Tuesday, February 12, 2019
2014. By Del. Foster, Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker), Householder, Shott, Howell, Pack and Hollen - West Virginia Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets Act (FN) - To the Judiciary
2993. By Del. Westfall - Defining a reduction in coverage and clarifying what is a termination for property insurance - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary
2994. By Del. Linville, Mandt and Criss - Requiring cursive writing to be taught in grades K-5 - To Education
2995. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) - Providing county commissioners an ongoing mechanism to consider compensation increases for elected officials - To Political Subdivisions then Finance
2996. By Del. McGeehan and Howell - Repealing the article on unfair trade practices - To the Judiciary
2997. By Del. Higginbotham, Kessinger and Waxman - Conforming the state Consumer Credit and Protection Act to the federal Fair Debt Collection and Practices Act - To the Judiciary
2998. By Del. Kessinger - Relating to agricultural and forest seeds - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary
2999. By Del. Walker, C. Thompson and Pushkin - Relating to state certification of industrial hemp and medical cannabis seed (FN) - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary
3000. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) - Relating to crimes against public justice - To the Judiciary
3001. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) - Increasing compensation of county board of education members (FN) - To Education then Finance
3002. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) - Expanding county commissions’ ability to dispose of county or district property - To Government Organization
3003. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) - Relating generally to the effect on regular levy rate when appraisal results in tax increase - To Political Subdivisions then Finance
3004. By Del. Walker, Pyles, Higginbotham, Angelucci, Skaff, Maynard, C. Thompson, Pushkin and S. Brown - Amending the industrial hemp development act consistent with federal law - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary
3005. By Del. Kessinger - Requiring patients who are pregnant while undergoing medication-assisted treatment to receive prenatal care - To Health and Human Resources
3006. By Del. Fleischauer, Rowe and Pushkin - Providing school day to register and transport students to vote - To Education then Finance
3007. By Del. Nelson, Harshbarger, Cadle, Atkinson, Cooper and Pack - Authorizing the Commissioner of Agriculture to require background checks (FN) - To Government Organization
3008. By Del. Hornbuckle - Reentry Task Force - To the Judiciary then Finance
3009. By Del. Hornbuckle - The Young Professional Tax Credits - To Education then Finance
3010. By Del. Skaff, Rowe, Byrd, Pushkin, Robinson, Estep-Burton and Malcolm - Establishing a 911 Emergency Services Retirement System - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
3011. By Del. C. Thompson, S. Brown, Sponaugle, Fleischauer, Estep-Burton and Lavender-Bowe - Prohibiting provisions within settlement agreements that prevent the disclosure of factual information related to a claim filed in a civil action - To the Judiciary
3012. By Del. Kessinger, Toney, P. Martin, Linville, Hill, Queen, Worrell, Capito, Maynard, Harshbarger and Hanna - Providing new graduates of an in-state or out-of-state higher educational institution a tax credit on the personal property tax (FN) - To Education then Finance
3013. By Del. Skaff, S. Brown, Estep-Burton, Williams, Zukoff, Angelucci, Walker and Hornbuckle - College Graduate Tax Credit (FN) - To Education then Finance
3014. By Del. Butler [By Request of the WV Department of Transportation] - Aligning the salary of the Director of the State Rail Authority with similar positions in state government - To Finance
3015. By Del. Skaff, Estep-Burton, S. Brown, Williams, Zukoff, Angelucci, Walker, Linville, Queen and Hornbuckle - West Virginia Residential Incentive Tax Credit Act (FN) - To Education then Finance
3016. By Del. Butler [By Request of the WV Department of Transportation] - Relating to the State Aeronautics Commission - To Government Organization then Finance
3017. By Del. Kessinger and Foster - Relating to the deregulation of natural gas for certain consumers - To Energy
3018. By Del. Shott [By Request of the WV Department of Administration] - Relating to the West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Agency’s reimbursement of air-ambulance providers (FN) - To the Judiciary then Finance
3019. By Del. D. Jeffries, Fleischauer, Miley, Malcolm, Atkinson, Ellington, Worrell, Pack, Summers, Fast and Bibby - Health Care Transparency Act - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
3020. By Del. Espinosa - Relating to sole source contracts for goods and services with nonprofit corporations affiliated with the respective education institutions (FN) - To Education
3021. By Del. Espinosa - Relating to the disposition of permit fees, registration fees and civil penalties imposed against thoroughbred horse racing licensees - To Finance
3022. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) - Requiring the Governor to fix the salaries of certain state appointed officers after the office is vacated - To Finance
3023. By Del. Barrett - Including home confinement officers in definition of law-enforcement officers - To the Judiciary
3024. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) - West Virginia Business Ready Sites Program (FN) - To Government Organization
3025. By Del. Westfall, Maynard, Graves, Pushkin, Canestraro and Miller - Providing for the Racing Commission to approve number of racing days requested by racing association - To the Judiciary then Finance
3026. By Del. Hornbuckle - Establishing a tax credit for businesses who hire, promote and develop women and minorities into executive, professional or administrative roles (FN) - To Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development then Finance
3027. By Del. Butler [By Request of the WV Department of Transportation] - Relating generally to the West Virginia Highway Design-Build Pilot Program - To Technology and Infrastructure then the Judiciary
3028. By Del. Hornbuckle - Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act - To the Judiciary
3029. By Del. Pyles and Diserio - Requiring court reporters be licensed (FN) - To the Judiciary then Finance
3030. By Del. Pyles, Longstreth, Staggers, Diserio, Swartzmiller, Doyle and Rowan - Relating to the West Virginia Public Employees Retirement Act (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
3031. By Del. C. Martin, Howell, Paynter, Fleischauer, Hansen, Walker, Pyles, Nelson and Hott - Permitting the Alcohol Beverage Control Administration to request the assistance of law enforcement (FN) - To the Judiciary
3032. By Del. Cadle, Cooper, Howell, Harshbarger, Hott, Westfall, Sponaugle and Linville - Modifying the types of bolts and arrows that may be used in crossbow hunting - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary
3033. By Del. Lovejoy, Fluharty, Lavender-Bowe, Walker, Fleischauer, Robinson, Diserio, Canestraro, Campbell, Pushkin and Miller - Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Fund - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance
3034. By Del. Lovejoy, Canestraro, Fluharty, Miller and Campbell - Relating to Deputy Sheriff Retirement System (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
3035. By Del. Pyles, Pushkin, Longstreth, Staggers, Rowe, Diserio, Swartzmiller, Doyle, Canestraro and Rowan - Members of certain state, county, and municipal public employee retirement plans option to purchase credit for Peace Corps service (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
3036. By Del. Sponaugle, Miller, Hott, C. Thompson, Boggs, Hartman, N. Brown, Staggers, Barrett, Caputo and Miley - Relating to the West Virginia State Police Retirement System (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
3037. By Del. Campbell, Higginbotham, Lovejoy, Canestraro, Pack, Paynter, Wilson, Angelucci, Miller, Maynard and Longstreth - Relating to criminal procedure (FN) - To the Judiciary
3038. By Del. Pushkin, S. Brown, Estep-Burton, Williams, Barrett, Maynard, Lavender-Bowe, Hornbuckle and C. Thompson - Increasing access to contraceptive drugs, devices, and procedures - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
3039. By Del. Foster, Phillips, Malcolm and D. Jeffries - Relating to a court’s consideration of the expression of a preference by a child in certain child custody matters - To the Judiciary
3040. By Del. Foster and Steele - Repealing the law which makes prime contractors liable for the failure of subcontractors to make proper payments for workers’ compensation (FN) - To Industry and Labor then the Judiciary
3041. By Del. Fleischauer, Walker, Hansen, Williams, Byrd, McGeehan, Phillips, Zukoff, Storch and Wilson - Relating to electioneering or distributing literature at early voting locations - To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary
3042. By Del. Foster, Westfall, Kessinger, Maynard, S. Brown and Skaff - Requiring prescriptions be made by electronic means - To the Judiciary
3043. By Del. Foster - Clarifying that municipalities may enact ordinances for rates, fees, and charges based upon actual use of services (FN) - To the Judiciary
3044. By Del. Williams, Summers, Fleischauer, Pyles, Walker, Hansen, Caputo, Miley, Zukoff, Queen and Sypolt - Requiring the Commissioner of Highways to develop a formula for allocating road funds - To Government Organization
3045. By Del. Cowles, Maynard, Barrett, Skaff, Boggs and Williams - Exempting certain complimentary hotel rooms from hotel occupancy tax (FN) - To Finance
3046. By Del. Doyle, Lavender-Bowe, Campbell and S. Brown - Relating to compensation paid to landowners when interest in property taken by eminent domain is for a nongovernmental entity - To the Judiciary
3047. By Del. Maynard, Hollen, Pack, Angelucci, Linville, Lovejoy, Miller, Paynter, J. Jeffries, Jennings and Queen - Providing that moneys in the West Virginia Emergency Medical Services Retirement Fund are exempt from taxation, garnishment and other process (FN) - To the Judiciary then Finance
3048. By Del. Staggers, Steele, Angelucci, Miley and Shott - Permitting adjunct professors to serve on the institutional governing boards - To Education
3049. By Del. Staggers, Angelucci, Jennings, Maynard and Summers - Improving dissemination of boiled water advisories to affected communities (FN) - To Health and Human Resources
3050. By Del. Howell, Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker), Householder, Pack, Boggs, Hamrick, Miley, Storch, Wilson and Byrd - West Virginia Municipal Broadband Expansion Act (FN) - To the Judiciary
3051. By Del. Bibby, Hardy, Cooper, J. Jeffries, Espinosa, Waxman, Wilson, Paynter, Fast, C. Martin and D. Jeffries - Relating to requiring state, county, and municipal government agencies to provide all employees an annual statement of total compensation - To Government Organization
3052. By Del. Fleischauer, Pushkin, N. Brown, Hill, Hartman, Sponaugle, C. Thompson, Miley, Lavender-Bowe, Estep-Burton and Walker - Ensuring coverage for residents with preexisting conditions - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary
3053. By Del. Hott, Harshbarger, C. Martin, D. Kelly, Sponaugle, Rowan, Westfall, Phillips, Hollen, Toney and Mandt - Relating to rules for hunting antlered deer - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Government Organization
3054. By Del. Howell, C. Martin, Pack, Hamrick and Wilson - Relating to the state agency for surplus property - To Government Organization
3055. By Del. Hornbuckle, Doyle, Pyles, Longstreth and Diserio - Permitting levies to pass with a majority of the vote - To the Judiciary
3056. By Del. Pethtel - Providing protections, under certain circumstances, to owners of livestock and other domestic animals - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary
3057. By Del. Shott - Relating to the Adult Drug Court Participation Fund - To the Judiciary then Finance
3058. By Del. Hornbuckle, Pushkin, Longstreth, Skaff, Hicks, Diserio, Caputo and Staggers - Granting full time employees of county boards of education three months of paid leave following the birth of a child (FN) - To Education then Finance
3059. By Del. Campbell, Higginbotham, Canestraro, Lovejoy, Lavender-Bowe, Harshbarger, Pack, Wilson, Worrell, Angelucci and Diserio - Relating to buck deer rifle hunting season (FN) - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance
3060. By Del. Criss and Nelson - Amending the definition of mortgage loan originator - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary
3061. By Del. Nelson, Criss, Westfall, Skaff and Hartman - Relating to requirements for making consumer loans in West Virginia - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary
3062. By Del. Porterfield - Relating to sale of delinquent tax liens - To the Judiciary then Finance
3063. By Del. Bibby, Hardy, Espinosa, Summers, Kessinger, Westfall, Hanna, Wilson, Butler, Higginbotham and Cooper - Relating to a home Instruction and private school tax credit (FN) - To Education then Finance
3064. By Del. Steele - Establishing an intravenous drug user treatment and commitment process - To Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse then the Judiciary
3065. By Del. Hansen - Orphan Oil and Gas Well Prevention Act - To Energy
3066. By Del. Steele - Relating to extended supervision for certain drug offenders - To the Judiciary
3067. By Del. Westfall - Relating to third-party litigation financing - To the Judiciary
3068. By Del. C. Thompson, Angelucci, Fleischauer and Lavender-Bowe - Relating to sales by pet stores of dogs, cats or rabbits - To the Judiciary
3069. By Del. Shott - Relating to the right of certain persons to limit possession of firearms on premises - To the Judiciary
3070. By Del. Hollen - Relating to the accrued benefit of retirees in the West Virginia State Police Retirement System (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
3071. By Del. Lavender-Bowe, Rohrbach, Rowe, Fleischauer, Doyle, Staggers, C. Thompson, Zukoff, Estep-Burton and Walker - Relating to electronic cigarettes (FN) - To Health and Human Resources then Finance
3072. By Del. Fleischauer - Permitting customers and developers to enter into solar power purchase agreements - To Energy
3073. By Del. Skaff, Steele, Robinson, Capito and Byrd - Authorizing a court administrator to make determinations of financial eligibility for public defender services - To the Judiciary
3074. By Del. Foster - Ensuring that legal or biological parents have equal access to any and all copies of birth registry forms - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
3075. By Del. Criss - Terminating the Public Service Commission - To the Judiciary
3076. By Del. Criss - Transferring jurisdiction over vehicle weight enforcement and excess weight permit issuances to the State Police (FN) - To Technology and Infrastructure then the Judiciary
3077. By Del. Skaff, Estep-Burton, Pushkin, Byrd, Walker, Rowe and Robinson - Permitting election day registration of voters (FN) - To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary
3078. By Del. Estep-Burton, C. Thompson, Lavender-Bowe and Doyle - Relating generally to paid family and medical leave - To Banking and Insurance then Finance
3079. By Del. Zukoff and Storch - Relating to withholding tax on income from natural resources royalty payments - To Energy then Finance
3080. By Del. Skaff, Rowe, Hornbuckle, Boggs, Ellington, Sponaugle, Longstreth and Williams - Redirecting a percentage of any surplus to state institutions of higher education to restore their state allocation funding levels - To Education then Finance
3081. By Del. Fluharty, Lovejoy, Hornbuckle, Maynard, Bates, Hansen and Pushkin - Relating to Good Samaritan Food Donation Act (FN) - To Finance
3082. By Del. Fluharty and Barrett - Repealing antiquated provisions relating to gaming activities - To Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development then the Judiciary
3083. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Miley - Adding temporary work during the legislative session as exclusion to the term employment for purposes of unemployment compensation - To the Judiciary
3084. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) [By Request of the Executive] - Supplementary appropriation to Governor’s Office, Civil Contingent Fund - To Finance
3085. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Miley [By Request of the Executive] - Supplementary appropriation to the State Board of Education - To Finance
3086. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Miley [By Request of the Executive] - Allowing contracts for services related to response, recovery or relief of a declared state of emergency to be entered into without bidding - To Government Organization
3087. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Miley [By Request of the Executive] - Relating to interagency procurement of commodities and services - To Finance
3088. By Del. Miley, Miller and Canestraro - Providing county commissioners an ongoing mechanism to consider compensation increases for elected officials - To Political Subdivisions then Finance
3089. By Del. Miley, Pushkin, Staggers, Estep-Burton, Angelucci, Lavender-Bowe, Bates and Walker - Modifying licensing requirements for the practice of telemedicine and surgery or podiatry - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
3090. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) - Relating to employment, promotion and transfer of professional personnel by county boards of education - To Education
3091. By Del. Sypolt - Relating to a person being required to undergo a psychological or mental health evaluation during divorce or child custody proceeding - To the Judiciary
3092. By Del. Atkinson, J. Kelly, Westfall, Criss, Nelson, D. Jeffries, Jennings, Hollen, Butler, P. Martin and Cowles - Creating a pilot program to encourage utility infrastructure development to certain lands (FN) - To Government Organization
3093. By Del. Cowles - Relating to standards for factory-built homes - To Government Organization
3094. By Del. Longstreth, Fleischauer, Doyle, Pyles, Williams, Pushkin, Zukoff and Evans - Relating to political affiliation of elected officials - To the Judiciary
3095. By Del. Summers, Hollen, Graves, Anderson, Malcolm, Pack, Pethtel and Evans - Establishing a minimum monthly retirement annuity for certain retirants (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
3096. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) - Relating to four-year higher education - To Education then Finance
3097. By Del. Skaff, Barrett, Williams, Boggs, Storch, Maynard and Miley - West Virginia Innovation Free-Trade Business Technology Property Valuation Act and the West Virginia Innovation Free-Trade Tax Credit Act (FN) - To Finance
3098. By Del. Williams, Lavender-Bowe, C. Thompson, Estep-Burton, Westfall, Cooper, Campbell, Fluharty and Pushkin - Allowing the same business owner to brew and sell beer to also distill and sell liquor - To Government Organization
3099. By Del. Pushkin, Criss, Estep-Burton, Robinson, Fluharty and Skaff - Relating to eliminating payments to the Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner from distilleries and mini-distilleries - To Government Organization
3100. By Del. Espinosa, Cowles and Householder - Clarifying certain provisions of the Nonintoxicating Beer Act (FN) - To Government Organization
3101. By Del. Westfall - Modernizing certain nonintoxicating beer, nonintoxicating craft beer, beer, wine, and liquor laws by permitting certain hours of operation - To Government Organization
3102. By Del. Espinosa, Cowles, Summers, Householder and Westfall - Creating alternating wine proprietorships for wineries and farm wineries (FN) - To Government Organization
3103. By Del. Espinosa and Householder - Authorizing operators of a distillery or mini-distillery to offer for purchase and consumption liquor on the premises - To Government Organization
3104. By Del. Hamrick - Relating to exception to restrictions on nonresident brewers, manufacturers and distributors - To Government Organization
3105. By Del. Espinosa - Permitting the Alcohol Beverage Control Administration to request the assistance of law enforcement (FN) - To Government Organization
3106. By Del. Howell, C. Martin, Hamrick and Wilson - Requiring retail licensees to purchase at least 10 percent of available SKUs from the commissioner - To Government Organization
3107. By Del. S. Brown - Requiring the Secretary of the Department of Revenue to post on the Internet a unified economic development report - To Government Organization then Finance
3108. By Del. S. Brown, Hornbuckle, Williams, Pyles, Byrd and Walker - Relating to the normalization of cannabis laws - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
3109. By Del. S. Brown, Angelucci and Walker - Implementing the Statewide Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit Tracking System - To the Judiciary
3110. By Del. S. Brown, Hanna, Angelucci and Walker - Removing the statute of limitations on any misdemeanor which involves a child under 18 years of age - To the Judiciary
3111. By Del. S. Brown - Creating the Sexual Assault Victims’ Bill of Rights (FN) - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
3112. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) - Relating to job creation and incentives (FN) - To Finance
3113. By Del. Byrd - Directing county school boards to construct covered bus stops - To Education then Finance
3114. By Del. Sypolt - Eliminating the requirement that schools be closed on election days - To Education then the Judiciary
3115. By Del. Pushkin - Extending the prescription length of certain life sustaining emergency prescriptions - To Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse then Health and Human Resources
3116. By Del. Caputo - Removing current limitations on sales of nonintoxicating beer and nonintoxicating craft beer growlers - To Government Organization
3117. By Del. Sypolt and Jennings - Prohibiting the Legislature from negotiating with illegal strikers - To the Judiciary
3118. By Del. Sypolt - Relating to mandatory drug testing for state legislators and teachers - To Education then the Judiciary
3119. By Del. Azinger - Relating generally to the ethical standards for elected and appointed officials and public employees - To the Judiciary
3120. By Del. Doyle, Pyles and Hansen - West Virginia Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Control Act - To Industry and Labor then Government Organization
3121. By Del. S. Brown, Pyles, Zukoff, Walker and Lavender-Bowe - Enacting fair workweek employment standards (FN) - To Industry and Labor then the Judiciary
3122. By Del. S. Brown, Pyles, Zukoff, Walker and Lavender-Bowe - Requiring state institutions of higher education adopt policies and programs relating to sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking (FN) - To Education then the Judiciary
3123. By Del. S. Brown, Pyles and Lavender-Bowe - Taxpayer Protection Act - To Finance
3124. By Del. Fleischauer, Higginbotham, Walker, S. Brown, Miley, C. Thompson, Linville, Lovejoy, Canestraro, Fluharty and Byrd - Prohibiting civil rights violations based on disability, gender identity or sexual orientation - To the Judiciary
3125. By Del. Doyle, Campbell, Lavender-Bowe, Zukoff, Evans, Dean and Hornbuckle - Coordinating a plan to provide the first two years of post-secondary education for free (FN) - To Education then Finance
3126. By Del. Queen - Providing an exemption from the consumer sales and service tax for purchases of certain services and tangible personal property sold for the repair, remodeling and maintenance of aircraft (FN) - To Finance
3127. By Del. Ellington, Porterfield, Kessinger, Fast, Wilson, Jennings and Worrell - Relating to the Secondary School Activities Commission and participation by home schooled students - To Education
The following bills are introduced pursuant to House Rule 92:
3128. By Del. Toney, Paynter, Hornbuckle, Campbell, Dean and Evans - Changing the recommended guidelines for full-day and half-day cooks to the minimum ratio of one cook for every 110 meals (FN) - To Education then Finance
3129. By Del. Hornbuckle and Higginbotham - Be Exceptional Starting Today Act (FN) - To the Judiciary then Finance
3130. By Del. Toney, Phillips, Steele, Pack, Lovejoy, Maynard, Paynter, Dean, Hornbuckle, Campbell and Evans - Creating three separate job titles for school bus operators (FN) - To Education