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HB 103 West Virginia Anti-hazing Law   Introduced  05/20/19 
HB 104 Authorizing the West Virginia Board of Physical Therapy to conduct criminal background checks on applicants   Introduced  05/20/19 
HB 105 Relating generally to medical cannabis   Introduced  05/20/19 
HB 106 Relating to the Upper Kanawha Valley Resiliency and Revitalization Program   Introduced  05/20/19 
HB 107 Relating to state purchasing generally   Introduced  05/20/19 
HB 108 Relating to regulation of recovery residences   Introduced  05/20/19 
HB 109 Relating counseling in a medication-assisted treatment program   Introduced  05/20/19 
HB 110 Establishing health professionals’ student loan programs   Introduced  05/20/19 
HB 111 Relating to refunds of excise taxes collected from dealers of petroleum products Signed  Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019)
HB 112 Relating generally to the personal income tax Signed  Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019)
HB 113 Establishing tax incentive for new business activity in qualified opportunity zones Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (September 22, 2019)
HB 115 Relating generally to court actions in abuse and neglect proceedings Signed  Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019)
HB 116 Relating generally to persons eighteen years of age and older in the custody of the Bureau of Juvenile Services Signed  Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019)
HB 117 Relating to reduced rates for low-income residential customers of privately owned sewer and combined water and sewer utilities Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (August 18, 2019)
HB 118 Relating to the use of post-criminal conduct in professional and occupational initial licensure decision making Signed  Effective from passage - (June 17, 2019)
HB 119 Supplementing, amending, decreasing, and increasing items from the State Road Fund to the Department of Transportation Signed  Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019)
HB 120 Supplementary appropriation to the Department of Transportation Pending  3rd Reading  07/22/19 
HB 121 Supplementing, amending, decreasing, and increasing items from the State Road Fund to the Department of Transportation Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 122 Making a supplementary appropriation by adding new items and increasing existing items to the Executive, Department of Agriculture Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 123 Supplementing and amending Chapter 31, Acts of the Legislature, regular session, 2019, known as the budget bill Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 124 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Executive, Governor’s Office Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 125 Supplementing and amdending approproation to the Department of Health and Human Resources Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 126 Supplementing and amending by decreasing and increasing existing items of appropriation to the Department of Arts, Culture, and History Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 127 Supplementing and amending an existing appropriation and adding a new appropriation to the Department of Veterans’ Assistance Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 128 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Secretary of State – General Administrative Fees Account Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 129 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture Capital Improvements Fund Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 130 Supplementing and amending appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Health – Central Office Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 131 Supplementing, amending, increasing and adding new items of appropriations to the Executive, Attorney General, Consolidated Federal Fund Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 132 Supplementing and amending existing items of appropriations to the Department of Agriculture Signed  Effective from passage - (July 22, 2019)
HB 133 Relating to the admissibility of health care staffing requirements in medical professional liability litigation Signed  Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019)
HB 134 Increasing annual salaries of public school teachers and school service personnel Pending  3rd Reading  07/22/19 
HB 135 Increasing the amount that a faculty senate of a public school may allocate to a classroom Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 136 Authorizing a study of student loan payments tax credits and a loan forgiveness program for teachers Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 137 Supplementary appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Health – Central Office Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 138 Restoring local public school flexibility Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 139 Authorizing a competitive grant program to implement vocational-technical education programs Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 140 Providing a bonus for teachers willing to teach in certain critical needs areas Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 141 Relating to school calendar and testing Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 142 Relating to modifications to the school aid formula Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 143 Increasing the basic foundation allowance to the county for professional student support personnel Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
HB 144 West Virginia Business Ready Sites Program Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (September 22, 2019)
HB 145 West Virginia Fairness in Competitive Bidding Act Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 146 Establishing and funding of substance use disorder treatment and recovery facilities Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (September 22, 2019)
HB 147 Creating a pilot program to encourage utility infrastructure development to certain lands Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 148 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Executive, Governor’s Office Signed  Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019)
HB 149 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Executive, Governor’s Office, Civil Contingent Fund Signed  Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019)
HB 150 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Revenue, Office of the Secretary, Home Rule Board Operations Fund Signed  Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019)
HB 151 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Arts, Culture and History, Division of Culture and History, Lottery Education Fund Signed  Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019)
HB 152 Making a supplementary appropriation by adding a new item and increasing the expenditure to the Department of Revenue, State Budget Office Signed  Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019)
HB 153 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Health, Central Office Signed  Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019)
HB 154 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Transportation, Division of Highways Signed  Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019)
HB 155 Supplementing, amending and increasing an item from the State Road Fund to the Department of Transportation, Division of Highways Signed  Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019)
HB 156 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Environmental Protection Signed  Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019)
HB 157 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Signed  Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019)
HB 158 Improving education by requiring the state board to establish rules for student accountability regarding performance Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
HB 159 Relating to information technology access for the blind and visually impaired Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
HB 160 Ron Yost Personal Assistance Services Act Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
HB 161 Removing or revising obsolete, outdated, antiquated, inoperative, surplus or superseded provisions of code related to the School Building Authority Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
HB 162 Removing antiquated, redundant, or expired provisions of the code for the administration of education Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
HB 163 Removing sections of code relating to administration of education Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
HB 164 Creating a grant program to improve local education agency efforts to train K-12 students to write and develop computer software programs Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 165 Relating to public school support funding Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 166 Relating to school calendar Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 167 Allowing a tax credit purposes for certain expenses paid by parent or legal guardian of student in providing private or home school Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 168 Establishing the West Virginia Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship program Pending  2nd Reading  07/22/19 
HB 169 Relating to modifications to federal adjusted income for qualified education expenses Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 170 Relating to student transfers Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 171 Relating to tax exemption for certain school supplies, school instructional materials, laptop and tablet computers, and sports equipment Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 172 Extending the length of time for the special Community-Based Pilot Demonstration Project to Improve Outcomes for At-Risk Youth Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 173 Providing an annual cost-of-living increase for retired teachers and service personnel Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 174 Increasing and promoting school innovation and flexibility Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
HB 175 Relating to personal leave for county board of education employees Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 176 Relating to powers, duties, membership and meetings of local school improvement councils Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 177 Creating a pilot program for expansion of school-based mental health and school-based diversion Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 178 Relating to employment of individuals to teach elective courses Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 179 Increasing basic state aid of school systems with low local resources per student Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 180 Relating to school board levy rates Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 181 Education Adequacy Cost Study Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 182 Relating to the special community development school pilot program Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 183 Creating an after school grant program Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 184 Increasing annual salaries of public school teachers and school service personnel Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 185 Authorizing the right of collective bargaining and the right to strike to teachers and school service personnel Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 186 Expanding Mountaineer Challenge Academy at its existing location and to a new location subject to agreement required under federal law Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 187 Establishing the Summer Feeding for All initiative Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 188 Funding for professional student support services Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 189 Modifying regular school board levy rates Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 190 Increasing salaries for teachers Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 191 Relating to exemptions from mandated immunizations Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 192 Removing certain fees for teaching Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
HB 193 Relating to a statewide school personnel job bank BL       
HB 194 Relating to the public school support program Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 195 Requiring designation of teacher certification examinations and passing scores be set by rule of the State Board of Education Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 196 Relating to the Underwood-Smith Teaching Scholars Program Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 197 Reforming the Underwood-Smith Teacher Loan Assistance Program into a new program Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 198 Exempting personal income earned by individuals working as teachers at primary and secondary schools from personal income tax Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 199 Establishing a summer education and employment program for low income Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 200 Providing additional pay for certain teachers providing math instruction Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 201 Education expenses tax credits Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 202 Establishing physical activity requirements in the schools Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
HB 203 The Experimental School Zone Act Pending  Committee  06/18/19 
HB 204 Eliminating the permit requirement for storing of a concealed handgun in a vehicle on school property Pending  Committee  06/18/19 
HB 205 Reducing compensation of legislators during the First Extraordinary Session of 2019 Pending  Committee  06/18/19 
HB 206 Relating to public education Signed  Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019)
HB 207 Exempting from business and occupation tax certain merchant power plants Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (October 21, 2019)
HB 208 Relating to residency, manager, and licensure requirements for West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Administration applicants and licensees Pending  Committee  07/22/19 
HB 209 Providing that work performed for recovery from a declared state of disaster or emergency is subject to competitive bidding SUB  Committee  07/23/19 
HB 210 Supplementing and amending items of appropriation to Auditor’s Office, General Administration Pending  Senate Introduction 07/23/19 
SB 1001 Upper Kanawha Valley Resiliency and Revitalization Program Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (August 18, 2019)
SB 1002 Adding modification to WV adjusted gross income of shareholder of S corporation or LLC member Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1003 Relating to reduced rates for low-income residential customers of certain sewer and combined water and sewer utilities Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1004 Antihazing law Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (August 18, 2019)
SB 1005 Removing caps on tax amounts refunded to petroleum dealers for gallons lost due to evaporation Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1006 Authorizing WV Board of Physical Therapy to conduct criminal background checks on initial license applicants Signed  Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019)
SB 1007 Relating generally to persons in custody of Bureau of Juvenile Services Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1008 Relating to appointment of counsel in abuse and neglect proceedings Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1009 Establishing health professionals student loan programs Signed  Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019)
SB 1010 Relating to criminal acts and penalties concerning government procurement of commodities and services Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1011 Removing barriers to employment for certain individuals with criminal records seeking licensure Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1012 Creating voluntary certification of recovery residences Signed  Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019)
SB 1013 Permitting certain trained professionals to provide counseling in medication-assisted treatment program Signed  Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019)
SB 1014 Establishing tax incentive for new business activity in qualified opportunity zones Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1015 Supplemental appropriation to Secretary of State, General Administrative Fees Account Signed  Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019)
SB 1016 Supplemental appropriation to DOT, Division of Highways Signed  Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019)
SB 1017 Supplemental appropriation to Department of Arts, Culture, and History, Educational Broadcasting Authority Signed  Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019)
SB 1018 Supplementing, amending, decreasing, and increasing existing appropriations from State Road Fund to DOH for fiscal year ending June 30, 2019 Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1019 Supplementing, amending, decreasing, and increasing existing appropriations from State Road Fund to DOH for fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 Signed  Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019)
SB 1020 Supplementing and amending Chapter 31, Acts of the Legislature, 2019, known as Budget Bill Signed  Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019)
SB 1021 Decreasing existing appropriation and adding appropriation to Department of Veterans' Assistance Signed  Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019)
SB 1022 Admissibility of health care staffing requirements in medical professional liability litigation Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1023 Supplementing, amending, increasing, and adding items of appropriations to Attorney General, Consolidated Federal Fund Signed  Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019)
SB 1024 Supplemental appropriation to Department of Agriculture Capital Improvements Fund Signed  Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019)
SB 1025 Supplemental appropriation to DHHR, Division of Human Services for fiscal year ending June 30, 2019 Signed  Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019)
SB 1026 Expiring funds from Treasurer's Unclaimed Property Fund and supplementing appropriations to Governor's Office Signed  Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019)
SB 1027 Adding new items and increasing existing items to various accounts Signed  Effective from passage - (June 24, 2019)
SB 1028 Increasing and decreasing existing appropriations from DHHR to Department of Agriculture Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1029 Increasing teacher and school service personnel salaries Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1030 Increasing basic foundation allowance for county professional student support personnel Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1031 Authorizing competitive grant program for vocational-technical education programs in middle schools Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1032 Restoring local public school flexibility Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1033 Modifying school aid formula Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1034 Relating to studies of certain issues affecting public education Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1035 Relating generally to high-quality education Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1036 Supplemental appropriation to DHHR, Division of Health Pending  Committee  05/20/19 
SB 1037 Relating generally to medical cannabis Signed  Effective from passage - (May 20, 2019)
SB 1038 Supplemental appropriation to DHHR, Division of Health's Central Office Signed  Effective from passage - (June 18, 2019)
SB 1039 Establishing Student Success Act Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
SB 1040 Education Savings Account Act Pending  Committee  06/17/19 
SB 1041 WV Business Ready Sites Program Pending  Committee  06/01/19 
SB 1042 Special Community Development School Pilot Program Pending  Committee  06/01/19 
SB 1043 Supplemental appropriation to Governor's Office, Federal Reimbursement Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
SB 1044 Relating to government contracts for work performed as part of disaster mitigation Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
SB 1045 Relating to establishment and funding of substance use disorder treatment facilities Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
SB 1046 Creating pilot program encouraging utility infrastructure development to certain lands Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
SB 1047 Supplemental appropriation to Governor's Office, Civil Contingent Fund Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
SB 1048 Supplemental appropriation to Department of Revenue, Home Rule Board Operations Fund Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
SB 1049 Supplemental appropriation to Division of Highways Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
SB 1050 Supplemental appropriation to Department of Revenue, State Budget Office Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
SB 1051 Supplemental appropriation from Lottery Net Profits to Division of Culture and History, Lottery Education Fund Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
SB 1052 Supplementing, amending, and increasing an item from State Road Fund to Division of Highways Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
SB 1053 Supplemental appropriation to DMAPS, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
SB 1054 Supplementary appropriation to DEP, Division of Environmental Protection Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
SB 1055 Supplemental appropriation to DHHR, Division of Health Pending  Committee  06/24/19 
SB 1056 Supplementing and amending items of appropriation to State Board of Education, State Aid to Schools Signed  Effective from passage - (July 22, 2019)
SB 1057 Supplementing and amending items of appropriation to State Board of Education Signed  Effective from passage - (July 22, 2019)
SB 1058 Supplementing and amending item of appropriation to Higher Education Policy Commission Signed  Effective from passage - (July 22, 2019)
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