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There are 106 Bills pending in House Education




SB 404Relating to issuance of barrister's teaching certificate 02/14/12
SB 568Relating to college and career readiness initiative02/22/12
HB 2002Relating to the denial of course credits for unexcused absences in school01/11/12
HB 2003Giving state institutions of higher education more flexibility in the planning and operation of their schools01/11/12
HB 2005Extending the provisions of the Higher Education Flexibility Act01/11/12
HB 2018Creating the Higher Education Merit Screening Advisory Committee01/11/12
HB 2023Requiring that transportation to and from school be provided for each child that needs or desires transportation01/11/12
HB 2041Allowing for more teachers to be reimbursed for approved course work01/11/12
HB 2052Providing a loan forgiveness program for nurses, social workers, dentists and hygienists01/11/12
HB 2053Providing paid childbirth leave for higher education personnel01/11/12
HB 2060Requiring schools to post and make available to the public the schedules of teachers and staff01/11/12
HB 2063Requiring elementary students to have access to a certified library media specialist, art specialist, music specialist and physical education specialist01/11/12
HB 2071Providing for the use of neck braces by football players01/11/12
HB 2078Raising the county board of education pay to that of the county commissioners01/11/12
HB 2099Relating to the minimum salaries of teachers based on years experience and level of education01/11/12
HB 2100Including Salem International University as an eligible institution and modifying provisions regarding eligible higher education institutions receiving PROMISE scholarship funds01/11/12
HB 2106Allowing a tax deduction for all prepaid tuition contracts or college savings plan01/11/12
HB 2108Requiring that the State School Board ensure that no class size for grades seven through twelve be greater than twenty-five students to every one teacher01/11/12
HB 2112Reforming the school aid formula by reducing the regular levy deducted from county boards of education01/11/12
HB 2118Prohibiting individual county board of education members from acting on behalf of the board in an individual capacity unless authorized by law01/11/12
HB 2126Exempting children receiving an exemption from compulsory school attendance in favor of church school from standardized testing requirement01/11/12
HB 2127Providing full daily rate of pay for substitute teachers if they have in excess of ten instructional days in the same school year01/11/12
HB 2128Relating to itinerant status for school service personnel01/11/12
HB 2130Providing a salary supplement for providers of medicaid eligible services in the public schools01/11/12
HB 2131Setting standards for assignment of high school athletic directors01/11/12
HB 2134Requiring all high schools include in their health classes a course in fetal development01/11/12
HB 2143Salary increases for school service employees based upon residential housing costs01/11/12
HB 2147Relating to the use of personal leave days by a surviving spouse of a deceased employee of a school board01/11/12
HB 2154Establishing school service personnel class title and pay grade for the positions of "Administrative Assistant" and "Legal Secretary"01/11/12
HB 2164Relating to public school support computation of local share01/11/12
HB 2167Relating to the hiring of substitute service personnel by county school boards01/11/12
HB 2195Increasing salary increments paid to principals and assistant principals01/11/12
HB 2197Allowing guidance counselors to compete equally for all guidance counselor positions01/11/12
HB 2211Providing county boards of education may study the economic feasibility of exercising an option of engaging in cooperative agreements with local public or regional transit authorities to transport students01/11/12
HB 2215Exempting undergraduate students attending state colleges or universities for the first two years postgraduation, from the payment of state income tax01/11/12
HB 2217Allowing certain county boards of education to operate their schools on a four-day school week01/11/12
HB 2220Consolidating purchasing by county boards of education01/11/12
HB 2221Providing nonsupervisory employees of the West Virginia State Board of Education with the same protections against summary dismissal as are applicable to employees of county boards of education01/11/12
HB 2249Prohibiting the use of calculators for teaching purposes in grades K through eight01/11/12
HB 2253Providing additional state minimum salary for certain teachers01/11/12
HB 2256Relating to approval of a student for homebound services and their rights01/11/12
HB 2257Authorizing and encouraging county boards of education to share services of central office administrative personnel01/11/12
HB 2280Relating to redemption or repayment of PROMISE scholarship funds when a student drops or withdraws from classes01/11/12
HB 2285Directing the State Board of Education to determine what principal and teacher reports are unnecessary01/11/12
HB 2302Providing an annual $5,000 bonus to teachers of advanced placement math and science classes01/11/12
HB 2304Relating to the employment and compensation of school service personnel01/11/12
HB 2321Giving teachers credit toward the pay scale for completing an accredited seminary01/11/12
HB 2323The Family Education Tax Credit Act01/11/12
HB 2324Special Needs Scholarship Program01/11/12
HB 2329Reimbursing teachers for recertification fees01/11/12
HB 2334Allowing teachers who graduated from colleges and universities that are not accredited by associations recognized in West Virginia, to obtain a teaching certificate based on their certification in another state01/11/12
HB 2338Relating to the employment and compensation of school service personnel01/11/12
HB 2353Allowing the State Superintendent of Schools to designate certain geographical areas as a "School Choice Zone"01/11/12
HB 2356Requiring county boards of education to employ a certified library media specialist in each county school01/11/12
HB 2380Increasing the pay grade of cafeteria managers01/11/12
HB 2389Setting compensation standards for classified employees who work overtime on weekends or holidays01/11/12
HB 2394Protecting academic speech of professional educators01/11/12
HB 2414Instituting a "Celebrate Freedom Week" and requiring the instruction in the study of the Declaration of Independence and other American historical documents01/11/12
HB 2435Allowing the school building authority to designate money for the building of playgrounds01/11/12
HB 2478Charter Schools Act01/11/12
HB 2483Authorizing public school teachers to purchase one personal computer and related devices per year from the state contract for use outside the classroom01/11/12
HB 2500Relating to school personnel01/11/12
HB 2508Providing for a credit against the West Virginia personal income tax liability in the amount of payments made on student loans01/11/12
HB 2669Relating to persons who do not qualify for professional certificates who are issued certificates to serve in the public schools as athletic coaches01/11/12
HB 2723Protecting academic freedom in higher education01/11/12
HB 2726Giving all school personnel, including teachers and service personnel and retired teachers a raise01/11/12
HB 2783Providing a two-tiered personal income tax credit to parents or legal guardians who provide home or private, primary or secondary education for their children01/11/12
HB 2797Requiring the accumulation of one and one-half years of instruction in the study of the Declaration of Independence and other founding American historical documents, including the Bill of Rights, before high school graduation01/11/12
HB 2825Relating to tuition and fee waivers for members of the West Virginia State Police to attend a college or university01/11/12
HB 2889Creating the "Jason Flatt Act of 2011"01/11/12
HB 2920Establishing a tax credit for graduates of a higher education institution01/11/12
HB 3035Preventing teachers from being assigned additional responsibilities during planning period01/11/12
HB 3048Requiring public schools to institute mandatory recycling programs01/11/12
HB 3051The Parent Empowerment and Choice Act01/11/12
HB 3055Retaining nursing educators01/11/12
HB 3059Relating to teacher pay rate for work assignment outside regular school day or beyond a contracted employment period01/11/12
HB 3069Returning funding levels of regional educational service agencies to original levels01/11/12
HB 3135Decreasing the student to teacher ratio in kindergarten through sixth grades01/11/12
HB 3148Relating to residency requirements for persons appointed as campus police officers01/11/12
HB 3211Adding school social workers to the list of professional personnel who may receive salary supplement and educational expense reimbursement01/11/12
HB 4014Creating the "Jason Flatt Act of 2012"01/12/12
HB 4031Requiring kindergarten programs be provided for children who have attained the age of five prior to the August 1 school year01/12/12
HB 4073Increasing the amount of compensation a member of a county board of education may receive for attending certain meetings01/13/12
HB 4235Allowing flexibility within county school systems01/20/12
HB 4270Providing that a member of the service personnel in the system may be hired as a coach when there is no qualified teacher in the system01/23/12
HB 4309Clarifying that a child who is physically healthy and presumed safe is a neglected child if the child is habitually absent from school01/26/12
HB 4323Permitting the issuance of a barrister's certificate to teach course specific curricula in public schools01/27/12
HB 4333Relating to the School Building Authority01/27/12
HB 4340Requiring the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission to propose legislative rules concerning concussions01/30/12
HB 4370Reforming the school aid formula02/01/12
HB 4435Increasing the educational increment for school service personnel02/06/12
HB 4442Requiring automated external defibrillators in public schools02/07/12
HB 4454Adopting policies to promote school attendance02/08/12
HB 4455Requiring that handicap restroom facilities and stalls in all colleges and universities be constructed with automatic doors02/08/12
HB 4467Reforming the school aide formula02/08/12
HB 4470Relating to the State Board of Education02/09/12
HB 4536Relating to compulsory school attendance02/15/12
HB 4545Relating to date changes for notice of transfer or dismissal of school personnel02/15/12
HB 4570Changing the student-school nurse staffing ratio02/16/12
HB 4591Establishing a pilot program for school age expectant mothers02/17/12
HB 4593Allowing for the participation of home schooled students in certain secondary school activities02/17/12
HB 4594Requiring inclusion of science fiction reading material in certain existing middle school and high school courses02/17/12
HB 4597Permitting volunteer firefighters to automatically qualify for Promise Scholarships02/17/12
HB 4608Relating to the powers and duties of Higher Education Policy Commission02/17/12
HB 4620Modifying the restriction on the number of terms that a chairperson of an institutional governing board of higher education may serve02/20/12
HB 4625Relating to the school access safety act02/20/12
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