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There are 202 Bills pending in House Finance




SB 3Requiring work search activities to qualify for unemployment benefits02/09/22
SB 22Relating to exempting certain organizations from property taxation03/01/22
SB 29Providing fee for processing of criminal bonds03/08/22
SB 64Allowing county commissions to impose amusement tax03/02/22
SB 141Modifying requirement that racetrack participate in WV Thoroughbred Development Fund by certain date01/17/22
SB 170Providing WV veterans discounts on fees and charges at state parks03/02/22
SB 229Requiring impact statement in certain instances of school closing or consolidation02/21/22
SB 414Creating special revenue account for statewide records management program02/22/22
SB 415Capping severance tax collections in general revenue at specified percentage02/17/22
SB 417Relating to authorized expenditures of revenues from certain state funds for fire departments01/27/22
SB 420Relating to distribution of certain taxes and surcharges to benefit volunteer and part-volunteer fire departments03/01/22
SB 480Relating to DEP Office of Oil and Gas02/22/22
SB 489Clarifying amount of deputy sheriff annual salary increase02/28/22
SB 494Creating Broadband Carrier Neutral and Open Access Infrastructure Development Fund02/22/22
SB 669Relating to contribution levels of certain judges who participate in retirement system03/01/22
SB 670Permitting newly hired 911 personnel to participate in Emergency Medical Services Retirement System03/01/22
SB 680Adding Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation employees to Survivor Benefits Act03/03/22
SB 730Divesting state-managed funds from companies engaged with Russia or Russian energy03/03/22
HB 2082Changing the persons responsible for the taxes on soft drinks and soft drink syrups01/12/22
HB 2084Amend section providing for waiver of tuition and fees for older persons auditing certain college classes.02/10/22
HB 2111Including emergency response vehicles in the single fee program for EZ Pass transponders01/21/22
HB 2117Providing certain employees of the Highways increases in annual pay01/12/22
HB 2136Granting counties and municipalities a portion of the net terminal income from racetrack video lottery02/24/22
HB 2160Issuing identification documents to homeless individuals residing at homeless shelters02/08/22
HB 2168Relating to the transfer of certain revenues derived from lottery activities generally, restoring distribution to the West Virginia Infrastructure Fund to 2013 rates and decreasing the funds available for grants therefrom01/12/22
HB 2181Allowing a personal income tax deduction for a stillborn child01/12/22
HB 2192Creating a tax credit for improving facades in historic districts01/12/22
HB 2208Exempting social security benefits from personal income tax01/12/22
HB 2211Abolishing the Personal Income Tax01/12/22
HB 2223Repealing section of code authorizing additional registration fees for alternative fuel vehicles01/12/22
HB 2238Granting tax credits for parents and legal guardians whose children are in a home schooling program or private school01/12/22
HB 2301Repealing the soft drink tax01/12/22
HB 2340Require compensation for state police officers when required to be on standby so they can be called back to work if necessary01/12/22
HB 2369Provide that you can make monthly payments on property taxes01/12/22
HB 2490Requiring fifty percent of all reappropriated revenue accounts to be surrendered to general revenue01/12/22
HB 2493Providing valuation limitations for coal property taxation and clarifying the penalties for non-filers01/27/22
HB 2502Specified percent of all “unencumbered” special revenue accounts to be surrendered to general revenue if there has been activity in the account for specified periods01/12/22
HB 2540Providing tax credits to provide vehicles to certain persons01/12/22
HB 2618Relating to Good Samaritan Food Donation Act01/12/22
HB 2630Requiring DEP to reimburse fines paid by towns, villages and communities in certain instances01/12/22
HB 2644West Virginia Innovation Free-Trade Business Technology Property Valuation Act and the West Virginia Innovation Free-Trade Tax Credit Act01/12/22
HB 2669Establishing tax credits for lead abatement in child occupied residences01/12/22
HB 2686Establish a system to remediate fiscal emergencies of local governments02/17/22
HB 2724Requesting funding for a raise for State Police 01/12/22
HB 2735Tax credits for living and deceased organ donors01/12/22
HB 2753Provide programs to educate senior citizens02/17/22
HB 2759Relating to tax credit for disabled veterans for lifetime hunting, trapping and fishing license01/19/22
HB 2777Repeal municipal amusement tax01/12/22
HB 2779Allow contracted work by state troopers to be counted toward their retirement instead of overtime01/12/22
HB 2782Repeal domestic animal tax01/12/22
HB 2806To allow parents to retain their child without losing a year of sports eligibility02/22/22
HB 2819Exempting from the sales tax all-terrain vehicles and utility terrain vehicles used as farm equipment02/17/22
HB 2844Expanding the Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit01/12/22
HB 2936To permit the Board of Treasury Investments to compensate appointed members for each meeting attended and to eliminate certain outdated and contradictory investment restrictions.01/12/22
HB 2951Repeal of authority granted to municipalities to levy business and occupation or privilege tax01/12/22
HB 2974To implement a Property Tax Poverty Exemption - School Excess Levy01/12/22
HB 2984To revise the West Virginia Tax Increment Financing Act to authorize a county commission or municipal levying body to modify the termination times of certain districts01/12/22
HB 3039Exempting certain hygiene products from sales tax01/12/22
HB 3043Relating to transport of persons accused of being mentally ill to mental health relating hearings02/01/22
HB 3067Raise the homestead exemption to 30,00001/12/22
HB 3103Educational Employee Tax Credit01/12/22
HB 3109Salary increase for teachers and school service personnel01/12/22
HB 3116Establish an Earned Income Tax Credit01/12/22
HB 3117Establish technology/remote work tax deduction from state income tax01/12/22
HB 3155Provide for a raise for private investigators hired by public defender offices or court appointed panel attorneys01/12/22
HB 3167Access to Rehabilitation Act01/12/22
HB 3179Limit property tax increases on certain individuals01/12/22
HB 3180Require all tax assessments be done on a periodic schedule01/12/22
HB 3253Relating to late fees for property taxes01/12/22
HB 3267Relating to inventory tax reduction01/12/22
HB 3279Incentivizing the Sale of Healthy, Local Produce01/12/22
HB 4018Jobs and Reemployment Act of 202201/24/22
HB 4027Relating to increasing the limit on value of agricultural products under the Farm-To-Food Bank Tax Credit02/09/22
HB 4037To extend the Neighborhood Investment Program Act to July 1, 2026 and to increase the allowable tax credit01/12/22
HB 4045Modifying valuation of vehicle inventory01/12/22
HB 4047Provide valuation limitations to the Tax Commissioner for coal properties and to clarify the penalty for non-filers01/12/22
HB 4051Save All Baby Dogs Acts of 202201/12/22
HB 4056Increasing the personal exemption for personal income tax01/12/22
HB 4058Require all schools to update restrooms for privacy01/17/22
HB 4073Permit lifetime hunting and fishing license for volunteer firefighters with five years of service02/17/22
HB 4076To exempt the full amount of social security benefits from personal income tax01/13/22
HB 4080To create an apprenticeship program for students and local companies in West Virginia to increase hiring and retention02/10/22
HB 4091Creating the Family-Supporting Jobs Tax Relief Act01/14/22
HB 4101Relating to authorized expenditures of revenues from certain state funds for fire departments01/25/22
HB 4102To allow money paid to state employees to go to their estate if they pass away before their retirement date02/17/22
HB 4253Relating to School Building Authority01/25/22
HB 4265Eliminate sales tax on Professional Employment Organization’s administration fees01/19/22
HB 4271To establish the West Virginia Security for Public Deposits Act01/27/22
HB 4279Relating generally to the distribution of certain taxes and surcharges to benefit volunteer and part-volunteer fire departments02/10/22
HB 4280To increase the amount of money given to jurors per day02/10/22
HB 4287Update the Unemployment Benefits system to an online system01/19/22
HB 4289Establishing the behavioral health workforce education initiative at the Higher Education Policy Commission01/27/22
HB 4294Providing income tax credit for first responders02/17/22
HB 4306Removing certain deductions for modification of social security income in adjusted gross income01/20/22
HB 4310Specifying when a public employee’s spouse may be covered by PEIA01/20/22
HB 4318To create a special revenue fund for the State Records Administrator to deposit fees collected for records management services provided to agencies01/21/22
HB 4322Updating the meaning of federal taxable income and certain other terms used in the West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Act01/21/22
HB 4323Updating meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act01/21/22
HB 4334Relating to the bond required of license services by increasing the bond amount to one hundred thousand dollars02/15/22
HB 4339Replacing the racetrack modernization fund provisions with racetrack rebate fund provisions generally01/21/22
HB 4357Expanding the Learn And Earn Program to baccalaureate institutions02/10/22
HB 4371Adding Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation employees who work at institutions managed by the Commissioner to the Survivor Benefits Act02/15/22
HB 4372Creating the Public/Private Small Business Enhancement Program02/21/22
HB 4384Exempt $50,000 of retirement income from income tax01/25/22
HB 4386Expand the scope of hunting, fishing, and trapping benefits provided to former members of the United States Armed forces02/16/22
HB 4388Exempt non-profits from certain road sign fees01/25/22
HB 4398Relating to reducing the consumer sales and service tax01/26/22
HB 4409The Young Professional Tax Credits01/26/22
HB 4411Relating to the imposition of the minimum severance tax on coal02/02/22
HB 4415Establishing the Katherine Johnson Academy02/17/22
HB 4416Provide volunteer firemen free license plates and vehicle registration02/10/22
HB 4417Eliminate double taxation on foreign income at the state level01/27/22
HB 4421To ensure that municipalities cannot charge sewer rates for the filling of a swimming pool.02/10/22
HB 4424Defining the operations of jail functions02/03/22
HB 4431Relating to electors of trustees for certain pension and relief funds02/08/22
HB 4432Relating to holding certain pensions in abeyance in some instances02/08/22
HB 4457Providing tax credits for hiring those in recovery for substance abuse.02/17/22
HB 4469Relating generally to administration of Infrastructure Fund01/31/22
HB 4472Provide a tax credit to distribution centers who build away from interstates and in more rural areas of West Virginia.01/31/22
HB 4474To increase the pay of new hires in training as well as the differentials between the supervisory ranks as well as the corresponding pay of administrative support specialists.01/31/22
HB 4475Dedicate severance tax to State Road Fund over a three year period02/01/22
HB 4480Granting to the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection Division of Air Quality the authority to invest the money held in certain funds02/07/22
HB 4490Extending the expiration date of the freeze of the per diem cost for incarcerated inmates in regional jails02/15/22
HB 4523Supplementing and amending the appropriations for various agencies02/03/22
HB 4524Reducing the rate of interest on delinquent property taxes02/16/22
HB 4525Expiring funds to the unappropriated surplus balance in the State Fund, General Revenue from moneys remaining as unappropriated in the State Excess Lottery Revenue Fund02/03/22
HB 4526Expiring funds to the unappropriated surplus balance in the State Fund General Revenue from moneys remaining as unappropriated balance in Lottery Net Profits02/03/22
HB 4527Supplementing and amending the appropriations of public moneys to the Department of Commerce - Office of the Secretary02/03/22
HB 4528Supplementing and amending the appropriations of public moneys to the Department of Administration, Office of Technology02/03/22
HB 4529Supplementing and amending the appropriations of public moneys to the DHHR, Consolidated Medical Services Fund02/03/22
HB 4530Supplementing and amending the appropriations of public moneys to the Department of Administration, Public Defender Services02/03/22
HB 4533Relating to increasing annual salaries of certain employees of the state02/03/22
HB 4539To amend retirement information and providing for cleanup02/15/22
HB 4544Relating to the Neighborhood Investment Program02/03/22
HB 4546To provide a tax credit to companies who relocate their corporate headquarters to West Virginia02/03/22
HB 4552The West Virginia Build Back Businesses Tax Credit, companies employing 50 or fewer people are eligible to receive $500 per individual hired02/03/22
HB 4556Video and audio recordings in self-contained classrooms 02/15/22
HB 4558Relating to credit for certain qualifying expenses of a production company02/07/22
HB 4579Relating to public school personnel02/17/22
HB 4589To reduce the amount of registration cost for hybrid and electric vehicles to the same as that of gasoline vehicles02/09/22
HB 4602Relating to student suicide prevention02/17/22
HB 4605Relating to West Virginia University Rifle Team electronic application donation program02/09/22
HB 4615To create a tax reduction savings fund for municipalities 02/10/22
HB 4632Eliminating state funding to any institution that requires covid 19 vaccinations as a requirement of employment02/10/22
HB 4638Increase the minimum salary for Child Support Attorneys02/11/22
HB 4645Allowing for surplus money collected above voter approved excess levy requests to remain with specific county and placed in general fund02/18/22
HB 4646To expand funding for school safety use CARES and infrastructure funds02/11/22
HB 4650Relating to a $1,000 cost-of-living adjustment to certain retirees of the Public Employees Retirement System and the State Teachers Retirement System02/11/22
HB 4651Capping amount of moneys to third party vendors who collect business and occupation taxes on behalf of cities02/11/22
HB 4652To create the Proficient Customer Service Communications Act02/18/22
HB 4653West Virginia Economic Diversification Act02/18/22
HB 4654To provide for downstream tax credits for companies who manufacture steel and steel products in West Virginia02/15/22
HB 4655To create commercial opportunity zones to attract new businesses to West Virginia02/18/22
HB 4656To create the Remote Worker Home Development Act02/18/22
HB 4658Critical Mineral Reinvestment Tax Credit02/15/22
HB 4659West Virginia Heavy Duty Truck Excise Tax Elimination Act02/18/22
HB 4672Relating to State Trooper Pay Raise02/14/22
HB 4684To exempt a county that has a single CVB with a hotel or motel collection of less than $150,000 annually02/18/22
HB 4689Creation of a tax credit for electric vehicle manufacturing02/18/22
HB 4695Relating to Personal Refundable Credit for resident individuals and families02/15/22
HB 4709To increase the threshold for the rate of taxation by $10,000 and $5,000, respectively02/15/22
HB 4714Supplementing and amending the appropriations to the Department of Education, State Board of Education – Vocational Division02/15/22
HB 4715Supplementing and amending the appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Resources, Consolidated Medical Services Fund02/15/22
HB 4716Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Health – Hospital Services Revenue Account Special Fund Capital Improvement, Renovation and Operations02/15/22
HB 4717Supplementing and amending the appropriations to the Department of Revenue, West Virginia Office of Tax Appeals02/15/22
HB 4719Supplementing, amending, and increasing existing items of appropriation from the State Road Fund to the Department of Transportation, Division of Motor Vehicles02/15/22
HB 4720Supplementing and amending the appropriations to the Executive, Governor’s Office – Civil Contingent Fund02/15/22
HB 4721Supplementing and amending the appropriations to the Higher Education Policy Commission, Higher Education Policy Commission – Administration – Control Account02/15/22
HB 4725Relating to providing a cap on property taxes02/15/22
HB 4730Provide for tax credits for companies that donate to state-owned schools of higher education02/15/22
HB 4735Relating to reducing rates for legal advertising02/15/22
HB 4738Making a supplementary appropriation, to the Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Health - The Vital Statistics Account02/15/22
HB 4739Supplementing, amending, and increasing an existing item of appropriation from the State Road Fund to the Department of Transportation, Division of Highways02/15/22
HB 4740Supplementing and amending the appropriations to the Department of Commerce, Division of Natural Resources02/15/22
HB 4742To provide for the full restoration of the Holly Grove Mansion02/21/22
HB 4748Repeal of public school educators and personnel not paying state income tax02/15/22
HB 4749Relating to West Virginia standard deduction of a resident individual02/15/22
HB 4752making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Health – Laboratory Services 02/15/22
HB 4754To create the Partnership for Workforce Quality02/15/22
HB 4755Relating to the critical needs and failing systems sub account02/15/22
HB 4757Relating to taxation of gambling and lottery winnings02/15/22
HB 4760Provide a tax credit to for-profit and nonprofit corporations to encourage the establishment of child-care facilities for the benefit of their employees02/15/22
HB 4762Relating to allowing a personal income tax exemption for First Responders02/15/22
HB 4764To reduce West Virginia sales tax on gasoline and diesel to zero, and make up difference with increase in sales tax equivalent to rate of tax02/15/22
HB 4792Relating to childcare subsidies within DHHR, paid based on monthly enrollment02/24/22
HB 4793Tax credits for employers providing child care02/15/22
HB 4799Use a percentage of available coal severance collections to offset future household coal-fired electric power rate increases for senior citizens and persons below the poverty level living in West Virginia02/15/22
HB 4810COVID-19 Supplemental paid sick leave02/15/22
HB 4828Relating to granting in-state resident status to economic development participants02/22/22
HB 4830Supplementing and amending appropriations to the Department of Homeland Security, WV State Police02/25/22
HB 4831Making supplementary appropriation to the Department of Administration, Travel Management - Aviation Fund02/25/22
HB 4832Making supplementary appropriation to Miscellaneous Boards and Commissions, Board of Medicine - Medical Licensing Board02/25/22
HB 4833Expiring funds to the Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Environmental Protection - Reclamation of Abandoned and Dilapidated Property Program Fund02/25/22
HB 4834Making supplementary appropriation to the Department of Homeland Security, Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation - Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority02/25/22
HB 4835Making supplementary appropriation to the Department of Agriculture - West Virginia Spay Neuter Assistance Fund02/25/22
HB 4836Supplementing and amending appropriations by decreasing items of appropriation to the Department of Economic Development - Office of the Secretary and increasing items of appropriation to the Department of Commerce - Office of the Secretary02/25/22
HB 4837Supplementing and amending appropriations to the Executive, Governor’s Office - Civil Contingent Fund02/25/22
HB 4838Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Homeland Security, Fire Commission - Fire Marshal Fees02/25/22
HB 4839Making supplementary appropriation to the Department of Education, State Board of Education - Strategic Staff Development02/25/22
HB 4850Supplementing and amending the appropriation to the Executive, Governor’s Office03/03/22
HB 4851Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Tourism - Tourism Workforce Development Fund03/03/22
HB 4852Making a supplementary appropriation to the Hospital Finance Authority - Hospital Finance Authority Fund03/03/22
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