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There are 75 Bills pending in House Health and Human Resources




SB 656Requiring direct health care providers wear identification badges02/28/12
HB 2009Providing a tax incentive to dental practitioners to perform dental services at no cost to indigent patients01/11/12
HB 2021Permitting unlicensed personnel to administer medications in certain circumstances01/11/12
HB 2032Encouraging and assisting persons diagnosed with schizophrenic reality disorder in designating a durable medical power of attorney01/11/12
HB 2035Prohibiting state funding of abortions01/11/12
HB 2037Requiring physicians performing abortions take steps designed to save the life of any aborted live fetus01/11/12
HB 2064Requiring a woman, prior to an abortion, to have a pregnancy test administered at the facility where the abortion is to be performed01/11/12
HB 2090Relating to the care of aborted fetuses01/11/12
HB 2098Providing that when any body part of an unborn child is outside the womb, the child is born, and is considered a citizen of the state01/11/12
HB 2104Providing a mechanism whereby unused, unexpired nonnarcotic drugs previously owned by a deceased nursing home patient or resident may be donated to free health care clinics in the state01/11/12
HB 2105No State-Funded Transportation for Abortion Act01/11/12
HB 2119Relating to the eliminating of mercury in vaccines01/11/12
HB 2123Adopting guidelines to permit pharmacists to prescribe medications01/11/12
HB 2142Providing for the adequate staffing of nursing homes and training of nursing home staff01/11/12
HB 2162Pharmacy Benefit Manager Licensing and Regulation Act01/11/12
HB 2174Relating to powers and duties of the State Board of Medicine01/11/12
HB 2183Qualifying children for the West Virginia Children's Health Insurance Program01/11/12
HB 2191Allowing parents or the school to serve sweets during the holidays if the school receives parental or guardian consent01/11/12
HB 2196Prohibiting the performance of any abortion when the woman seeking it is doing so solely on account of the gender of the fetus01/11/12
HB 2198Prohibiting the use of the body of a fetus for certain purposes01/11/12
HB 2214Relating to the "Mandated Benefits Review Act"01/11/12
HB 2216Prohibiting family planning centers that receive state funding from discussing abortion01/11/12
HB 2246Repealing article of the code granting a business license to sell drug paraphernalia01/11/12
HB 2275Requiring abortion facilities to have certain written policies and procedures01/11/12
HB 2292Requiring the DHHR to annually review and adjust rates it pays to care providers01/11/12
HB 2295Requiring that abortions be performed in hospitals or by physicians with admitting privileges to a hospital within the local service area01/11/12
HB 2301Ending the requirement that health facilities acquire a certificate of need to open01/11/12
HB 2326Reporting requirements when it is suspected that a woman suffered injury or death due to induced abortion01/11/12
HB 2349Establishing a funding source and programs for persons with traumatic brain injury01/11/12
HB 2369Developing caseload standards for the Department of Health and Human Resource program areas01/11/12
HB 2374Providing standards for hospitals' charity care programs and bad debt collection programs01/11/12
HB 2381Prohibiting the establishment of methadone treatment programs and clinics except those operated by comprehensive community mental health centers01/11/12
HB 2408Relating to treatment for drug and alcohol addiction01/11/12
HB 2447Adding pharmacist and pharmacy to the definition of "health care provider" as used in the Medical Professional Liability Act01/11/12
HB 2469Expanding the West Virginia Children's Health Insurance Program to children of certain state employees01/11/12
HB 2506Prohibiting pharmacists and other persons involved in dispensing medicines from refusing to fill prescriptions01/11/12
HB 2651Relating to parental notification requirements for obtaining abortions by unemancipated minors01/11/12
HB 2668Requiring health care providers to release unemancipated minor's medical records for drug testing to a parent or legal guardian without written consent from minor01/11/12
HB 2678Making it illegal to transport a minor across state lines to obtain an abortion without written consent by both parents01/11/12
HB 2680Prohibiting school employees from promoting abortion01/11/12
HB 2817Prohibiting healthcare providers from discriminating against or refusing treatment of a patient01/11/12
HB 2828Prohibiting the establishment of new methadone treatment programs and clinics except for programs operated as community health centers and requiring all community health center methadone programs to monitor patient's pharmacy registry01/11/12
HB 2929Relating to radiologic technologists01/11/12
HB 3010Ensuring patient safety01/11/12
HB 3139Relating to restrictions on dispensing oxycontin extended release or fentanyl patches01/11/12
HB 3159Authorizing certain individuals to obtain a prescription for epinephrine, purchase epinephrine, and administer epinephrine in emergency situations and promulgating rules for the development of training programs01/11/12
HB 3170Providing that pharmacists may not obstruct a patient in obtaining a prescription drug or device that has been legally prescribed01/11/12
HB 3178Funding for substance abuse services through increased taxes on beer, wine and liquor01/11/12
HB 3189Clarifying that the Legislature is the sole authority regarding compulsory immunizations01/11/12
HB 3221Community-Based Services Act01/11/12
HB 3247Community-Based Services Act01/11/12
HB 3261BPA-Free Kids Act01/11/12
HB 4008Requiring physicians and other licensed prescribers offer the drug Naloxone to their patients who are prescribed opiates for chronic pain01/12/12
HB 4023Requiring a prescription to receive drug products that contain as an active ingredient ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine and other precursors of methamphetamine01/12/12
HB 4032Providing immunity from civil liability hospital volunteers who in good faith render emergency care at a hospital01/12/12
HB 4033Requiring doctors and hospitals to bill patients within one year of when the goods and services were provided01/12/12
HB 4096Creating the Unintentional Pharmaceutical Drug Overdose Fatality Review Team01/17/12
HB 4099Requiring the coverage by Medicaid of dental services for the mother of a child who is the recipient of Medicaid services01/17/12
HB 4285Adding the county sheriff, or his or her designee, to those law-enforcement officials who are granted access to certain confidential pharmaceutical information01/25/12
HB 4336Relating to substance abuse01/27/12
HB 4411Requiring parents who object to immunizations to provide a written statement to that effect02/03/12
HB 4414The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act02/03/12
HB 4423Creating the "West Virginia Winner" program to promote healthy living02/06/12
HB 4471Relating to the controlled substances monitoring02/09/12
HB 4484Increasing the number of child protective service workers02/10/12
HB 4490Providing that a plant based substance or biological organism determined to provide any potential medical benefit may not be designated or rescheduled as a Class I or II controlled substance02/10/12
HB 4491Relating to the uniformed controlled substances act02/10/12
HB 4498Compassionate Use Act for Medical Cannabis02/10/12
HB 4540Relating to a child's right to nurse02/15/12
HB 4541Banning of flavored tobacco products02/15/12
HB 4543Defining the term "advanced nurse practitioner"02/15/12
HB 4578Preventing taxpayer subsidization of health insurance covering elective abortions02/17/12
HB 4606Defining and removing definitions in the Methamphetamine Laboratory Eradication Act02/17/12
HB 4638Requiring hospitals and other medical service providers to bill Medicaid for eligible inmate hospital and professional services02/20/12
HB 4640Establishing a two year pilot program on the disposal of unused pharmaceuticals02/20/12
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