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There are 36 Bills pending in Senate Education




SB 22Modifying provisions regarding higher education institutions eligible for PROMISE scholarship funds01/11/12
SB 50Requiring parents objecting to immunizations provide written statement of belief in lieu of immunization proof01/11/12
SB 55Relating to residency requirements for persons appointed as campus police officers01/11/12
SB 80Providing in-state tuition rates for certain out-of-state medical and osteopathic students01/11/12
SB 84Creating Higher Education Community School Law01/11/12
SB 140Requiring boards of education hire most qualified persons for extracurricular activities01/11/12
SB 170Authorizing Higher Education Policy Commission and Council for Community and Technical College Education promulgate legislative rules01/13/12
SB 176Including funding for high school athletics as priority in expenditure of surplus excess lottery revenue funds01/13/12
SB 188Extending certain deadlines for mandated actions regarding higher education personnel01/16/12
SB 196Creating Dentist and Hygienist Education Student Loan Fund01/16/12
SB 197Providing for issuance of alternative program teacher certificate and teacher-in-residence permits01/16/12
SB 218Relating to alternative programs for teacher education01/17/12
SB 328Increasing compensation of county board of education members for certain meeting attendance01/18/12
SB 372Relating to performance evaluations for professional education personnel; instituting teacher mentoring system01/20/12
SB 377Amending time frame for transfers of professional educators01/23/12
SB 378Requiring assistant principals at schools with certain enrollment01/23/12
SB 384Creating nurse educator tax credit01/23/12
SB 396Providing certain school social workers receive salary supplement and educational expense reimbursement01/24/12
SB 415Authorizing school bus drivers operate leased buses in another county under certain circumstances01/25/12
SB 444Requiring certain professional educators employed by county boards perform substitute teaching duties01/27/12
SB 464Defining certain habitually absent schoolchild as neglected child01/31/12
SB 520Providing state income tax exemption for certain graduates of higher education institutions02/06/12
SB 546Relating to public school nurses02/09/12
SB 558Eliminating requirement county boards of education input harassment, intimidation or bullying data into WVEIS02/10/12
SB 573Providing Higher Education Policy Commission license barber and cosmetology schools and instructors02/13/12
SB 576Changing school personnel termination, resignation, retirement, transfer and rehiring deadlines03/01/12
SB 594Authorizing WV Studies teachers attend conference during Sesquicentennial Celebration02/15/12
SB 610Relating to public schools and school districts02/16/12
SB 641Relating generally to public education service personnel02/17/12
SB 662Creating Dyslexia Screening and Intervention Pilot Project and Dyslexia Teacher Training Pilot Program02/20/12
SB 663Providing resident tuition rates for WV institution graduates' children02/20/12
HB 4020Recognizing outstanding students who are top scorers on certain statewide tests02/24/12
HB 4554Accepting additional students for enrollment in early childhood education programs03/01/12
HB 4572Relating to school service personnel classification and compensation03/01/12
HB 4645Changing the membership requirements for a board of governors02/29/12
HB 4653Relating to public school support computation of local share03/01/12
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