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Bill Status - 2023 Regular Session

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There are 32 Bills pending in House Banking and Insurance




SB 127Relating to reimbursement of hospital inpatient rates by PEIA01/16/23
SB 290Relating to dental health care service plans02/14/23
HB 2073To establish a state bank of West Virginia01/11/23
HB 2084During a state of emergency lasting more than 6 months, the department of highways will reimburse any vehicle damages without including auto insurance deductibles01/11/23
HB 2086Increase number of pain management visits the insurance companies must cover under the opioid reduction act01/11/23
HB 2109Requiring the Public Employees Agency and other health insurance providers to provide mental health parity01/11/23
HB 2111Increasing access to contraceptive drugs, devices, and procedures01/11/23
HB 2140Relating to insurance coverage for breast cancer screening01/11/23
HB 2143Screening for adverse childhood experiences01/11/23
HB 2162Require medical malpractice insurers to establish a separate insurance pool for doctors who conduct abortions01/11/23
HB 2165A bill dedicating 25 percent of insurance tax revenue to the PEIA Rainy Day Fund. 01/11/23
HB 2201State Living Donor Protection Act01/11/23
HB 2207Better protect citizens in the event of a car accident with an uninsured motorist01/11/23
HB 2209Relating to property taxes dedicated to volunteer fire departments01/11/23
HB 2220Create Fairness for Responsible Drivers01/11/23
HB 2249Specifying when a public employee’s spouse may be covered by PEIA01/11/23
HB 2277Permitting former members of the Legislature to remain eligible for insurance plans at full cost to the member and at no cost to the state01/11/23
HB 2302Relating to rulemaking for healthcare plans01/11/23
HB 2317Prohibiting use of a person’s credit history in certain insurance transactions01/11/23
HB 2333Make gold and silver legal tender in WV01/11/23
HB 2402To reaffirm and enhance the workers compensation exclusive remedy rule or doctrine01/11/23
HB 2517Medical Insurance Policy Owner’s Notification Act01/12/23
HB 2534Relating to public employees insurance01/13/23
HB 2590To remove the helmet law in West Virginia.01/16/23
HB 2604All relating to dental health care service plans01/17/23
HB 2960To prohibit insurance policy limits from being accessed prior to a lawsuit01/24/23
HB 2963Prohibit Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation from making inmates pay co-payment for medical or dental service by a doctor or nurse01/24/23
HB 3030Creating the Paid Parental Leave Pilot Program01/25/23
HB 3079Relating to modify group accident and sickness insurance requirements01/26/23
HB 3100Requiring medical insurance providers to include infertility services in their policies01/27/23
HB 3140Allowing treasurer to invest in gold and silver01/30/23
HB 3277Establishing the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Benefits Act02/03/23
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