4702Providing that signs on bridges named for deceased members of the military identify the rank and branch of military with all medal awards02/05/20
HB 4703Establishing a special registration plate for recognizing and honoring families affected by Alzheimer's disease02/05/20
HB 4725Requiring motor vehicle inspections only every three years and exempting certain vehicles02/06/20
HB 4730Relating to special license plates for vehicles titled in the name of the Division of Public Transit02/06/20
HB 4736Relating to qualifications for a commercial driver's license permit02/07/20
HB 4774Providing that the Division of Motor Vehicles identification cards be issued at no cost02/10/20
HB 4794Issuing specialty motor vehicle registration plates for businesses owning a fleet of 25 or more vehicles02/11/20
HB 4802Eliminating the ability of a person's driver's license to be suspended for the failure to pay court fines02/11/20
HB 4806Including rumble strips on construction projects involving two lane secondary roads02/11/20
HB 4824Revising requirements relating to the issuance and renewal of handicap vehicle placards02/11/20
HB 4847Requiring the commissioner to establish a website for state residents to submit road maintenance requests02/11/20
HB 4870Prohibiting certain devices which enhance a diesel-powered vehicle's capacity to emit soot02/11/20
HB 4927Transferring the West Virginia Network for Educational Telecomputing to the Board of Governors for Marshall University02/11/20
HB 4935Developing a searchable website with detailed information about current and planned Division of Highways projects02/11/20
HB 4947Repealing additional registration fees for alternative fuel vehicles02/11/20
HB 4954Updating highway and vehicle laws to include electric bicycles02/11/20
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