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The search returned 214 Bills ( 101 House Bills, 113 Senate Bills )


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SB 30 Providing additional means to notify DMV of purchase of junked vehicle Chapter 125, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 21, 2012)
SB 36 Relating to disclosure requirements for certain public construction contracts Chapter 150, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 51 Relating to spousal support based upon genetic testing results Chapter 50, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 75 Creating Equine Rescue Facilities Act Chapter 75, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
SB 76 Creating Green Buildings Act Chapter 151, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 100 Relating to fees collected by circuit court clerks Chapter 38, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2012)
SB 109 Permitting unlicensed personnel to administer medications or assist in certain circumstances Chapter 84, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 10, 2012)
SB 110 Relating to Broadband Deployment Council Chapter 20, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 118 Terminating residential lease upon tenant death Chapter 158, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 149 Relating to disposition of forfeited or abandoned firearms in state custody Chapter 77, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 153 Increasing tax credits for apprenticeship training in construction trades Chapter 186, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 156 Allowing Corrections Commissioner use excess funds to offset operational costs Chapter 35, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
SB 160 Budget Bill Chapter 10, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 16, 2012)
SB 161 Relating to mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect Chapter 27, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 165 Creating criminal offense of sexual contact on incarcerated persons by correctional employees Chapter 44, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 6, 2012)
SB 166 Making disarming or attempting to disarm correctional officer felony Chapter 43, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2012)
SB 185 Relating to Employee Suggestion Award Program Chapter 1, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2012)
SB 186 Providing salary equity supplement payments to teachers and service personnel Chapter 169, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 8, 2012)
SB 191 Relating to personal safety orders Chapter 137, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2012)
SB 202 Permitting Division of Forestry to enter into stewardship contracts with U. S. Forest Service Chapter 80, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
SB 204 Relating to removal of vehicles from highway in emergency situations Chapter 163, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2012)
SB 205 Relating to construction zone signage Chapter 162, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 31, 2012)
SB 209 Updating terms in Personal Income Tax Act Chapter 189, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (February 16, 2012)
SB 210 Updating terms in Corporation Net Income Tax Act Chapter 191, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (February 16, 2012)
SB 211 Creating traffic offenses for texting or using handheld wireless communication device while driving Chapter 193, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 212 Creating criminal offense for disrupting communications and public utility services Chapter 42, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 14, 2012)
SB 214 Clarifying sunrise review requirement for establishment, revision or expansion of professional scope of practice Chapter 142, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 6, 2012)
SB 215 Specifying unobligated moneys in Industrial Access Road Fund revert to State Road Fund Chapter 161, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2012)
SB 221 Creating Jason Flatt Act of 2012 Chapter 168, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
SB 224 Renaming Division or Department of Banking as Division of Financial Institutions Chapter 16, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (February 29, 2012)
SB 245 Authorizing Department of Health and Human Resources promulgate legislative rules Chapter 102, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 10, 2012)
SB 253 Authorizing DEP promulgate legislative rules Chapter 101, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 8, 2012)
SB 287 Authorizing Department of Revenue promulgate legislative rules Chapter 104, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 10, 2012)
SB 321 Authorizing Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety promulgate legislative rules Chapter 103, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 9, 2012)
SB 331 Providing certain persons residing with crime victims prosecutorial notification and right to be heard at sentencing and parole proceedings Chapter 46, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
SB 336 Eliminating mortgage lender license exemption available to bank subsidiaries Chapter 119, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 337 Relating to powers and duties of Commissioner of Banking Chapter 17, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2012)
SB 343 Providing volunteer and part-volunteer fire departments' grace period to meet eligibility for certain funds allocation Chapter 132, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 20, 2012)
SB 353 Relating generally to possession of firearms Chapter 78, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 360 Creating procedure for deeming personal property abandoned following real property transfer Chapter 136, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 362 Authorizing bond issuance for Cacapon Resort State Park and Beech Fork State Park capital improvements Chapter 175, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
SB 365 Increasing membership of PEIA Finance Board Chapter 153, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
SB 369 Permitting Deputy Sheriff Retirement System retirants to modify benefit options under certain circumstances Chapter 48, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
SB 371 Providing school system under declared state of emergency participate as collaborative innovation zone Chapter 63, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 16, 2012)
SB 373 Providing State Police collect fee for advanced training Chapter 176, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
SB 379 Authorizing Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses designate certain treatment and recovery programs for licensees and applicants Chapter 146, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 382 Relating to sex offender registration Chapter 173, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2012)
SB 385 Expanding definition of "computer" in commission of certain crimes Chapter 33, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 31, 2012)
SB 386 Clarifying entities included in water's-edge group for income tax purposes Chapter 192, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2012)
SB 387 Requiring training of floodplain managers Chapter 155, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2012)
SB 408 Relating to crimes against property involving graffiti Vetoed by Governor 4/3/12 - Senate Journal Vetoed
SB 410 Requiring backup withholding on certain gambling winnings Chapter 190, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2012)
SB 411 Making use or possession of electronic cash register automated sales suppression devices unlawful Chapter 41, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 414 Expanding definition of "medical services applicant" under Volunteer for Nonprofit Youth Organizations Act Chapter 201, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 10, 2012)
SB 418 Relating to qualifications of Parole Board members Chapter 138, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
SB 424 Exempting certain barbers from continuing education requirement Chapter 149, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
SB 428 Relating to registration plates for governmental vehicles Chapter 124, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 429 Relating to motor vehicle registration classifications Chapter 126, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 31, 2012)
SB 430 Conforming code provisions to Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement Chapter 188, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 7, 2012)
SB 434 Providing suggestion and suggestee execution contain certain information Chapter 108, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 2, 2012)
SB 435 Relating to nursing home residents' personal funds conveyance upon death Chapter 135, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 10, 2012)
SB 436 Facilitating collaboration between public school and higher education systems to promote seamless curricula Chapter 59, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage
SB 437 Relating generally to substance abuse Chapter 83, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 469 Relating generally to other post-employment benefits Chapter 152, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective from passage - (February 10, 2012)
SB 471 Authorizing Supreme Court establish mental hygiene commissioners' compensation Chapter 113, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 7, 2012)
SB 477 Regulating possession of exotic animals Vetoed by Governor 4/3/12 - Senate Journal Vetoed
SB 478 Creating apprentice hunting and trapping license Chapter 93, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 484 Relating generally to child welfare Chapter 26, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
SB 487 Creating Coalbed Methane Gas Distribution Fund Chapter 185, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 10, 2012)
SB 493 Exempting certain unmarked law-enforcement vehicles from sun-screening restrictions Chapter 128, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 496 Modifying DEP requirement of greenhouse gas emissions' inventory Chapter 74, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 497 Awarding attorney fees and costs for administrative proceedings under WV Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Act Chapter 179, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 498 Relating to records of abuse, neglect or exploitation of vulnerable adults Chapter 89, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 500 Allowing IS&C to bill certain spending units for telecommunication services annually Chapter 4, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
SB 507 Relating to voluntary and involuntary hospitalization of mentally ill persons Chapter 112, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 512 Updating statute relating to DMV Office of Administrative Hearing's procedures Chapter 56, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2012)
SB 517 Including community beautification and reclamation programs in authorized community corrections programs Chapter 47, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 528 Relating to scrap metal dealers and scrap metal Chapter 171, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 535 Expanding certain prescriptive authority of medications for chronic diseases Chapter 143, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 536 Authorizing Auditor's land department accept credit, debit or charge card payments Chapter 15, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2012)
SB 544 Removing expiration date for certain diesel-powered motor vehicle idling restrictions Chapter 127, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 547 Relating to certain criminal conviction expungement Vetoed by Governor 4/3/12 - Senate Journal Vetoed
SB 551 Providing limitation exception for certain mortgage modification or refinancing loans Chapter 120, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 10, 2012)
SB 555 Providing contractor exception to sales and use tax exemption for certain nonprofit youth organization Chapter 187, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 8, 2012)
SB 562 Establishing DEP procedure for biologic component compliance of narrative water quality standard Chapter 202, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 10, 2012)
SB 563 Clarifying Chief Technology Officer's responsibility prior to transfer or retirement of certain equipment Chapter 3, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 564 Creating Aviation Fund and Fleet Management Office Fund Chapter 2, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
SB 566 Authorizing Corrections Commissioner contract with nonprofit or charitable entities for placement of persons under custody Chapter 34, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 572 Replacing "advanced nurse practitioner" with "advanced practice registered nurse" Chapter 145, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 575 Repealing code related to prior disability under Emergency Medical Services Retirement System Chapter 32, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2012)
SB 579 Increasing special reclamation tax on clean coal mined Chapter 180, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
SB 588 Relating to Wholesale Drug Distribution Licensing Act of 1991 Chapter 203, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
SB 596 Prohibiting child erotica Chapter 45, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 597 Requiring installation of carbon monoxide detectors in certain public facilities Chapter 22, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 603 Establishing entity for operation of morale, welfare and recreation military facilities Chapter 115, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 605 Limiting landowners' liability for military, law-enforcement or homeland-defense training purposes Chapter 116, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 606 Relating to property forfeiture related to child pornography arrests and computer crimes Chapter 40, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2012)
SB 611 Developing special community-based pilot demonstration project to improve at-risk youth outcomes Chapter 66, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 615 Conforming WV Water Pollution Control Act with federal Clean Water Act Chapter 30, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 10, 2012)
SB 618 Relating to certain payments to governmental units Chapter 129, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 619 Relating to annual business fees and reports due Secretary of State Chapter 109, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
SB 621 Requiring DOH concur major subdivisions or land developments provide sufficient access Chapter 97, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2012)
SB 623 Authorizing PSC promulgate rules establishing capacity improvement fee requirements Vetoed by Governor 4/3/12 - Senate Journal Vetoed
SB 628 Allowing fund-raising for state executive party headquarters Chapter 71, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 634 Authorizing certain municipalities impose limited special public safety assessment fee Vetoed by Governor 4/3/12 - Senate Journal Vetoed
SB 646 Requiring State Board of Education study GED issues Chapter 58, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 9, 2012)
SB 650 Making supplementary appropriation from General Revenue to DHHR, Division of Human Services Chapter 11, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 8, 2012)
SB 659 Requiring criminal background checks for certain employees of state service providers Chapter 154, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
SB 661 Authorizing Workforce WV provide data to certain governmental entities Chapter 197, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
SB 673 Expiring funds from MAPS, Office of the Secretary, and making supplementary appropriation to MAPS, Division of Corrections, Correctional Units Chapter 12, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 8, 2012)
SB 676 Extending grant funding application date for Chesapeake Bay watershed compliance projects Chapter 23, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 9, 2012)
SB 677 Expiring funds from DHHR, Medicaid Fraud Control Fund, and making supplementary appropriation to DHHR, Division of Human Services Chapter 13, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 10, 2012)
SB 678 Making supplementary appropriations from State Fund, General Revenue, to various accounts Chapter 14, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 10, 2012)
HB 2278 Authorizing the use of additional medium for use in archiving government records Vetoed by Governor 4/3/12 - Senate Journal Vetoed
HB 2521 Eliminating the requirement of serving domestic violence orders by certified mail Chapter 53, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2012)
HB 2740 Making covenants that restrict the installation or use of solar energy systems unenforceable Chapter 174, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 3128 Relating to filing a civil petition for expungement of records relating to an arrest Chapter 76, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2012)
HB 3174 Relating to liquor and beer sampling events Chapter 110, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 3177 Permitting an owner who sells real property pursuant to a deed of trust to terminate a preexisting tenancy Chapter 98, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2012)
HB 4001 Authorizing boards to establish fees by legislative rule Chapter 140, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2012)
HB 4002 Relating to annual seminar requirements for professional licensing boards Chapter 139, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2012)
HB 4006 Relating to elevator workers' licensure exemptions Chapter 72, Acts, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 10, 2012)
HB 4007 Relating to unemployment benefits for certain spouses of military personnel Chapter 195, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
HB 4012 Removing the Commissioner of the Bureau for Public Health from certain boards Chapter 19, Acts, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 10, 2012)
HB 4015 Creating the Herbert Henderson Office of Minority Affairs Chapter 117, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4028 Authorizing the temporary suspension of certification of emergency medical service personnel without a hearing or prior notice if there is probable cause Chapter 73, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4037 Relating to the professional and occupational licensure and registration of former and current members of the Armed Forces of the United States Chapter 141, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 30, 2012)
HB 4046 Repealing obsolete code provisions Chapter 118, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4053 Relating to abduction, kidnapping and human trafficking Chapter 90, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4062 Creating an in-home direct care workforce registry Chapter 172, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4063 Relating to civil service commissions in political subdivisions Clerk's note: Enrolled bill not presented to Governor as passed by Legislature; bill is null and void Effect from passage - (March 9, 2012)
HB 4068 Providing that antique motor vehicles be valued at their salvage value for personal property tax purposes Vetoed by Governor 3/16/12 - Senate Journal Vetoed
HB 4070 Changing the basis for paying the county salary supplement equivalent pay rate for division of rehabilitation teachers Chapter 65, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
HB 4072 Eliminating requirement for county boards of education to meet on the first Monday of July Chapter 61, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4077 Relating to activities that may be performed by a dental hygienist without a prior exam by a dentist Chapter 144, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4086 Designating certain property as a qualified capital addition to a manufacturing facility Chapter 182, Acts, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
HB 4087 Continuing the discontinuance of the severance and business privilege tax on the privilege of severing timber Chapter 184, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 24, 2012)
HB 4088 Repealing the West Virginia telecommunications tax Chapter 183, Acts, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 7, 2012)
HB 4097 Creating a license to practice hair styling Chapter 148, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2012)
HB 4101 Authorizing teacher-in-residence programs for certain prospective teachers in lieu of student teaching Chapter 166, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4103 Consolidating of government services and enforcement of laws pertaining to the motor carrier industry Chapter 122, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
HB 4107 Relating to volunteer firefighter training Chapter 79, Acts, 2012 Effective from passage - (February 14, 2012)
HB 4118 Including the surviving spouse and a designated individual previously chosen by the deceased as a person who may designate the manner of disposition of a deceased person's body Chapter 81, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4119 Providing a definition for an athletic director who is employed by a county board of education Clerk's note: Enrolled bill not presented to Governor as passed by Legislature; bill is null and void Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
HB 4122 Relating to alternative programs for teacher education Chapter 167, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 31, 2012)
HB 4125 Correcting date for schools to send notice to parents alerting them to the existence of the school's crisis response plan Chapter 64, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2012)
HB 4126 Authorizing legislative rules for the Higher Education Policy Commission and Council for Community and Technical College Education Chapter 88, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2012)
HB 4130 Creating the felony criminal offense of sale or purchase of a child Chapter 51, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2012)
HB 4139 Authorizing miscellaneous agencies and boards to promulgate legislative rules Chapter 106, Acts, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 10, 2012)
HB 4142 Authorizing the Department of Administration to promulgate legislative rules Chapter 100, Acts, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 10, 2012)
HB 4206 Authorizing the Department of Transportation to promulgate legislative rules Chapter 105, Acts, 2012 Effect from passage - (February 29, 2012)
HB 4220 Authorizing the department of commerce to promulgate legislative rules Chapter 107, Acts, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 6, 2012)
HB 4236 Relating to exclusions from the definition of professional personnel for evaluation purposes Chapter 165, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4238 Establishing procedures for address confidentiality program participants on the special absentee voting list Chapter 69, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2012)
HB 4239 Increasing the membership of the West Virginia Board of Osteopathy Chapter 147, Acts, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 16, 2012)
HB 4251 Relating generally to amendments to the uniform commercial code Chapter 198, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2012)
HB 4256 Relating to captive insurance Chapter 96, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
HB 4257 Providing late voter registration opportunities to individuals covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Act of 1986 Chapter 68, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4260 Relating to insurance coverage for autism spectrum disorders Chapter 94, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4263 The West Virginia Buy American Act Chapter 21, Acts, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 10, 2012)
HB 4271 Reporting requirements for residential mortgage lenders and broker licensees Chapter 121, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4274 Expanding the authority of the Commissioner of Banking over regulated consumer lender licensees, and providing a penalty for violations Chapter 18, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
HB 4279 Permitting municipalities to stagger the terms of elected officers Chapter 131, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 14, 2012)
HB 4281 Increasing the supplemental pay of members of the West Virginia State Police Chapter 178, Acts, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
HB 4291 Relating to county law libraries established by the Supreme Court of Appeals Chapter 37, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 15, 2012)
HB 4299 Authorizing a county board of education to use the services of a bus operator from another county in certain circumstances Chapter 62, Acts, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 6, 2012)
HB 4307 Clarifying that the practice and procedure for domestic violence civil proceedings are governed by court rule Chapter 54, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2012)
HB 4314 Relating to the appointment of magistrates Chapter 111, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4315 Permitting a new class IV town or village to select a form of government Chapter 130, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4320 Relating to the settlement of violations of the Hazardous Waste Management Act by consent agreements Chapter 82, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2012)
HB 4322 Adding coyote and fox to the list of species in which any color artificial light is permitted for hunting at night Chapter 91, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4327 Requiring pulse oximetry testing for newborns Chapter 86, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4328 Removing bobcats from the list of species requiring a field tag Chapter 92, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4330 Providing that drivers licenses may contain information designating the licensee as a person who is an honorably discharged veteran Chapter 55, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2012)
HB 4332 Relating to transfer of service credit from Public Employees Retirement System to Emergency Medical Services Retirement System Chapter 160, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2012)
HB 4338 Raising the maximum value amount of an abandoned motor vehicle Chapter 123, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2012)
HB 4345 Prohibiting the unauthorized sale of railroad scrap metal Chapter 157, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2012)
HB 4351 Relating to mine safety Chapter 31, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2012)
HB 4376 Licensing wine sales at certain professional baseball stadiums Chapter 5, Acts, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 8, 2012)
HB 4390 Uniform Power of Attorney Act Chapter 199, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4396 West Virginia Fire, EMS and Law-Enforcement Officer Survivor Benefit Act Chapter 181, Acts, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 10, 2012)
HB 4398 Declaring certain claims against the state and its agencies to be moral obligations of the state Chapter 29, Acts, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 7, 2012)
HB 4403 Changing the filing deadline for certified write-in candidates Chapter 70, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
HB 4415 Authorize a Prince Railroad Station Authority to acquire and maintain the railroad station building Chapter 206, Acts, 2012 Effective from passage - (February 24, 2012)
HB 4422 Relating to crane operator certification Chapter 39, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4424 Relating to modified mental hygiene procedures Chapter 114, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4433 Modifying the criteria for awarding high school diplomas to certain veterans Chapter 60, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
HB 4438 Provider Sponsored Network Act Chapter 87, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4451 Ensuring that county executive committees have control of designating the persons who serve as ballot commissioner Chapter 67, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4481 Relating to the Comprehensive Behavioral Health Commission Chapter 85, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2012)
HB 4486 Relating to the disclosure of insurance coverage Chapter 95, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4489 Strengthening authority of the West Virginia Municipal Pensions Oversight Board Vetoed by Governor 3/21/12 - Senate Journal Vetoed
HB 4493 Establishing special memorial days for certain military veterans Chapter 200, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 28, 2012)
HB 4504 Relating to development and operation of a nursing home on the grounds of a nonprofit community health care organization Chapter 134, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
HB 4521 Permitting the restructuring of child support payments of an inmate who is released under certain circumstances Chapter 24, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4522 Providing additional contempt powers for family court judges Chapter 36, Acts, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
HB 4523 Relating to the Bureau for Child Support enforcement and reporting employment and income of an independent contractor Chapter 25, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2012)
HB 4530 Authorizing the Public Service Commission to consider and issue a financing order to certain regulated electric utilities to permit the recovery of expanded net energy costs Chapter 156, Acts, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 7, 2012)
HB 4542 Relating to unemployment compensation benefits Chapter 194, Acts, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
HB 4549 Imposing a monetary penalty on unemployment compensation recipients for obtaining benefits through the use of fraudulent statements Chapter 196, Acts, 2012 Effective July 1, 2012
HB 4567 Permitting the Harrison county commission to levy a special district tax Chapter 205, Acts, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 8, 2012)
HB 4583 Changing certain deadlines associated with the termination, resignation and transfer of school personnel Chapter 164, Acts, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 5, 2012)
HB 4601 Authorizing the West Virginia National Guard to participate in a federal asset forfeiture or sharing program Chapter 133, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4605 Providing a premarital education option to applicants for marriage licenses Chapter 49, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4626 Increasing state police principal supervisors to nineteen Chapter 177, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2012)
HB 4630 Modifying the membership of the Braxton County Recreational Development Authority Chapter 204, Acts, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 6, 2012)
HB 4634 Removing the requirement for the Legislative Auditor to conduct certain fiscal audits of the Alcohol Beverage Control Commission and the Children's Trust Fund Chapter 99, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4648 Implementing a domestic violence court pilot project Chapter 52, Acts, 2012 Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2012)
HB 4652 Making a supplementary appropriation to various agencies Chapter 6, Acts, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 10, 2012)
HB 4654 Relating to the provision of mailing services by the CPRB to certain retiree organizations Chapter 159, Acts, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 7, 2012)
HB 4655 Relating to school service personnel certification Chapter 170, Acts, 2012 Effect from passage - (March 10, 2012)
HB 4656 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Division of Human Services - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Chapter 7, Acts, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 10, 2012)
HB 4657 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Administration - Office of the Secretary - Employee Pension and Health Care Benefit Fund, Division of Purchasing, Department of Environmental Protection, etc. Chapter 8, Acts, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 10, 2012)
HB 4658 Supplementing, amending, decreasing and increasing items of the existing appropriations from the State Road Fund to the Department of Transportation - Division of Highways Chapter 9, Acts, 2012 Effective from passage - (March 10, 2012)
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